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15165194 No.15165194 [Reply] [Original]

>turn the other cheek
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15165213

He wanted to spank Peter

>> No.15165224

when he busts on the right cheeks, you give him the other cheek as well. both cheeks must be equally covered in cum

>> No.15165227

spread those cheeks open

>> No.15165243

he was a Jewish psy-op and wanted to make the white race complacent so that the Jews could destroy their culture

>> No.15165263

ask someone to hit you in the face and you'll understand

>> No.15165373

You show how powerful you are by not immediately retaliating after being hit and then even allowing them to hit you a second time.

>> No.15165391

Be beta and let yourself get beat up by chad without retaliating

>> No.15165392

>stop being a bitch about karen next door
Jesus didn't give a shit about petty domestic enemies, he cared about people who made themselves his moral opposition(like the jews in the temple) and delt with them as such

>> No.15165403

I’d say “disciplined” and “humble” apply better

>> No.15165469

The word you are looking for is cucked

>> No.15165492

Have fun getting cucked by Satan

>> No.15165518


>> No.15165692

>if they kill you, you win

>> No.15165979

Huh? Do you have any verses for this?

>> No.15166034

>literally wrecks the marketplace
>"easier for a camel etc, etc"

This along with give Ceaser what is Ceaser's is imo meant to put things into perspective. Petty problems aren't worth your soul. Put up a fight when it concerns your soul and those of others, but not for petty shit like money or status.

>> No.15166378
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>> No.15166389

Don't fight fire with fire

>> No.15166404

from the gay science?

>> No.15166407


>> No.15166435


Don't get violent with someone unless your life or the life of someone else is in danger. (see selling your cloak to buy a sword)

>> No.15166501

If you are unjustly punished for something do not be quick to anger because there is always something you've done that deserves punishment. Essentially, sit down, be humble.

>> No.15166531

At the time of Jesus, says Walter Wink, striking backhand a person deemed to be of lower socioeconomic class was a means of asserting authority and dominance. If the persecuted person "turned the other cheek," the discipliner was faced with a dilemma: The left hand was used for unclean purposes, so a back-hand strike on the opposite cheek would not be performed. An alternative would be a slap with the open hand as a challenge or to punch the person, but this was seen as a statement of equality. Thus, by turning the other cheek, the persecuted was demanding equality.

>> No.15166556

The love thy enemy verse is a rather famous mistranslation. The greeks have a word for private enemy(as in your bitchy neighbor) and public enemy (as in that bandit who wants to kill you). Jesus said love thy private enemy, it should be noted that jesus acted violently several times against public enemies(like when he fucked up those jews)

>> No.15166639

Matthew Henry’s comment on this verse is helpful: “Suffer any injury that can be borne, for the sake of peace, committing your concerns to the Lord’s keeping. And the sum of all is, that Christians must avoid disputing and striving. If any say, Flesh and blood cannot pass by such an affront, let them remember, that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God; and those who act upon right principles will have most peace and comfort”

Turning the other cheek does not imply pacifism, nor does it mean we place ourselves or others in danger. Jesus’ command to turn the other cheek is simply a command to forgo retaliation for personal offenses. He was not setting government foreign policy, and He was not throwing out the judicial system. Crimes can still be prosecuted, and wars can still be waged, but the follower of Christ need not defend his personal “rights” or avenge his honor.

There was a time in history when a man would feel compelled to protect his honor against one who slandered him or otherwise besmirched his character. The offended party would challenge the offender to a duel. Swords, firearms, or other weapons were chosen, and the two enemies would face off. In most cases, senseless bloodshed ensued. Samuel Johnson wrote in favor of the practice of dueling: “A man may shoot the man who invades his character, as he may shoot him who attempts to break into his house.” The problem is that “invasions of character” are exactly what Jesus told us to tolerate in Matthew 5:38. Turning the other cheek would have been a better option than dueling, and it would have saved lives.

>> No.15166744

Jesus spoke aramaic, didnt speak greek...

>> No.15166818

He wanted to get killed and die, or saved, but how can that be if hes the saviour___
Genesis Holzness
Exodus Sacredness
Exodus Sacrifice
Leviticus Right
Deutronomy Judgement
Job Testament
Psalms Reverence
Jesus Redemption

>> No.15166874

The verse was translated from greek

>> No.15166905

He spoke aramaic in everday oife but he almost certainly spoke greek.

>> No.15166931
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>> No.15166938

Translated from greek which was translated from aramaic. Does aramaic also have 2 different words for public and private enemy?

>> No.15166948

be above your instincts

>> No.15166960

>that’s right goyim money doesn’t matter just stop thinking about it
>just give all of it to the chosen people, we’ll take care of it
thanks rabbi, very cool

>> No.15166980

The new testament was written in greek retard

>> No.15166985

This is one of the biggest copes I’ve ever seen
>hit me again daddy, th-that will prove we’re equal!

>> No.15166996

Pretending to be retarded still makes you a retard

>> No.15166998

You don't understand ancient mediterranean culture

>> No.15167007

Neither do you.

>> No.15167198

In what culture? The Romans? The Jews? Ive never heard of Jews having this autistic system where punching someone means they're your equal.

>> No.15167205

one of the most effective world domination tactics tbqh

>> No.15167347

Be a good goy

>> No.15167398

Sounds like a roman thing, they're the same guys who think forcing another man to suck your cock(literally) is the manliest thing possible

>> No.15167478

Be a passive aggressive bitch to the Romans.

Romans had a couple social norms. One was that they were very conscious of social standing. Another was that a backhanded strike to the cheek was an insult, as it meant that the stricken wasn't considered an equal. Turning the other cheek forced the Roman striking the Judean to either throw a limp double backhanded strike or to stop striking altogether.

Oh, also remember that rich Romans wore togas, which needed one hand to be held in place correctly.

>> No.15167491

The Romans occupied Palestine during Jesus life.

>> No.15167758

>But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. 29To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. 30Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. 31And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.

So youre saying jesus wanted the other jews to bless the Romans and pray for them??

>> No.15167803

being a cuck is a virtue

>> No.15167851

use religion general next time

>> No.15168222

Is this what they mean when people talk about the christian slave morality?

>> No.15168421

Is like when you tell your little niece "hit me, now hitme harder like a man." as you dont feel pain.

>> No.15168450

How do Christcucks cope with the fact that the only reason they worship a jew on a stick is because it was politically convenient for a Roman emperor 1700 years ago?

>> No.15168474

The roman emperor had to adopt cristianity.

>> No.15168530

I think this really hits the nail on the head, thanks for posting, I was having a hard time believing the ‘turn the other cheek means they have to hit you as an equal because of this strange left/right hand cultural rule’, I don’t think the authors of the New Testament would he so short-sighted.

>> No.15168559

Yeah, because it was convenient for him as a ploy to help centralize his rule during a time of crisis. One empire, one caesar, one God and all that.

>> No.15168611

>jew on a stick
Christ died to save you, even though he knew you would utter such vitriol.
Repent and believe in the Gospel.

>> No.15168644

slaves can't do anything besides coping and thinking they will get rewarded in the afterlife and that their slave masters will suffer for eternity

>> No.15168658

>can't do anything

the slave morality meme was pulled by a guy that depended on his mom for like 3/4 of his life lmao.

>> No.15168867

well, he tried to escape nihilism

>> No.15168887


>> No.15169404

Saved me from what?

>> No.15169590

from his own miserable creation