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/lit/ - Literature

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15195832 No.15195832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's the queen of /lit/?

>> No.15195850


>> No.15195852
File: 358 KB, 913x788, 1586137326986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15195859

god i wish that were me

>> No.15195860

Definitely not a coal burner

>> No.15195888

Quintin might as well be with that clit he has huehuehuehue

>> No.15195906

post yours if you're gonna talk so high and mighty. also checked

>> No.15195913

So you agree it's a clit. Cool.

>> No.15195921

>he doesn't post pic
clitoid detected.

>> No.15195922

quentin pls go

>> No.15195923

Savannah Brown.

>> No.15195927


>> No.15195929 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 762x1091, 20200314_232731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kidding btw he has a nice cock and lovely body, stop white knighting for ecelebs tho

>> No.15195937

I wasn't white knighting, I just wanted a pic of your cock

>> No.15195942
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 78888042_110394216984151_2036545388554315450_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15195944

That's quite an impressive penor

>> No.15195947

Well played anon

>> No.15195956

damn. nice

>> No.15196052


>> No.15196057

>we weighs one thousand two hundred and ninety four kilograms
do americans REALLY?????

>> No.15196068

go away chad you are not allowed here

>> No.15196069

Adderall messes with your fluid composition

>> No.15196082

Circumcision truly is a crime against nature

>> No.15196096

The only thing that would have ruined that wonderful dick would be the anteater hood.

>> No.15196101

>t. am*rican

>> No.15196128

Rupi Kuar

>> No.15196142


>> No.15196159
File: 447 KB, 750x881, 345634737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music critic and philosopher Bratty/Kennedi

>> No.15196171

Rupi Kaur is the hottest woman alive. and this is why she must be destroyed

>> No.15196172

who dis

>> No.15196221

who dis

>> No.15196237


>> No.15196243

Wow what newfags.
/lit/ has really changed.
the queen of /lit/ was that youtube girl we stalked and creeped out so much that she shut down her channel. now she is forgotten

>> No.15196245


>> No.15196253


>> No.15196263

what about thtat big titty dumb reviewer broad

>> No.15196287


>> No.15196295

Was she hot at least?

>> No.15196305

>now she is forgotten
no she does porn now

>> No.15196313

I shall never forget Katie
also this

>> No.15196328


>> No.15196335

I remember this one big tiddy bitch that got raided by this board
anyone remember her name?

>> No.15196338

No. It was un/lit/like at the time, it's slightly annoying that these people are accusing others of newfaggotry.

>> No.15196363

That's exactly what made it /lit/ you dumbfuck newfag.
I'll bet you started posting here in 2019

>> No.15196419

Let's settle this and someone post a pic

>> No.15196421

>and this is why she must be destroyed
Absolutely! and with my penis as her destruction

>> No.15196447

I've been here since the beginning you weird little tourist. If /lit/ is anything, it's definitely at least about shitting on booktubers and the plebes that consume their trite media. I doubt you've even discussed literature on here once, too worried about whether you know what the difference between a book and literature is, or what you're meant to think about authorial intent. Go back to playing with your flaccid little pisser you inconsequential cretin.

j/k ;^)

>> No.15196450

>He doesn't know

>> No.15196501


>> No.15196507


>> No.15196528

who cares about these boomer memes

>> No.15196540

Does anyone have the artistic nudes she did. She locked her instagram so I can't see them

>> No.15196544

Ahahaha, brutal.

I feel kinda bad but on the other hand this is why people shouldn't feel the need to randomly sprout their opinions on the internet.

>> No.15196549
File: 25 KB, 294x329, 1577818259642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these fucking newfag zoomers
What's worse is none you even read

>> No.15196552

>sprout their opinions
Oh Anon...

>> No.15196571

I know, it was funny at the time. It’s not like the dopey bitches life was ruined or anything. I wish people would move on

>> No.15196620


>> No.15196629

Oh those are wonderful

>> No.15196644


>> No.15196687


>> No.15196700

You're a fag she's prime breeding material

>> No.15196707

Phwoar what a hefty young lady

>> No.15196721

She could squeeze out a kid without even slowing down. And those milkers would make them grow healthy and strong

>> No.15196731
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>> No.15196743
File: 38 KB, 524x524, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being you

>> No.15196761

Based devon

>> No.15196791
File: 1.02 MB, 1644x1228, 1586137439081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15196795

There was more than one. First there was Katie, then there was tradcath Claire.

