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15169789 No.15169789 [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm going over the Culture of Critique again, trying to disprove my anti-Semitism. The last time I did this was 2 years ago.
Anyway, this stuff is even more sound the 5th time reading than the 4th.
I mean, does /lot/ have any criticisms of this book? I'm trying to find some.

>> No.15169796
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>> No.15169802
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>> No.15169824
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>> No.15169831

>in which Jewish males were able to have disproportionate sexual access to gentile females

>> No.15169848

I mean, honestly. How can anyone read this book and not be woke on the JQ? The fact that so much of this information is suppressed is indicative of the near hegemonic domination Jews have on media and society.
That quote you highlighted is like a mirror image of what Jeffrey Epstein was doing.

>> No.15169935

Should I read this book, anon? It's been sitting on my shelf for over a year now but I am afraid to read it because I don't think I'm ready to let myself become an anti-semite (although I am to a certain degree already).

>> No.15169937

Not one likes the atomization of society, regardless of the JQ. Methods to counteract the deleterious effect must be developed, and to be effective, without first needing to redpill everyone.

>> No.15169961

>Jews have power
>Jews work towards their own ends as a group
>Jews actively enforce a system where other groups can only ever work towards their own ends if it benefits the Jews as a group
>Jews pretend to be Whites when threatened, allowing them to pin their bad actions on Whites
There. That's essentially it.

I honestly hate reading this book, because seeing the evidence makes me mad. It's one thing to know that
>The Jews are flooding the US with foreigners
It's another thing to see dates, names, organizations, where the money goes, which laws are made, why, etc.

>> No.15169972

Imagine reading over 500 pages of /pol/ level ramblings about ethnic paranoia

>> No.15169973

It's a very interesting read. Unfortunately, it's bound to convert anyone who reads it with an open mind to a virulent anti-Semite. The information in this book is just too damning.

>> No.15169991

>it's bound to convert anyone who reads it with an open mind to a virulent anti-Semite
Maybe narrow minded low IQ anons

>> No.15170005

Really? Are you saying that you have evidence that something stated in >>15169961 is wrong? Would you care to show it to us? Surely, given that you've clearly read the book, you can elucidate your deep thoughts for us.

>> No.15170009

This is honestly cope. Try disproving one thing discussed in this book.

>> No.15170019

Seems there are only two types of people, those who haven’t read it and anti-semites. Having not read it but seeing problems in my society would not recommend casual dismissals.

>> No.15170028

He's lying. This book is honestly damning. I was an ex-commie when I read this book, so I always noticed how Jews were overrepresented in leftist groups. I wasn't an anti-Semite, though. This book pretty much did it.

>> No.15170041
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>> No.15170049
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>> No.15170064
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>> No.15170067
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>Jews are single handedly responsible for all progress and cultural momentum
Ok sweetie

>> No.15170079
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>> No.15170088

I mean, if you call a disentegrating social fabric, astronomical debt, sexual immorality, widespread neuroticism, and other pathologies "progress", then sure.

>> No.15170108

Oh, so you did see >>15170005. Would you care to show us that evidence? Again, you've obviously read the book.

>> No.15170126

There's not much detail in these pages. "This group does this and it's bad" I mean sure, it is bad, but it's useless playing bingo with this information in the real world

>> No.15170133

There's a lot of info in the book. It also includes about a hundred pages of sources.

>> No.15170154 [DELETED] 

>24 replies
>7 posters

No one cares, Stormfag. Stop making these embarrassing threads.


>> No.15170162


>> No.15170174

>cherry picked images

yeah nah bruh

>> No.15170182

Those are all explicitly the goals of Progressivism, so he would call them progress

>> No.15170189

>How can anyone read this book and not be woke on the JQ?
You can’t, which is why none of the critics bother to read it

>> No.15170212

I love cock and hate jews fuck you tranny

>> No.15170219

These still aren’t criticisms of the work. The images show it to be a scholarly work requiring at least the tiniest bit of serious consideration, yet there are only condemnations out of hand. We don’t even know what it recommends. Perhaps it finds a simple series of moderate reforms. But all we hear against it is “destroy the foul beast”. Is even the slightest criticism impossible? Then I do not need a citation to know corruption has already set in.

>> No.15170224

"A lot of info" is meaningless to me. There's a lot of info in Goonan as well. And sources are pointless if it's just pointing to other lots of info.

>> No.15170236

There is literally no info in Goonan you fat fuck

>> No.15170245

What does that tell you?

>> No.15170286

Man this thing sure is chock full of misinformation. From the Frankfurt school boogeyman to postmodernism.

>> No.15170305

Wait, are you denying is writings on the authoritarian personality?
What about how Jews used the Soviet Union and its military to Subjugated Poland?

>> No.15170307

Don't worry bro, it's got sources

>> No.15170313

No u dont understand loving your parents is fascism a jew told me this

>> No.15170314

Did Poland have no jews?

>> No.15170334

And have you read it? What was your impression?

>> No.15170349
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Jews use the Soviet Union to dominate Poland, ban anti-Semitism.

>> No.15170375

Go to bed, Kevin.

>> No.15170385
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Julius and Ethel Rosenberg helped give the Soviets the Atomic bomb. Spies who identifies communism as a Jewish project.

>> No.15170390

Jews used Nazi Germany to dominate Poland as well

>> No.15170394

Racism is not allowed outside of /b/.

>> No.15170422

Jews aren’t a race. Judaism is a psychological condition.

>> No.15170441

I think you already know that this book is concrete in what it says, as does anyone who has ever read it.
The fact that no leftists can come up with a better critique than to say "/pol/ ramblings" or "you're obsessed with the joos" just proves the irrefutability of the book.

>> No.15170492

Based and Weiningerpilled

>> No.15170517

I think people are generally afraid of the truth. The fear of the truth has pretty much neutered the left for decades, making them pretty much irrelevant.

>> No.15170529

Why can no one actually critique the substance of this book?

>> No.15170549

Because it's MacDonald's presence is not falsifiable. Why would Jews have such high rates of intermarriage with Gentiles and identify as "white" if they secretly harbored such ethnocentric tendencies?

>> No.15170550

Because it's true. Like I said, I read this book over to try and debunk it, but I can't. Most of this stuff is bullet proof and well-documented. A lot of the sources are even from Jewish authors PRAISING the aspect of the Jewish agenda that the author is criticizing.

>> No.15170553

The new generation of Jews is notably less ethnocentric than the previous one. Nevertheless, they still remain I highly ethnocentric, highly neurotic group.

>> No.15170559

It's an ethnoreligion. Not quite the same thing.

>> No.15170578

Of course.
Normies literally cannot survive without a Platonic noble lie.

>> No.15170584

I think most people are skeptical of truth claims at this point, and for good reason.

>> No.15170589

Anti-Semitism is pointless because the final redpill is that the Holocaust was right and necessary but that's a place few people are willing/able to go to.

So why bother? Nothing else is gonna change anything.

