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/lit/ - Literature

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15171607 No.15171607 [Reply] [Original]

What do your girlfriends read /lit/?

>> No.15171648

So far this year, my girlfriend read Animal Farm and The Catcher in the Rye (she didn't get to read them in high school so she wanted to find out what she missed) and now she's reading a book on Voodoo.

Unbelievably based, I am so lucky :)

>> No.15171655


>> No.15171656

Fuck off with the gf shit

>> No.15171669
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>> No.15171676

YA and Teen novels, she's really smart and reads much quicker than me, what should I recommend to get her into some real literature?

>> No.15171692
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pic related

>> No.15171693

She reads everything I do, she turns the pages for me.

>> No.15171705

in my experience girls only read gay bullshit

>> No.15171711

Spring Snow and the rest of the Tetralogy.

>> No.15171717

Is your gf 15?

>> No.15171725

bitches love murakami

>> No.15171726

She reads whatever she gets assigned in school and some YA on the side.
She reads really fast.

>> No.15171734

I'm tired at this lazy, stupid, boring way of creating threads /v/ style, just to talk about something unrelated to this board.

>> No.15171746
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Serialized pap, usually.
A few years ago, when it was popular, I couldn’t help myself from chastising an old co-worker for reading Fifty Shades of Grey. I think I said something like, “there’s so much out there that’s better to read”, but she was reading it so she could talk to other airhead friends about it.
Another old co-worker actually recommended Hemingway’s Farewell to Arms

>> No.15171758

just let her read whatever she wants lol

>> No.15171768

2 cups a day or less
in another time we'd sever your genitals and applaud

>> No.15171809

She doesnt read anything, If I see a book in her hand I beat it out of her hand and give her some knitting needles.
Shes made me some really nice quilts of the years.

>> No.15171824

Seriously, dont let your girl read. Shell start thinking she can do other things then, like leave the house and put on clothes.

>> No.15171829

That's what School for Wives taught me.

>> No.15171974


>> No.15171988

I haven't spoken to a girl that wasn't selling me alcohol or cigarettes for at least 12 months

>> No.15171993

Where's the pic from?

>> No.15172126

Anyone else got a gf thanks to /lit/ ?
I mean philosophy, psychoanalysis, and psychology books teach what the average ignorant women doesn't know. You tend to dominate them with their shitty dogmatism talk.

>> No.15172144

>letting your girlfriend read

>> No.15172170
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I can see why you are swimming in ignorant women. You seem very wise and dominant. Dogma BTFO.

>> No.15172189
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My tradwife does not know how to read.

>> No.15172237

GTFO normie

>> No.15172261

Tfw your gf constantly reads manga bout gay boys

>> No.15172267
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>> No.15172270

So far I know she’s read The Iliad, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Andrew Yang’s book and something else.

>> No.15172301

Hypnosis, Psychoanalysis and Psyche reshaping books are best.

>> No.15172732

I highly doubt many of those girls care about reading much at all. S and Z and the druze girl probably read the Quran. That is all I can think of.

>> No.15172873

She's currently reading french language children's books to help her teach herself the language. Other than that she talks about wanting to read more but seldom does, but I think that the fact that she does not bothers her more than it does me.

>> No.15172928

ive honestly debated the idea in my head if a woman would truly be happier if they did not read and just lived her base nature

>> No.15173042
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My friend and original poster, I do not have a girlfriend, have never had a girlfriend, and will never have a girlfriend.
That's everyone. The agricultural revolution and its consequences etc etc.

>> No.15173071

>12 months
fuck off normie

>> No.15173113


>> No.15173130
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Idk, I've got so many girlfriends that it gets hard to keep track of them all!

>> No.15173209

submit to me NEET

>> No.15173265
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This. My anime folder is huge at this point.

>> No.15173274

How and when will anime be made real?

>> No.15173314


>> No.15173335

>my girlfriend
But actually my ex read YA crap, she liked horror so I gave her Dracula and Frankenstein but it didn’t
I had been seeing a couple of cougars very casually up until isolation started, one doesn’t read and the other likes poetry, she gave me a Rupi Kaur book, I didn’t know who Kaur was at the time and it killed any non-sexual feeling I had for the woman
I have a female friend who reads the same books that /lit/ reads but I don’t find her physically attractive so I can’t date her which sucks

>> No.15173347

Since she met me (more than four years ago) she read:
The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Roverandom.
The Chronicles of Narnia.
The Inheritance Cycle and The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm.
Some random books.

>> No.15173354

infinite jest, 1q84 and white noise

>> No.15173376

Mine is reading Inherent Vice. Says she really enjoys it. Mainly she likes films and poetry though.

>> No.15173479

>Sends me a pic of a history book
Cool, will you read that?
Where did you get it?
>My dad years ago
Try it
>I don't like the topic
Then read *topic she likes*
She is trenendously ignorant on everything but whatever.

