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15170623 No.15170623 [Reply] [Original]

What was the best Harry Potter book in your humble opinion?

>> No.15170652

I tried to think of one but came to the conclusion that they are all bad for varying reasons. It is worth mentioning I haven't read any of them since I was 11

>> No.15170685
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Why yes, I prefer the Harry Potter movies over the books. How could you tell?

>> No.15170698

For me it's Goblet of Fire

>> No.15170709

The middle ones were all right

>> No.15170731

Azkaban.had the best plot. But the later books (Goblet of Fire onwards) were much more interesting since the characters grew older and became brooding, moody teenagers. I don't think there are many books about teenagers that really capture the angst of growing up apart from Salinger.

>> No.15170745
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Prisoner of Azkaban, because it had pic related

>> No.15170804

The one where Dumbledore replaced the Slytherin common room with a gas chamber because he had enough with their shit and being evil be default.

>> No.15170829

Goblet of Fire was the best film

>> No.15170837

They must have edited that bit out of the American pulications

>> No.15170842

All I know is that as far as the movies go:
Azkaban>Half Blood Prince>the first two
And then the rest are all varying levels of shit.

>> No.15170868


>> No.15171480

Slytherin being evil was such lazy writing.

According to Rowling's tweet, Slughor used luck potion to propose to his wife and later to divorce her. So he wasn't a piece of shit but still kind of shit.

>> No.15171504

A Very Potter Musical.

Hermione thanking Draco for becoming her stepping stone hit close home.

>> No.15172372

The one where Harry died. Hated the part when he came back to life tho.

>> No.15173719

>Slughor used luck potion to propose to his wife and later to divorce her.
>and later to divorce her.
Absolute genius move

>> No.15173728

A toss up between order of the phoenix and half-blood prince.

>> No.15173815 [DELETED] 

Half-Blood Prince.
>The media is a weapon used by the government
>The government fears an armed citizenry
>If you’re not allowed to arm and train the citizens openly do so in secret.
>Seeing a bitch get raped by horseniggers is funny.

>> No.15173829

prisoner of azkaban
it's the one that most encompasses the series' themes of sacrifice, honour and bravery
sorry that's not a snarky answer

>> No.15173859

Order of the Phoenix
>Media is a weapon of the government
>Citizens should be armed and trained in secret if not allowed openly
>Watching a bitch get raped by horse niggers is funny.

>> No.15173888

I wish I could enjoy them now like when I was 12. I liked Order of the Phoenix the most, then maybe Half-Blood Prince.

>> No.15174478

For me, it was Order of Phoenix.