>> No.15170601

If the holocaust was right why did it fail and only exacerbate the supposed problem? Nothing was solved by Auschwitz, many completely innocent people were killed

>> No.15170671

On the authoritarian character:

>That such a type did in fact exist was not the issue in question. As Adorno later admitted: "we never regarded the theory simply as a set of hypotheses but as in some sense standing on its own feet, and therefore did not intend to prove or disprove the theory through our findings but only to derive from it concrete questions for investigation, which must then be judged on their own merit and demonstrate certain prevalent socio-psychological structures."
(Martin Jay - Dialectical Imagination, p.240)

>As Adorno himself was later to admit, "if The Authoritarian Personality made a contribution, this is not to be sought in the absolute validity of the positive insights, even less in statistics, but above all in the posing of the issues, which were motivated by a genuine social concern and related to a theory that had not previously been translated into quantitative investigations of this sort."
(Martin Jay - Dialectical Imagination, p.250)

"Hermeneutics of suspicion," which is a phrase from Paul Ricoeur's book Freud and Philosophy. referred to Marx, Nietzche, and Freud. Also worded as "masters of suspicion" and not masters of skepticism, even if they were a part of destroying ideas. "All three clear the horizon for a more authentic word, for a new reign of Truth, not only by means of a 'destructive' critique, but by the invention of an art of interpreting." They revealed a false consciousness, a false understanding of the "text" (society) by systematically applying a critique of suspicion, with the result that the true understanding, one that more faithfully tracks and correlates with the real situation now becomes unmasked and revealed. All three, for Ricoeur, "represent three convergent procedures of demystification." So MacDonald is distressed with not being able to form some large assumption, which is essentially the book itself, a large assumption.

He's very clever at plugging in his beliefs. It's confirmation bias. You have to know your stuff to see the fluff, which is why most of this board is helpless. Unfortunately because of time it would be a waste to go through the whole thing. I'm sure some academic physiologist has responded thoroughly though.

>> No.15170715

>anti-semitic book is written by a catholic

>> No.15170762


>> No.15170765

Because they really did try to just make it a big deportation plan, which went balls up. They were too merciful to repeat the scale of outright slaughter the Soviets were doing over the border. And you do know a big war happened too right? That tends to throw a few spanners in the works.

>> No.15170774

There's nothing religious about this book.
Try again retard

>> No.15170788

Mass deportation based on wrong genes is unjust, and the whole thing backfired unsurprisingly. Having certain genetics doesn't make someone guilty of a crime, Jews are European and don't exactly have a country of their own except for the mess that's Israel.

>> No.15170794

once 'tarded, always 'tarded

>anti-semitic book
>nothing religious about it

>> No.15170807

Lmao this is the level of replies that butthurt retards resort to over this book kek
Try and disprove anything he says then.

>> No.15170809

Antisemitism only makes sense from a Catholic viewpoint

>> No.15170819

Cause it wasn't finished but haphazardly implemented and rushed

>> No.15170825

It backfired because it was a stupid and cruel solution

>> No.15170827

there's no proof one way or the other in religious arguments, they're pointless and for idiots

>> No.15170832

You know that the majority of Jews are atheists right?

>> No.15170836

they aren't jews then

>> No.15170841

Fuck off you kike.

>> No.15170844

>everyone who is smarter than me is a kike
typical religitard

>> No.15170851

i never realized it was this bad

>> No.15170857

Yes, and their was a lot of tension between them and the Catholic church which catalyzed them and their identity

>> No.15170864

Ashkenazi is a genetic race, shown on DNA tests.

>> No.15170869

what exactly is wrong with sexually dominating your slaves? all slave owners have done it throughout history regardless of race and religion

>> No.15170881

ashkenazi is heavily roman / italian mixed, you're chasing after spooks

>> No.15170898

>tfw when the biggest redpill of Jews and Communism is the Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1918, where Jews were only a single digit of the population and controlled almost the entirety of the top positions in the government

>> No.15170969
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There’s is no solution except for the final solution. Jews have been kicked out nearly every every nation in Europe and the Middle East for 2000 years. After being kicked out of one they just go into another be Jews and then are kicked out again. They do this for long enough and the first nations that kicked them out forget why they did it and the cycle repeats. It’s repeated for so long that our modern society doesn’t ask “why” they were kicked out, but only “why does that matter”? The only solution is a mass extermination of anyone who practices the religion, a burning of their religious text, and desecration of their history and then eventually being forgotten. They’re everywhere and they subvert everything. I was reading blink recently because of the commandants reading list bullshit and before any prior knowledge about the author I picked out that he was Jewish by the points he brought up.
>one out of place mention of a a scientist wearing a kippah
>”if you’re turkey not racist then you need to indulge contstantly in black culture”
>mentioned General Van Rippers bullshit to make a a false point
They’ve been everywhere for the past 100 years that’s almost comical. The author of The Crucible was not only a commie, but also a Jew. In America this time is history taught to be a time of mass persecution that was often false and equated to a witch hunt because of this one play. Even though the Soviet Union (as shown by the Verona papers) did infiltrate every level of our society. They need to be killed.

>> No.15171005

It's a religious problem, religions are all viruses it's not unique to the Jews and not all Jewish people are a hivemind guilty of the same sins just for existing as a Jewish person

>> No.15171030

Not quoted but atheist jews are even more guilty of it than religious ones.

>> No.15171033

>scared of words on a page
Are you serious dude?

>> No.15171039

Yeah i don't see the point of read the torah or talmud either

>> No.15171041

Any objection to this shit gets you shouted down as an anti-Semite.

>> No.15171044

Because they hypocritical profess a belief is equality out of the other side of their mouth.

>> No.15171047

>It's a religious problem, religions are all viruses it's not unique to the Jews and not all Jewish people
jewish people created 3 sick religions.

>> No.15171049

Jewish identity is religious, in addition to Pharisaical Judaism it was molded by the Catholic Church which ghettoized and antagonized Jews constantly. Most Jew's are genetically European anyways, and most Europeans are atheists nowadays so it's irrelevant. There's a reason why things played out the way they did, but the path forward isn't genocide

>> No.15171051

Because Jews were a useful proxy for the Soviets. It's always useful to agitate ethnic minorities against the dominant society like this.

>> No.15171058

No just social and economic exclusion and potential deportation for dual-citizens, same as with any other hostile foreign element.

>> No.15171072

In stirring up the 1956 revolution possibly.

>> No.15171077

How can you deport Jews when they're European? Even genetically Jew's are mostly European

>> No.15171080

Means nothing.
That’s like saying how can you deport Rhodesians or Pied Noirs when they’re Africans.

>> No.15171097

This isn’t even an ad hominem, it’s a request for an ad hominem. We don’t need a profile of the author’s character. Someone criticize the work itself. If he had all these cognitive biases, then what are the errors he made?

>> No.15171105

Jew's inherently are European, and have been for over 2000 years, and they've intermingled for just as long. For all intensive purposes, Jew's are a part of the European ethnicities, and the reason they've never fully assimilated is religious

>> No.15171121

Half of your list are subjective claims, you fucking niggeroid.
What the fuck is “sexual immorality”, the Greeks and Romans used to fuck and suck all the way around town, when did we reach a point of peak morality and pretend that all humans fall under straight monogamy as their only way to love. Smell my anus, you dog dick.

>> No.15171127

>Jew's inherently are European
There’s no such thing as a ”european” anymore than there is an ”african”. It’s a geographical term and the nation of the jews is located in the middle-east.

>> No.15171136

>Jew's inherently are European
You’re Semitic camelfuckers and no amount of stolen white DNA will change that

>> No.15171137

It wasn't just wrong genes though - it was wrong beliefs (it's an ethnoreligion religion with literal supremacist beliefs), actively subverting the economy & opting out of being members of civil society. By your argument colonialism was just fine. Not having a country doesn't entitle you to systematically corrupt & parasite off the wealth of others. Even Marx wrote about the JQ, it was a huge issue that few disagreed on at the time other than outright Zionists themselves. I don't think the NatSocs handled it properly & I don't think Hitler was a great decision maker on the whole, but something had to be done & everything went tits up.

