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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 435 KB, 690x493, gauld-four-undramatic-plot-structures-690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15166020 No.15166020 [Reply] [Original]

I would like some recommendations for books about plots, specifically for novel, but screenplays and short stories are fine too.

Thank you.

>> No.15166033

I don't understand that image.

>> No.15166043

>the problem is too difficult for the heroine
Quite fitting actually.

>> No.15166058

Name literally 1 (one) book for each of these.

>> No.15166083

Life with actual depression

>> No.15166123

It's a play on the "dramatic plots"; some writers like to simplify all stories to a few archetypes. Those are anti-archetypes with plots where nothing happens and that aren't used for this reason. It's a joke.

>> No.15166130

Just in case people misunderstand me: I'm looking for nonfiction books about writing plots. I am not looking for novels using the plots described in my joke illustration of an image.

>> No.15166139

thanks lad

>> No.15166156

The 5 Basic Plots

>> No.15166161

Here: http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=books+about+plotting

>> No.15166187

Preferably books that don't simplify all plots to an arbitrary number.

>> No.15166199


I am also looking for books on my own, but I want the opinion of people who have already read such books and can offer their advice and insights. If all you have to give is the obvious that you think, in your arrogance, is above others but not above you, then please shut the fuck up.

>> No.15166207

Maybe "If on a winter night a traveller" by Calvino

>> No.15166237

Not a huge fan of Post-Modernism. I want nonfiction about plotting to learn about the craft of writers.

Also, how come this board still hasn't asked the Supreme OP to have italics? Fucking Whatsapp has them.

>> No.15166244

There are also links there who also give you advice and insights from qualified people. People here don't even read, faggot.

>> No.15166275

>People here don't even read, faggot.
Why did I hope... Every fucking board is the same,

>be me
>study cinema for months
>go to /tv/
>study literature and linguistics for 8 years
>think I might try /lit/
>post chess thread on /tg/
>try walking simulator games on /v/

It only ever works on this website if you attack something in an autistic manner, rely heavily on overused memes, and tickle anon with race, sex, and homosexuality.


"Do you have to be fat and ugly to get into Warhammer 40k?"

"Is Sonic a transsexual and transpecies homosexual?"

"Any kinos about big black cocks in action from a Stanley Kubrick interpretation?"

"Was Evola truly a sucker of dicks and which philosophical movement was that? Come and go?"

4chan needs to burn. It's dead.

>> No.15166288


>> No.15166325

>>be me
>>study cinema for months
>>go to /tv/
What did you expect? It's a free board with no accounts on a website known as being the asshole of the internet. What did you come here for?

>> No.15166331


>> No.15166337

newfags are cringe

>> No.15166355

Absolutely. I'm upset at the state of this place and at how nothing is done to make it better while still implementing extremely strict rules against benine threads.

>you can't make a fun thread slightly outside the rule
>but you can make the same meme thread 60 times a day

>> No.15166362

>What did you expect? It's a free board with no accounts on a website known as being the asshole of the internet. What did you come here for?
For intelligent discussions about the given topics. What am I doing wrong.

I doubt he wrote about plotting.

Been here since 2008. Yes, 4chan was different, and better, before.

>> No.15166366

yep, it's based

>> No.15166403

Save the Cat! is the one book everyone touts about writing screen plays. It is applicable to other formats.
I've downloaded a few books that I found after googling 'best books about plotting'. I haven't read them yet, but assume they are as basic bitch as possible. Try them out.

>> No.15166425

>I doubt he wrote about plotting
You "doubt" without having even read? Mate, you're the only arrogant faggot here.

>> No.15166441

Reminds me of Kafka

Anyway, Story by Robert McKee is a great one. It's focused on screenplays and mostly uses film examples but the info about structure, theme, dialogue, etc is applicable to all story mediums

>> No.15166445

I almost bought this one, but then I realised it was mostly for screenplays and I've already read a few. The three-act structure is useful to outline a story but I need something very specific.

>> No.15166461

I will then verify my assumption. Following this, I will offer apologies if I was wrong. Back to you in a moment.

>> No.15166483
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 84243616_874672246336653_7160429215515826479_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study cinema for months
>study literature and linguistics for 8 years
>try walking simulator games on /v/

>> No.15166484
File: 130 KB, 908x448, 1548202994867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For intelligent discussions about the given topics. What am I doing wrong.
If you're coming here for intelligent discussion you need to ignore the chaff. It's there, but don't think you won't have to wade through the sea of people who have more opinions than knowledge
aka don't feed the trolls

>> No.15166488
File: 68 KB, 1591x495, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back. My assumption seems to have been correct, as I cannot see any book by Borges about plotting a novel. If I am wrong again, you can point out which of his works deals with writing a plot for a novel. Thank you.