>> No.15196804


>> No.15196833

Hey all, I'm kind of new to the group. So here is a bit about me.

I'm 22 year old female. I was raped for the first time when I was 14. I was a sex slave for three years. While I do enjoy sex, any pain in my reproductive area puts me in survival mode and makes me really bitchy for a couple weeks. I also have really bad body image issues. That coupled with my depression, anxiety, and PTSD, I just have no interest in bearing children. I also just don't have the patience for screaming children, and no matter how good of parents you are, the child will scream.

Also, my birth control pills have caused a tumor on my liver. With pain in my lower abdomen, I'm not sure an IUD is the right path for me. So, I'm considering female sterilization. My gyno is willing to do it if it is what I want. I'm not sure on the insurance front. So I'm just looking for opinions on it, and if anybody has opinions on it.

I know if I ever decide to have children, I can adopt. So sterilization seems like a good plan. Just kind of lost in my head.

What a waste

>> No.15196900

A week ago to date, I had sex for the first time with my new boyfriend. A week ago, he learned what he truly means to be dating a rape victim. I would give anything for him to not have learned that in the way that he did.

While making out, I enjoy feeling his hand on my throat. It isn’t choking, it is just the presence of his hand there. There was nothing to say that I wouldn’t enjoy it during sex, and I did enjoy it. That is, I enjoyed it until there was a slight change in pressure and millisecond of pain. That millisecond of pain sent me back to the years of sexual torture I endured at the hands of my ex. I grabbed his hand and pulled it off of my neck, which was extremely easy since he didn’t fight me at all and moved with me. I tried to stay calm, but he wasn’t getting out of me fast and enough, so I ended up kicking him off of me with my legs. I closed my legs tightly and covered my face. Telling myself that this wasn’t AJ, that the person naked in bed with me was not going to hurt me. I could hear him asking me what was wrong and what happened, but all I could think about was when I was choked to the point of almost blacking out. I started having a panic attack as more memories came flooding back into my head. Then, I had a mental breakdown about the fact that I was having a panic attack. The first time having sex with a boy I really like, and I have a panic attack.

I ended up curling up on my side and crying. He laid down next to me and watched me, wishing he could do something but knowing that he couldn’t. Eventually, I started speaking: a list of things I wish I didn’t know. I wish I didn’t know what it’s like to be a rape victim. I wish I didn’t know what feeling choked until you black out feels like. I wish I didn’t know what it feels like to be run train on. I wish I didn’t know what a belt feels like against my back. I wish I didn’t know what it feels like to feel my body pinned down against my will. I wish I didn’t know what my body betraying me feels like. The list just went on and on. I was probably listing things that I wish I didn’t know for a few minutes. Then, when I was done listing things that I wish I didn’t know, I said, “I wish I was back with my team.”

You see, I moved halfway across the country two weeks ago. I left my team behind. I was talking to this guy for two months before the move just so that I knew somebody besides my dad when I got to where I moved to. Just being in proximity to my team reminds me of how loved I am. The only pictures I have around my room are the pictures of my team. When I’m upset, my team grounds me. I was lying naked in bed with a guy I really like and all I could think about was how much I miss my team. That, and how I destroyed something that should have had an amazing ending.

>> No.15196921

Ken is a slut. She used to date 10 year older 6'4 Chad who was also a drug dealer.

>> No.15196928

fuck you faggot

>> No.15196939

link her

>> No.15196957

uhh...evidence that's her?

>> No.15196964

She talks about having big tits but I'm just going by the reddit username being the same as the instagram at the end of the video

>> No.15196975

damn. that's wild

>> No.15196980

Yes its her. She links a blog in one of her reddit comments with the same username and if you click on a post and scroll down it has her image

>> No.15197011

She's slut because she dated a chad instead of you?

>> No.15197021

Wouldn't you rather fuck a virgin than a used up roastie?

>> No.15197073

i love this board