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15163234 No.15163234 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is into the occult?
Its kind of a morbid curiosity for me. I was first introduced to this through the writings of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell.
Pretty cool stuff.

>> No.15163265

I’m an occultist, as always I recommend reading Boehme, Agrippa, Dee, Paracelsus and so forth. The best grimoires are the Arbatel,heptameron, hygromanteia and liber Juratus and the sixth and seventh book of Moses.

Aryeh Kaplan’s book inner spaces and Jewish meditations are the best intro to Kabbalah.

Don’t forget to take the Plato-Plotinus-iamblichus pill

>> No.15163268
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I do angel rituals often only really care for practical aspect , too much pointless theory in the area.
Anyway most in this field have mental illness or are pseuds huge lack of grounding, occult can be a supplement but your main meal should be a practical philosophy focuses on higher ends

>> No.15163644

>pretty cool stuff
You have no idea the danger you are walking into

>> No.15163725

>I’m an occultist
no you're not, you're a dropout in your early 20s who thinks they've discovered some secret realm that normal people would never understand and you are constantly hoping that one of your "workings" will actually be true because "that'll show them"

>> No.15163728

yes, internet mockery can be cruel