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/lit/ - Literature

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15185987 No.15185987 [Reply] [Original]

>what am i in for?
>/lit/ can't refute this
>[twitter screencap]
>omg look at this philosophy i found on Wikipedia
>look at this based and redpilled philosopher i found on YouTube
>[bookshelf thread]
>why didn't god just make everyone good?
>how to get into Nietzsche?
>[peterson thread]
>[thread with misattributed Epicurus quote]
>rate my stack
>[thread complaining about a Redditors taste in books]
>le edgy thread about butterfly

>> No.15186063

You forgot
>thread complaining about the state od the board

>> No.15186075
File: 249 KB, 1080x2340, 784EAC13-6D69-43F6-8889-FAA179DA2868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, this is now an America hate thread.

>> No.15186081

>picture of a vapid instagram cunt with giant tits

>> No.15186103

its due to lockdown,too many tourists here.

>> No.15186128

How are americans to blame for this

>> No.15186135
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Threads that are just midwits asking dumb questions and sharing shower thoughts should earn you a one-month ban. I can't believe they're even allowed on /lit/, they don't even pretend to be about books.

>> No.15186148
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Most of this website is American.

>> No.15186183
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It tends to be ass nowadays

>> No.15186192

Then wouldn't the board before this also be majority american

>> No.15186220

Americans are the ones who are supposed to embarrassed by this?

>> No.15186228

Yes, for being whiny sissies.

>> No.15186235

damn Americans, they ruined this American website!

>> No.15186257


>> No.15186272

love when people seethe about America, you literally think about us and our retarded culture all fucking day, we put McDonald's in your country and force feed you our Tv shows and movies and you lap it up begging for more American cummies. Cope harder

>> No.15186274

Welp, carry on with that Irish "education" then

>> No.15186279

Rich coming from a burger.

>> No.15186288

And that's why people love it when shit like 9/11 happens. The only good burger is a dead burger.

>> No.15186292

I agree with you on the state of the board.

>> No.15186302

4chan is dead. And we killed it

>> No.15186388

lol 3k people died and we responded with public outcry to wipe every mudslime off the earth by starting countless wars in the Middle East, we're redblooded and high test. And how do you europoors respond when your highschool girls are getting raped and acid throw at them everyday in the streets while you're being ethnically replaced? You post fucking wheatfields on /pol/. Pathetic.

>> No.15186406

>everyone who speaks English online and shits on burgers is a European

>> No.15186408
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do /pol/tards actually read or do they just browse here to invade intellectual virtual property with their racist rhetoric?

>> No.15186425
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I split my time between reading about racism and being racist on my favorite 4chan board, /lit/. I would like to get more reading time in, but I need to maintain a certain level of racism here so that you continue crying like a little girl as much of the time as possible. Life is about balance.

>> No.15186428

they just invade. seems to happen on almost every board now.

>> No.15186437

lol I could barely point to a Euro country on a map I've never thought about whatever shithole you crawled out of

>> No.15186469

/pol/tards are the niggers of this site

>> No.15186519
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>> No.15186598

>books about [random mundane thought]?
>this author is pleb, me smart
>fucking reading lmao have sex *picture of girl*
>top nine philosophers?
>all of these philosophers are republicans/democrats, fuck you liberals
>god I hate trannies
>am I god?
Literally wanna shoot ppl here. Like, with a pellet gun.

>> No.15186653

>we complained the other day
>janny rose out of his ez chair and cleaned it up
>back to being shit the very next day
until you actually murderkill both zoomers and boomers the board will remain shit.

>> No.15186690

Jannies have forsaken us

>> No.15186706


>> No.15186735

What happens here?

>> No.15186736

I applied too but probably had no luck

>> No.15186744
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Year after year, the quality decreases. The fact that most kids are out of school at this time speeds the decrease in quality, which normally happens around the summer.

Nevertheless, if attention spans decrease, perhaps we have to create a little list of a short readings for all these attention-deprived individuals.

The real /lit/ posters are currently reading books.

>> No.15186750

Thanks Paco, yes - being an Israeli puppet state being slowly converted into a favela while you shart in the mart after your 90 hour working week is truly something to be proud of.

>> No.15186758

>lol I could barely point to a Euro country on a map
You're a burger, of course you barely can do that.

>> No.15186765

Should something be called dead if it's exactly the same as it was 10 years ago?