>> No.15166499

I know, everything is "cringe" and "Reddit" and all women are whores and Jews control everything.

And I know, telling you to take your meds is also cringe and Reddit.

>> No.15166504

I didn't say anything?

>> No.15166510

I honestly wish Reddit had its own 4chan-like forum. I can stand the normalfaggotry way more than the autism from here.

Is there any other forum with the same format but without the mentality?

>> No.15166515
File: 45 KB, 948x1465, a more elegant autism from a more civilized age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15166521

You called me cringe for trying to be anything more than retarded and shitty on /v/.

>> No.15166524
File: 199 KB, 465x343, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can stand the normalfaggotry way more than the autism from here.
Well maybe you should stay on reddit then you stupid newfag

>> No.15166528

I can think of a few 3's. I actually have a story a bit like 4

>> No.15166536

maybe learn japanese and go to 2ch

>> No.15166537

>playing a walking sim
>not retarded
I think you may want to think your life over, you cotton sniffing moron

>> No.15166543

What are you even asking for? What is a '4chan-like forum'? If you're referring to the lack of accounts and low moderation, that is exactly why 4chan is less normal and more autistic

>> No.15166548
File: 23 KB, 261x400, 516iEn9hStL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borges never wrote a novel and barely even care about them. He was a short story guy and while he didn't write entire books about à la how to plot for dummies, he certainly gave some insights over the years, some of which have been compiled in books.

>> No.15166552
File: 679 KB, 1895x2655, legende-william-wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>William Wallace Cook

>> No.15166567

Sounds cool, but it's from 1928, anon. I'll still look into it, you never know.

>> No.15166571

What do you need?

>> No.15166589
File: 169 KB, 533x492, 1551129063588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly wish Reddit had its own 4chan-like forum.
What do you mean by that though?

>> No.15166609

He wants reddit tier content but in a 4chan format.

>> No.15166670

I am considering going, yes. I'm not ashamed of it so don't bother.

I adore walking simulators. It's not all I play, but sometimes what I want is a walking simulator. Some of them are absolute masterpieces and took my breath away. I never imagined I'd discover a literal new way of telling a story in a video game.

>play Edith Finch
>spend 10 minutes just looking around a room because of the extremely high amount of details
>entire story through you snooping around

I love it and there's nothing you can do to take it away from me. As to being a moron, I never made a mistake on the only IQ test I was ever given.

>> No.15166679

you can read downvoted and deleted posts if you want though

>> No.15166695

>you can read downvoted
The fact that the posts get hidden away for being downvoted is hilarious and does nothing but reinforce the group opinion

>> No.15166696

Dear Sir or Madam:
In the third box, there should be a comma between the independent clauses. I'm going to have to ask you to fix the mistake and create a new thread with the corrected image. If the correction is not made by the close of business on Friday, I will be contacting the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and turning the matter over to them. Do not test me.

>> No.15166708

Doesn't sound like what I'm looking for. Short stories are very different from novels. I've read a bunch of his, they're cool stories for concepts, but it's clear that he couldn't have written a novel with this material.

>> No.15166712
File: 1.35 MB, 400x285, 1585615613280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, you're an actual idiot; I feel bad for you somewhat. Maybe you should take another test, and you'll get a score below 90. Walking sims are for bona fide dunces so you'll fit in swimmingly on reddit

>> No.15166728

Watch Neil Gaiman's masterclass
I read Dan Brown's is also good.

>> No.15166729

>I would like some recommendations for books about plots, specifically for novel, but screenplays and *short stories* are fine too.
literally kys faggot

>> No.15166731

A nonfiction book about the plotting part for writing novels.

>> No.15166741

Pretty much. Decent peoplle whose jokes are actually funny, who don't have mental health issues displayed for all to see, and who won't escape like faggots into "I was only trolling" when they can no longer argue their stupid beliefs. 4chan is truly for the weak.

>> No.15166745
File: 646 KB, 904x401, 1580699116760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one

>> No.15166750

>In the third box, there should be a comma between the independent clauses.
You obviously don't know how commas work, then. The rest was funny.

>> No.15166778

My IQ is at the very least at 140. They can't tell me where exactly because I didn't make mistakes, so they can only tell me the minimum score.

You're the idiot because you think all games are about solving puzzles. If you can't appreciate a game like Edith Finch, that's virtually a handicap on your end. Good luck with that low IQ, because we both know exactly why you're upset at me right now.

