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15187520 No.15187520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books explaining why Conservatives tend to be so dumb? I'm really interested on researching this topic

Btw, I'm what people would be considered "far-right", but I used to be a leftist. One thing I've noticed while being in conservative circles is just how dumb they are and how easily they fall for corporate shit. Take pic related for example. Shapiro is an obvious corporate shill, funded by the Koch Brothers and Zionist money, and yet he's able to get by because he sells a false sense of superiority to normies who like to wRecK SjwS!!!11!! He doesn't even talk about any relevant ideas of teach people how to think. He just sells his audience to his donors. Yet, the conservatards and magaboomers can't see it.
What book should I read first? I know Manufacturing Consent touches on an aspect of this s little bit, but is there anything else.

>> No.15187540

It's not that they aren't intellectual, it's just that they chase critical thinking and creativity away. Their disdain for philosophy and the arts is obvious.

Everything has to be apolitical.

>> No.15187574

I think Ted's manifesto mentions them a bit.
Btw, where is there inteligence? Conservatives are on the left side of the bell curve, yes, but most liberals are pretentious midwits.

>> No.15187579

You can see it in the way that they're chasing away the far right by helping the left ban then from the internet. The far right literally created a counter-culture. Conservative inc. responded by banning the only people who were successful at fighting the left.
They just want everything to be as corporate as possible. Everything had to be about low taxes and all counter-culture narratives have to be corporatized. I cringe whenever I hear one of these people use terms like "snowflake" and "social justice warrior". It's so obviously fake.
Anyway, any book recommendations?

>> No.15187592
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This couldn't be a more obvious shitpost if OP had labeled it. Fuck off. You're bringing down the quality of the board.

>> No.15187600

The far right and far left tend to be the most intelligent, in my experience. Conservatives, liberals, and centrists tend to be rather dumb

>> No.15187618

It's a distorted view your expressing. If you recognize that leftists primarily see things through the material lens, and conservatives see things through the practical lens, everything makes sense.

Each side has its retards. The better way of judging is: who has more nuance? The answer to that swings back and forth like a pendulum.

>> No.15187639
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Ted destroyed conservativism which is just milder liberalism to pieces

>> No.15187658

Conservatives naturally accept authority which leads to them believing conservatives leaders who only care about money for their owners

>> No.15187707

Unironically what was Ted's endgame? Unless disillusionment had driven him completely cuckoo, surely he didn't believe his bombing campaign would actually accomplish anything.

>> No.15187729

Well, 20 years later and we've all read his manifesto. TK is a central thinker on the far right, as well as the left to some extent.

>> No.15187750

(((Ben Shitpiro))) is a conservative liberal, not a real conservative.

>> No.15187801
File: 1.90 MB, 500x249, bait taken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Substandard bait. In every field goes Sage.

>> No.15187805

>Why are dumb people represented in political discourse?
Capitalism. Controlled opposition to distract.
Yes, Shapiro is a shill. His getting by is paid for.

And what’s this far right you’re talking about? Fascists?

“Conservatives” are right-liberals. This “far-right” group is also right-liberal.

>> No.15187808

Every good artist and philosopher is/was conservative

>> No.15187819
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>> No.15187828

God you are fucking dumb.

>> No.15187836

You post that book constantly, So I got it.
It's art history lite.
Not even good enough to deserve this much posting.

>> No.15187845

>dead board.


>> No.15187853

Not even a thing, faggot.

>> No.15187856

>"Dante's Inferno is a Bible fanfic" isn't valid criticism, and those who use it are foolish.
>"Not /lit/, post better threads."
>"Why are conservatives so dumb?"
>"Great topic, OP, let's discuss!"
Fucking retards.

>> No.15187861

>"Dante's Inferno is a Bible fanfic" isn't valid criticism, and those who use it are foolish.
he's right, it's stupid to call it a fanfic.

>> No.15187864

How can I debate these ppl? I have good arguments against capitalism

>> No.15187866
File: 92 KB, 400x400, 75F03DA6-54AD-44D7-960A-33FE82A5F581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rightwing people aren’t capitalists

>> No.15187875

I could beat you again in a debate but a more sanctioned one this time.

>> No.15187877

The far-right aren't just Fascists, although Fascists are a substantial portion of them.

>> No.15187885

Everyone is too scared to debate me, I want a debate

>> No.15187887

Normies won't understand your arguments, though. They're too dumb

>> No.15187888

That's what conservative liberal means, retard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_liberalism

"Right-liberal" is not even a term. You made it up.

>> No.15187892

And here you could have taken the time in answering my question.
Instead you confirm that fascists are far right.

>> No.15187895

Are you socialist or reactionary, though?

>> No.15187898

Debate me u dum broad

>> No.15187914

great writers who leaned left include:
Wallace Stevens
Hart Crane

notable absences:
the second rate poet Eliot
the third rate poet Pound
the fiftieth rate novelist and failed reactionary Mishima

>> No.15187930

It’s more reliable than conservapedia, but it’s been compromised bu the spooks, anon.
There’s a left liberalism and right liberalism. Conservatism is its own thing in that monarchists where conservatives too. (Oh but now there’s liberal constitutional monarchists)

So who are you?