>> No.15186776


nice work OP, you pointed out something we all already knew

>> No.15186791

how is this nigga gonna scold others when he made a subject/verb agreement error in that short space of text (I pass the requirements, FYI)

>> No.15186839

why should i care about counties less important than mine? who cares? Do you know the name of every little ant species?

>> No.15187308

George Bush was financing AlQaeda in Europe/Chechnya to fight the Jewish Seven-Bankers in Russia, even after 9/11.

AIPAC covered up the real motive for 9/11: "The Jews have taken control of your economy, and taken control of your media... the cause of our quarrel is your support of Israel"

>> No.15187321

Good to see you complaining about this shit in other threads rather than trying to actually refute anything and just labeling anyone you disagree with as '/pol/', sorry that right wingers have 'invaded' your sacred 4chan board, bastion of leftism.

>> No.15187358

No one "should" know. But you don't know because you're dogmatically ignorant, not because you decide to not care about other countries.

>> No.15187767

i learned them all in school when I was younger but they affect me so little I forgot

>> No.15187891

You missed the eighty billion Marx threads we have every fucking day.

>> No.15187902 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 181x203, 1587780858961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an ancient-fag, you yourself are the fractal of Eternal September -- the only thing that matters for board quality is pruning coomer OPs, and coomer OP image threads on sight that aren't the most sadistic, exquisitely high level irony with instantaneous comedic effect.

>> No.15187917
File: 57 KB, 717x701, 1583815876948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the board is shit
No the mods aren't going to fix it
No it will not get better
Yes we should all leave
No there's nowhere to go
Yes it will keep getting worse
Yes /lit/ was always shit
Yes be the change you want to see
No i don't want to see that change
Yes you'll be here forever
No you'll be here forever

>> No.15187951

you forgot all the "share your shitty writing" threads.

>> No.15187962

Stop. Butterfly is mine. :3

>> No.15188019
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>> No.15188212

Why do right-wingers get so booty-bothered when people talk negatively of /pol/

>> No.15188228

This. /pol/ is full of leftists now, right-wingers should use /lit/ instead.

>> No.15188240

>public outcry to wipe every mudslime off the earth by starting countless wars in the Middle East,
No, you continued to finance the Muslims killing you, the Saudis and their Wahhabist ilk. You went to war with a nation that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 (Iraq). 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi and the rest Sunni radicals. Now you are sucking even more Saudi and Jewish dick while saber-rattling to Iran.
Your country is a literal colony of Israel and Saudi Arabia. Kys.

>> No.15188366

When the propaganda hits too hard and turns your brain into Swiss cheese.
Seriously read historical accounts about Che he was an honorable man, much unlike how the imperialists want to represent him.

>> No.15188411

>what every ignorant cunt everywhere says

>> No.15188421

>we're redblooded and high test
>ignorance and chimping out are masculine
this one's Africanized af

>> No.15188433

Jeez, imagine being this proud of your ignorance.

>> No.15189279
File: 543 KB, 3000x2250, 190228093903-02-caravaggio-judith-and-holofernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know you're right

>> No.15189322

>black people kek
>any recommendations for ____________

>> No.15189551

lel Che-bros are always a good laugh.

Still keeping a Communist Manifesto in your backpocket?

>> No.15189573

insufferable prudes fuck off too
just because you're laden with catholic guilt doesn't mean the rest of us are

>> No.15189583

Other things.
You wouldn't understand.

>> No.15189593

>muh middle east
meanwhile, indonesia the most populous muslim country on earth, is quietly waiting

>> No.15189595
File: 14 KB, 480x360, rick roderick 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple Buddhism threads at once
>Rene spammers
>/lit/ is dead threads

>> No.15189606

at least those are kind of relevant for a literature board.

>> No.15189702

Yes, the board is shit, and your quality of life will vastly improve if you stop coming here. Whatever value can be gleaned from this place, you already have after a week. Anything is better for your soul than this place. If you get bored, then look into a wall or at the sky instead of coming here, it's much, much better.

>> No.15190475

Americans are mostly retards

>> No.15190477

4chan is japanese, retard mutt

>> No.15190480


>> No.15190484

I dont know if this is ironic of your really that retarded, with mutts you never cant tell

>> No.15190485

Sounds exactly how it was 8 years ago, when I used to come here erryday.

