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/lit/ - Literature

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15176931 No.15176931 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that this is what women are talking about when they tell you that they’re “really into literature”

>> No.15176944

she wouldn't go out with you then anon?

>> No.15176951

>garry potter, girl on a train

>> No.15176958

Who cares. At least she reads. Probably more than half the retards here.

>> No.15177003

every time someone posts shit like this it really makes me wonder what kind of retards you guys are dating. Never in my life have i encountered a women this stupid and cliche irl.

>> No.15177015

Pretty sure women think JK Rowling invented books

>> No.15177028

the OP likely just found this posted to some womanhating site and reposted it here to bait

>> No.15177069

>Never in my life have i encountered a women this stupid and cliche irl.
don’t get out much then?

>> No.15177085

quality > quantity

>> No.15177091

This. Most incels are just bitter that they didn't strike gold in their first encounters and go online to rant (ironically, acting like women)

>> No.15177136

The level of coherence in this message is lower than average but "loves literature = harry potter + The Girl _______" is about right.

>> No.15177227

Just fuck her desu

>> No.15177273

Why the FUCK would I ever want a girl that reads literature? It's literally just another thing to argue about. I have friends to talk about literature with. Dudes who want girls with the same hobbies as them are cryptofaggots. You're not meant to be friends with your girlfriend. You're meant to be partners.

>> No.15177394
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>ah yes I’ll just marry a woman with whom I have no common interests and then spend the rest of our lives wondering why we can’t fucking stand each other

>> No.15177430

No, if you're spending time with dullards its likely because you're of a similar level of intelligence.

>> No.15177451

Women are children and must be treated as such. Once had a girl as me what I was reading and I told her “in search of lost time.” She merely said she’d add it to her list, didn’t even bother to ask what it was

>> No.15177459

>It's literally just another thing to argue about.
me and my gf argue about stuff all the time and its hot as fuck. I take a position that's usually very different from hers, we both get rilled up, and then we negotiate back to each other from there. And then we fuck because stimulating discussion has got both of our blood pumping. You wouldnt know tho because it sounds like you want a weak basic bitch who will placate you in everything that you say. a literal cardboard cutout of a woman.

>> No.15177468 [SPOILER] 
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Ah, yes, this is why I stopped spending time with people.

>> No.15177495
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>he doesn’t know that partnership and friendship share a foundation and that if you want a solid relationship you should date someone you’d enjoy spending time with regardless of their secondary sex characteristics
tut tut...

>> No.15177559

Based true love poster

>> No.15177709

Wish my parents had listened to ur advice anon

>> No.15177754

The girl Ive been texting lately is reading Inherant Vice and recently asked which Pynchon book I thought she should go to next... meet cooler girls dude

>> No.15177775

yours and mine both, bud

>> No.15177829


>> No.15177840

You're kind of right. Physical attraction must be the foundation, but there does also have to be friendship. If there is no physical attraction, why not be friends?

>> No.15177850

My reality for you is only possible through imagination... thats kinda sad my friend

>> No.15177857
File: 66 KB, 430x300, F4DCDF47-0825-4442-A720-28464A53F1B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading that text

>> No.15177870

I get that. I cant watch anime of a manga I read. fortunately there is a lot of good literature that never got a movie or you would not have grown up with

>> No.15177872

it doesn't matter, it's impossible to meet new people after you get out of college

>> No.15177910

>You're meant to be partners
yes and partners like same things. The whole ying yang thing is a spook, you wont find someone to do things you cant so look for someone who makes you comfy

>> No.15177916

Just get yourself a flesh light then idiot.

>> No.15177922
File: 439 KB, 2047x2560, 21528CB2-C78C-4E85-AEC7-F99CD239F2CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder this is what women consider to be the apex of literature

>> No.15177925
File: 6 KB, 224x225, 96539A24-1E3B-4460-B030-C2CA83A6D04C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that’s what i was saying. one-dimensional sexual compatibility/attraction is boring and if you date someone you wouldn’t be friends with that attraction will dwindle quickly. sow your wild oats if you must but realize you won’t find partnership in a retarded woman. if you date someone you could also be friends with, though, you get ass AND conversation...the thinking man’s choice.

>> No.15177928

Is she hot? If so her taste doesnt matter

>> No.15177934

Let me guess, it's about witches or something?

>> No.15177944

you're either a girl or a complete nothing of a guy

>> No.15177990
File: 7 KB, 228x221, 1551909286396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw knew a girl in HS who was almost a perfect match for me
>wasn't a brainlet normie, liked playing card games & other things like sudoku, was basically the only other person I knew who read for leisure, both shared that loner, toxic vibe
>just couldn't bring myself to date her, she was just too unfortunate looking

feels fucking bad man, I know she liked me too. Also handled the whole situation like an autist so we aren't friends today either.

