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/lit/ - Literature

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15176956 No.15176956 [Reply] [Original]

When did philosophy become mainstream?

>> No.15177049

The mere presence of a woman next to something I love fills me with dread. It's like I've just arrived on the scene of a horrible tragedy. I don't even assume they're about to ruin the thing I love, I assume they're in the middle of ruining it or have just finished ruining it. Women are so efficient at ruining things, you can never get there early enough to eject them and prevent it. It's always too late.

>> No.15177057

you chose to eat the apple of your own volition adam

>> No.15177072

Sounds like she didn't learn anything

>> No.15177074

holy... based

>> No.15177079

Double cringe

>> No.15177087

What did philosophy mean by this?

>> No.15177095

American and British women have always “studied philosophy”. They use it to broadcast to the world that they’re “smart” and “cultured”.

>> No.15177121

A better question is when did philosophy stop being mainstream?

>> No.15177193

>Read a bunch of ancient shit that's not relevant in the modern world anymore.
>Im SOoOo EdUcAtED GuYs, oMg

>> No.15177203
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Shakira is autistic. She's always been into stuff like this. She works with James Heckman (Nobel laureate) on education stuff.

>> No.15177213
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She's from a shithole land (Latin America), and she's their most famous person. Doing stuff like this actually moves the needle on how people act.

>> No.15177217

>The mere presence of a woman next to something I love fills me with dread.
It is because you know you are weak.

>> No.15177230


>> No.15177240


>> No.15177279
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They will never penetrate the core of ancient philosophy or even so much as understand it in the slightest bit. The ancients took pains to make their thoughts woman-proof, and all the women who try to delve into them will merely stop at the surface or be puzzled by a vision of the world that is incomprehensible to their mind founded on hedonism and and attention whoring. The intelligible world is a realm only men can reach with their minds because they're the only beings which are capable of eschewing the evils of the material world.

>> No.15177287
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>Carlos Marx
Do spics really?

>> No.15177316

this but unironically

>> No.15177320
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>> No.15177321

/lit/ confirmed for women stuck in men's bodies

>> No.15177323
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>The ancients took pains to make their thoughts woman-proof

thank you for upgrading my misogyny to straussian levels, anon. i didn't think i had anything left to learn.

>> No.15177330

i guess so. its kinda like butchering french words.

Godard ---> Go-DAR (hard r)
Jean-Baptiste ---->John Bap-TEEST

>> No.15177333

>please tell me you already conform to the hive brain consensus, please
why are marxists like this?

>> No.15177361

Jove Chronides created women to punish men and make them feel the throes of marriage. It's only natural that they weren't conceived with a higher goal in his mind.

>> No.15177627

Look into the hindus and buhdists, they knew this to be true. a women could never ascend, at best they may become a man in their next life and then ascend. Even in the Semitic truths women is but a rib.

>> No.15177901

As someone whose native language is Dutch, I always found it fascinating how in English you guys change names while we tend to retain the Greek/Latin name. Aristoteles -> Aristotle, Marcus Antonius -> Mark Anthony, etc. So the spics are not alone in doing it. I've always found Jacobus -> James very interesting too.

>> No.15177915

I think everyone does that, the French call him Aristote.

>> No.15177970

That really only happens when we have a tradition of calling people in an anglicized manor due to some level of import where they were invoked often, or if there is a direct English equivolent (louis>louis)

I mean , we still call circero cicero, instead of Circk or something.

>> No.15178000

So all /lit/zens are all pseuds pretending to be educated? Noice

>> No.15178046
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>me not like wiman

>> No.15178062

bro Plato's teacher was a woman, the whole history of Western philosophy is just woman's work

>> No.15178071

Considering all the free time people have now, I do hope it becomes mainstream.

Good for her, too. Hopefully she releases a new disc as good as her first ones.

>> No.15178082

a soijak, insightful! you are either a woman attempting to ruin this thread, a male who wants to be a woman, also attempting to ruin this thread, or a misled, retarded whiteknight using /lit/ to scrounge for pussy, which you won’t find, who is also, surprise, attempting to ruin this thread. soijak posters are WORTHLESS!

>> No.15178084


Also I find it endearing that one of the most famous women in the world has to apologize (!) for studying something

>> No.15178096

You don't care for philosophy if someone else reading it makes you angry

>> No.15178129

I've heard she has an IQ of like 140, same as Natalie Portman

>> No.15178251

Shakira is based, /lit/ be mad. Latin America absolutely needs this type of message.

>> No.15178335

Angloids call Aristoteles "Aristotle".

>> No.15178343


>> No.15178346

Hispanics call him Aristoteles, closer to the original name.

>> No.15178374

>not correctly inflecting his name depending on what grammatical part he is of the sentence
uuh why do english speakers do this? WTF so strange why don't they just use his actual name!

>> No.15178387

This honestly needs to be screencapped and made the banner of every board on 4chan.

>> No.15178403

>and she's their most famous person
In the same way Michael Jackson is the most famous American, I guess.

>> No.15178411

>tfw no philosopher-exotic dancer mommy gf

>> No.15178416

They can't pronounce names as they're written without it sounding like gibberish

>> No.15178421

Just gonna have to isolate with a bunch of penises

>> No.15178432

Most of you sound like complete idiots speaking English, we're just polite to you.

>> No.15178453

>4 week course

>> No.15178454
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380 B.C.

>> No.15178462

>why are marxists like this?
Marxists rarely read outside of political philosophy.

>> No.15178464

>I've heard she has an IQ of like 140
Does she like walking simulators?