>> No.15173508

Extensive continuous reading + being surrounded by plebs = sustained confidence boost

Confidence boost -> Lack of fear, lack of care = gf magnet

Yes. Psychology and Neuroscience are very helpful information for manipulation, but the key is not on the info itself, but on the confident aura you project when you believe in your superiority.

>> No.15173516

My gf is a genre fiction pleb that loves Harry Potter and the last book she read was Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman.

>> No.15173519
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Why yes, my gf reads
and such things

>> No.15173527

she's a lesbian, bro.

>> No.15173529

She sounds more like a transsexual

>> No.15173549

My gf has read The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini

>> No.15173566

My girlfriend doesn't read, but while I do, she turns the pages.

>> No.15173889

Will to Power by Nietzsche

>> No.15173896

I'm a kissless handholdless hugless dateless virgin who will die alone without ever knowing what it's like to have a girlfriend

>> No.15174050

Based and redpilled
Literature is supposed to be a way of avoiding reality and contact with real human beings.

>> No.15174127

My exgf was proud of having read the Harry Potter books like 8 times.
A couple of years ago I found out she got into Pessoa and likes to quote The Book of Disquiet on twitter, so there's hope I guess.

>> No.15174199

Hit it from behind

>> No.15174222 [DELETED] 

shut up, tranny, your schizophrenic dilated axe-wounded putrid ass imagining a real female is not you having a gf

>> No.15174227

my gf studied ancient languages and used to read many greek and roman texts, but these days just reads trashy romance (English language)

>> No.15174241
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Yeah, reading this thread made me firmly decide that I will not let my wife read any unapproved materials.

>> No.15174261

gf reads pop-psych books on narcisism and other stuff - had a messed-up childhood and loves picking the scabs

>> No.15174572
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My gf is dyslexic as fuck so not much lol. She's been reading "Is Capitalism Working?" by Jacob Fields on and off for a year, but she's an artist so occasionally dips into art books too. Pic related is one she's reading now that actually sounds pretty interesting.

>> No.15174611

I bully her to reading Gravity's Rainbow so we can hate it together <3

>> No.15174631

>loves picking the scabs
shit nigga that's literally my fetish, give me her number NOW

>> No.15174655
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>my wife
what wife?

>> No.15174666

She's probably somewhere in school right now, she's still too young to have met me.

>> No.15174667

wtf is up with picking scabs. Why don't we have a psychological aversion to it like we do with insects or rotting food? Why do I want to pick my scabs? Surely there's an obvious evolutionary advantage in leaving them where they are rather than reopening a wound...

>> No.15174703

>evolutionary advantage
>he still believes in evolution

>> No.15174737

The fact that you got satan's digits makes this post all the more creepier. Kill yourself, its the most ethical thing you can do in this scenario.

>> No.15174748

>Why do I want to pick my scabs?
The same reason that Jonathan Swift liked to rummage through women's shit-stained underwear. We just can't help our scatological or corporeal fascinations.

>> No.15174761
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Strangely enough it was typical /lit/ stuff (with a strong French bent) that got me laid. I had a one night stand with some art school chick after we talked about Bataille. Then I found my girlfriend and we read a lot of things together. She mostly reads edgy modern French stuff or classics - Balzac, Maupassant, the Russians - she got me to read Tolstoy's Resurrection, Francoise Sagan and Andre Gide. She's reading Vargas Llosa's Don Rigoberto novels right now, I'll borrow them when she's finished.

She doesn't really like the postmodern/metamodern/maximalist shit that gets memed here all the time. Mostly because a lot of it is genuinely shit, but I think gender might have something to do with it. She's very open to reading transgressive stuff but she's doesn't like it if it's more weird than erotic, like J. G. Ballard. She likes Houellebecq though. I've never met another woman that likes Houellebecq.

>> No.15174791

Id guess it's simply to check out what's going on with them. I don't know about you but I don't have a desire to actually rip off scabs that are still protecting open flesh. I just absentmindedly test them and see what the status is, and then when theyve become clearly superfluous ill take them off, they usually come very easily by that stage.

>> No.15174810

Scratching is a temporarily pleasurable sensation. Likewise with the urge to rub a mosquito bite or pop a spot.

That said if you're an adult and you can't stop yourself from picking scabs and insect bites, you need to grow up and develop some basic self-control.

>> No.15174853

She reads a lot of things from YA trash to classic literature to Taleb and other nonfiction. Most recently she's reading a book on the history and significance of tea and tea ceremonies in different cultures I think. Her fav author is PG Wodehouse.

>> No.15174887

Lemme see them.

>> No.15175336

THey just larping

>> No.15175551
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I don't want a gf who can read, I just want a dumb bimbo gf

>> No.15175603


She only reads the books that I write.

I'm her favorite author, anon. It's fucking incredible.

