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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 173 KB, 1138x800, ginsberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15188390 No.15188390 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he trigger /lit/ so much?

>> No.15188406

Because he's popular among people who are rather different from the userbase of this board.

>> No.15188418

I dont even know who he is, but he looks like a commie... and jewish

>> No.15188425

because people are plebs who just parrot the opinions of other plebs here without reading or thinking for themselves.

kaddish is a major poem

>> No.15188474

I have an evolutionary fear of jews

>> No.15188484

sorry to hear it

>> No.15188502

For a million years the whenever a human heard a rustle in the bushes they could either not react or suspect the jews. We are the progeny of those who saw through (((their))) deceptions.

>> No.15188516

1) His work is absolutely terrible.
2) He's a homosexual pedophile Jew.

>> No.15188551

homosexual nonce

>> No.15188569

4chan in general is not a fan of status quo icons who are actually untalented and pederastic

>> No.15188570

seething's not allowed on this board

>> No.15188630

Because he doesn't overthink every fucking thing and isn't plagued by stupid academician, like all of the pseudos here.

>> No.15188652

>pedo defender
neck yourself

>> No.15188656

Those are the main reasons. Were you looking for the truth or not, OPoop?

>> No.15188726

Must be nice being unburdened by the ability of basic thought

>> No.15188729

>pedophilia should be legal because I enjoy it
Absolutely shit-tier opinions like this for starters

>> No.15189701

The veneer of protest politics he used as a shield for the toxicity his personal hedonism doesn't age well. Somebody like Burroughs gets off more lightly here because he was examining the unhealthy nature of these things more than he was trying to promote them as innate civil rights.

>> No.15189816

is he actually homo and pedo or are you just saying that because he's Jewish?

>> No.15189870


>> No.15190119


People are astonishingly naive when it comes to famous "brave iconoclasts" arguing for the removal of certain taboos. Every time when you start digging you find they're driven by their own murky desires, and every time another case comes to light, the fans react with astonishment. "Wow, who could possibly have suspected it?"

Anyone who knows anything at all about the world, that's who.

>> No.15190148

was his hedonism that bad though? Pedophilia was really really bad. but I think that's a matter unrelated to hedonism.

>> No.15190154

Not him, but you have apparently never read Howl. His entire persona revolved around faggotry.

>> No.15190163

Well, I'm glad his poetry sucked then. Nothing lost. Thanks for the info.

>> No.15190177

Yea, I had never read anything by him at all. I just read a few, but found them to be simple and hedonist.

>> No.15190325

Same guy here. I went and read it. This guy's the worst.

Why'd you do this to me, OP?

>> No.15190340

The Chapo boys are all better read than anyone here, Christman most of all. Nothing like an actual literary sophisticate to enrage a bunch of pseuds.

>> No.15190522

imo it's related because everything for Ginsberg ultimately gets subordinated to physical pleasure in a way that has a levelling effect on everything it touches. The issue of consent becomes the idea that those who don't live in a state of erotomania are simply uptight due to a repressive society and he can't see the obvious thing that he's acting out against his own repression by obsessing over it.
Why I call it toxic, personally, is that it projects the same thing onto ways of being which could have been more productive alternatives for that generation. The intentional use of altered states becomes an adoption of the aesthetics of Buddhism and Hinduism as another means of feeling high etc. In the real world, this runs very quickly into all kinds of burnout, trauma and disease regardless of whether the government is sufficiently permissive of jazz music and statutory rape.

>> No.15190678

>reading a lot makes you a good writer
>defending a pedo

>> No.15191223

His stock is dropping even amongst left and queer literati. It will be interesting to see how his reputation stands once his legions of glassy eyed hippie boomer followers move on to another plane.
It’s hard to judge the Beats without the distraction of their followers. It took balls to be a queer bohemian in the 40s-50s, one of a handful of freaks, but they made alternative lifestyles an easily accessible commodity. Kerouac turned into a bitter reactionary, Burroughs also loathed hippies and kept his edgelord street cred but Ginsburg’s legacy will ride or die with the hippies.

>> No.15191312

Incredibly based post. Inherent vice made me look into how dark the hippie movement really was. Sexual molestation and raging substance abuse really seemed par for the course. Of course the occasional child abuse too. It is impressive how whitewashed the hippie movement is by the boomers. A Manson incident was bound to happen. After the great die off (soon) it will be interesting if the light of history will show Sodom and Gommorah underneath the flower power. Of course it has to become an open secret as it would make fashy reactionaries seem too reasonable. History repeats itself though atm. Many outspoken leftists at my uni get their kicks out of feeding horse tranquilizers to freshman and start freaky nerd lovetriangle orgies. One guy I know we'll actually got featured on a national documentary. Really opens up your eyes if you know what deprived shit goes in when the cameras off. See the video of that fat chick fucking four dudes on how that's gonna work out when those perverts get children. Yet Heidegger and Junger are more reviled than Burrough and Ginsburg.

>> No.15191317

He's basically offbrand Whitman with Pop culture references. He's a deeply inconsistent poet with one masterwork.

>> No.15191335

shitty human but he wrote some absolute bangers

>> No.15191345

The hippie movement was extremely dark. My parents were hippies and there was a lot of sexual molestation at the time. Remember, Kinsey, Mead, and Foucault were extremely popular at the time. All of them promoted pedophilia.
There was a lot of pedophilia going on in those communes. A lot of the kids raised in those communes either became drinkers, druggies, bums, or committed suicide.
Video related:

>> No.15191360

>Why does he trigger /lit/ so much?
Are you really surprised that people would dislike those that contributed to the decline of their civilization?

>> No.15191380

>founding member of NAMBLA
>let's all go gawk at Pound in Bedlam
>boomer beat meme author
>hanger-on to the only figure of interest in the cohort, whom was more of a late Silent Generation type: Burroughs
He is a nebbish, fallen dwarf, aping giants like Whitman and a marketing product by usual suspects in the publishing industry converged on at least 120 years ago.


>> No.15191410
File: 404 KB, 601x635, YOU KILLED THE MEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their civilization

>> No.15191437

The people who fought against the Nazis in WW2 (the real ones) are closer ideologically to me than they are to you.

>> No.15191452


>> No.15191459

How is this an answer?

>> No.15191468
File: 40 KB, 800x430, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres ur answer, punk

>> No.15191469


>> No.15191481

is that weev?

>> No.15191519

Excellent post