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15191098 No.15191098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do nihilists/pessimists use so much mental gymnastics to avoid suicide? If you hate life so much then just end it already

>> No.15191103

I don't want to upset my mom :^)

>> No.15191109

Nihilism doesn't make sense in the face of the evidence showing the von Neumann-Wigner interpretation is correct

>> No.15191115

Altough I think Pessimists are the cancer of this earth I dont blame them for being the way they are because life is extremely hard. Faggots like you OP should realize things are never so simple as to "bruh if you hate life just kys xDDDD"

>> No.15191121

we just like to watch the retarded optimists and jolly idiots fail and suffer.

>> No.15191130

Pretty much this.

>> No.15191134

Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?

>> No.15191161


Strategic pessimism is a great tool and it helps lower expectations which in turn boosts happiness. But Full on pessimism just renders you useless and depressed

>> No.15191165

4 billion years of evolution and natural selection: result in an organism programmed to avoid death at all costs unless driven to the absolute limits of its condition

>> No.15191179

Hello, Mr. Cioran.

>> No.15191214

above all, pessimists know what to (or rather what not to) expect from life and other people. Optimists are hopelessly deluded until they fall flat on their faces,

>> No.15191275

Inevitability of death makes suicide meaningless. You could die from COVID tomorrow or trudge for another 60 years, the end is the same for all. OPs question would only make sense if mankind discovered immortality, but for now it should be directed at optimists instead - if life is so great, why are you unbothered by the knowledge of your eventual demise, usually at the hands of ugly old age, frailty and demented mind? Whichever answer you will reveive will be the real mental gymnastic, in truth we're all pessimists at the bus stop to oblivion, some are just more honest about admitting it.

>> No.15191277

Because i'm too much of a coward to actually do it.

>> No.15191298
File: 36 KB, 960x574, 1571450139232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihilists don't exist. People can pretend like there is no "meaning" but they can never truly act this out. Therefore nihilism is just a cute thought experiment for edgy teenagers to play with. The next time someone says "bro life has no meaning I should just neck myself :(" just remember that what they're actually saying is "I am sad and need/want attention". Nihilism is literally just the adult version of going "WAHHHH WAHHHH WAHHH".

>> No.15191303
File: 226 KB, 1600x1200, Woody Allen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nihilism doesn't make sense

It's the only thing that actually makes sense.
And it's also the right way to live life. Don't take things too seriously. Nothing is permanent, morality is subjective and there is no god.

>> No.15191309

>The next time someone says "bro life has no meaning I should just neck myself :(" just remember that what they're actually saying is "I am sad and need/want attention". Nihilism is literally just the adult version of going "WAHHHH WAHHHH WAHHH".

Absolutely based. Nihilists are such fucking pussies lmao

>> No.15191314
File: 223 KB, 1254x756, consciousness_causes_collapse_proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ignored the last part of the sentence

>> No.15191320

this is Rick and Morty tier philosophy. try r*ddit, you'll fit in better there.

>> No.15191334

not that old faggot tale of :
exist because quantum mechanics are weird

>> No.15191339


>> No.15191351

This. Things have gotten better, but when I was younger the main thing keeping me from ending it was what it would do to my family.

>> No.15191368

too much effort, just rot away and die.

>> No.15191399


>> No.15191408
File: 688 KB, 1651x2048, quantum experiment no materialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that I should explain what Im saying. The philosophy of nihilism is based on a physicalism/materialism that basically goes
>"Everything is meaningless matter, therefore there is no purpose to anything"
However, ontological materialism/physicalism has been falsified. The Copenhagen interpretation, many worlds, bohmian mechanics, consistent histories, etc. have all been shown to be wrong. The Von Neumann-Wigner interpretation has been shown to be correct, strongly indicating that idealism is true and that consciousness is fundamental as opposed to material. Therefore nihilism no longer makes sense, it's based on a falsified ontology.

>> No.15191433
File: 24 KB, 300x168, main-qimg-66a58b1efce86754cd44f624b258a489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernardo, how's Deepak ?
And what would you quaks do without quantum woo, right ?

>> No.15191438

I'm in graduate school studying math and I've done a decent amount of work on quantum information theory.
You have no argument, you don't understand physics or math, and you are coping. Accept the truth.

>> No.15191453

If death was Oblivion the choice would be easy.

>> No.15191455

There's a few people in this world who would really be devastated if I killed myself and my pain and suffering aren't yet at the point where I can no longer endure it.

>> No.15191456

>Accept the truth.
you do not sound like a scientist atall but a larping religious faggot and I probably know more physics than you ever will.

>> No.15191462

You do not, and I am not religious. More cope on your part.

>> No.15191467

Rotting is hard because starving sucks.

>> No.15191470


>> No.15191478

Go back to church, Christcuck

>> No.15191482

what aspect of nihilism implies suicidal depression?

>> No.15191486

Mass is on Sunday, dipshit. Now back to r*ddit with you.

>> No.15191501

>There's a few people in this world who would really be devastated if I killed myself
God I wish that were me. I wish no one loved me. Since reality has so much meaning, it torments me.

>> No.15191521

Opps. I thought he said few people would care if he died. that would be the ideal if you actually care about other people.

>> No.15191523

Why even care after you’re dead?

>> No.15191778

are you me anon

>> No.15191910

>dude if you hate life so much just kill yourself
>1 more point for le epic rational take down
imagine being this much of an internet argument brained pervert slave, that when you see people who suffer and believe life itself is a hopeless effort that your first and only instinct is to own them epic style.

>> No.15191966
File: 7 KB, 420x420, 1459918686907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a nihilist such as myself want to die? I love my life.

>> No.15192011

Just because life is meaningless doesn't mean I'm not enjoying myself

>> No.15192038



>> No.15192138

>Severe depression: too much effort;
>I'm a coward.
If I lived in burgerland I would be dead now; I definitely would have put a bullet in my head if I had a gun at hand during one of my bouts of despair

>> No.15192689


>> No.15192727
File: 208 KB, 807x935, 1480016171800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What meaning would suicide have anyways

>> No.15192734

>hasnt heard of dionysian pessimism
Dance, nigga, dance

>> No.15192739

>dionysian pessimism
whats that?

>> No.15193628


>> No.15193638

hedonism for hipsters

>> No.15193652
File: 11 KB, 540x334, ClearPill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, its the clearpill