>> No.15171149

Even if that were the case it’s as likely that being an anti-semite already is what causes someone to read it as it is that reading it makes one into an anti-semite.

>> No.15171152

Jews are European in the sense that they share the same language, geographical proximity, culture, and to a large extent genes with other Europeans. No Israel belongs to Palestinians, the idea that people have an ancient homeland and are entitled to it by genetics is laughable. Jew's natural homeland is in Europe, just as my natural homeland is in the United States.

>> No.15171156

>Jews were prominent in USSR.
You don’t say! There happened to be jewish men who helped in an event that occurred, its almost like, there were a great number of cultural/religious and ethnic groups living in those areas!
Fucking christ, Lenin was part of the Turkic Chuvash people, does that prove there is some great conspiracy that Turks are taking over the world now?

>> No.15171157
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You can't steal DNA retard

>> No.15171170

I'm aware that Judaism is an ethno religion, because it developed under constant slavery and oppression, whether it was by the Romans, or Roman Catholics. Maybe we can just treat each other with respect and move on from religion in general, virtually nothing good has come from Abrahamic religions and we're all victims to it

>> No.15171171

“The truth”
Uhh, no the left is too busy fighting actual fights with the real enemies of the world (billionaires) and not made up boogeymen.

>> No.15171180

Also this is untrue. No shortage of Jews from Africa as well, although they do experience a lot of discrimination in Israel.

>> No.15171183

Kek, your fucking messiah is Jewish dude. We all literally came from Africa!

>> No.15171185

*most* Jews, yes there are black Jews as well.

>> No.15171190

The left is allied with billionaires. The right are the only people fighting global finance capital.

>> No.15171197

>The right are the only people fighting global finance capital.
kek this isn't even true, and not all leftists =/= neoliberals

>> No.15171202

I'll agree to that once Israel stops receiving aid money & all dual-citizens in Western politics, academia, finance and media vacate their posts and return home.

How many of those billionaires are either jews or Zionists like Trump?

>> No.15171203

>I'm going over the Culture of Critique again, trying to disprove my anti-Semitism
comedy gold

>> No.15171204

>Jews are European in the sense that they share the same language, geographical proximity, culture, and to a large extent genes with other Europeans.
Hebrew/yiddisch/cosmopolitan english, middle-east, culturally anti-nativist and genetically distant enough to be identifiable.
Not exactly compelling evidence there.
>No Israel belongs to Palestinians, the idea that people have an ancient homeland and are entitled to it by genetics is laughable.
So he says while arguing for a people driven out of large swathes of the area 70 years ago.
>Jew’ natural homeland is in Europe
Ridiculous. Several European nations only saw their first jews in the last hundred years. There’s gypsies with longer histories in some nations.
>just as my natural homeland is in the United States
That much was clear by your arguments, since they’re based in misconceptions of jewish belonging to some foreign notion of one coherent ”european” identity, a totally foreign construct with no basis in reality.

>> No.15171254

Just because someone has identifiable Semetic features doesn't mean they're not European. Jew's look vastly more European than middle eastern, because they are. The problem is that you have this notion of a genetically pure ethnos, but it's not the case for the most part as almost all people have intermingled whether it's Russia or Italy, the genetic makeup of these populations didn't emerge out of the soil. Any Nation is going to have a genetically diverse population depending on how much landmass the Nation contains.

>> No.15171272

Ah yes, the leftist movement famous for advocating socialism and or communism, while also for being best buddies with billionaires.
Also if the right is anti-global finance then why the fuck do they send factories to low wage countries?
You don’t know what you are talking about dude.

>> No.15171281

You do know a leftist ideology such as anarcho communism is completely subversive to global capitalism?

>> No.15171283

How many of them aren’t.
Lmao, the Koch brothers’ father was an actual Nazi dude.

>> No.15171294

>Just because someone has identifiable Semetic features doesn't mean they're not European.
True, because there’s no such thing as ”European”.
>The problem is that you have this notion of a genetically pure ethnos
Projection. There is no such as an european ethnos, or even demos for that matter, hence jews cannot be part of it.
>but it's not the case for the most part as almost all people have intermingled
More american mythos presented as fact. For most european history foreigners were heavily restricted in their travel rights to trade cities and even relatively recent foreign perspectives like the Iwakura mission discuss the strong taboo for marrying outside of your ethnic group held by more or less everyone but the french.

>> No.15171298

>lmao don’t look at the ratios and prominent members they were JUST THERE MAN!!!

>> No.15171301

>It's actually Europeans' fault that us Jews are running the world and destroying white countries through immigration and degeneracy
lmao yeah only a jew could make this argument

>> No.15171308

Pan Europeanism is not, was not, and will never be a thing. You claim to love Europe and all their differences but don’t understand Europe is not a monolithic entity.

>> No.15171316

so they're smart and you don't like that

>> No.15171318

My point is that the Jew's aren't some primordially evil race, there's a reason why things happened they way they did and you'll see if you're honest and not biased that it wasn't completely one sided. I'm not Jewish, but I don't care if you think I am, I don't need to prove anything besides laying out the situation.

>> No.15171320
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jeez only a female coomer could come up with such gross language

>> No.15171322

Discard Russia from this argument. For most of its history Russia was regarded as a bunch of mongoloids and barely European

>> No.15171325

>Europe is not a monolithic entity
Neither are Jews

>> No.15171342

Lenin was jewish you fucking pilpulling nigger

>> No.15171355

Not fun being this woke, bro.

>> No.15171357

Oh it is? Then why don't we see segments on the corporate press every night about the dangers of "anarcho communism"?
No, actually we see segments about the dangers of "fascism" and "white nationalism" because this the only real threat that the corporate overlords deem a danger to their power.
They're not against the degenerate liberal trannies who are advocating for non-white immigration and "like totally overthrowing the capitalists bro give us our free shit".
You people are pathetic and puppets of international finance

>> No.15171366

So is fascism. The fact is, big corporations support the left because the left has been completely cucked since the 60s. They fear nationalists and fascists.

>> No.15171369

fascism and white nationalism is literally a psyop, controlled opposition through and through

>> No.15171386
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Sure now go and advocate for gay rights and open boarders, buddy.
Yeah the international capitalists are really terrified of you guys, not like they've been promoting your exact same position for years.
lmao pathetic.

>> No.15171396

So what? Are they Zionists now?

>> No.15171397

>Jew's aren't some primordially evil race
Yeah, and no one is arguing this.
The argument is that Jewish people in European countries have interests which are antithetical to the interests of the population.
It's not all Jews, but the ones who are promoting negative policies in America and Europe through media, finance, government and hollywood are predominantly Jewish.

>> No.15171399

>muh gays
Just like the Greeks, also the black sun symbol that lots of fashy kids like is implicitly a gay symbol

>> No.15171410

>Just like the Greeks
What the hell does that have to do with anything? Greek civilisation died 2000 years ago, it has absolutely nothing to do with modern European culture, which has been dominated by Christian ethics.
Yeah 10,000 years ago, early humans were probably mercilessly murdering each other, but that doesn't make it okay to do it today.
Pathetic argument.

>> No.15171412
File: 88 KB, 706x515, Oliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice post anon, ignore the Jew in the comments trying to bait people.
I would recommend The Jewish Strategy by scholar Revilo P Oliver.

>> No.15171419

>and no one is arguing this.
lol they are though, in this thread even.
>The argument is that Jewish people in European countries have interests which are antithetical to the interests of the population.
Most peoples interest is to live in peace and harmony, this weighing of which subgroup of xyz nation state landmass is more important is why I'm an anarcho communist. The majority of people are normal folks and not affiliated with monolithic mafias

>> No.15171431

Christians have been just as degenerate, if not more perverse than the pagan Greeks. Human beings like to fuck, nothing has changed other than abstract platonic ideals of what's considered morally pure in regards to sexuality.

