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/lit/ - Literature

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15155446 No.15155446 [Reply] [Original]

excuse my sad posting

i can never seem to read, i have really weak attention span and cannot focus. I'm 21 i have never read a single book in my entire life.

>> No.15155454

this is a literature board, not a pity party.

>> No.15155467

Nigga just go read a fucking book you have interest in and train your attention spam. Stop making pity party threads when you know what you need to do

>> No.15155475

This isn't /r9k/ nobody gives a shit about your pepe sadposting; there is a sticky with plenty of books to read for beginners so there is no reason to feel sorry for yourself. Do something about your situation, if you feel sorry for yourself all the time you will be consumed by your sea of pity

>> No.15155478

Ooohhhkay retard. What do you expect? "Here's a book to learn to read books"

>> No.15155582

Fucking pathetic

>> No.15155589

Maybe start with short books?

>> No.15155592

Just read short stories man, you spend your entire day on 4chan watching animu playing videogames readong manga and you can't even read the fucking Hunger Artist?

Admit that you don't read because you simply don't want to, at least

>> No.15155706
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dont mind the miserable anons, start by reading a page a day then increase , just at least a page a day. Also work on your attention some meditation will do u wonders

>> No.15155711

Reading is not essential

Go play video games or something

>> No.15155715

Start with short literature: short stories, short poems, maxims/aphoristic literature.

>> No.15155727

I had this problem for months
Had so many books in my backlouge but couldn't stop shitposting
The read along shit helps a lot because it gives me an incentive to finish what i've started

>> No.15155751

You don't read because you don't like it. If there was something that would interest you, you would read that without blaming the short attention spam. This isn't school, nobody need excuses.

>> No.15155789

Fuck off you autistic tourists, it should be no surprise that the people here who don’t read and reduce board quality are robots. Or better than leaving this board, kill yourself, that way you can’t come back. This was not worth making a thread for, does nobody ever read the sticky when they come to a new board now? Is it because you’re all redditors and you’re incapable of considering this place suitable for anything other than shitposting and muh feels?

>> No.15155798

there is no way around it, you just have to train your attention span by starting with shorter stuff. meditation also helps a lot

>> No.15155804

Chill man lmao

>> No.15155819
File: 23 KB, 596x739, 0d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 21 and i'm getting back into reading, i used to read a lot when i was a kid because i wanted to overcome my dyslexia.

if a guy like me who was told he has a learning difficulty in the way he stores information can read so can you, just take breaks in between. e.g read 30 pages take a 30-60 min break then read another 30 pages.

>> No.15155987

Ditch the video games, computer, and phone, delete social media and video apps, remove your distractions and go somewhere quiet with a book and don’t come out until you finish a few chapters. That’s how you’ll fix this problem.

>> No.15156591

Listen to an audiobook while playing a videogame or something.

>> No.15156753

Watch lots of porn. Become a master of all the categories on Pornhub. Get to know the verified models. Comment on your favorite videos. In time you will free up massive amounts of energy you didn't even know you had. People say quit porn - that's bullshit, you need to push until you break through to the other side. You will never be free until porn singularity. You need to know all the veins and contours of every fat cock and silicone titty ever filmed.

>> No.15156798


>> No.15156889 [DELETED] 

take the candlepill