>> No.15166796

I HAVE IT. I also have James Patterson's. Neil sounds based, though he is in an open marriage and that bothers me.

>specifically for novels

Borges doesn't have a single book about writing anything. The book anon suggested is about himself. Why are his stories so shit, though?

>woah, here's a crystal ball that allows you to see "everything"

>> No.15166799

>I can think of a few 3's.
What are they? Actually curious.

>> No.15166831

If pity is being upset in your book, I'm bawling. It's sad to see such a deluded individual. I'm willing to bet you took that test as a kid and I even doubt it was a legit test, because even someone at 140 wouldn't be so retarded. Walking sims are for dolts, so I see why you're so passionate about them.

>> No.15166832

>be OP
>post funny picture in autistic board, asking for a book on plotting
>autists don't understand the image and think OP wants novels with the "undramatic plots" in his funny image

Oh, /lit/, I thought this board had been spared by the 'tism, but I guess I was wrong. The fact that none of you enjoy fiction that isn't post-modernist and meta should have been a clue, as autists really don't like fiction because they can't relate to the characters.

Good luck, OP, but don't keep your hopes up. The only book you were recommended is literally "plot: autism version" as it's a book that classifies plot points and allows you to "generate" random plots that will still work.


>> No.15166856

>but screenplays and *short stories* are fine too.
Can't you read, you stupid nigger?
>Why are his stories so shit, though?
kek subhumans should stay away from literature

>> No.15166892

Took it a year ago, was a mandatory test.

You literally have no idea why people like walking simulators and probably never played one. Yet here you are thinking you're smarter than everyone else.

Trust me, I recognise people with high IQ's, and you are not among them. This obviously upsets you because it's not what you believe. Your next move is to claim that IQ's don't mean anything and that people with elevated IQ's are retarded. It's completely predictable.

Your first dumb move was to assume that all video games are about requiring intelligence or even being hard. Then you somewhat understood this was an autistic assumption and plenty of things were great without requiring intelligence. Now you're stuck in a corner and can do nothing about it.

My IQ is over 140 and I adore walking simulators. If you were any smart yourself or merely studied the topic, you would understand 100% why people with superior brains enjoy walking simulators, but the very thought of it didn't occur to you.

>> No.15166916

They are fine too, but OP doesn't want a book ONLY about short stories and films. Besides, Borges' books are most likely commentaries on fiction and not books teaching you how to write. That is why literary students rarely become writers, because they get stuck in all the wrong books and ideas and try to recreate academically popular works from decades and decades ago that nobody cares about.

>kek subhumans should stay away from literature
His stories are shit, though.

t. PhD in English literature, thesis on American Renaissance

>> No.15166917
File: 222 KB, 600x598, 4234234324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Took it a year ago, was a mandatory test.
>You literally have no idea why people like walking simulators and probably never played one. Yet here you are thinking you're smarter than everyone else.
>Trust me, I recognise people with high IQ's, and you are not among them. This obviously upsets you because it's not what you believe. Your next move is to claim that IQ's don't mean anything and that people with elevated IQ's are retarded. It's completely predictable.
>Your first dumb move was to assume that all video games are about requiring intelligence or even being hard. Then you somewhat understood this was an autistic assumption and plenty of things were great without requiring intelligence. Now you're stuck in a corner and can do nothing about it.
>My IQ is over 140 and I adore walking simulators. If you were any smart yourself or merely studied the topic, you would understand 100% why people with superior brains enjoy walking simulators, but the very thought of it didn't occur to you.

>> No.15166936

Dear Sir or Madam:
I take great offence at the slanderous suggestion that I do not understand how to properly use commas. Indeed, I resolutely stand by the assertion that a coordinating conjunction between independent clauses not only can, but must be preceded by a comma. My attorneys have strongly advised me not to send this communication, but I am bound by honor to do so.

>> No.15166955

>His stories are shit, though.
He's better than any other short fiction writer from Burgerland. You just happen to have a shit taste and your meme degree is irrelevant. I bet you're also monolingual and a plebbitor.

>> No.15166967

>That is why literary students rarely become writers, because they get stuck in all the wrong books (i.e books on how to write)
if this is a troll it's fucking excellent

>> No.15166987

Mandatory tests, usually at work places or schools are usually as limited as an online test.

Trust me, I recognise people with high IQ's, and you are not among them. This obviously upsets you because it's not what you believe. Your next move is to claim that IQ's don't mean anything and that people with elevated IQ's are retarded. It's completely predictable.