>> No.15171439

Ah well good luck with that.
I would be interested to see you approach some Jewish communities in New York City and try to convince them to relinquish their jewish identity in favour of anarcho communism.
They won't and they never will lmao, not for 3000 years they haven't, so they'll continue to control your country.

>> No.15171448

You're just making shit up. Centre right publications and programmes always shit on socialism and claim it's the most evilest thing ever.

>> No.15171452
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>Most people just want to netflix and chill
Anon I...

>> No.15171457

Not all Jew's are a hivemind, there are plenty of anarcho communist Jews, as well as fascist and Catholic Jews.

>> No.15171463

Just because humans like to do something it doesn't mean that it should be sanctioned by the government and forcefully, publicly promoted to the entire population.
Yeah I'm sure that people like to steal, do drugs, violently attack people, but that doesn't make it right.
What is your argument even?
Pure hedonism has never led societies in a good direction.

>> No.15171466

>Indians bad
>large monolithic nation states participating in global wars good

>> No.15171484

Why do you need a big daddy state telling you what you can or can't do in the bedroom? Are you that depraved?

>> No.15171493

>Centre right publications
What? Corporations owned by Murdoch like Fox News?
Yeah of course they would do that, because these news sites are funded by private-corporations who benefit from free market capitalism and the domination of private interests at the expense of the wellbeing of the citizen population.
I said fascism, not capitalism.
Capitalism is just the economic branch of liberalism.

>> No.15171502

>Monolithic mafias
Sure, agreed - most Jews aren't a problem.....except that they will ALWAYS jump to the defense if a Jew is doing the wrong thing & gets called out. And if a Jew speaks out, they get banished from the community like Spinoza did. If it were Russians or Chinese or whatever, people would be fine for opposing it (hell, look at the liberals right now with their Russian conspiracy theories, or the China thing in the mainstream media), this is the same principle. Regardless of whether you personally think you've moved past national identity, most others haven't - Jews (as a whole) least of all.

>> No.15171510

Homosexuality is depraved and unnatural.
If it were natural then it would lead to the production of kids (you liberals are fans of biology right?).
I don't want to turn on the TV and let my kids see two gay guys fucking each other because left-wing people think it's morally right to be a homosexual.

>> No.15171515
File: 125 KB, 570x682, JewGetoutClausePrayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly whats happening right now, A Jew is baiting people on this board with constant
Schizo! Take your meds! Im really an X so your wrong about me
posts. Ignore this loser and post redpills

>> No.15171524

Kind of. Neo-Nazis are a PSYOP. Fascists actually make the establishment shit themselves.

>> No.15171526

>I said fascism, not capitalism
Your whole point was that the media only attacks fascism and not the left, which is bullshit.

>> No.15171527

>fascist Jews
Yeah they're literally running the Israeli government.
They're just in favour of fascism for only Jewish people and for some reason it's okay.
But European fascism is just the mightiest of sins, right?

>> No.15171537
File: 33 KB, 512x447, 435345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you suggest we just murder all homosexuals? It's funny how almost all your "solutions" end up with extreme violence and cruelty, it's almost as if your solutions and worldview is fucking stupid and not very well thought out

>> No.15171551

Homosexuality is natural for the depraved. The depraved exist and are therefore a natural phenomenon in the world.

>> No.15171552

>Half of your list are subjective claims, you fucking niggeroid.
NOOOOO you can't have different subjective values to me!!
Anyway the greeks were based but YOU arent, filthy moralist. FUCK YOU!! LIBERAL DOG. MORALIST. MORALIST. DOG. I HATE YOU. you are not PAGAN. you are CHRISTIAN SLAVE MORRALIST

>> No.15171553

>Everyone who disagrees with my /pol/ spam is a Jew

>> No.15171554
File: 21 KB, 286x378, RealReal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see that jew over there, keep your arm steady and pull!

>> No.15171556

Absolutely pilpul tier. And this is
another issue - the inability of any Jew to argue on this subject in good faith. Nobody is going /pol/tier & just abusing you mindlessly.

Yeah, it's a waste of time, I know.

>> No.15171565

You didn't even try to address what I said, you just claimed I'm a Jew. Talk about not arguing in good faith.

>> No.15171567

All of these debates always end with accusations of being a Jew, almost as if /pol/tards are mentally deranged

>> No.15171568

It's funny how you just randomly make up claims that I think people should be killed when I literally never said anything of the sort.
It's almost like your ideology relies on strawmanning and making up bogus claims because you legitimately can't even engage with the topic or argue against it.

>> No.15171570
File: 216 KB, 1044x1118, 1581237785437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo you cant just ignore my inane ramblings and post redpills!! Do you know who I am Jack!

>> No.15171579

God, this is like the final boss of Jewish pitbullpul

>> No.15171591

There is a difference between depravity being inherent in people, and it being actively promoted in the public sphere (as left-wing people do).

>> No.15171605

Heres the first question you should have asked him,
Do you own or have read the book?
If no, then you can just stop there.
Keep your heart healthy and just make fun of the loser.
Have a good day anon.

>> No.15171610


>> No.15171616

It's not being promoted so much as they're trying to appease the growing population of homosexuals, because that's how they gain power.

>> No.15171625
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, Screen-Shot-2016-10-28-at-2.18.21-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an FBI agent now? What next am I a CCP agent too?

>> No.15171627

I am not that poster. That poster is likely a federal agent, as are most people who unironically advocate murder on anonymous forums.

>> No.15171636

anarcho communism would solve a lot of these problems, the idea of one group holding centralized power over a large landmass is not a good idea

>> No.15171646

Anarcho-communism has no ontological basis. Money will always win, because it's something most people can believe in.

>> No.15171662

Nah, the future is self sufficient cooperative communal life. Globalism and Nationalism are both going to collapse

>> No.15171674

The ontological basis is the fact that the microcosm is more real than the macrocosm for people, their local community is what really matters.

>> No.15171684

>growing population of homosexuals
Hmm yeah it's so weird how the amount of homosexual and trans people has seemed to explode at the. same time that it has been aggressively promoted by the corporate press.
The environmental influence on it must be large, methinks.

>> No.15171689
File: 71 KB, 700x467, terminated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is you getting rammed in the ass by technocapital.

>the microcosm is more real than the macrocosm for people
It's not for the majority of humanity. In fact, you perpetuate a macrocosm when you say "community" in any context. People have been bred for millennia to believe in abstract units.

>> No.15171697

Homosexual feelings have always existed, it's just in the past homosexuals had to keep quiet about it. It's not a conspiracy, it's actually a really simple explanation

>> No.15171713

>It's not for the majority of humanity
You're only saying this because you're atomized from any sense of organic community

>> No.15171715

You guys are way off topic and are talking about butt sex...

>> No.15171716

>organic community
Read the rest of my post.

>> No.15171724

No no it's very much on topic

>> No.15171739

Individually speaking, you can only have a relationship with about 250 people. When authority and identity is centralized, the majority of people are getting fucked in the ass by an elite microcosm. Top down centralized governments are a joke, all the problems that come with regular tribes are exacerbated in a way that causes more damage both to people and the environment

>> No.15171769

>Individually speaking, you can only have a relationship with about 250 people
First, I'd like to know where this number even comes from. It's funny to me.

