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15182800 No.15182800 [Reply] [Original]

>Whines about literally everything

>Thinks Fascism is the worst thing to ever exist even though his ideas lead to neo-liberalism

>Thinks society needs to be redeemed by a Jewish messiah

>Thinks positive small talk about life reinforces "bourgeoise complacency" while writing like a bourgeoise elitist.

>Writes paragraphs without really saying anything at all

>Dunning kruger

Holy fuck I consider myself a political moderate but this guy actually is aids to read and makes me understand why the left is the way that it is today. I am not going to bother reading any of the frankfurt brainlets or walter benjamin because I doubt it will be anything different. Just nonsensical kabbalah speak with some very dumb conclusions about society

>> No.15182839

nice larp you don't read and you made this thread to get a jump from people or to get people to spoonfeed you.

>> No.15182848
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>Dunning kruger

>> No.15182869

I mean you can just read the reviews of his books. Its just a bunch of wine moms saying how quirky and poetic he is without giving any details. The truth is that no one actually knows what he is saying because he is a pseud that writes nonsense to make uneducated people look at him as intelligent. Then he can just smear his political opposition with bullshit and people will listen to him just on the basis of his image of being an intellectual. The OP post is right.

>> No.15182874

>admits to not having read the author in question within 3 posts

>> No.15182887

Understanding Adorno has actually become easier and easier, because what he talked about is only becoming more relevant. The culture industry of the digital era is like a self-parody of the culture industry in his time. You fail to see his point because you're actually an anti-Semitic ideologue, not a "moderate" by any means.

>> No.15182892
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>I consider myself a political moderate

>> No.15182909

Imagine wasting time reading frankfurt retards. To understand their works, just look at their offspring over at chapotraphouse and other modern leftist forums. Just unhinged stupidty

>> No.15182921

>live action roleplay
>online text

>> No.15182922

>Imagine wasting time understanding the things i claim are bad
>I'd rather cherrypick a contemporary example and extrapolate from there
>That way i don't have to actually read anything

>> No.15182964

That doesnt make any sense the culture industry today is owned by the same people of the culture industry in his day. Warner brothers, disney etc all Jewish. So why would being anti semitic even be a problem? Is adorno a bad faith actor that pretends Jewish influence in American culture industry isnt a thing? Also OP said nothing anti semitic

>> No.15182978

Isn't 20th century leftism just pedo shit anyways? Frankfurters and Foucault/Sartre/Fromageblue

>> No.15183003

>owned by the same people
Why are you trying to read Adorno when you clearly haven't even skimmed Marx?

>> No.15183017

Indeed he did not say anything explicitly anti-Semitic, but it's obvious that he and you are incapable of separating his writing from his Jewish identity. That is what makes you an ideologue. Anything he could say would be nothing more than an emanation of the metaphysical Jew.

>> No.15183067
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To understand the Frankfurt school you need to understand the purpose of why they exist in the first place. The Frankfurt school lived in a time when people were beginning to pin the tail of Commism and captalist slavery on the Jewkey. Jews couldnt tolerate that and thus formed the school to write on the issues of capitalism that people were angry about. Their goal was to misdirect the correct of Judeo Capitalism into vague faceless enemies like the "culture industry". The whole point was to deradicalize angry people into basically giving up and to just say "well its the culture, shit sucks and nothing I can do about it". When the reality is the peope of the (((culture industry))) had names and addresses.
The mission of the Frankfurt school was to deflect the anger of society away from Jews and onto a faceless enemy

>> No.15183082

Reading this guy made me love the left desu

>> No.15183119

this is blatantly wrong. many far right thinkers have started implement the writings of the frankfurt school into their thought because they both seem to share the same enemy. only low iq reactionary /pol/tards and liberals are against the frankfurt school

>> No.15183126

>Ultra jew
His dad was a convert to protestantism and his mother was a fucking italian catholic.

