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File: 586 KB, 907x4900, dugin44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15161606 No.15161606 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with Dugin?

>> No.15161622

at the beginning of course

>> No.15161743

Jew on Jew crime

>> No.15161764
File: 14 KB, 340x180, lordh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most proud of being born in a place one had no choice in the matter

this is why nationalists are the fucking stupidest people

>> No.15161796

>We didn’t have a choice to be born in general therefore we shouldn’t be proud to be alive.
>We didn’t have choice about our parents therefore we shouldn’t love our parents.
The brain of a hippy boomer.

>> No.15161869

>We didn’t have a choice to be born in general therefore we shouldn’t be proud to be alive.
>We didn’t have choice about our parents therefore we shouldn’t love our parents.
Yes? A lot of things are alive. Amoebas, cats, and niggers are alive. If you want to stretch, the planet or universe as a whole is alive. There is literally nothing special about being alive.
You don't, or shouldn't, love your parents just because they are your parents. You love them because they are good people. I have the rare glimmer of love for my parents, because sometimes they are cool. Most of the time, they are scum and I'm ashamed of being their progeny. I wouldn't expect my children to love me just because I made them.

>> No.15161894

>There is literally nothing special about being alive.
>boo hoo cancer is alive therefore nothing special is in the universe
Pussy. Get laid.

>> No.15161907

truly a hippy boomer.
I'm not the other guy that answered you, but I must borrow the insult.

>There is literally nothing special about being alive.
the chances of you being born are pretty slim. You were the product of two specific gametes that could only be produced in a short window of time. And one of those was selecteda midst thousands of others.
So, yeah, it is pretty special to have been born and to have survived so long to the point you are an actual boomer.

>> No.15161910

>You love them because they are good people. I have the rare glimmer of love for my parents, because sometimes they are cool. Most of the time, they are scum and I'm ashamed of being their progeny
Sucks to be you I guess. That’s not what happened in my experience.
If your parents were hard on you it was for your own good. They tried to make you a contributing member of a society but by the looks of it they failed.

>> No.15161916

Not that guy but
>We didn’t have a choice to be born in general therefore we shouldn’t be proud to be alive.
I’m grateful I’m alive, not proud. I love my country and am grateful to live in it, I do not use my nation as a source of pride I use it as a source of common identity. My nationalism is matter of fact and practical not as self-esteem fuel. Dugin should be proud that he has furthered Russia, he should be grateful to be Russian.
>We didn’t have choice about our parents therefore we shouldn’t love our parents.
Not being proud of something you didn’t yourself do is retarded, you should be grateful not proud. I’m proud that I did well at university, I’m grateful that my parents encouraged and supported me. A parent can be proud of a child because the child is a product of the parents actions.

>> No.15161929

Boomers are literally the most spoiled, weak and the most upitty entitled generation ever.

>> No.15161947
File: 58 KB, 500x297, 1B8C5E33-6129-40DA-A88C-D4B0A25EC283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15161956
File: 38 KB, 807x380, 345734573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh nationality

>> No.15162025
File: 82 KB, 600x450, 1577794075815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chances of you being born are pretty slim.
>So, yeah, it is pretty special to have been born.
Just because it is rare doesn't make it special in the good sense. Getting struck by lightning or developing treeman syndrome is "special" based on your reasoning.
>to have survived so long to the point you are an actual boomer.
I am 24. This blind positive valuing of life is one of the most "boomer" things there is.
Speaking of which:
>boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer!
They really need to update your script.

>> No.15162456

>muh hyperindividualism
I'll buy that if you buy that I don't owe a single penny of compensation for "Colonialism" and even the slightest guilt for "privilege" of any kind.

>> No.15162508

Reminder that Schopenhauer never said that pride in ones country was bad, only that in contrast to the negativity of it or in compensation for oneself. But nonetheless I am individually and impersonally proud of my nation.

>> No.15162652

>special in the good sense
now you are making a distinction.
good way to try to defend yourself, but ultimately it fails.

>I am 24. This blind positive valuing of life is one of the most "boomer" things there is.

sure if you say so.
life is suffering but this doesn't mean it isn't special.

>> No.15163842
File: 174 KB, 1200x788, B7oD9iICAAAIVI-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