The people who believe in money are more powerful than the people who don't. That's why money makes the world go round rather than other abstractions. It's one that's simple enough to understand for people who are capable of producing things quickly and efficiently. The point of money is to generate production, and it works better than any other abstraction proposed in history so far. Your mental gymnastics are simply contrarianism.

>> No.15171787

Yeah can we get back to pointing out factual errors in the work? Even little nitpicky things? Instead of calling each other Jews.

>> No.15171794

It's Dunbar's number, and it's a general estimate of how many people who can cognitively keep track of at once. Your local community is more ontologically real than money, money itself is a religious belief but the people who exist around you are real

>> No.15171798

Dunbar's number. There are a few different sources of estimates. 150 is probably closer to the median.

>> No.15171814

Europe would unite only under a strong leader, and his empire would only crumble with his death.

>> No.15171821

>Your local community is more ontologically real than money
If that were true then it would be better at generating production, but it evidently isn't. Local communities become more productive when capitalists assist or own them generally speaking.

>> No.15171855

>1. By stating that Jews promulgate scientific hypotheses because they are Jewish, he is engaging in ad hominem argumentation that is outside the bounds of normal scientific discourse and an obvious waste of time to engage. MacDonald has already announced that I will reject his ideas because I am Jewish, so what's the point of replying to them?

>2. MacDonald's main axioms – group selection of behavioral adaptations, and behaviorally relevant genetic cohesiveness of ethnic groups – are opposed by powerful bodies of data and theory, which Tooby, Cosmides, and many other evolutionary psychologists have written about in detail. Of course any assumption can be questioned, but there are no signs that MacDonald has taken on the burden of proof of showing that the majority view is wrong.

>3. MacDonald's various theses, even if worthy of scientific debate individually, collectively add up to a consistently invidious portrayal of Jews, couched in value-laden, disparaging language. It is impossible to avoid the impression that this is not an ordinary scientific hypothesis.

>4. The argument, as presented in the summaries, fails two basic tests of scientific credibility: a control group (in this case, other minority ethnic groups), and a comparison with alternative hypotheses (such as Thomas Sowell's convincing analysis of "middlemen minorities" such as the Jews, presented in his magisterial study of migration, race, conquest, and culture).

>disregarded cause jew

>> No.15171880

Holy shit this is the best refutation that you can come up with? hahahahahahahahahahahaha
There is literally no substance in any of these points, it doesn't even address any of CoC's points hahahahahaha

>> No.15171890

Learn how to greenspace loser, youre doing it wrong, also

The Bases of Group Loyalty
The bases for group and national loyalty are widely assumed to be lodged in
human needs: "Groups in general are organized to meet human needs, their
structures and processes are in part molded by these needs" (Guetzkow,
1957:47). At the level of the nation, the group fulfills economic, sociocultural,
and political needs, giving individuals a sense of security, a feeling of belonging,
and prestige. While these needs are regarded as universal, their strength appears
to vary in different nations and in different individuals (see Terhune, 1964;
DeLamater et al., 1969). These needs are not limited to national identifications
but have been found to be the basis for group identification in general. "The
ways by which an individual relates to his nation have aspects in common with
the ways an individual relates to any group of which he is a member" (Terhune,
The underlying needs for attachment take several forms. In general these
needs tend to arise out of the affective and instrumental functions that nations
serve for their citizens. As Terhune (1964) has observed, the nation achieves
personal relevance for individuals when they become sentimentally attached to
the homeland (affectively involved), motivated to help their country (goal oriented), and gain a sense of identity and self-esteem through their national
identification (ego involved). DeLamater et al. (1969) added to this triad a
normative involvement which occurs when individuals internalize the norms
and role expectations of the nation. Parallel concepts are found in the literatures
on individual motivation and small groups.


>> No.15171905

The worship of empiricism has backfired so hard on left-wing people lmao.
You can't empirically refute any of the points raised about Jewish over-representation and their intentions that the book presents.

>> No.15171939

You can however see the bigger picture, and historical factors that played a role in catalyzing Jews into the situations that they found themselves in. The problem with antisemitism is that they don't actually want to understand reality, they just want an easily identifiable boogeyman that would justify mass cruelty and purging of mostly innocent people on the basis of ethnicity as if Jewish people have fundamentally demonic souls as opposed to Aryan Caucasian folks

>> No.15172026
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kys plebbit

>> No.15172331

If you want to disprove a preconceived belief, you need to read a text written from the opposite point of view. Rereading the text that converted you is an exercise in futility.

>> No.15172408
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>> No.15172425

For the same reason why so few people bother writing substantive critiques of other nonsense masquerading of knowledge:

It's a waste of time.

>> No.15172432
File: 589 KB, 2560x1732, 1587394157229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kys plebbit

>> No.15172446

Look up data on settlement and urbanization in Europe during that period. Jews were forced to live in cities, and therefore made up a disproportionate share of the proletariat. Jewish overrepresentation in Marxism is a result of Jewish representation in urban areas and the industrial sector, not some kind of conspiracy.

>> No.15172661
File: 400 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20200423-014354_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalin's purges did a number on them

>> No.15172668
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>> No.15172690

Can you think of any other explanations for this phenomenon? Notice that more than 10% of the directors were Soviet. I suspect that ethnic Poles had little desire to collaborate with the Soviet regime, whereas in a place like Czechoslovakia, where the population voted Communism into power, more Czechs and Slovaks likely took part.

>> No.15172707

I dont believe in the Jewish conspiracy thing. It's a complicated issue that I just find interesting. What pisses me off is when mainstream figures deny those numbers and say the overrepresentation was not real.

>> No.15172725

see this
this is as far as the masses can go after spending great amounts of time and effort informing them

their programming is too strong
they have to be forced
the only way forward is civil war
the only way to fight this war is with the utmost savage disregard for conventional morality


>> No.15172729

Ok, buddy.

>> No.15172746

phrases like this have links to everything that's negatively social reinforced in their mind

all roads lead to phrases like this in their minds

it's a part of their brain they stroke for reassurance, milking out a chemical pleasure
this is what replaces free will in their being
they aren't human

>> No.15172750
File: 31 KB, 760x403, CIA SO BRIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read serious academic works, you'll find that the knowledgeable do not deny these facts. The mainstream narrative exists to support a particular order, and the truth value of the supports of that order do not matter unless they're an obstacle to some important change.

Just ignore them.


>> No.15172753

memes like this have links to everything that's negatively social reinforced in their mind

all roads lead to memes like this in their minds

it's a part of their brain they stroke for reassurance, milking out a chemical pleasure
this is what replaces free will in their being
they aren't human

>> No.15172765
File: 171 KB, 479x467, the gospel of saint terry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will soon be receiving a visit from the authorities if you don't stop.

>> No.15172780

We've had this thread like 300 times in the last 2 years.

>> No.15172791
File: 404 KB, 652x1037, Witold_Pilecki tortured and murdered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw this hero who goes undercover to gather evidence of what goes on in the concentration camps was tortured and murdered by communist jew after the war

I don't know much about the whole history, but Zydokomuna was a very real thing.

>> No.15172874
File: 147 KB, 616x1200, EF_CJ0YUcAAwVlh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tortured by Josef Różański (born Goldberg)
>investigation overseen by Roman Romkowski, born Natan Grünspan-Kikiel, who worked under chief Jakub Berman
>Judges involved in the case were Zygmunt Wizelberg, Aleksander Warecki (real name Warenhaupt), and Stefan Michnik. Death sentence given by Leo Hochberg.
>executed by Piotr Śmietański, the butcher of Mokotów Prison, who immigrated to Israel after 1968.

truly delightful people

>> No.15172904

>Israel refused
I think he wasnt the only commie era war criminal they refused to extradite. No surprise Eastern Europe has the most antisemitism, second to the Middle East

>> No.15173609
File: 52 KB, 640x502, C77S8v0XkAACSv_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY ARE YOU ARGUING WITH THE LEFT they do not deserve a single argument you got to realise that this is not about ideology its about how they lived their entire life believing lies and not having the soul capacity or the curiosity to realise that they have been wrong on all of their political narratives. Do not argue with anyone that consideres himself a liberal its like arguing with a lost child on why he is lost.