>> No.15183143

Technification is making gestures in the meantime precise and rough – and thereby human beings. They drive all hesitation out of gestures, all consideration, all propriety [Gesittung]. They are subjected to the irreconcilable – ahistorical, as it were – requirements of things. Thus one no longer learns to close a door softly, discreetly and yet firmly. Those of autos and frigidaires have to be slammed, others have the tendency to snap back by themselves and thus imposing on those who enter the incivility of not looking behind them, of not protecting the interior of the house which receives them. One cannot account for the newest human types without an understanding of the things in the environs which they continually encounter, all the way into their most secret innervations. What does it mean for the subject, that there are no window shutters anymore, which can be opened, but only frames to be brusquely shoved, no gentle latches but only handles to be turned, no front lawn, no barrier against the street, no wall around the garden? And which auto-driver has not felt the temptation, in the power of the motor, to run over the vermin of the street – passersby, children, bicyclists? In the movements which machines demand from their operators, lies already that which is violent, crashing, propulsively unceasing in Fascist mistreatment. Not the least fault for the dying out of experience is due to the fact that things assume a form under the law of their purposiveness which restrict their interaction to mere application, without the surplus – were it that of freedom of behavior, were it that of the autonomy of the thing – which might survive as the kernel of experience, because it is not consumed by the moment of action.

>> No.15183153

One can find in Black [i.e. African] students of national economy, in Siamese [Thai] students at Oxford, and in devoted art-historians and musicologists of petty bourgeois background generally the inclination and readiness to combine the appropriation of what is new and to be learned with a boundless respect for what is established, validated or recognized. An unreconciled inner sensibility [Gesinnung] is the opposite of wildness, neophyte status or “non-capitalist zones.” It presupposes experience, historical memory, the lability of the intellect and above all a thorough share of the social surplus. It is observed time and again that those recruited young and innocent into radical groups defect the moment they become aware of the force of tradition. One has to have this latter in oneself in order to hate it properly. That it is the snobs rather than the proletarians who have a taste for avant-garde aesthetic movements sheds light on politics, too. Latecomers and newcomers alike have a worrisome affinity for positivism, from the devotees of Carnap in India to the bold defenders of the German masters Matthias Grünewald and Heinrich Schütz. It would be poor psychology to presume that what one is excluded from arouses only hate and resentment; it also awakens a possessive, impatient sort of love, and those who repressive culture keeps at a distance can turn, easily enough, into the latter’s most narrow-minded partisans. This resonates even in the overcompensating High German of the worker who as a socialist wants “to learn a bit,” to take part in the so-called cultural heritage, and the banality of the Bebels consists not so much in their foreignness to culture than in the enthusiasm with which they presume it as a fact, identifying with it and indeed thereby inverting its meaning. Socialism is in general as little immune from this transformation as the theoretical slippage into positivism. It can happen easily enough that in the Far East Marx takes the place vacated by Driesch and Rickert. At times it is to be feared that the interrelationship of the non-Occidental peoples in the antagonisms of industrial society, in itself long overdue, will primarily benefit the rational increase of production and transport and the modest raising of living standards, rather than those to be emancipated. Instead of expecting miracles from pre-capitalist peoples, the mature capitalist ones ought to be on their guard against their own sobriety, their slipshod affirmation of what is traditional, and the successes of the West.

>> No.15183161

There's no point engaging with these people, because they have internalized the Nuremberg Laws

>> No.15183193

I don't understand the hype around the Frankfurt school. They're pretty much bizarro-/pol/ with a serious (but understandable) hard-on for fascism just like /pol/ has a hard-on for jews. What does /pol/ see behind every tree? Die Juden. What do Adorno and his buddies see behind every tree? Fascists. Hearing a supposedly marxist sociologist tell you that you're a crypto-fascist for not trusting your government is a bit puzzling, to say the least. Would they be taken just as seriously if they weren't on the winning side and put into state-backed positions of authority? Admittedly /pol/ rarely discusses Hegel, and their critiques of modernity are quite prescient, but I still can't help but feel that they're overrated as hell because they're the non-faggot alternative to the post-WW2 French guys if you're a leftist.

>> No.15183210

The ones that weren't pedos were even bigger psychos

>> No.15183223

But you're a fascist if you love your parents

>> No.15183233

>because they're the non-faggot alternative to the post-WW2 French guys if you're a leftist.
>not being a Guenonian Traditionalist leftist who wants fully automated islamic space communism

>> No.15183251

All you need to know about Adorno is his Good Republican vs. Bad Democrat dichotomy, which apparently is real social science except the sample size for both groups is 1 and we don't even know if either of these people existed.

