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File: 223 KB, 1254x756, consciousness_doubleslit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15182490 No.15182490 [Reply] [Original]

A double slit experiment is conducted where instead of using a polarizing filter or a photon detector, meditiators literally just sit there meditating desiring to collapse the wavefunction, and it happens.


The Von Neumann–Wigner interpretation is correct. Consciousness causes collapse.

>> No.15182541

Sweet sassafras !

>> No.15182556

Sounds legit.

>> No.15182562

>Institute of Noetic Sciences

>> No.15182568

big if true

>> No.15182569

There is no flaw with the methodology of the experiment or its results and it is peer reviewed and published through the University of Cali.

>> No.15182574

insidious new age shit like this makes me cringe in ways i never thought possible

>> No.15182590
File: 27 KB, 315x499, 200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ratio of the interference pattern's double-slit spectral power to its single-slit spectral power
This is not the famous double-slit experiment of quantum mechanics. In fact it's something entirely different. None of the authors are physicists, instead they are mostly pseuds and cranks.

Wavefunctions in pure quantum (superpositioned) states "collapse" when they interact and become coupled with a system having very many degrees of freedom, whether a human brain or a camera or really any interactive macroscopic object. In the limit where the number of degrees of freedom of this environmental "heat bath" is infinitely high, you can prove that the possible states resulting from this interaction are in fact the solutions to the classical equations of motion. Ergo, the wavefunction "collapses".

If you want to understand it properly, start by reading pic related.

>> No.15182683

They perform the standard double slit experiment and it still happens

>> No.15182716
File: 335 KB, 737x473, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where? All I see is they have a noisy random "spectral ratio" and then they artificially construct a signal of approximately the same frequency as the noise by telling people to focus attention "towards" or "away" and...OMG the two signals of similar frequency including one we arbitrarily chose to have that frequency have a correlation!!!!!!!11

No shit, it's just stupid. Don't be retarded.

>> No.15182754

desu that's pretty much how all data from searches for exotic physics looks like lel

>> No.15182761

so its a big nothing sandwich?

>> No.15182773

quantum mysticism belongs on /x/

>> No.15182929


>> No.15182942

Umm try harder sweety. This was debunked over at /r/science.

>> No.15182948

Go speak nerd somewhere else

>> No.15182959


>> No.15182960
File: 505 KB, 362x270, McMahon interest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Institute of Noetic Sciences

>> No.15182971

brofist to that pal

>> No.15183169

>University of California

>> No.15183324

So the only counter "arguments" physicalists/materialists have against research like this is to cope and deny the results and try to appeal to authorities?
If you are concerned with empiricism and understanding reality, you can't a priori assume physicalism or materialism is true, you must accept experimental results regardless of what they imply. These results imply the Von Neumann-Wigner interpretation is correct and consciousness causes collapse. You are not being scientific or empirical by denying this, you are being a hypocrite.

>> No.15183353

you know there's such a thing as quality, right?
no scientist in the world is going to bother trying to replicate these results. these are shit results from a shit experiment.
if it was actually true, or stood a reasonable chance of being true, scientists would flock to their door to see it happening because it would instantly disprove all of current physics and nobel prizes would rain from the sky

>> No.15183355

> Dean Radin
stopped reading. he's a notorious quantum mystic.

>> No.15183383

People can't be this retarded. Please have some scientific integrity before posting something this stupid. This is some /x/ crap that manages to pass to the /lit/ schizos. If this were /sci/ you'd be banned instantly.

>> No.15183390

There is nothing wrong with the methodology or results gained from the experiment. The scientific community at large are ignoring this does not in any way indicate there is something wrong with the experiment or it's results, this is not a valid argument nor a sound method of reasoning on your part.
Not an argument, again it quite literally does not matter what a person's beliefs are or anything of the sort. The results are irrefutable and there is nothing wrong with the experiment or its methodology.
Critic the actual experiment and results if you disagree. However, there is nothing wrong with the experiments nor its results.
It's already posted on /sci/

>> No.15183675

>there is nothing wrong with the experiment or its methodology.
no matter how many times you repeat this, it's not going to make it true.

