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/lit/ - Literature

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15183738 No.15183738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is /his/ so fucking gay and retarded

>> No.15183753

it's mostly filled with crossboarders from /v/ that exclusively play grand strategy 'games'

>> No.15183755

history became a hobby. there are tons of podcasts and youtube channels spreading history. it also has a huge amount of atheists

>> No.15183758

go there and make it better

>> No.15183819

>why is /his/ shit
>says the board responsible for guénonfag and butterfly

>> No.15183822

why are most atheists so fucking shitty bros

>> No.15183827

why do that when i could just start a board war here

also, at this point, i'm pretty sure it's just one of many unsalvageable subcommunities on this website. why push a boulder up a hill etc, /lit/ is still better for philosoposting

>> No.15183857

people can be defined by what they worship and even atheists worship something, the difference is that they worship something profane. eliade wrote on this

>> No.15183872

Hubris, they look down on others for having different beliefs than themselves
I respect atheists I know that give respect to people of different faiths, but I find myself averse to fools who think their worldview is the only possibility

>> No.15183885

It receives a lot of tourists from redd*t and /leftypol/.

>> No.15183902

was gonna say, pic related is unmistakable, literal reddit-core humor

>> No.15183910

im an atheist and I resent other atheists so fucking much for being stupid cringelord rick & morty faggots. science worship is annoying as fuck

>> No.15183932

How dare they belittle the name of the Prophet Marx (pbuh)?

>> No.15183944

because it's not actually funny

>> No.15183959

Agreed, comrade - the Revolution is a matter of world-historical seriousness.

>> No.15183964

I thing the Turk post was funny.

>> No.15183968

Why is OP so retarded he doesn't recognize a /his/ meme?

>> No.15183982

/his/ is actually better than this board

>> No.15183990

i take it back, this board is equal levels of conversational shit

>> No.15184002

you're alright then friend, hope you're managing well during these stressful times

>> No.15184080

Atheists worship materialism. But yes Eliade knew what's up.

>> No.15184093

History doesn't have the status-gaming that literature does. How often can you tell someone "No, you midwit, you didn't understand him!" about a historical text?

>> No.15184110

It´s full of Russian worshipping their "Great" "Patriotic" "War", Marxism is just next step of that shite.

>> No.15184381

I stopped browsing /his/ because of the nazi shit, particularly the haplogroup threads. I have irrecoverably lost braincells because of those threads.

Also, discussing history is always going to be a problem. History doesn't change, there's nothing to be worked out or solved like in philosophy or science. Any topic that doesn't encourage discussion will always devolve into a circlejerk. /his/ and the reddit history board are two opposite extremes, both are inane circlejerks, but one has no moderation, the other has extremely zealous overmoderation.

Studying history on its own, for its own sake, is basically no better than some faggot becoming an expert on Game of Thrones lore. History should always be interpreted philosophically, like the work done by Vico, Herder, Hegel, Marx, Spengler. There is discussion and argumentation to be had. Of course the nihilism of our age leads to a lack of interest in any narrative or meaning in life, but philosophy of history is still occasionally discussed here on /lit/ which I love doing.

>> No.15184807

Thank you for this post.

>> No.15184814
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>> No.15184928

They’re like Xenomorphs. They rip out of the body of a religion and go on a rampage and have the traits of their original host. So if they were Catholic they’re dogmatic, if they’re Protestant they’re holier than thou virtue signalers. If they’re Jewish they’re normal. I don’t know what Muslim atheists are like because they just die.