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File: 32 KB, 337x500, In Memoriam (pbuh).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15188940 No.15188940 [Reply] [Original]

Brothers. I have discovered and understood that consciousness/awareness is without parts and thus non-dual. For one cannot split his awareness into the hating and the loving, into the perceiving and the not perceiving, into the seeing and the blind, into the ignorant and the enlightened. It is all non-dually without parts and thus immaterial. I have finally refuted materialist doctrine with the help of contemplating upon Guénon. I have escaped the spiritual desert...

I sincerely thank all of you who helped me on my path.
Peace and blessings be upon you.

>> No.15188954
File: 2.21 MB, 1450x5947, 1585950100944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that advaita vedanta and Shankara are called "crypto-buddhist" by nearly all Hindus and scholars

>> No.15189140


>> No.15189153


Now let's see him copypasta the same hundred tl;dr texts he always spams

>> No.15189363

How can ignorance exist if everything is one?

>> No.15189421
File: 187 KB, 826x500, 20191125_152007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Vaisheshika chapter of Hindu Doctrine it seems to be saying Atma is part of the substance of man, along with manas and the corporeal form. In the beginning chapters of Mans Becoming he seems to be saying Atma is the essence. Is it part of substance only in the Darshana of Vaisheshika, but truly is the essence of man?

>> No.15189472
File: 784 KB, 1225x1252, Hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See here he's saying atma is part of the substance of man...

>> No.15189480
File: 909 KB, 1440x1239, Mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and here Atma is the true Self.

Is the difference between Atma and atma? The capitalization is the difference like with nongendered brahma as the Supreme Principle and the male gendered brahma as Ishvara considered in manifestation?

>> No.15189531
File: 276 KB, 1024x1006, guenomnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they are right

>> No.15189594

non dualism is schizo apophaticism

>> No.15189615

Yeah, the spiritual elites of different cultures with the same goal of knowing God could never have come to similar conclusions. That would make no sense to me, the materialist skeptic, who's beliefs make that possibility impossible from the get.

>> No.15189675
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Please answer this question, Guenonians:

>> No.15189772
File: 1.22 MB, 1231x1800, Ary_Scheffer_-_Christ_Weeping_Over_Jerusalem_-_Walters_37111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont care about what "spiritual elites" said. anything can be uttered in ecstatic states as happened to al-hallaj. best thing i can do is trust our lord jesus as he had no intentions of deceiving me and died for me as well. in the same manner if i were a muslim i'd follow mohammed and not rely on non-dualistic suppositions based on the ecstasy of al-hallaj

>> No.15189803

Yeah, fair enough, I appreciate that.

What do you say about the overlaps between religions?
I assume you believe all seekers have some truth, but you have found the supreme way and so they dont concern you?

>> No.15189894

God's spirit has always been with man since the beginning so man was always capable of professing truths through the spirit. Fortunately for us truth became man and very palpable. We can know with a good guarantee what is truth.

the overlap happens as all men possess the spirit and are aware of the tripartite notion. non-dualism comes in when they reduce being to only the highest part of man's tripartition

>> No.15189917

>the overlap happens as all men possess the spirit and are aware of the tripartite notion. non-dualism comes in when they reduce being to only the highest part of man's tripartition.

I dont know if that's fair. My understanding of Catholicism (not that you're catholic) is that God is Being.

Non-Dualists claim that the Absolute is beyond being itself. So it seems to be the opposite of reduction to Being. Definitely not reduction to man, since in Nondualism man is pretty insignificant in the face of that which is beyond all. Not sure that what's you meant.

Does christianity have a difference between soul and spirit?

>> No.15190196

>Does christianity have a difference between soul and spirit?

yes. in one of his epistles St. Paul says:

>23 And may the God of peace himself sanctify you in all things; that your whole spirit, and soul, and body, may be preserved blameless in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Justin Martyr, the first apologist, also makes a distinction. Some authors do raise objections against the tripartite notion though.

>> No.15190306

Do these have any overlap with the scholastic distinction between substance and essence?
Possibly body and soul being part of substance and spirit being essence?

