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15154318 No.15154318 [Reply] [Original]

Describe his downfall

>> No.15154340
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>> No.15154347

You would not believe the amount of professors that take a cocktail of prescription medications every day. They're essentially the last group of people that can still get the good stuff by simply asking for it.

>> No.15154359

Zizek killed him.

>> No.15154371

it's some disgusting tragedy to think that any 4chan user insults someone else's intelligence. or someone else's writing. or someone else's reading ability. you've rotten your brain and reading comprehension by shuffling through thousands of short post thinking in whatever your heart's content to call some stranger a retard.
there's been /lit/ users that have said Peterson's a dumbass who can't read Marx. The average /lit/ poster probably can't read past a 5th grade level. People laugh that he lost the debate with spitzeck, when everyone here can only post massive amounts of dismissive seethe and misologist faggotry when they fragile ego is damaged when they lose an argument.

>> No.15154379

Suck my dick retard

>> No.15154403

u a retard XD

>> No.15154421

When that one anon decided to be op after sucking nazi dick on hitlers birthday and commited to writing a downfall of jordan petersen youtube video when the semen started giving them indigestion.

>> No.15154469
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>Implying random chan retards actually did something irl
No matter how much one can disagree with the enemy of spirit ,hes still light years ahead average retard here

>> No.15154484

I don't like Jordan Peterson but these brainlet memes are fucking terrible, like if I didn't know who Jordan Peterson was and I saw this meme I probably would have assumed he was right by virtue of pissing off stupid people who can't meme

How is this "durr hurr" mimicry bullshit coming off as real satire to anyone?

>> No.15154500
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>> No.15154501

It's not that he can't read Marx, the Communist Manifesto is literally written to be an easy read, as it's promotional. The problem is that Peterson DOESN'T read Marx when he easily could, and then goes on to talk about Marxism, because he's a fucking charlatan lol

It's true that Peterson, as an academic professional who has read and written far more than anyone here likely has, should be understood as more respectable than the people on this forum. But only goes so far to protect him from the fact of him being full of shit about everything all the time

>> No.15154537

He was another cognitive therapist who played into the 'wrong' side. One cog therapist every decade or so writes the next big self help book, one phrased well enough to help out the commonfolk and become popular, but these come and go.
Peterson attained temporary fame by playing into identity politics, but he did so at fragile, adversarial times and was destroyed.

>> No.15154538

this is art

>> No.15154600

ty for this

>> No.15154662

He became what he preached that was wrong: A guy talking outside his field with zero knowledge.

>> No.15154691
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Everyone gets their 15 minutes.

I like what he says and how he thinks, but he got caught in the media machine with all the other drunkards and kings. Stayed a Ja Rule and never learned how to be 50 Cent.

He'll be even more popular in the next album cycle tho.

>> No.15154696
File: 101 KB, 785x731, k0IGUXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey faggot stfu I'm really based and I read the Greeks and Jordanio Petersono is my father figure!!!

>> No.15154699


>> No.15154715
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 45436564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's some disgusting tragedy to think that any 4chan user insults someone else's intelligence. or someone else's writing. or someone else's reading ability. you've rotten your brain and reading comprehension by shuffling through thousands of short post thinking in whatever your heart's content to call some stranger a retard.
there's been /lit/ users that have said Peterson's a dumbass who can't read Marx. The average /lit/ poster probably can't read past a 5th grade level. People laugh that he lost the debate with spitzeck, when everyone here can only post massive amounts of dismissive seethe and misologist faggotry when they fragile ego is damaged when they lose an argument.

>> No.15154735

Back to twitter, wojak spamming discord faggot.

>> No.15154767

you know what they say, you have to fall to able to rise even higher.

>> No.15154777

Zizek was practically sleep walking and still annihilated him.
Not that it's much of an achievement. Peterson has been BTFO pathetically by random anti-nihilists and Sam Harris on two separate occasions.

>> No.15154801
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Back to twitter, wojak spamming discord faggot.

>> No.15154807

by anti-nihilists, I of course meant to say antinatalists. My computer refuses to believe it is a real word.

