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File: 53 KB, 642x482, FF77B0C0-3690-4CB1-B95E-30421521B33D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15180199 No.15180199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I unironically want to marry her

>> No.15180204

have you considered the idea that you are in a par asocial relationship and might need help

>> No.15180215

I want to marry a tranny because I am bald and have a small dick and I look like a rat and no biological woman would want to be within a mile of me.

>> No.15180222
File: 48 KB, 820x820, okretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15180371
File: 167 KB, 470x723, 4CACF1A8-66C5-4314-AE55-16A50ED08099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unironically against it.
Even if you where a pretty girl.

>> No.15180658

No I am a handsome young man. I have abs

>> No.15180732


>> No.15181152

Literally who? I mean it, she kinda cute.
>inb4 "she"

>> No.15181168


>> No.15181177


>> No.15181192

I wish she had been aborted or someone had murdered her so the board would be freed from this cancer

>> No.15181200

She is so fucking cute

>> No.15181208
File: 50 KB, 540x633, e4e22dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.15181226

>He doesn't know that most trannies use a trip
You're right. Anonymous can shitpost all day but if a trip post then i get so angry and I start to go insane because they live in my head and they won't get OUT.

>> No.15181406

Is she butterfly?

>> No.15181583
File: 110 KB, 1900x283, butterfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15181612

checked and mate. what's the story, morning glory? is there a fappening happening? after this corona popona shmorona I wanna see a /lit/ meet-up, bebop. Cool? Cool.

>> No.15181689

I don't understand because the tripcode in the >>15181583 pic is different than the tripcode in >>15180371. How many butterflies are they? How am I to tell the real one?

>> No.15181706

Like others have mentioned butterfly is a cancer within the body of anonymous. Soon Anonymous will be no more and only butterfly will be.

>> No.15181758

>dat tripcode
made me chuckle. still, it's time to STOP. stop it, get some help.

>> No.15181771

Imagine being this disgustingly ugly and STILL getting so much attention. Str*ightoids are unprincipled animals.

>> No.15181776

So are you confused about this ordinary connection you claiming to have?

>> No.15181786

I only fuck black men, sorry.

>> No.15181793
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>> No.15181798

Based impostor.
They didn't make sows this tall in the olden days.

>> No.15181799

it's the tripcode of butterfly in op's pic. haven't seen this tripcode in awhile so:
A. OG butterfly is gone
B. butterfly changed the tripcode

>> No.15181816

Butterfly oh butterfly
Makes grown up babies cry
Butterfly oh butterfly
It's time! old /lit/ must die
Long live new /lit/!
Books or get the fuck out!
No matter if dick or clit

>> No.15181818

Brad Pitt fucked Mike Tyson's wife

>> No.15181821

This is true.

>> No.15181846

who is this girl anyway

>> No.15181856

Some genetic abomination which hasn't and will never outgrow anarchic power fantasies.

>> No.15181901

Did Jesus have a wife?

>> No.15181975

It depends on which apocrypha you're reading

>> No.15182093

Could you please recommend one she is way more interesting then he is and I would like to learn about her thank you.

>> No.15182117

Does she have any nudes or lewds??

>> No.15182154

reminder that most lesbians are just confused narcissists
they'll use imitation dicks to satiate their need for cock, but they seek out the body of a female to project themself onto
they envy men and desire to have the dominant position of the man, but they still take pleasure from cock like all women do

>> No.15182179
File: 28 KB, 600x369, 1575322635505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.15182256

It's a fucking GUY

>> No.15182258

well who is he?

>> No.15182278

I've been convinced for a while that lesbians do not actually exist in the way that gay men do. They were either raped by a man and are now scared of them, or something like what you're describing.

>> No.15182297

the only real possible lesbians are those who are actually averse to penetration

>> No.15182304

Eh, my aunt is a lesbian and if you look through her childhood photos it is very clear that she has “always” been a lesbian.
There are people who go through trauma/mental illness and latch onto something like homosexuality in order to cope, and then there are real, true homosexuals.

>> No.15182309

>I like having my pussy fucked by a cock
>Just not when a man's doing it teehee
Yeah lesbians are truly homosexuals.

>> No.15182317

>Averse to penetration
This comes from some kind of body dysmorphia or other mental illness.

>> No.15182320


Queen Victoria agrees with you. When a bill was presented to her outlawing homosexual and lesbian acts she refused to believe lesbianism was real and simply struck out all references to it before she signed it into law.

So for quite a while in England, homosexual acts were illegal but lesbian ones were not.

>> No.15182325

I actually doubt that my aunt enjoys penetration, but I’ve never actually asked her.

>> No.15182340

Queen Victoria was a fucking shabbos goy for his jew masters and part kike herself

>> No.15182349

Let’s at least educate ourselves a little before flat-out denying that lesbianism exists. If you believe that some men can be naturally averse to vagina, why is it such a stretch to believe some women cannot be naturally averse to cock?
Google —> Wikipedia —> Lesbian you’re welcome.

>> No.15182356

>why is it such a stretch to believe some women cannot be naturally averse to cock?
Because their sexual activities consist of getting fucked with a cock simulacrum.

>> No.15182357


>> No.15182363

>If you believe that some men can be naturally averse to vagina
never said I did, most homo-men are narcissists too
they either wish to be embraced in the role of the woman, the receiver of cock, or they wish to emasculate another man to establish dominance much in the way a lesbian with a strap-on would do to another woman

>> No.15182365

Have you ever actually talked to a real lesbian? Porn is not real life lol.

>> No.15182369

yes, and they behaved in a manner that revealed the dissonance between their narcissistic self-love and their envy of men

>> No.15182370

I love it how you say “most homo men” implying that there are SOME men who are “true” homosexuals, but you believe that NONE of lesbians are true lesbians.

>> No.15182371

>Real life lesbians don't use dildos ever

>> No.15182373

Men are capable of actualizing ideals whereas women can only fake them. Hope that helps.

>> No.15182375

Everybody stop! The Queen of lit has spoked!

>> No.15182378

Where did you get your doctrate in misogyny?

>> No.15182381

How many lesbians still have their hymen intact? Zero?

>> No.15182400

You don't need a doctorate to know things that are obvious.

>> No.15182434

I also said "most lesbians" in my original post: >>15182154
but thanks for le ebin reading comprehension failure

>> No.15182502

>tfw ywn suckle on butterfly's teet as she reads you bedtime stories

>> No.15182522
File: 4 KB, 259x195, butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that I can find