He's an extremely politicised propagandist who's only purpose is to make "his side" be effective while being nice and compassionate and telling his opposition that they're evil unless they're the kind of opposition he wishes to have(that is, ineffective one). There's about as much value in his works as there is in De Monarchia or political speeches of 1932 US presidential elections.

>> No.15183269

Wew lad

>> No.15183287

He was a spiteful mutant, cultural Marxism is, like all things created by spiteful mutants, an intrinsically destructive ideology.

>> No.15183293

I will assume that this 4channel post is absolute truth.

>> No.15183306

>>Thinks Fascism is the worst thing to ever exist even though his ideas lead to neo-liberalism
Dafuq? How did Adorno spawn Nixon and Thatcher?

>> No.15183314

>ughh have you seen the people these days

>> No.15183344

critical theorists are the karens of philosophy

if adorno could speak right now to the manager of fascism or jazz, he would demand it

>> No.15183356

>his ideas lead to neo-liberalism
He's pretty inconsequential to the whole history of neoliberalism, stop overplaying the importance of critical thinkers.

>> No.15183366

This is the most unspecific and lazy criticism youof an author you can do, it doesn't even reach the level of ad hominem.
It's so unsubstantial it's almost archetypal, you basically wrote pasta that can be used against anyone.

>> No.15183371

You're lumping different things together as people here always do.

>> No.15183385

>faceless enemy
>no names and adress
>publicly traded megacorporations whose names are in every household and whose founders are publicly registered
You need to rethink your argument anon.

>> No.15183394

Actually I'm gonna describe this example, because it's a good study of his character. So he wrote once a book which was meant to show the pathology within society by using like a model characters. Yes, he wrote a bunch of strawmen and that's his work on sociology.

The Good Republican vs. Bad Democrat example is a very good way of showing how the entirety of this piece of shit looked like:

Good Republican:
>understands New Deal is important and government intervention helps
>is fine with basketball americans
>deeply individualistic
>is very pious Christian

That's a very great moral character right here even though he votes for party Adorno doesn't like! Like come on, he disagrees only on the fact that he wants some morals to be around, which from the perspective of Adorno doesn't mean squat because materialism dictates these anyway. That's ineffective opposition, something Adorno loves.

Bad Democrat
>is sceptical whether the New Deal is what he signed up for
>doesn't like basketball americans and immigrants
>thinks his hometown and ties in the local community are important
>is suspicious of jews being overrepresented among the elites

That man, right there, he will design masturbation machines for new holocaust. Having people like that around and accepting them is almost like holocaust, almost because these people haven't done it yet but they will. Think of the jewish children

Now the most important part of it is that neither of these exists. These are archetypes that may have some basis in reality or be just strawmen but the conclusions as for what are they intentions going to lead the USA is something completely made up on the spot by Adorno(and frankly speaking his holocaust is totally going to repeat in America hysteria seems to be exactly that), depending on political expediency at the moment. People tend to say he was marxist but he changed his mind, given his methods I think he just changed the name, but the mind remained the same. That being said he got his way. The older(bad) democrats aren't around anymore and most republicans that actually got elected have mostly fitted themselves to the "Good Republican" archetype, eventually managing to overturn the New Deal partially, in the process(but there were more and newer and much better entrenched policies that they didn't dare to touch).

>> No.15183405

I find it funny that Adorno was a man who admitted to finding value in right-leaning critiques of liberal democracy while /pol/tards just use left-leaning critiques without admission while also seething and blaming all the modern issues on them
This, also remember he is predominately a Hegelian which is indented and arguably inseparable from Protestantism

>> No.15183418

>The Frankfurt school lived in a time when people were beginning to pin the tail of Commism and captalist slavery on the Jewkey >Jews couldnt tolerate that and thus formed the school to write on the issues of capitalism that people were angry about
any evidence of this at all?

>> No.15183472

>his ideas lead to neo-liberalism
Took you ~15 words before I stopped reading, as I realized you had nothing, absolutely nothing to offer, and had either never read Adorno or has misunderstood him so fundamentally that whatever you think you can contribute with is actually worthless.