>> No.15173927

>grandma was Jewish
>grandpa was Chuvan
What the hell is genealogy anon? Are you stupid? Its almost like he can be both (or I guess in his case, as he didn’t care about ethnicity) neither at once.

>> No.15173938

Yes! My point exactly, how tf can their be a cabal of this shit if jews themselves aren’t unified, fuck arguing with Nazis is annoying.?

>> No.15173978

>You can however see the bigger picture, and historical factors that played a role in catalyzing Jews into the situations that they found themselves in.
Culture of critique does that

>> No.15174001

>literally citing David Irving

>> No.15174028

What does he say about Chomsky?

>> No.15174517

Does it factor in how hard working Jews are and how they learned all these successful behavioral patterns from others back in ancient Mesopotamia?

>> No.15174777

Jews should be deported and excluded from positions of power and influece, regardless of the causes that contributed to our current situation (i.e. whether it's inherent Jewish morality and culture, or European historical circumstances.)
You notice that commies and libshits change their position from not accepting the evidence of Jewish infiltration and menace, to saying that these are just due to contingent history (which is a tautological argument)
They are sociopolitical enemies of native Europeans.
A lot of the semitic morality (Christianity, Islam, liberalism about minds, organization and economy, Marxism and its offshoots) been nested in peoples minds, and seeded in our daily categories and inference patterns. Those need to be addressed too but obviously we should start from the source.

>> No.15174813

I haven't gotten to that yet.

>> No.15174876
File: 71 KB, 358x297, neocon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a direct lineage between Trotskyists and Neocohens.

The prominence of Jews in Bolshevism and Neoconservatism deserves some investigation. We went to Iraq for Israel.

>> No.15174897
File: 568 KB, 970x806, GR2008020102389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15174904 [SPOILER] 
File: 375 KB, 1024x1024, 1587656230256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A great book, really opened up my mind. So much of what was taught me in college and what I experienced in life suddenly made sense.
It is just a matter of being brave enough to question authority.

>> No.15174906

David Irving was unjustly defamed.

>> No.15175069

based and checked

>> No.15175133

Check endnote #186

>> No.15175171

The Culture of Gay Neets

>> No.15175420

It stops at 181

>> No.15175462


>> No.15175565

It's a wonderful book, beautifully written. The prose is vivid and finely chiseled, without a single superfluous word. The imagery is unique and majestic, of a biblical flavor. The author shows off his wide lexicon and always uses precise terms instead of vague, generic ones. Sometimes he even invents his own. The vegetation is described with the precision of a botanist, and the desert and the mountains with that of a geologist. The descriptions of the landscape are evocative and suggestive without ever being purple. Sometimes they get very close to being poetry. The battles are told in a very crude, matter-of-fact way that fits very well with the atmosphere.

Now, this isn't an easy book to read. It doesn't have that je ne sais quoi that makes you forget you're reading a story. It doesn't flow effortlessly. In fact, in some passages you feel like you're mudding through a swamp. Crucial details are thrown into long sentences devoid of punctuation and full of metaphors and complex analogies. It takes legit effort to picture in your mind what the hell is going on, but it's effort that always pays.

The author also refuses to use internal dialogues and even dialogue tags. He purposefully restricts his own writing arsenal in order to hone to perfection the few tools he does choose to use. He only shows us his characters through their actions and bare words, without any sort of commentary. There's no filter, as if we're witnessing what happens through a camera instead of through a person. The result is a style occasionally difficult to absorb, but certainly a perfect fit for the story he was telling.

Finally, Judge Holden is one of the best characters I've ever come across. But did he really have to rape the Kid in that latrine? That felt so gratuitous.

>> No.15175669

I have the Kindle edition of 2013 which has more additions, in your paperback edition it's on endnote #108

>> No.15175695
File: 15 KB, 365x474, tlah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great book, anon should read it.

>> No.15175724

Why is this book banned everywhere? I'm trying to buy it.

>> No.15175748
File: 84 KB, 777x1198, 61NVEVB7CNL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, some kind of attempt at a refutation. Still not directly refuting the evidence but oh well.

1. Some anons aren't jewish? (Also a member of a group being criticized is going to generally become defensive and obstinate. Very few can overcome it, no surprise there.)

2. Evolutionary psychologists aren't even well respected within psychology. Still what are the relevant theories? Listing a couple names is assigning a research project not a refutation.

>A bunch of true things I don't like make them all untrue.
Let's just move passed this one.

4. Not everything in science requires a control group, but ok, what about the control group? Thomas Sowell discusses [Jews] interesting, and what did he say?

4 seems the strongest if you want to focus on that and give up the others.

Pic related also relates to the Jewish situation. Particularly that it is precarious and one should take seriously the threat of future pogroms. As a Jew it seems important to discover what actions, real or imagined, keep causing the goyim to get riled up. Some actions by the Jewish community are likely exacerbating the problem, some of those may not even be in Jewish interests and should be abandoned.

>> No.15175754

Fucking Guys That Like Hitler

>> No.15175759

It radicalizes brainlets.

>> No.15175779

It's dangerous. If some angry incels read it they might end up shooting up their school or something

>> No.15175788

based censorious incels

>> No.15175793

Do they go to a yeshiva?

>> No.15175955

Those extracts don't make it look very convincing t.b.h. Nazis complaining about Jews and/or accusing them of doing what the Nazis themselves did (encouraging procreation including outside of marriage was an explicit policy of the third Reich) isn't going to prove much, even assuming the claims are legit.

Post better excerpts.

>> No.15176219

>Nazis did it, but now jews are doing it so it's ok
Maybe they're both corrupt?

But I wouldn't mind more dramatic excerpts. Although these are good for making it seem a legitimate scholarly work.

>> No.15176439

You should read up on the relationship between nazism and contemporary managment. Look at the life and carreer of Reinhard Höhn for instance. One of the most proeminent Naiz legal expert, later became a pioneer of 'agile' managment (the idea of agility as promoted by corporations now is extremely similar to one of the core ideas of the nazi theory of organisation).

So if anything nazism is a direct genealogical precursor of current global capitalism (in actual practice and methods and even in discourse if you look closely).

As for Italian fascism nobody really cares about it since Nazism was far more efficient and made the Italians look like clowns in comparison. But it was, like nazism, grounded on a model of obedient citizen, that is obedient to his boss and to the party. Being a good fascist is literally being a good goy for your owners.

>> No.15176460
File: 1.83 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20200423_135430035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15176469
File: 1.96 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20200423_135440731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Chomsky

>> No.15176485

The truth is dangerous. Luckily, I bought mine years ago before the internet was bring censored.

>> No.15176487

>except that they will ALWAYS jump to the defense if a Jew is doing the wrong thing
There have been Jews on both sides of most arguments for centuries and even violent infighting between Jews over political opinions. The communautarism is real but if a Jew is caught red-handed you can be sure there will be a lot of Jews to give him shit (although of course a lot will defend him).

>> No.15176501

Read the excerpt about Jews dominating polish and Hungarian society.