>> No.15187931

I thought yeats was a fashie

>> No.15187935

Your debate partner tonight. Discord or yt?

>> No.15187964

That's wrong though. The conservative core structure isn't a set of values, it's a psychological structure that is unaffected and unchanged by external force. Turns out Ted didn't destroy anything because his thinking was biased

>> No.15187969
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The reason why "conservitives" are so dumb is simple. You may not want to believe this but its true. They are just wrong.

Let me elaborate. When your fundamental beliefs are based in emotional foundations and not critical logical thinking you will stop at NOTHING to please your ego even when the truth DICK SLAPS you in the face. You'll just say there was no dick.

The far right is just about how white people FEEL like they're loosing power. They know that CHANGE in the world is destorying their power structure.

BUT the world must EVOLVE and CHANGE regardless of if they want it to or not.

Based off of the ''Laws of the Universe'' they are fundementally opposed to this. Evolution is a unstopable force. This is why they are wrong.

You singularly apply this law to every conservitive idea and if you are honest with yourself you'll see how it falls apart. This is why conservitves are dumb. Becuase in order to believe in a ideology that is wrong so blantently you have to be wrong. In this essay I will...

>> No.15187976


The top artists in history were almost all against the estabilishment, sometimes openly mocking their patrons in their faces, since the times of Leonardo.

Repin, Goya, Picasso, Dali, Velazquez, Rembrandt, Vermeer, all despised the ruling class and inequality.

>> No.15187979

I agree w u, butternuts is scared to debate. Debate me on discord?

>> No.15187988


>> No.15187996


>> No.15188012

Exactly, conservatives are just the ruling class trying to maintain the status quo (and their bootlickers). That's why it's so chamaleonic regarding ideologies, religiousness, and avoids taking a stance towards the arts and philosophy.

>> No.15188020
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>> No.15188021

if we agree then we can not debate. I believe a circle jerk is possible but not a debate.

>> No.15188028

Untrue. They weren't opposed on principle, they were opposed because their social position was low and they were aware of their superiority to the ruler. So their opposition wasn't some enlightened moral stance or insight on the problems of power inequality. It was pure butthurt

>> No.15188033

Do you really believe the left is that seperated from liberalism. Like good god man, the amount of leaps you will make to avoid anything even near the right.
Right now many who are in sympathy with you have COMPLETE power and yet you still want to play act as a revolutionary anarchist.
And don't pull "I'm not left either" your post history is pretty fucking obvious with the sexist this and racist that.

>> No.15188037

Its actually not hard to figure out. Right wing "intellectuals" don't have to intellectually dismantle or deconstruct preexisting edifices due to the fact that conservatism is fundamentally about defending already existing structures (hence the "conserve" part of conservative). If all your doing is defending what already is you won't development the critical mental tools needed to intellectually dismantle what already exists. Hence why so many conservatives come off as complete retards. Intellectualism simply isn't a part of their culture like it is with leftists and is also why most of academia is leftist.

>> No.15188042

The left is more about feelings than the right.

>> No.15188047

I'm down but we could debate something

>> No.15188049

Yeats had nationalist tendencies, you're really reaching with a few of these.
Depends how you define left, but to call them only left is dishonest.

>> No.15188051

>It’s more reliable than conservapedia, but it’s been compromised bu the spooks, anon.
There's no spooks. "Conservative liberal" is a term that appears in political literature. "Right-liberal" doesn't exist.
>Conservatism is its own thing in that monarchists where conservatives too. (Oh but now there’s liberal constitutional monarchists)
Yea, but I'm talking conservative liberalism, not plain conservatism.

I don't know why are you are like this. I'm on your fucking side this time, but you are just plain wrong about the terminology. Just admit you're wrong when you're wrong and that's it. Being a stubborn cunt when you're wrong is pathetic.

>> No.15188055

Do not call America conservatives right.
It is dishonest and you should know that.
They are worse then gatekeepers.
But I doubt you've gone beyond that gate.

>> No.15188057

There’s a left and right to liberal capitalism.
The Left is anti-capitalist. United in that, actually.
> many who are in sympathy with you have COMPLETE power
Donno what you’re talking about.
> you still want to play act as a revolutionary anarchist.
Would relish the chance, yeah.

>> No.15188068

Conservatives believe in American imperialism and Neo-liberalism, in a sense they're more authentic than the nu right

>> No.15188074

Scared butterbitches don't get to relish anything except vicariously behind a computer screen - anon

>> No.15188079

Because the Right are all stoic sociopaths? Aww.

>The CIA/FBI/NSA don’t exist!
"Conservative liberal" Is a bit confusing. My breakdown makes more sense of it. You can hold onto what you want. It means just about the same thing.
Idiosyncrasies are stubborn things.