>> No.15175622


I've always been interested in the subjects, but have never found a good way to get into the genres.

Anything off the top of your head that would work?

>> No.15175658

William Gaddis, William Gass, Quentin Maxwell, John Barth, John Hawkes, Joy Williams, Giovanni Brown, Joseph McElroy, Thomas Pynchon, Marvin Silverstein, Don Delillo, Rober Coover, Donald Barthelme, Howard Minnesota, Walter Abish, Coleman Dowell, Evan Dara, Al Rumsfeld, William Vollmann, Christine Brooke-Rose, Warren Warren, Henry James, Gertrude Stein, Boris Blindfold
just to name a few.

>> No.15175741

I... I don't have one... bro...

>> No.15175791

Hito Steyerl is a pretty good writer. I read her Wretched of the Screen which I thought very good.

>> No.15175914

Is she a literature major or some shit? She seems that into it.

>> No.15176138

My girlfriend tends to read extremely sad and depressing books about people whose lives go to shit and never get better ... lots of drama.If we read something together though ... I'm normally able to talk her into some light hearted comedic fiction of the scifi / fantasy variety.

>> No.15176155

Mine likes books about real life mysteries and unsolved crimes, like The Killer of Florence.

>> No.15176174

Likes histories. She is currently reading Clarendon.

>> No.15176193

I’m a gypo meaning I was arranged in marriage. As such she doesn’t read because she can hardly read/write, being a Gypsy and all.

She had a couple dreams which were word for word repeats of some lovecraft stories, scene for scene, so I’ve wondered if she somehow read lovecraft and forgot about it.

>> No.15176243

she's reading kant <3

>> No.15176253

Whatever I'm reading :3

We read books together.

>> No.15176263

Lovecraft's stories are about real dimensions of reality, he was a chronicler though he didnt realize this himself, your wife is just picking up on them through dream wandering.

>> No.15176270


I’m an occultist who’s studied Grant, I know the theories d00d

>> No.15176280

I rarely jack off to cartoons, but I'm thinking today I'll make an exception

>> No.15176379

she's only plain looking not hideous, but she's very skinny and i like curvy women

>> No.15176401

because your wife is a japanese god of vegetables.

>> No.15176444

You like 2D girls who read anon?

>> No.15176725

My gf recently read American Psycho and A Clockwork Orange
I was trying to get her into Plato but she seems to have an aversion to philosophy, might be able to get her to read some Thoreau though since she's into nature and I've convinced her to homestead with me once we've got enough money to buy our own house

>> No.15176940

Absolute normie stuff. But she likes it.

>> No.15177126

how to get philologist gf

>> No.15177159

My last gf "read" and "used to read more when [she] was younger." So obviously she had about a dozen or so of books she never once cracked open.
Titles include:
>Into the Wild
>Tuesdays with Morrie
>One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
>A Clockwork Orange

>> No.15177202

Don't have one. Haven't had one. We'll see if there's a girl that likes me enough to deal with my autistic habits.

>> No.15178590

your wife is my paizuri slave bro!

>> No.15178652

You mean to say she doesn't exist?

>> No.15179230

my last ex used to read harry potter and other YA garbage

>> No.15179243

haruki murakami

his entire collection

>> No.15179260

She reads much more varied material than I do, from the classics to YA. Right now she's reading some material on WWII.

>> No.15179265

What do you want her to leave anon lmao

>> No.15179283

>Right now she's reading some material on WWII.
Which side does she think was in the right?

>> No.15179327

Art of Seduction by R. Greene

>> No.15179338

Lacan, Romantic poetry, Victorian porno

>> No.15179343

Listen to Molyneuxs old 3 hour episodes, you learn alot from a sociopath who knows how to root through someones history and then tell them what to think.

Book wise Games People Play has three books in the series,
Games People Play
Im Okay Your Okay - Best
What to say after saying Hello

Game and Lady by Roosh are superfical but give more psychanalysis of peoples intentions.

Of all I think the Good Stroke method is most statisfactoy.

Hypnosis -
Counterintelpro Techniques for Dilution
Get Anyone to Do Anything by (((Lieberman))) is much better than other books

Neurolinguistic Progamming (NLP) is also an interesting study area
Trigger Words and how they are used Against Us
The Battle for your mind by Dick Sutphen is an interesting look at the Christian new life method of induction into a group.

Frogs into Princes , is more NLP study

Anyway those are the books I have on hand, more research into Neurolinguistic Programming will offer a new area of study I highly recommend.

>> No.15179542

Weak shit bro.

>> No.15179571

It's mainly Bakhtin books and Jane Austen novels as far as I know

>> No.15179856

i'm a woman, anon. you can reply to me if you want.

>> No.15180080

Nah, I'm straight

>> No.15180095

Murakami as all girls do

>> No.15180335

lacan and f scott fitzgerald

>> No.15180917

My gf introduced me to /lit/