>> No.15176508

When did Spinoza speak out? Link?

>> No.15176510

Your image is amusing, but legal commentaries on the Kol Nidre explicitly say you can't use it to get out of an oath or commitment taken in court of before witnesses. It applies to religious and personal vows more than anything else.
This discussion dates from the early Renaissance btw, have fun being 300 years late.

>> No.15176512

Compare the number of antisemitic Jews(eg. Weininger or Bobby Fischer) to anti-white whites

>> No.15176531

Plenty of people are anti-Likoud including in Israel though. Especially the left-leaning. And there has been a resurgence of fascist-like government practices almost everywhere.

What exactly is your point?

>> No.15176570

Good memesmithing job anon.

>> No.15176597

"We" went nowhere, we're not all Americans m8. ((You)) went to Iraq for Haliburton and the military-industrial complex.

>> No.15176606

This site was founded by Americans and made for Americas. Get the fuck out, limey.

>> No.15176644

>Evolutionary psychologists aren't even well respected within psychology
This would only serve to cast doubt upon McDonald's very methods. Kinda self-defeating here.
Not the other anon, but it seems his point about control groups is that people like to point out how Jews have stood out or be expelled in many countries without considering they were a minority in all those countries, and were thus treated like most minorities.
Agree that a lot of collective actions of the Jews are against their own interest and often quite retarded, but those actions are also mostly the works of subgroups rather detached from the majority of working-class jews (see pro-israel lobbyist in the US).

>> No.15176666

>Evolutionary psychologists aren't even well respected within psychology.
That would be a point in favor of evopsych. The closer you are to evolutionary principles and the further from academic psychology, the more likely you are to say something accurate.

>> No.15176682

>Maybe they're both corrupt?
Possible, I'm not saying it's ok, but calling the Jew a destroyer of morals and the Nazi a promoter of the race when they do the same thing is a bit strange imo. If you're coming from a traditionalist perspective that's a different, in that case both Nazis and NKVD Jews are guilty.

>> No.15176724

This is a Chinese cartoon website, if anything the limeys would be welcome here.

>> No.15176732


>> No.15176733

Which one is it? The blurry one or the sideways one?

>> No.15176762

Not sure if you're trying to argue there are more anti-jewish jews than anti-white whites or the opposite. Even the "woke" white types aren't really anti-white for the most part (in the sense of being actual activists or philosopher), they're just jumping on a bandwagon of paraded shame for pussies and social bonus. At most the anti-white sojboy is at Karl Kraus' level of ethnic self-condemnation, not nearly at Weininger's or Fischer's.

But whatever the result of the comparison you can conclude pretty much anything from it (for instance more self-hating jews => jews are inherently detestable or more self-hating jews => jews are not more self-congratulatory than other groups, both make sense).

>> No.15176839

I look forward to MacDonald's book on Jewish involvement in neoconservatism too, which he claimed he is looking into more. Many people fail to realize how Jews infiltrated both far-left and far-right.

>> No.15176842

Third picture under the original post.

>> No.15177070
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I didn't know he used evolutionary psychological theories. I haven't actually read it. I'd rather not. But so far from this thread it seems like I must put in the work myself. (Also satan here then disagrees >>15176666 in a circuitous way. )
Speaking of subgroups, one problem I see is the pro-ethnostate Israel versus the open borders liberalism. If they were seperate groups that'd be one thing, but too frequently it is the same person. (Such as pic)
As to the non-elite jews, should they not be the most concerned, even outraged, by the foolishness of they're leadership? They are the ones who will suffer. Maybe they're all hiding their power level, but not only don't I don't know any non-bluepilled, few aren't at least somewhat politically active. (I guess they could be lying about their charitable donations...)

>> No.15177154

>You don’t say! There happened to be jewish men who helped in an event that occurred
Yes, jews played an instrumental part in the formation of a small fringe extremist group which advocated for the destruction of slavic orthodox civilization and tremendously bloody revenge on and enslavement of their russian countrymen, and they succeeded at it.

>> No.15178037
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Neo nazism is dumb for quite a number of reasons. But what's going on with the west and Jews is still concerning. Both from the potential for negative change to the west and the dangerous potential to Jews from the gentile reaction to it. (The end of the Spectre quote in the image. (Which goes on to say those actions are necessary to the survival of Europe. ))

>> No.15178072


>> No.15178313

stop posting until you stop being a zoomer moron.

>> No.15178340
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good thing nothing like that happened in real life hahaha

>> No.15178994

Using the whole left and right dichotomy is already retarded. Yes, a lot of paleoconservatism and white nationalists are not subverted, though some are. Yes, neoconservatists and democrafts and commies are kiked.

>> No.15179214

Good thing we aren’t once again walking that same path which must have the same destination. Just keep your eyes closed and your step jaunty.

>> No.15179235

It's not that there isn't some truth to the books claims, but it's presented from a one dimensional skewed perspective that could radicalize brainlets.

>> No.15179237

Wrong. They have the same goal of abolishing the national soverignity. The differences are superficial. In global capitalism the rulers over the faceless blob of masses are the extremely rich. In communism we LARP that there is no hierarchy, but really somebody has to determine and judge what and how to do when conflict erises, essentially forming a bureaucratic elite. This is why communism, most of leftism and global capitalism are allied in key issues against national sovereignity, race, dominant culture, tradition, ethics etc.

>> No.15179256

What about local sovereignty? It's not a difficult concept to imagine. The idea that a single group of people can hold authority over a national landmass is ridiculous if you think about it.

>> No.15179282

Like Patrick Little, lol. The JQ fried his brain.

>> No.15179296

>in order to attain the end-goal is needs a govt. which siphons even MORE money from its people/workers

Yeah, globalists would HATE having more reliance on big government.

>> No.15179298

Global capitalism is liberal.

>> No.15179308

Liberalism isn't leftist

>> No.15179320

Define leftist then.

>> No.15179322

We already have local sovereignty, it's called a nation. The dominant constituent elements of this nation who gave it its "mode"/logos and national autonomy should remain in positions of power and since a nation with its mode and forms intact mostly reproduces the elite who are indoctrinated in those forms and mostly accept them then a nation should organically reproduce itself. When an antisocial/subversive element rises the hierarchy it is rightly ejected from public life and kept out of it until it re-establishes its credibility. However all of this can be subverted by foreign financing of global capital which targets anti-normative minority groups and sold-out or hidden anti-normative elements within existing hierarchies and allies them against the dominant constitutive element. After the guardians of the nation's logos (priests, men with "wisdom", moral individuals etc.) are discredited the nation's logos cannot defend itself against the foreign ideological attack. Soon as foreign capital by financing and flooding all of the nation's organs (such as media, education, academia, art, politics etc.) manages to destroy the nation's logos, the spoil is up for the taking and global financiers can establish their paradigm and seize power. The alliance of anti-normative groups are happy they have risen the privilege hierarchy without doing a thing to assimilate, the hidden anti-normative elements are happy that they do not have to hide anymore, the sell-outs get paid and receive highly-paid positions and prestige in various globalist institutions. The subversion is complete. But which are the groups which favor this kind of subversion other than global capital which is precisely the financial muscle behind this movement? The groups who support this are mostly leftist and communist. But not even the mainstream right will do a much better job because we are so far down the rabbit hole, that most of the right who claims to fight for national sovereignty can only do so within what the globalists allow. The true avantgarde of today's time are precisely Brexit rednecks and hillbilly Trump voters ironically for the exact opposite reason of the Left's analysis of them. The Left claims they vote for things that actually hurt them because they are uneducated, but it is precisely the opposite, they are the only ones actually acting in their own interest.

