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15180260 No.15180260 [Reply] [Original]

of course most things should be treated sincerely but what if humor is the only way i can cope with the atrocities in life? or the fact that i will die? do i have to live sincerely all the time? even the act of posting this picture of a poorly-drawn frog is an absurdity, an avoidance of something else

>> No.15180269
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You can do whatever you want anon
just have fun

>> No.15180273

even the Jews tried to keep their humour during the Holocaust

>> No.15180564

I’m sorry anon. You can never joke again. You have to be sincere for the rest of your life. I wish i could change it but I can’t. I’ll pray for you.

>> No.15180731

the what?

>> No.15180896

Do you think reading all those books make you happy?
Just stop thinking and live in the moment

>> No.15181020

Who said you need to live sincerely? Sounds awful.

>> No.15181164

Why are you conflating humourlessness with sincerity?

Humour is just the natural outcome of confronting life and its absurdity, pointlessness, etc.

>> No.15181630
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comedy first, at the expense of all else.

...the only way i can cope with the atrocities in life? or the fact that i will die?
>ffs mate get urself some meds, change ur schedule of current meds, or up ur dosage.. something.

>> No.15181638

I see not a little humor in this post

>> No.15181645
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Think sincerely, live comically

>> No.15181650


>> No.15181732
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I know this feel, bro.

I’m still trying to work through the confusion myself but I will present what helpful observations and insight I can.

First, for the sake of your sanity, consider that life is very, very complicated and ought not be rationalized into the most compact articulations possible, although the temptation is very strong. There’s not much, if anything, that is true to you, or true of you, that can be rationalized, although rationalizations and articulations can obviously be a wonderful tool toward some goals like conveying concepts and doing precise work.

Second, for the sake of your heart, take a step the fuck back for a second and love yourself, fren. Every so often I remember to seek authentic living out of care for myself and others, and life starts to make sense again.

Third, make sure you have some basic infrastructure set up in your life so that you can approach the question productively. You will need to socialize with people face to face, in the flesh, as much as is sensible for you under as many circumstances as possible. Again, life is very, very complicated, and humor might be the most complex, sophisticated aspect of human existence as it serves as intimations of grace tying all sorts of aspects of life together to bring a feeling of content. The only way for people to hammer out their understanding of extreme, unspoken complexities and avoid their thoughts getting tangled up in a knot is to talk to other humans. They can lend perspectives, keep your insanities and pathologic behaviors/thought patterns in check, they can give you faith in value of things outside yourself and your understanding, they can remind you of the value of love. Besides socializing, take steps toward being as involved in life as possible. Do not torture yourself to do it, but, attempt to limit screen time to only what is absolutely essential, and eliminate it for a period of time if you can. There is so much to experience in every moment, regardless of circumstances, but it’s very difficult to sense out and explore one’s reality when that person is conditioned to having large amounts of stimulation forced into them and essentially ‘waiting to live’ between these dopamine hits. Learn how to perceive reality, and avoid the temptation to inform yourself of how reality is with rationalizations and articulated internal narration. Understanding, real understanding, will coalesce in time. As you grow you may find you have been attached to interpretations of yourself that are fantastic or imagistic, that you have been telling yourself you need to be things you do not need to be, that you may even be things that you can grow out of and are better off growing out of. “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius has wonderful advice on experiencing and appreciating the present moment. Helped me a lot. As you form a more authentic relationship with reality you may find humor springs up naturally.


>> No.15181735

they can be done together

>> No.15181743

I noticed recently that one aspect of humor is a manifestation of one’s sense of balance. If I hold things as exclusively dire, or exclusively unimportant, if I seek to be utterly masculine at the cost of my receptivity and sensitivity, or conversely champion sensitivity and understanding to the exclusion of a life actually lived and contended with, I experience a loss of a sense of humor.

That’s all for now. I might find something else worth saying, but I feel like anything more might be a bit too much to digest too soon.

>> No.15181796

One last thought.

I realize you are probably erring on the side of sincerity in your current life and likely require above all some faith that your sense of humor and those understandings of yourself that are dear to you have value.

They do. Take a leap of faith. Fuck the narrative, fuck having to rationalize it. Listen to your heart anon, it knows way more than your rational faculty. Trust that something deep inside you is guiding you toward something beautiful.