Your first dumb move was to assume that I was talking about difficulty or even stimulation, since I was merely pointing out that walking sims are the bottom of the barrel pseudointellectual swill and you playing and looking for discussion on them is indicative of your substandard intelligence.

My IQ is over 160 and I hate walking simulators. If you were smart yourself or merely studied the topic, you would understand 100% why people with superior brains would simple go for a walk instead but the very thought of it didn't occur to you.

>> No.15166997

>Trust me,

>> No.15167000

Simulators are for giga autists.

>> No.15167008

My IQ is over 160 and I hate walking simulators.

>> No.15167026

>My IQ is over 160
Prove it.

>> No.15167036

He hates walking simulators, that's a sign of high IQ. Simulators are for low IQ "people"

>> No.15167040

I have a 140 IQ and yume nikki is my favorite game of all time so I'd have to agree

>> No.15167044

Not a proof.

>> No.15167048
File: 51 KB, 832x1000, 64f501db467c44445285591ab8ca8512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate walking simulators.

>> No.15167061

You're definitely a man of integrity. The "man" you replied to is just some moron.

>> No.15167081

Probably, but I'll never pass up the chance to talk about works of art that I enjoy

>> No.15167094


>> No.15167156
File: 424 KB, 647x818, 1553216436391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Not a proof"? Can't you speak properly, boy? Go on, stand up straight when I talked to you. Don't make me bust out my copy of The Ego and Its Own and teach you a thing or two. Now get in your stupid corner, I left you a walking sim to occupy yourself with while you think about how stupid you're being.

>> No.15167163

Did you write your thesis about Matthiessen's book, or are you just old?

>> No.15167164

Not an argument.

>> No.15167170


>> No.15167180
File: 101 KB, 785x731, k0IGUXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not an argument.

>> No.15167184


>> No.15167190


>> No.15167196

Plot Perfect!

>> No.15167723

/lit/ confirmed for autism

>> No.15168047

"Making Shapely Fiction" is a minimalist's skinny on the sort of shapes stories take. Short, sweet, invaluable to my own writing.
Check it out.

>> No.15168115

>People here don't even read, faggot.
Why did I hope... Every fucking board is the same,

>be me
>study cinema for months
>go to /tv/
>study literature and linguistics for 8 years
>think I might try /lit/
>post chess thread on /tg/
>try walking simulator games on /v/

It only ever works on this website if you attack something in an autistic manner, rely heavily on overused memes, and tickle anon with race, sex, and homosexuality.


"Do you have to be fat and ugly to get into Warhammer 40k?"

"Is Sonic a transsexual and transpecies homosexual?"

"Any kinos about big black cocks in action from a Stanley Kubrick interpretation?"

"Was Evola truly a sucker of dicks and which philosophical movement was that? Come and go?"

4chan needs to burn. It's dead.

>> No.15168155
File: 858 KB, 1838x2297, 1563746101905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15168190

I have 180IQ and what the fuck is a walking simulator?

>> No.15168235
File: 128 KB, 700x390, 1571952021695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 IQer here: You wouldn't like 'em friend; they're for midwits and morons.

>> No.15168250

666 IQ here, I’m so smart I hate videogames of all kinds but I play them and enjoy them

>> No.15168299
File: 52 KB, 1863x264, A good post that has been wasted on trash, and lost in a sea of literal shit posting. How fitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gore/porn flooding until the thread you got humiliated in 404s/gets deleted and you can start again in a fresh one.

>> No.15168313

There was an old saying on /b/ that trying to troll /b/ was "pissing in an ocean of piss". I now think it applies to all aspects of 4chan, not just trolling and not just /b/. Be mindful and close the browser my friend. This is a wasteland where only the damned still wander.

>> No.15168425

Wow 2 responses epic, shouldn't save your own screenshots

>> No.15168744

bump for this

>> No.15169442
File: 111 KB, 472x640, squirrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report back on Plotto, please, if you do indeed look into it. Always a little curious on that one.

I second the rec of McKee's Story.

I'm not sure that any book can teach you have to plot if you don't have a natural talent for it, but Vogler's The Writer's Journey is surprisingly good.

Oh, yeah. Another good one - surprising, too, because of the title - is Mamet's _On Directing_, the first chapter of which is a terrific account of Mamet's improvised, in-class development of a short story plot.

Also, the famous memo Mamet wrote for some cop show he worked on. Lays out the basics of screenwriting with characteristic Mametian concision and force. Should be able to find it pretty easy via g--gle.