>> No.15179352
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Israeli Nukes, Pilpul, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, פרוטוקולי ציון, קרול אינק, לארי סילברסטיין, Dancing Israelis, metzitzah b'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision is for "Jews and slaves of Jews", 20,000 nerves in foreskin, Circumcision related brain damage, תנ"ך: ברית מילה מיועדת ל"יהודים ועבדי יהודים ", 20,000 עצבים בעורלה, נזק מוחי הקשור בברית המילהGoyim, Kapparot, Tikkun Olam, Tay-Sachs, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Shiksa, Loxism,Shabbos Goy, New Haven Jewish slave markets, 70% of Jews vs 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, שוקי העבדים היהודים בניו הייבן, ישראל שחור עברי, 70% מהיהודים לעומת 1% מהלבנים היו עבדים, 109 מדינות, המהפכה הבולשביקית Samson Option, Wooden Doors, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank died of Typhus, Nazi Masturbation Machines, Magnus Hirschfeld, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, אפשטיין לא הרג את עצמו, משפחת סאקלר, משפחת ששון, יוליוס ואתל רוזנברג, ברני מיידוף, סיר ההמסה: מאת ישראל זנגוויל, שיר על פסל החירות מאת אמה לזרוס, אני לא לבן אני יהודי, תוכנית קלרגי & פרס, בית הספר לפרנקפורט, ברברה ל. ספקטר Hart-Celler Act, Jacob Frank, Lavon Affair, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Anton LaVay, Black Cube, Rothschilds founded Israel, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, APAIC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, Das Judenthum in der Musik

>> No.15179357

Leftism is anti capitalism, liberalism IS capitalism.

>> No.15179375

A nation isn't local, it's a corporation that demands homogenization and conformity. Nationalism is inherently fascist, because it's an elite microcosm governing all other microcosms within the monumental landmass that makes up the nation. Allow local communities to define themselves and set their own rules, nationalism is a failed project and globalism is just an augmentation of nationalism

>> No.15179464

What did it for me was seeing a video on 9/11 (ofc taken down by YouTube) that showed many things, including the "dancing Israelis". There were reports of them celebrating on a rooftop, taking photos of the towers falling, and later were on a TV show explaining that they came to "document the event"... before the attack happened.
Then you have interviews of Israelis, where some claim that the goyim will want to essentially serve the Jews by their own will, or some said that they already do (build cars etc).
Just do your research. You don't need some fringe wignat to tell you what to think.

>> No.15179477

Is liberalism right wing then, or not part of the dichotomy at all?

>> No.15179493

Interesting. Reminds me of a documentary series "The Century of the Self"

>> No.15179495

To be fair left and right wing as a dichotomy isn't perfect, as most binaries aren't. Liberalism is it's own beast, both reactionaries and leftists oppose it for the same and different reasons. I think what's important is to look at these issues objectively instead of through a political binary, all the realistic solutions tend to be leftist where the right wants to go backwards in time as if liberal capitalism wasn't a direct consequence to Catholic feudalism

>> No.15179684

>2. Evolutionary psychologists aren't even well respected within psychology. Still what are the relevant theories? Listing a couple names is assigning a research project not a refutation.

lol @ this
psychology is not even a real science

>> No.15179721
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Great book, you can tell by the REEEEEEEEEs of tankies who never read beyond the title.

>> No.15179743

It's not "REEEEEEEEs", there are legitimate criticism of this meme book

>> No.15179752

Yes. To call it out right anti semetic outs a person as having not read it

>> No.15179828
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My biggest redpill was the New Testament, especially the gospel of John and Thessalonians.

I mean if you really believe that God inspired the Bible, then there literally couldn't be any bigger redpill than that

>> No.15179842

Fuck off nazies, go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.15179846

Source: dude trust me

>> No.15179871

>So, I'm going over the Culture of Critique again, trying to disprove my anti-Semitism.
Tthat's like drinking coke to cure your diabetes

>> No.15179908


>> No.15179918

That was the implication. I’m quite aware of the replication crisis, p-hacking and other such science failures.

>legitimate criticism
Not yet there haven’t been. Please do though. There are some Jews here that would rather not be put on pins and needles.

>> No.15179957

Jewish people aren't guilty for supposedly creating a clown world, obviously if you read this book as someone who's generally ignorant on western history, philosophy, Christianity, and geopolitics you're basically going to be persuaded to believe that all Jew's are an evil parasitical race and that a "solution" is necessary and we can see where that's leading..

>> No.15180157

How do people really not know by now that neoconservatives are ex-trotskyists?

>> No.15180169

There literally have not been any in this entire thread lmfao

>> No.15180468
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I don't care if they're guilty. I care if they'll be found guilty. I care what actions Jews are taking, moral or immoral, even real or imagined, that worsen the situation. A la >>15179214

>> No.15180857
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>> No.15180867
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>(see Irving 1981, 111)

>> No.15181144
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Inbreeding with Homo neanderthalis brought intelligence, but also a capacity for evil
The architecture of the neanderthal brain is not evolved to operate under Homo sapiens morality and civilization, Jewry (ingroup preference, aggression, low foresight, subversion, manipulation, etc.) is neanderthal morality

>> No.15181156
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>> No.15181275

I'm looking to solve this Jewish issue once and for all during this summer. Give me some reading materials (besides this book of course). I'm tired of being on the fence about this issue all the time so I have to get some sort of closure. I want the best arguments for the normie opinion that jews are the most oppressed people of all time and that they are actually very good and that all of this evidence presented against them is just bullshit

>> No.15181293

Read the section on dialectics in Mein Kampf before you read any Jewish source literature.

>> No.15181312


imagine making so much shit up for the purposes of satisfying a completely retarded theory that has no basis in reality at all. There are perfectly good conspiracies about the Jews without resorting to making up new ones. These arguments are taken literally straight out of the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series you fucking dimwit cunt.

>> No.15181316

You clearly never heard about Heimbach.

>> No.15181420

Still no real refutations of what's in the book, just adhoms... that says enough.

I started reading this book expecting it to be bullshit but the facts are there and I found out it was actually very thorough, I encourage other anons to do the same and think for themselves.

Also what's up with the redditfags flooding over here.

>> No.15181423

The reason books like this remain popular is that the current western ideology downplays the role of group ethnic/racial relations.
So as a reaction, you have people who exaggerate its importance and see group conflict everywhere.

Jews are a bit special. The fact that they've survived for thousands of years (while most other groups went extinct), is proof enough.
But the problems are deeper than what some stupid or even not so stupid people think.
Read Nietzsche, at least.

>> No.15181438

thanks for contributing literally nothing to the discussion fag

>> No.15181448
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You either choose to be asleep or acknolwdge things for that they are. Read the book with an open mind and see for yourselves.

>> No.15181487

One should thoroughly examine their own motivations.
Why are you reading this book? Is it mere intellectual curiosity, or are you unhappy in some way and you are looking for solutions?
What kind of society do you want and can it be done? What makes you want it to be a certain way?

Once you answer such questions, the stuff about this or that group secretly having more power/influence will seem trivial in comparison.

>> No.15181519

>Once you answer such questions, the stuff about this or that group secretly having more power/influence will seem trivial in comparison.
If you think this is the only issue then you have not read the book. Sad!

>> No.15181770

Where would I read about nazi management, and nazi influence on capitalism?

>> No.15182738

So I guess we should just have these threads daily until someone criticizes the work directly?

>> No.15182807

No one can honestly criticize this book genuinely. It's simply too bullet proof. All they can do is adhom