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15182037 No.15182037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

which religion you follow and why, /lit/?
Does it keep you sane?
I'm genuinely curious. Did your parents force you to follow the religion at a young age or did you find god yourself?

>> No.15182055

Not a religious but my family is Hindu and I do follow some aspects of Hinduism. Not into any super religious and superstition.
I do engage because I can meet new people and make new friends. And have lots fun activities to do in festivals and community feel.

>> No.15182077
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Thats awesome. Do people smoke Cannabis at the festivals?

>> No.15182083
File: 434 KB, 964x769, apujesusingalilee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which religion you follow

>and why
Because it proclaims the truth of Jesus Christ.

>, /lit/?
Yes it is.

>> No.15182089

raised agnostic, one parent was raised christian the other parent raised a jew, both of them are non-practicing and agnostic now
was leaning towards atheist most of my life but started to feel more inclined to the idea of God in recent years, probably has to do with studying philosophy and religion at university and understanding religions more than whatever pop-culture view I had of them before
I feel most drawn to orthodox christianity and reformed christianity, buddhism is pretty cool I guess but I've got some issues with their philosophies and end-goals
((they)) took my foreskin when I was a lad, I'm only a quarter jew though and it doesn't even show so I doubt I'd be readily accepted into the ranks of the elite goyim-slavers, plus after reading all four gospels I feel a deep appreciation for the teachings of Jesus
was never baptized, only been to a church service once, believe in God as a sovereign power and creator but not as a person (outside of the Son, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to really say I believe that yet, better to not lie in matters of faith)
trying to cultivate faith through prayer and living a more virtuous life

>> No.15182100

I'd call myself a Christian. I was raised Anglican but I lean more towards the Coptic/ Orthodox church as a belief and value system.

>> No.15182103

good lad, I'll say a prayer for you. gn anon.

>> No.15182157

Bhole Ka prasaad he wo ( lord shivas gift is weed)
Nah bro but you can get away of you are Hindu and have any religious bullshit act ready and pay up the police. As for the festivals
Holi and maha shiv ratri where you can smoke weed and drink bhang canbis drink.

>> No.15182158

thank you, and I for you as well

>> No.15182200

I have no fucking clue. I would call myself ignostic rather than anything else. I think religion is good for creating a foundational structure for civilization (as per Jung's archetypal theory). I definately get pissed off at New Atheist "thinkers" like Dawkins or Hitchens because theyre so fucking dismissive of the value that religion holds in society. Really all I want is to move off into the wilderness with a wife and raise a family outside of everything going on in the world. So I dont know man, I dont know anything anymore.

>> No.15182217

Raised atheist by atheist parents, now a traditionalist/pagan (not a larping neopagan mind you). I have always been averse to semitic monotheism, but at some point could no longer deny the existance of god/the gods. If not for that I probably wouldn't be here right now, it's my lifeline in an insane and degenerated world.

>> No.15182242
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>not a larping

>> No.15182257

Because I was born into it, abandoned it when I was a teenager, suffered greatly for it and saw the light in truth in it later after searching for truth, embraced Christ and his church once more and was never happier.
No one forced me into it.
My grandma was the only practicing Catholic in the family and she was the one taking me to church with her when I was little. I loved it very much back then.
Does it keep me sane? The only thing that keeps me sane tbf, I have nothing else but faith to keep me sane.

>> No.15182260
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Based. God bless, anon. Will pray for you too.
>outside of everything going on in the world
Then the way is Christ, brother. Only He is truly not of this world.

>> No.15182262

>which religion you follow
I don’t think it’s technically a religion but pantheism.
It was the most rational to provide an underlying basis for a reality in which abstract conceptual reality (mathematics) underlies physical reality. The all encompassing and impersonal nature of God also seems most fitting along with determinism for the nature of our universe

>> No.15182268

>I have nothing else but faith to keep me sane.

>> No.15182273
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>not larping
Anon, you’re a funny guy

>> No.15182324

Thanks, I think I'm pretty funny too. I'm a pagan in the sense that a hindu is a pagan. There's no better word for it out there except for traditionalist, which tends to generate confusion as well. But I'd rather call myself a pagan with all the larpy connotations it has than be a slave monotheist (which is still better than being an atheist, I'll give you that).

>> No.15182359

Anon, monotheism is the only rational belief, not Semitic cult-like monotheism of the abrahamists of course, the logical monotheism of the Greek philosophers and their intellectual descendants like Spinoza (I’m not Spinozanon I’m being sincere).

>> No.15182430
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> logical monotheism
>Greek philosophers
>his God isn't prior to logic and does not create logic ex nihilo

>> No.15182443

I get where you're coming from but that's not monotheism at all, it's more like panentheism. Agree with your take on abrahamist monotheism though.

>> No.15182447

modern bugmanist atheist term you're falling for, all according to (((their))) plan.

>> No.15182448

gnosticism, I think

>> No.15182486

What? All monotheism is jewish subversion. All christians and muslims worship the jewish usurper god but somehow have convinced themselves they don't. The good parts of christianity were taken from different strands of paganism. You make no sense at all.

>> No.15182536

>The good parts of christianity were taken from different strands of paganism.
I wonder why ((((they)))) push this line so hard... I wonder why every bugman group hates Saint Paul and Constantine.... It seems like a pure (((coincidence))).........

>> No.15182559


And yes, I believe all of it

>> No.15182594

Germanic polytheism, because it is most in line with what I see in reality. Furthermore, I have personal reasons for worshipping the gods, which I won’t go into specifics about. What I will say is this: my life experiences revealed to me which gods to worship. They are Odin, Loki and Baldr

>> No.15182675

(((They))) don't push this at all, every person with a working mind would come to this conclusion. You're either delusional or intentionally spreading lies.
Saul of Tarsus was a jewish subverter who turned proto-christianity into "judaism for gentiles". (((They))) want you to be a good christian and work towards the second coming (read: first coming of the moshiach) while destroying your own heritage. You serve the jewish god.

>> No.15182714

Roman Catholic.
Raised in Italy by 'Boomer' catholics (not praticant) and then I became atheist as a little fucked rebel
One time I wanted to be de-baptised but it ended quickly
I searched for God at 16/17 because I didn't like my life and I heard some kind of call from the church(the place) when I was walking near it.
One day I enter in the Church of Monza(not the duomo, but one of the little ones) and I explored it.
Read the Bible while in the Church and I remember it was Mark something something 19, then I did a kind of 'prayer' asking for a guide and light up a candle.
My girlfriend at the time thought I was going insane, but when she left I stopped my search for God.
became a commie, read about Marx and expecially Kropotkin but I was very interested in the 'preserving of culture against imperialism'.
Then I read of Evola(i know is strange for a commie) and switched to a 'tradizional' nazbol(i made you laugh right ?).
I started asking to myself why I feel some kind of soul, what is sin and soo on.
At the time I was in the Alps with friends and I started talk to them about their belief(I had only fash friends, was the only marxist of my company)
I heard again the call at the Milan Duomo, and I attempted there my first mass
left crying and then became catholic.
I then meet mormons, orthodox and catholic priest(i miss confession now that I am in quarantine) all confirmed that the call was real and Jesus was just waiting for this sheep to return.
Now I am, due to my schizo, praying a bit less but I hope to go to my church and Milan Duomo soon.
like Codreanu once said: The church is for silence and praying (For My Legionaries, somewhere in the first half)