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15164506 No.15164506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When asked his stance on gay marriage Jordan Peterson said:
"That's a really tough one for me. If the marital vows are taken seriously, then it seems to me that it's a means whereby gay people could be more integrated more thoroughly into standard society, and that's probably a good thing. And maybe that would decrease promiscuity, which is a public health problem, though obviously that's not limited to gay people."
Fuck this faggot I'm out. God i fucking hate faggots unironically.

>> No.15164514
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ok retard

>> No.15164529

I mean he worked for the UN of course he's a shill for faggots

>> No.15164531

I support gay people

>> No.15164541

>i'm obsessed by other people's sex lives
>no i don't have one of my own

>> No.15164550

Any good gay authors?

>> No.15164552

>gay people could be more integrated more thoroughly into standard society
He implies that homo society is nonstandard and that their foul natures could be mastered by holding them to the same standards as normal, functional society. He obviously wants to destroy gay culture, the bigot.

>> No.15164553


Homophobes are the biggest brainlets on this planet

>> No.15164558

How much more of a faggot can Steve be lmfao

>> No.15164559

Plenty of homophobes have sex lives, just not here on 4chan.

>> No.15164568

Guarantee my IQ is higher than yours and I hate faggots

>> No.15164576

>people other than me having sex is BAD

I refuse to believe this was anything other than pandering to his fans

>> No.15164586

Why does a nigga shagging another nigga irritate you so much? Genuinely asking

>> No.15164604

>Not knowing the difference between supporting fag marriage because fags and supporting fag marriage only when it is taken seriously, making the faggot couple more inline with society rather than the other way around, and reducing promiscuity, which is an overall win.

>> No.15164617

Only single digit IQ midwits and women aren't able to appreciate classical music and opera.

>> No.15164638

Because I'm straight idiot

>> No.15164650

Straight and a fuck ugly virgin :>

>> No.15164657

I hate americans so fucking much

>> No.15164666

what's next cats and dogs living together?

>> No.15164669

What does being straight have to do with the hate of homosexuality? And you say your IQ is bigger than mine lmao

>> No.15164673
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t. closet fag

>> No.15164674

Beethoven never made it past statements of intent, have some Rossini instead

>> No.15164695

why trap of all.

There is good music out today .

But it surely aint trap.

>> No.15164697
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Are you an actual brainlet?

>> No.15164709

you didn't make this thread to discuss books

>> No.15164723

Plato retroactively refuted the vile practice by proving its contradiction to the natural use and proving that is was only done out of a slavery to pleasure. Hedonists should be chemically castrated and put on ultra high doses of MOR antagonists.

>> No.15164740

>by proving its contradiction to the natural use

Why is it bad if its unnatural? and why does he get to be the judge of what natural is? lmao

>Hedonists should be chemically castrated and put on ultra high doses of MOR antagonists.

Elaborate why

>> No.15164750

i'm black and even i don't listen to trap, lo - fi and future funk are better.

>> No.15164762

>Plato retroactively refuted the vile practice
And talked about men loving boys in all his other dialogues.
>Hedonists should be chemically castrated
Just so you know this, being an incel was looked down on in greece abd rome. If you weren't married or had at least one male lover you'd become the butt of the joke for everybody around you. Judeo-christianity was the first faith which allowed sperglords like you to thrive and put virginity on a pedestal.

>> No.15164767
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>> No.15164775

>doesn't understand what the word platonic has come to mean
>thinks everything translated as love is sexual or romantic
Retard alert.

>> No.15164778

>Just so you know this, being an incel was looked down on in greece abd rome.

Based Greeks

>> No.15164780

Very shallow read but that's expected from a coombrain and a faggot

>> No.15164784

>implying pederasty wasn't a real thing
>implying everyone shared the same mentality of plato
Get a load of this midwit.

>> No.15164786
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>> No.15164789

not literature

>> No.15164791
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>Not literature

>> No.15164795
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>> No.15164797

global rule 6

>> No.15164804


>> No.15164807
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>Global rule 6

>> No.15164815

Homophobes don’t see homosexuality in the same way straight people do, as a private affair between two adults. They see it instead as a personal attack on their sexuality because deep down they feel the same attraction. This is why any innocuous portrayal of gay love in media is decried by homophobes to have been “shoved down their throat” (itself a Freudian statement) and why so many of the most vile homophobes turn out to be gay themselves.

Those who are homophobic for purely religious reasons are different, however.

>> No.15164819
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Pls seethe more I'm getting hard thinking just how buttblasted you are

>> No.15164832
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>as a private affair between two adults

>> No.15164841

These people exist

>> No.15164848

>as a private affair between two adults

Exactly thats how I see it. I never understand the POV of homophobes because its none of my damn business what to guys do privately, they are not in any way shape or form threatening my heterosexuality lmao

>> No.15164853

There is always bad apples my guy. And its exactly because homophobes deny homosexuals entering society that they resort to doing retarded shit like that

Its not really hard to udnerstand lmao

>> No.15164859
File: 38 KB, 270x373, unnamed (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faggots who unironically shill this kid's pics know more about the boy than his fucking parents because that's the only drag queen kid they can use as a strawman when their fragile heterosexuality is threatened. You won't find another kid drag queen other than him lmfao.

>> No.15164867

You wish
Being repulsed by homo activity is 100% natural in heteros
Are you an actual faggot?

>> No.15164874

Nice word salad cocksucker, meaningless drivel.

>> No.15164876

Nice try pedos.

>> No.15164889

>Being repulsed by homo activity is 100% natural in heteros

I mean sure if I saw 2 dudes fucking I would probably throw up but I still dont treat them inferior to me because they are not. Why do you think they are inferior to you?

>> No.15164893

I don't need to wish something which is already real. No sane person with an active sex life would be seething so much at fags, and no girls would ever want to be close to a sperglord like you.

>> No.15164899
