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15195968 No.15195968 [Reply] [Original]

>Lose an argument
>Leave thread and never return

>> No.15195981
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>lose an argument
>say 'sorry, I was wrong'

>> No.15195985

There is no way to win an argument on 4chins. Its all just shitposts.

>> No.15195991

Hello, fancy meeting my opponents here.

>> No.15195998
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>lose an argument
>change my ip
>go back to thread and call myself "based" and the other anon "retard" even though i was wrong
>do this several times so it looks like i am being backed up by other people

>> No.15196010

I thought everyone that visited 4chan was a loser though

>> No.15196012


>> No.15196013

I'm like an untrained Chad but I move manboobs

>> No.15196022

I've been doing this for years, I even used to like my own Facebook statuses back in the day

>> No.15196023


>> No.15196038

Got to admit, this is the best part of being anon.

>> No.15196055
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>see someone said something dumb
>try to rush a gotcha post before everyone else
>turns out I read him wrong
>run away before everyone calls me a retard

>> No.15196056

>Lose an argument
Can't relate.

It's been a long journey and I am tired, maybe one day I will taste defeat.

>> No.15196064

Percent be done this and I think I might have i ironically manipulated the zeitgeist of an entire generation by making them think my retarded position was good via peer pressure.

What if I told you I was behind 9/11, MAGAs, and chapo trap house?

>> No.15196070


>> No.15196077


>> No.15196080


>> No.15196081

I know that feel

>> No.15196086


>> No.15196103
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>> No.15196112
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>lose an argument
>double down on my point using excessively complicated language to seem smart and start wildly moving the goalposts, shitflinging, samefagging, namedropping philosophers who (apparently) agree with me and all manner of nasty or cowardly underhand techniques that don't work

I have never actually lost an argument because the only way to lose the argument is to let them have the last word.

>> No.15196115


>not waiting patiently for the thread to reach the bottom of page 10 and then doubling down on what you wrote, then saging

>> No.15196193
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>lose an argument
>accept the mistakes and try to understand my views now that new information confronts my beliefs
>then proceed to flood the thread with loli porn

>> No.15196242
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>Post based opinion on social media
>Watch 2 retards duke it out in the comments

>> No.15196322

/lit/ Discord server code is MfDTkw8

>> No.15196330

>lose an argument
>reevaluate entire life

>> No.15196340
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>lose argument
>make it seem like I shrug it off in text
>physically and verbally abuse myself
>punch the sides of my head
>call myself worthless and dumb
>cry and scream