>> No.15183742
File: 41 KB, 600x358, doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>institute for noetic sciences

>> No.15183756

meditate for 20 minutes a day and the rest of the day you're free to cram as much stimulation as you want

>> No.15183804

umm in english doc??

>> No.15183956
File: 72 KB, 416x643, SMITH-Physics-and-Vertical-Causation-416x643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.15184522

bumping for extremely interesting thread maybe the most interesting in the catalog at the moment

>> No.15184557

You're right this is interesting.

Thank God, which Von Neumann believed in.

>> No.15184594

Who gives a shit, Europe will still become brown, the finances will still be controlled by (((them))) and literatura and the arts wil degrade to a whole new bottom as intelligence and aesthetic appreciation dies out together with white men replaced by inane cumbrainism to satiate the bugmans desire

>> No.15184596


>> No.15184606

You’re wrong, but this isn’t “exotic physics” either way

>> No.15184613

Is this true

>> No.15184615

Von Neumann was a lifelong atheist until he converted on his deathbed out of literal cope

>> No.15184627

You mean faith :3

He wasn't lifelong either, he was born Jewish.

>> No.15184640

He was dying of cancer and converted literally in the hospital on his deathbed. If that’s not cope nothing is.

>> No.15184661

Hm, it seems like you're mad. Why are you mad at God, child?

>> No.15184690
File: 4 KB, 150x150, BEDFA0F8-3E10-4087-A102-40FCDF34CAC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what?!! No!!! Consciousness and matter can’t be intertwined on a fundamental level!! Consciousness doesn’t even exist!! Daniel Dennett told me so!!! All there is is matter!!!!! This is bullshit quantum mysticism!!!! What do you mean, several great and well-respected quantum physicists have themselves veered into mystical and Vedantic theories are times?

>> No.15185355

you're so wrong I won't even bother to correct you famalam

>> No.15185392


>> No.15185400

>Consciousness and matter intertwined on a fundamental level
That's the brainlet take. The chad take is that we don't perceive matter. We don't even perceive sensory data either, we can only see the spiritual constructs produced by our minds: ideas, memories, emotions, and so on. And this is our actual world, and it isn't some inanimate matter that physicists try to describe. Our world is animated, alive, spirited - it is spirit.

>> No.15185519

Gödel disproved this as nonsense centuries ago, when he mathematically disproved proofs. Gödel as we know, did many other goods things such as inventing Gödels fuzzy logic, Gödel backwards computers, Gödel's firefly, Göydel's slinky approximation, Göydel's silly putty space with time theorum, Göydel's numbers, Göydel's threefold boolean logic, Göydel's observer falacy, Göydel's evidence unacceptability postulate, Göydel's sphinx and so on. So thereäs no reasön to entertain this as credible införmätiön. It is göydeliän incömpätible.

>> No.15185553

So solipsism with some fluffy spiritual language. Not very profound.

>> No.15185573

Where did you get that from? Are you retarded?

>> No.15185574
File: 62 KB, 620x466, 1587672379063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15185665

Based. When will /sci/ finally abandon the materialist dead end & seek spiritual enlightenment?

>> No.15185671

you realize ideas and research like this are the product of someone who imagines themselves to not be a physicalist/materialist, but at a deep level cannot escape the chains of a physical or material depiction of the world, so they seek empirical results that demonstrate the material world is governed by something else, because if that weren't true.

I despise physicalists and materialists, but I despise attempts to reconcile the reality of the idea, and first cause, and God, and consciousness, with empirical, statistical research.

>> No.15185677

Read the Greeks ffs, it's literally just Plato.

>> No.15185679

why are you even replying to him?

>> No.15186345
File: 828 KB, 628x1734, radin credentials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that no one in this thread even comes close to the credentials, intelligence, and understanding of this stuff as Radin

>> No.15186401

You have a low IQ

>> No.15186419

Okay Dean, that's enough internet for today.

>> No.15186463

His portrait looks respectable even under the pornographic lens of the high-quality colour camera.
So I believe him now.