>> No.15190486

>Still keeping a Communist Manifesto
Doi, yah gots im gud Kleedis, yah gots im

>> No.15190492


Honestly it's still a great place for book recs though

>> No.15190493

>thread calling americans uneducated
>burgers spergs out saying americans are not dumb
>then he reveals himself as being an uneducated dumb fuck

Every single time

>> No.15190521

so instead of making a good thread you make more trash

>> No.15190531

And this is still the best place to discuss literature on the internet. Dealing with shitposting is just the price you have to pay for being able to speak freely. I'd rather have this than a "higher quality" forum where you'll be banned for expressing the wrong opinions.

>> No.15190554

just like americans ruined the american dream, the american constitution, the american continent

>> No.15190950

>Dealing with shitposting is just the price you have to pay for being able to speak freely. I'd rather have this than a "higher quality" forum where you'll be banned for expressing the wrong opinions.
kek, what controversial opinions about canterbury tales or the songs of innocence or whatever other piece of literature do you have that is being suppressed? the only shit that would get you banned on normal forums are the turbo incel spergouts that occur whenever a female author is mentioned or /pol/tard nazi screeds about the jews. Both of which have nothing to do with literature and do more to destroy discussion than foster it.

>> No.15190970

I don't want to talk about anything anywhere that I can't insult women or call people niggers. If don't want to do those things then feel free to fuck off.

>> No.15190986

No, 2chan is Japanese. 4chan and 4channel are American.

>> No.15190997

So you're not actually interested in discussion of literature?
Why don't you fuck off to the call people niggers and insult women board?


>> No.15191004

I'll continue discussing literature here and saying whatever I choose to say, thanks.

>> No.15191009

America is relying on the natural resources of other nations for it's power and not it's own. Unsustainable strategy.

>> No.15191016

If you don't like it here why don't you go back to r/books, you'd fit in better there I imagine

>> No.15191047

You can report their post, it's racism outside of /b/ which is against the rules.

>> No.15191148

outed as a turbo incel /pol/tard who doesn't read. get the fuck off my board.

>> No.15191185

It doesn't matter whether it's relevant. I simply need to be able to say it. That's the internet culture I'm used to and the way 4chan has always been.

>> No.15191197
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N-no!! You can't say that!! This isn't allowed on reddit!!!

>> No.15191758

Nazi's are the trigger tumblertards of the right

>> No.15191805

It's gone the way of other formerly good or decent boards, 4chan has sadly become reflective of the shallow adhd of our anglophone cultures. Nobody reads anymore, and the ones that do care more about making sure (their) opinion or the books (they) read are the best, that their outlook is the greatest, that their personal canon is the most impressive etc

The smartest people in every thread are the same ones responsible for running the board into the ground, and the counter weight to this are the low effort posts you've listed. It's too tough to read to try and understand the threads with 2 or 3 people arguing, but this place is also too hypnotic to leave if you're interested in books and reading

>> No.15191884

that is what b is for you retard. Those rules have been here long since you started posting. If you want to go to that kind of place, 8kun is just one click away

>> No.15191898

Yeah that rule that's never been strictly enforced and has never stopped anyone from saying racist things. Thanks for pointing that out, newfag, it's very helpful.

>> No.15191902
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>he still believes it was a war for oil

>> No.15192014

you need to enlighten yourself

>> No.15192033

>updated once per hour
>hundreds of racist posts every hour
>1 ban for racism
so this is the power of reddit...

>> No.15192059

>he doesnt know how to use vpn or proxy
Look at this redditnigger and laugh at him. I bet if the janny held out a tip jar he would put money in it aswell like a faggot.

>> No.15192067
File: 6 KB, 456x40, met her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15192073

All boards are allowed one meta thread.

>> No.15192083


>> No.15192092


>> No.15192099


>> No.15192117

see >>15192083

>> No.15192120

It's not allowed on here either newfag.

>> No.15192130

see >>15192067

>> No.15192144

>Rules says you can't do X
>People do X continually anyway
>Mods occasionally ban someone for it to make it look like they care
This is a very important rule.

>> No.15192234

So what's the problem with people reporting racist posts?

>> No.15192275

The sheer quantity of rule breaking posts and how quickly threads expire creates an issue with moderation teams not having enough personnel to respond. There is so much they cannot respond to it all. Don't mistake that for selective enforcement.

>> No.15192288

>ban evasion
another rule breaking action
thank you for proving my point, you are just a shitposter, you don't actually want to discuss literature. You just want to walk into someone else's place and shit all over everything.

>> No.15192309

P muh reddit says racism bad
P muh reddit are wrong about eberything
C racism good
C reporting racism bad

>> No.15192323

Why are you posting gibberish?

>> No.15192330

he is a triggered /pol/ tard