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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 327x500, Selfie-Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15184208 No.15184208 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of Selfie, Suicide: Or Cairey Turnbull's Blue Skiddoo by Logo Daedalus? Does he represent the future of literature? Not a shill btw.

>> No.15184314

I've never read it but I do know he's a whiny, self-aggrandising piece of shit on twitter

>> No.15184346

A more apt term would be “shiterature”

>> No.15184356

I refuse to read anything written after 20th century

>> No.15184374

And that is why your intellectual growth is eternally stunted.

>> No.15184410

What makes you say that?

>> No.15184418

uh what n-no I don't go on twitter wh-what gave you that impression

>> No.15184453

I've seen him a couple of times on Twitter and he's a retard.

>> No.15184467

How is he retarded exactly?

>> No.15184896

ah. i downloaded it a while ago but havent read it yet. is it good?

>> No.15184935

Logo stop shilling your garbage here
I cant believe you wasted paper to have this printed

>> No.15185022

You haven't even read it so how would you know it's garbage or not?

>> No.15185032

Heard exclusively bad things about it

>> No.15185042
File: 262 KB, 828x428, DA053864-E886-43BB-BB6B-865F9D673312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know

>> No.15185091

kek what I wouldn't give to kick his teeth in

>> No.15185093

where does the overconfidence cone from? meth?

>> No.15185109

What bad things? Mostly good reviews on Amazon...

>> No.15185114

discord . gg/d9mTzQY

>> No.15185118

reviews on amazon are from twitter sycophants

>> No.15185322

being the world’s foremost nabokov scholar

>> No.15185352

He seems like a premature ejaculator

>> No.15185415

Dude is a fucking scrawny little bitch. I bet I could kill him with one punch. It's amazing how much better men are than twitter users.

>> No.15185450

>Does he represent the future of literature?
It's too early to say judge anything from this century at all.

>> No.15185546

I can't work out if this all this e-dilettante crap is genuine dreck or if I'm just out of touch. I don't know if I want to bother being a professional writer if this solipsism is considered the cutting edge.

>> No.15185561

Nah, logo is actual dreck, dont stress over it. kantbot is slightly better, but still not very good.

>> No.15185792

I don't keep a count on what he says or does but his latest shenanigans was gnosticism.

>> No.15185807

That picture makes him look small
He is like 6’6 irl

>> No.15185835

fuck off logo

>> No.15185838

James Ellroy also refused to read stuff too modern for fear(?) of being influenced by it

Doubtful that Amazon has a bunch of copies taking up space in a warehouse, it's more likely printed whenever someone orders one, like Lulu

I found the book to be impressive as a first effort, yet still a bit forgettable. I'm someone who has refused to watch 1 minute of anime, and hasn't played >90min of vidya in the last decade+, so I couldn't relate to the protag. I just didn't want to hear about his stupid regressive fantasy world.

>> No.15185849

based af

>> No.15185858

Yeah and he's got a big dick and beefy arms and a beautiful singing voice too

>> No.15186253


>> No.15186282
File: 73 KB, 1068x600, 1579224033545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a single one of these Frogtwitter/Alt-Right/NRx types that is actually, genuinely a good writer? Is there a single one of them that rises above the level of "passable"?

>> No.15186300

They are the only writers of note coming up in the world today. They are the Beat generation of this century. Step on board or drown.

>> No.15186320

BAPs writing style is amusing but I'm not sure if I'd call it genuinely good

>> No.15186383

I have a feeling this has more to do with your ignorance of various trends in contemporary lit than anything to do with frogtwitter writers. When was the last time you even looked in a lit journal?

>> No.15186529

Lit journal's are old hat, old man. It's like you're basing your taste in music on whatever is on the radio at the time lol

>> No.15186583

They mostly read like smart-for-a-high-schooler types who never got out of their 'precocious' phase even though their asses are grown now. Everything they say has the tone of 'he he, bet you never expected a sixteen year old to say THIS!'

>> No.15186614


>> No.15186620

>smart-for-a-high-schooler types who never got out of their 'precocious' phase
Just like 80% of 4chan, the rest being literal austists.

>> No.15187032

Any examples of notable writers from these journals?

>> No.15187115

Why would I read this cringe by someone who looks like wojak when I have a huge backlog of great literature?

>> No.15187155

I'm not on Twitter, though my writing will rule the '20s.

>> No.15187168

diversify your litfolio

>> No.15187216

Shut up Dad!

>> No.15187285
File: 491 KB, 828x849, A56EBD42-033A-46F2-8800-7E4D5E6DF5FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This work is too ahead of its times
It will go down in the anals of history as a masterpiece

>> No.15187377

The face of a man with 84,200 tweets

>> No.15187434

Fucking hell he's such a twerp. Why are all these guys twerps and dweebs? This guy, Kantbot, all these guys. Even Moldbug, their king and god, is a fucking dweeb. Is there a single one of these right-wingers who are even the slightest bit Chad?

>> No.15187483

Unlike most people in this thread I actually read it. I expected it to be bad, and the first couple of pages were bad. But overall I would actually have to say its good work. I was surprisingly impressed by it. The first 5 or so pages don't do a good job representing the work imo.

>> No.15187490


>> No.15187491

Great review and analysis, how many stars?

>> No.15187501


>> No.15187506


>> No.15187508

This is the ultimate grift book. You can tell because of the lack of effort. There was no consideration put into proofing the manuscript; the grammar, punctuation and syntax all leave much to be desired. The cover is terrible, and while it relates to the book, this isn't what a cover is for, which says to me that this is a vanity project, not a serious work. Even the blurb on Amazon is a single sentence. I bet there are not even key words.

So if you are not even trying to find a larger audience than your rabid twitter followers, why bother? Why even put a finger to the keypad? This is a cobbled together novella that almost implodes from its own pretentiousness. An idea popped into the author's head and he wrote it down in a flurry, stood back, thought he was very smart, and tricked everyone, including myself, into giving him money.

I can commend two things. The first, finishing a book. Well done, that's one star. The second is that the author does indeed have a knack for lyrical, rhythmic writing. Not the whole thing, not close, but segments of it were interesting. Not the insights, those were high school level, but the art of the sentence was there when the poor punctuation didn't get in the way.

I am sure there was some grand plan when writing this too-clever-for-its-own-good snippet, but it ultimately fails to capture the reader and instead repels them. I am sure the author has a good novel in him, it just might not appear for a few years.

>> No.15187513

And you're basing your taste in books on whatever garbage happens to be rolling through your twitter feed. Are you fuckin kidding me?

>> No.15187534
File: 25 KB, 400x386, pepelmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by someone who looks like wojak
holy kek

>> No.15187548

Can't you see how much he's samefagging in this thread? Such hard work deserves a reward

>> No.15187700

>Even Moldbug, their king and god, is a fucking dweeb.
Him bursting out crying about Freda Utley for no fucking reason on Justin Murphy's podcast is one of the funniest and most unnerving things I've ever seen.

>> No.15187825

I used to read a little bit of Social Matter and Thermidor back in the day, and I would occasionally see an essay in them where I'd think, "This guy actually has some talent." But it was never any of the big-name guys, it was always some of the smaller guys who wrote only rarely.

>> No.15187834

I think that was probably his first time out drinking in a decade. He got emotional.

>> No.15187854

3 out 5 stars

>> No.15187865

damn son archive links can be embedded now? How long was this a thing