>> No.15169494

To some extent, #4 is present in every Murakami novel I have read.

>> No.15169780


>> No.15169839

>here since 2008
Nothing else about what you say makes me believe this. Or you’re not very bright, also an option I guess.

>> No.15169842

Unironically, screenwriting books.

The Anatomy of Story, by John Truby
The Art of Dramatic Writing, by Lajos Egri (for plays)

But there are also literary books about the structure of narrative. I recommend you to study things related to narratology. Some books that I have and helped me "grasp" the essence of storytelling:

Cambridge Introduction to Narrative, by H. Porter Abbott
The Rethoric of Fiction, by Wayne Booth
Reading for the Plot - Design and Intention in Narrative, by Peter Brooks

Also, there is a very good thesis on neuroscience published some years ago that explain how the
how the suspense phenomenon occurs in the human brain. Which is interesting for future writers to understand how the reader's mind works, and then to manipulate it. It's called "Emotional Experiences of Tension and Suspense". There's a pdf you can find on google.

>> No.15170405

The (IV)fourth is my problem with girls.

>> No.15171056

I think the third one could actually work

>> No.15171089

1 is most of the Batwoman show

>> No.15171196

>My IQ is over 140 and I adore walking simulators. If you were any smart yourself or merely studied the topic, you would understand 100% why people with superior brains enjoy walking simulators, but the very thought of it didn't occur to you.
literally laughed my ass off for a good five minutes at this

>> No.15171292

Concrete Island was the last one like that I read

>> No.15171296

also like half of Lovecraft's work

>> No.15171840

Thanks for recommendations.

>> No.15171953

>try walking simulator games on /v/
lol why

>> No.15172493

Lmao you’re fucking retarded if you think Calvino is postmodernist.

>> No.15172506

You’re such a huge faggot. Go kys you slimy brain let fuck.

>> No.15172570


>> No.15172581

2 the trial

>> No.15172675

bruh you posted cringe

>> No.15172767

>it's not a big thing
>soon gets sorted out

>> No.15172849

I like the picture. But there are more than four Undramatic Plot Structures.

>Boy Misses Girl
A boy and girl miss each other by minutes and carry on with their lives without ever knowing what might have been.

>The Failure of the Underdog
A plucky fellow enters a competition which he has no theoretical hope of winning. And indeed he quickly gets knocked out and goes back home.

>Mismatched Buddies Remain So
Two people from wildly different backgrounds are forced to work together. Gradually they come to dislike each other even more and they part at the end of the assignment with a sense of relief.

>Tragedy Averted
The protagonist is a great man with one almost-fatal flaw. Fortunately, just when he's about to make a terrible decision his friends stop him and disaster is averted.

>> No.15173238

Basically nothing happens to K. until he randomly gets stabbed one day. The trial has no actual effect on his life until the very end

>> No.15173601

Yes. Now go back.

>> No.15173607

The unashamed fucking redditors ITT

>> No.15173614
File: 156 KB, 782x968, 1561300825332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related ITT

>> No.15173629
File: 159 KB, 900x1359, e73e1eda12215c713834e1f0b36c5932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15173694


4. that carver story about the old guy who wears his wife's clothes or whatever

>> No.15173721

No, there isn't. We've been rather effectively kettled

>> No.15173750

Lmao you're fucking retarded if you think If on a winter's night a traveler is anything but the exemplar of postmodern literature

>> No.15173755

These aren't undramatic; one would really call them pathetic, as in "pathos"

>> No.15174433

Fair enough, but the trial doesn't actually get sorted out, does it? It was still there looming over him until the very end, even if it had had no greater impact on his life.

>> No.15174488

Being hidden gives posts more visibility than they would have if ignored

>> No.15174583

Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.15174600

we don't know if she ultimately gives up or not

>> No.15174705

I just realized how hysterical laughter looks a lot like extreme pain or suffering. Pretty cool desu but i’m too much of a brainlet to expand upon my observation.

>> No.15175697
File: 1.67 MB, 1999x2560, A1gvzekmbvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't read it, but this looks like it might be good.

>> No.15175707

based. 4channel BTFO. look at all the seething incel replies

>> No.15176002

The Tatar Steppe
The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years

both are great books.

>> No.15176082


>> No.15176105

Based Borges working leddit into a shoot.

>> No.15176128

Based anon shooting the autists into a work.

>> No.15176147

Dude. Just read Onetti.
He writes about what he's writing and why he writes each part, all in a setting where prowrestling is real and you can still molest the domestic employee.
Based literature for great reddit minds like us.