>> No.15191011


>> No.15191285

Guenon means that the atma is the essence of the being, in the first picture he is just saying that this essence in combination with other non-essential components forms man, capitalization doesn't signify anything with regard to Atma. In some translations of Hindu texts 'Self' is generally used to designate the Supreme Self over the 'self' used for the ego, but if the word is just the romanized Sanskrit atma then its usually referring to the Supreme Self

>> No.15191572

Guenon is not the truth.
Only Christ is the truth.

>> No.15191580

Islam is applied faggotry

>> No.15192158

“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of
opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature,
but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half‑truths; all
paradoxes may be reconciled.”—The Kybalion.

Is this non-dualism? There is no difference between body and sprit in non-dualism?

>> No.15192797
File: 32 KB, 190x259, 1586177899003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up at 11:30 to 12:30
>make my first guenon thread of the day pbuh
>btfo some hylics
>grab some chocolate and ice cream
>make another guenon thread
>btfo the hylics
>change my ip
>btfo and bump some more threads against the hylics
>go to mcdonalds while my ip resets
>order a mflurry and laugh at the hylics
>swap out my sim and start a few more guenon threads pbuh
>go home and post another thread
>take another nap
>wake up to post another thread
>grab a pizza pocket
>change my ip again
>head over to dominos where they have like 10 wifi hotspots
>laugh at the hylics at the library
>think about my next guenon thread pbuh

>> No.15193090

Infinitely holy based
Truly krishna in form of a man

>> No.15193338 [DELETED] 
File: 2.01 MB, 500x278, lalo1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ban expired , now that im free i will join you in noble efforts of spreading nondual bliss

>> No.15193351

>tfw he's literally done this

guenonfag is the funniest tripfag of the last few years, unlike butterfly

>> No.15193474

Please, do let me know what guenonfags trip code is

>> No.15193497

his trip is stored in his atman, he is a tripfag at heart even though he has only donned one in his manifest form once or twice. he even camwhores now. likes to force a lot of his own bad content too.

>> No.15195044

So when in Mans Becoming he seems to be saying Atma in the individual domain is living soul and Atma proper is Supreme Spirit, could we see this as similar to the Christian Soul Spirit divide?

Non-dualism isnt monism. Spirit and Body are irreducible poles of one substance. They are reducible to being, but not one to the other, spirit is not matter and matter is not spirit.

Likewise, objects are simultaneously real and in a sense illusory. Guenon is a realist, meaning the world is real as anything in its given mode, but its illusory in the face of the absolute.

>> No.15195157

Madhva Vedanta dabbing on faggot advaita

>> No.15195313

So is the argument now crypto-Buddhists vs. crypto-Christians?

>> No.15195386

Hinduism but with God and Hell

>> No.15195496

Is this true Guenon poster? Is this how you live? You get your NEETbux then post Guenon?

>> No.15195503

no dude I just saw someone post that pasta a few days ago and dug it out of the archive to post here, because it amused me

>> No.15196311

I respect you less now. I thought you were truly committed to spreading the message of Guenon

>> No.15196658

~t. Never Read Madhvacharya


>> No.15196744

Madhvacharya was in fact so based he wrote not one but two books of criticism of Advaita, due to it's excessive dudeweed faggotry

>> No.15197678

That's fair, I was memeing. I'm not really into dualism, sorry.

>> No.15197786

No problem, shitposting is fuckin rampant since summer started early.
That one dude is a fucking retard saying Madhva Vedanta is crypto-Christianity and "Hinduism with God and Hell".
Advaita is a minority of a minority of Hindu thought, although Shaktism shares most of the metaphysics.
God, and by this he must mean a personal God, is common. Almost all Vaishnavism is Personalist.
As for Hell, hellworlds are also universal. He keeps saying there's no transmigration in Madhva, but how the fuck he gets that I don't know. If anything it is Advaita and other Impersonalisms that negate the concept of soul by implication. If Brahman and Jiva are identical, what is transmigrating?
Now, Ramanuja's Qualified Non-Dualism is at least sane in this regard.

>> No.15198709


>> No.15198723

lol farmanimal

>> No.15198776
File: 35 KB, 626x471, 59c6962145d2a027e8396296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes, I am a tolerant sufi who thinks hijab is evil, how could you tell?

>> No.15199306

>dancing like women
So trad.... holy based...

>> No.15200037