>> No.15183586


lol checked

dissing this hack whilst engaging with the culture he would hate. Respect.

>> No.15183697

Read Culture of Critique, plenty of sources.

>> No.15183723


>> No.15184282

>Light art … is the social bad conscience of serious art. The truth which the latter could not apprehend because of its social premises gives the former an appearance of objective justification. The split between them is itself the truth: it expresses at least the negativity of the culture which is the sum of both spheres.

>> No.15184302


>> No.15184409

imagine going on a literature forum and telling people not to read. useless retard

>> No.15184460

critical consciousness
>jewish messiah
literally what/where/who are you talking about
>positive small talk
metaphysical imperatives have no consequence for material realities
>writes paragraphs
are paragraphs too long for you to read? you're used to /pol/ greentexts?
>dunning kruger

>nonsensical kabbalah speak
there's nothing further from adorno's historical materialism than religious mysticism, try again

>> No.15184872


Daily reminder to /lit/ that neoliberalism is good and god doesn't exist.

>> No.15184887

Can we stop equating liberalism with leftism, it's either ignorant or dishonest

>> No.15185048 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15185095

So you're retarded.

>> No.15185099

discord . gg/d9mTzQY

>> No.15185111

God does exist but it's not the Christian God.

>> No.15185170
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>> No.15185194

The left can't meme

>> No.15185205

Dude. I concur.
But don't renounce on based Walter Benjamin
Just remember that Adorno seethes about the existence of poetry post Auzwich.

>> No.15185226

So you suggest us to read the cringy rip-off over the based OGs?

>> No.15185277


>> No.15185291

>reddit spacing
>"bourgeoise complacency" [sic]
>his ideas lead to neo-liberalism [sic]
>I consider myself a political moderate
>Adorno on the left
>>Dunning Kruger
you need to go back

>> No.15185623


>> No.15185689

this is so fucking based

>> No.15185714

upvoted my good sir

it's objectively good for a frog meme

>> No.15185748

If you'd actually read the essay where the quote's from, you'd realize he was speaking very figuratively (and in any case he felt it necessary to qualify the statement later in his career). And I think he's absolutely correct that writing poetry of a certain kind--e.g., in praise of a ruler, or anything else whose purpose is to celebrate the existing order--is inadmissable post-WWII (if it wasn't already post-WWI). Much as i love Tennyson, for instance, he would absolutely be a grotesque self-parody if he wrote today.

>> No.15185953
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Either learn how to read or give me my board back

>> No.15186005

Bruthur, One's be talking just that Walter Benjamin is Based and Theodor Adorno is pleb tier.

One had cocaine thesis on the practice of orgies and gender or whatever.
The other seethed on Jazz Music.

>> No.15186191


He hates the left too. His hippie students organised a protest at his university and he immediately called the police.

>> No.15186207

lmao. where's the original?

>> No.15186226
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filtered by /pol/ brainrot. Sorry, your psychic immune system was not vital enough to stop you from falling into the abyss.

>> No.15186232

Demoralizing kike nonsense

>> No.15186271

Nobody's going to stop you from writing a paean to Trump. It's just going to suck--and will be truly "barbaric."

>> No.15186285

Lol those are some big feelings faggot

>> No.15186290
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>Demoralizing kike nonsense
Nazis literally think that truth has anything to do with being "demoralizing" or not.

>> No.15186304

>talks about poetry
>complains about other people's big feelings
Certainly bigger feelings than you'll ever feel you soulless bugman.

>> No.15186322

Lmao what truth? Calling something barbaric is just sentimental faggotry
Enjoy your feelings babe

>> No.15186326

Foucault and Butler made me hate the left

>> No.15186360

Indeed. Feelings are one of the things that make up the human animal. Indeed, one might almost say that Adorno's principle thesis is that "true" rationality can be reached only through the innermost feeling, in opposition to the niceties of the essentially administrative way of thinking that ordinarily goes under the name of "reason." If you don't get it, that's fine. It just makes you like most people

Haven't read Butler but that's a strange thing to say about Foucault imo. If anything, I find him frustrating because he's too anti-ideological (insofar as he refuses to place a value upin anything).

>> No.15187429

Learn how to read and how to write you stupid pajeet

>> No.15187517

>le based jazzman