>> No.15178026
File: 6 KB, 250x191, 990ADA42-3331-42BD-8ED9-9CF59D977C41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sucks ass, bro. sorry to hear it. i hope you find something like that again someday.

>> No.15178113

Dare I say...based?

>> No.15178141

You can't go saying women aren't all that bad only to go on and compare those you disagree with to women like that is a terrible insult

>> No.15178204

Honestly, who cares. If you are happy with her and she is happy with you, she will be also happy about the activities you do if you teach her/him, she will try to do it. But if you have those thoughts that you are better than him/her just because his/her tastes are quite different, you will be always in a really sad relationship.


>> No.15178237

Yikes. Let's unpack this. You did a racism. You did an imperialism. You did a nationalism. You did a xenophobia. You did a white fragility. You did a no growth. This makes it abundantly clear you don't even understand the intersectional nature of the multiplicity of your offenses.

>> No.15178245
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Experience at what, being a massive faggot?

>> No.15178250

It's actually about a circus whose performance consists of creating an new reality for a few day. You have to solve some riddles to get something while loosing yourself in the reality of the game, wondering what is real and what is an act. An then the is the love story.

>> No.15178265

yes ;o

>> No.15178296

Fucking hell its like an AI wrote a YA novel

>> No.15178347

Did you have a stroke while writing this?

>> No.15178393
File: 10 KB, 204x249, sad hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys are dating

>> No.15178419
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I'm not

>> No.15178425

Your own fault for engaging with a moron? The signs are always there bruh, can't blame her for you being too stupid to pick up on them

>> No.15178443

I did a similarly cowardly thing in my high school years. Maybe if my parents had instilled any real values or virtue in me things would have turned out differently but at least I know now.

>> No.15178514

She dies in the end. Which is nice. Until she comes back to life. And feels the need to continue her adventure in the next two books.
It is written for YA readers and the story isn't too bad for that audience. Like a movie you could binge watch. I just wish books for young people (especially for girls) wouldn't always be built upon romance. And the few books in the genre that avoid love as a substitute for content get a movie adaptation and some new characters who can fall in love with the young protagonist.

>> No.15178552

Just stop...please just stop trying to sell this book, I am literally begging you.

>> No.15178600

Guess that’s what happens when you write purely as a product for a target audience, the romance is there purely because it’s expected from the genre and as such only acts to appeal to teenage girl’s burgeoning fuck instincts rather than to actually add to the narrative in a meaningful way.

Perhaps one day someone will write a YA novel that actually subverts the conventions of the genre but since that would require actually taking a risk and having even a shred of originality and integrity I highly fucking doubt it at this point.

>> No.15178620

How the fuck is he even remotely shilling he’s literally just providing a balanced criticism of the way the book is written based upon his experiences with the series, which just so happens to be the entire point of this fucking board you dull cunt.

>> No.15178743

you are supposed to marry some bitch while having a woman like that as a lover.

>> No.15178825

my girlfriend speaks Latin and her favorite author is Dostoevsky bros I'm so lucky

>> No.15178860

The inclusion of romance is hardly the issue here.

>> No.15178867

>her favorite author is Dostoevsky
How nice of you to date a downie. Your relationship better be platonic though, because I'm not sure the mentally retarded can consent.

>> No.15178872

Ugly girls have it rough

>> No.15178907

>not being able to appreciate the beauty of brothers k

i feel bad for u anon. perhaps ur jealous that you can't speak a dead language

>> No.15178940

thats rough bros. most "ugly" girls ive seen arent even that ugly. they just don't know how to dress themselves/take care of their hair or something. all of the weird ugly chicks from my high school are perfectly normal now, p much same for the weird dudes.

there are some truly gross people out there, though, and I feel bad if that's what she looked like..

>> No.15178989

Please read Plato's Symposium and then shut the fuck up with your coombrain nonsense.

>> No.15179019


>> No.15179020

Lmao. I am a woman and this was literally my luck all of high school. Still kinda sucks but I managed to settle down even though I am ugly
But, really imagine being a woman in today's age? Every man acts like this kind of thing only affects them. All of my friends are the least vapid people I know yet still the last time they really a book was in high school or college for mandatory reading.

>> No.15179074
File: 154 KB, 820x836, 351AD882-9A69-452C-8AAF-32059E11C331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a woman
Stopped reading there

>> No.15179109


>> No.15179134

>imagine being a woman in today's age
it's easier than ever to be a woman

I know a literal 2/10 that looks like a pig that gets laid regularly through tinder. Maybe if you're looking for love it's hard, but it's hard for everybody

>> No.15179155

You know the rules

>> No.15179172

Fair enough. I meant friendship wise but I can see how having a partner would be more important

>> No.15179323

if it's hard to make genuine friends, then it follows it must be much harder to find genuine love