>> No.15178466

hipsters think plato is obscure. in what world lmao

>> No.15178471

where does she say that?

>> No.15178495

yea and greta thumberg's is in the dubble diggits

>> No.15178499

She uses predecessor instead of successor. She's not the brightest bulb in the box.

>> No.15178513

you can just tell you pleb
she's a basic bitch
next she'll be reading deleuze or some shit
absolute hipster

>> No.15178521

That's literally the name of the course, "Plato & His Predecessors." Sounds like you're not the brightest bulb in the box LMAO

>> No.15178529

>you can just tell you pleb
No, you literally can't tell.
>she's a basic bitch
Yea, but that doesn't make her a hipster.

>> No.15178530

This is prime pasta material.
"Aristóteles" to be precise.

>> No.15178547

This. Shakira is doing God's work.

>> No.15178550

What would Plato have said about her Super Bowl performance?

>> No.15178551

how the tables have turned

>> No.15178556
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>tfw no Shakira dressed as a boy gf


>> No.15178560


>> No.15178562

his little greektoid mind would have been fried by the sheer spectacle he was witnessing.
Aristotle would probably say it is too much spectacle but I see him as a football guy so I think he would enjoy the game itself.

>> No.15178574

Was her favorite dialogue symposium? I bet it was symposium. Does she want to fuck young boys now?

>> No.15178575

Good on her for finding time to chase knowledge. Hopefully she teaches her kids.

>> No.15178577

When the learning replaced the living

>> No.15178580

Plato said music was dangerous. If he saw music plus sexy dancing he'd have a brain aneurysm.

>> No.15178584

niggas never read plato

>> No.15178594

big based

>> No.15178607

Zhu-ahhwn jean

>> No.15178610


>> No.15178615

Nothing was written down before Plato

>> No.15178619


>> No.15178625

This is just blatantly wrong.

>> No.15178626

Yes I'm sure you know all about her. Stop protecting sperg

>> No.15178645

Presocratics. Kys

>> No.15178673

You mean the deity created by men?

>> No.15178698

you gotta source on that bro?

>> No.15178709
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>> No.15178715

based beyond comprehension

>> No.15178718

You don't deserve no proper grammar for your absolutely retarded claim.

>> No.15178725

Rent free. That cuck mindset

>> No.15178728


>> No.15178745

Cope with you being mentally deficient? Oh I don't know if I can.

>> No.15178748

So you are indeed a nigger? LMAO

>> No.15178750


we love shakira here

>> No.15178762
File: 25 KB, 300x425, ST._252520AUGUSTINOS__46977.1372976814.1000.1200_400x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t see what sort of help woman was created to provide man with, if one excludes procreation. If woman is not given to man for help in bearing children, for what help could she be? To till the earth together? If help were needed for that, man would have been a better help for man. The same goes for comfort in solitude. How much more pleasure is it for life and conversation when two friends live together than when a man and a woman cohabitate?

>> No.15178803

¡¡¡¡carlos marxo yippa yippa!!!! *gun shots from two six shooters* ayudame senor communismoso yo quireo taco bell

>> No.15179116

Natalie Portman isn't smart. She's just from an upper middle class striver family that preaches shallow credentialism.

>> No.15179145


>> No.15179154

Agreed, anglos sound like shit

>> No.15179168


>> No.15179173

i like how she suggests aristotle isn't fun

>> No.15179184

One day you may gain the maturity to realize the emotion you're feeling is resentful inferiority, but you might also just die a petulant child.

>> No.15179195

yeah, we already know she's Jewish

>> No.15179198

>Shakira studies the presocratics
holy based

>> No.15179211

It was an upper class hobby at least since Margaret Cavendish wrote to Descartes about the Meditations. It was ostensibly practiced by men of all sorts in Athens and Sparta. What do you mean by "mainstream"?

>> No.15179400


>> No.15179479

Books for this feel?

>> No.15179732
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I love this website, sometimes.

>> No.15179777

Which bathroom did she use?

>> No.15179886
File: 321 KB, 1800x2700, Shakira-on-Beach-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mouth (unisex)

>> No.15180183

Are you a woman? Why would anyone wish for literally anything that isn't mainstream to become mainstream? Go suck a pen15.

>> No.15180250

Confirmed based.

>> No.15180253

Absolutely wrong, but even if it weren't, what would even be your point?

>> No.15180277

Because I'm not a pompous entitled amerimutt maybe?

>> No.15180295

unironically based

>> No.15180300

Sure thing reddit

>> No.15180385

4chan: The Post

>> No.15180538

I can't tell you about her but I personally do

>> No.15180565

Yeah, I’m thinking this is based.

>> No.15180882

it seems like advertisement also she seems happy about it

>> No.15180903

I really don't care for the misogyny either but that really isn't an effective response and I don't think you know what that meme is. Also you need to do a lot more than this
>>me not like wiman
to get to someone on a site like this

>> No.15180957

>I mean , we still call circero cicero, instead of Circk or something.
umm, yeah...

>> No.15180972

hello, based department?

>> No.15180993

this post made my day

>> No.15181081

Imagine thinking it's a bad thing that a hugely influential pop star is promoting online learning (and the Greeks to boot)

>> No.15181185
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>> No.15181229

women can't even ruin shit properly, m8
they suck at that too, so cheer up

>> No.15181252

Hopefully never, because it’s useless. Go out to the garden, grow something, make something useful or lovely

>> No.15181266

triply based
quadulated cringe

>> No.15181581


>> No.15181631

high IQ women are rare and extremely based