>> No.15154832
File: 292 KB, 583x835, 5CDA490A-7A66-4187-AADC-92684FC18E8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random anti-natalist
David Benatar is not a random guy. he is a philosophy professor in south africa and he wrote the pic related book. i think he coined the term anti-natalism.

>> No.15155272
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>> No.15155300

is that jordan peterson voice translator thing still running? could make this song happen...

>> No.15155404

It's never a problem when people don't install Marxist malware in their brain.
They only need to read Kazinsky or Hitler, or look upon any art, to draw conclusions of their own about capitalism.

>> No.15155419

I'm not into anti-natalism but I think anti-natalists are fucking based

>> No.15155423

you literally cannot take Peterson seriously after learning about his fuck up of a daughter getting married to someone she barely knows, having a child, then abandoning both of them to shack up with some wack job pickup artist and start some carnivore diet app or some shit which attempts to exploit her father's fame.

>> No.15155435

Peterson married a jewess. Insanity and curses are what follows that bloodline.

>> No.15155490

He´s pretty open about the fact that it´s his genes that are f´d up.

>> No.15155548

I couldn't take him seriously after learning he was a drug addict...like i know there is a certain degree of hopelessness with addiction, especially after you are initially prescribed the pills, but the fact that he let it consume his life and couldn't come with an intelligent solution to curb it really while presenting himself as someone who understands the brain and human behavior really is pretty contradictory and makes me think he really doesnt know shit

>> No.15155588

Ashkenazim are extremely inbred. their genes are extremely f'd up.

>> No.15155775
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>it's okay to be factualy wrong if you like based hitler

>> No.15155845

Job 1:21b

>> No.15156227

Your average 4channeler wasn't born and raised in rich, privileged Canadian household. So suck it, his "success" was almost inevitable and means nothing to me.

>> No.15156292

Benatar is retarded. On a podcast with Sam Harris he said that he has a nihilistic view of life, in the sense that nothing matters in the long run, God isn't real, we're all just going to die and be forgotten, the universe doesn't care about us, etc. And yet he still moralizes that having kids is wrong. Like nigger, if nothing matters and we're all going to die then can't make moral claims, because according to his logic, regardless if we have kids or not it won't matter in the end.

>> No.15156498

What the fuck

>> No.15156648

Peterson will never be your dad.

Go back to watching pewd.

>> No.15157034

so what?
this doesn't mean that you can't be moral and ethical.

>> No.15157036

>this thread again

>> No.15157142


>> No.15157145


>> No.15157396

why have you posted this twice. It's low quality, even by tranny standards

>> No.15157406

I'm not a tranny. I'm a beautiful woman.

>> No.15157505
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1555917877535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why have you posted this twice. It's low quality, even by tranny standards

>> No.15157690

Can I get a sauce my dude

>> No.15157696

This dude genuinely mad someone insulted his favourite pop-intellectual lmao

>> No.15157709

>haha rc car go brrrrr
i don't think its fair to say someone suffering from brain damage is "light years" ahead of other people suffering from brain damage.

>> No.15157795

>le eat the rich
40% yourself, tranny

>> No.15158767
File: 43 KB, 460x500, ohlook itsthisthreadagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, look...

>> No.15158846

Good post.

>> No.15158871

He didn't tho. His father was an alcoholic and J spent his childhood in some bumfuck depressing Canadian town. He even inherited his fathers addictive tendencies and passed them to his own children.

>> No.15158879

>>15154537It turned out that he himself was the biggest contributor to his own fragility.

>> No.15158896

Amorality is the prerequisite to his position tho.

>> No.15159086


The fact that there is no footage of him speaking after the "recovery" is pretty damning. Sad.

>> No.15159398

dietary restriction?

>> No.15159463

>did something
ultimate midwit flag
im going to school and getting an education, one day i hope to become a father and live comfortably within my means but i guess thats not cool enough for redditors because thats not "doing somthing"

>> No.15159496

Zap, zap, went the frogman's brain as it destroyed itself
I remember in a book by a different psychologist reading about what benzos did to the brain and god damn am I surprised anyone with that knowledge would ever take them instead of hunting for alternatives

>> No.15159541

lecture tours. He went from a massive audience of people who listened to some stuff he said to a small audience who listened to everything he said. After that he overreacted to every perceived slight in interviews which is great for 'owned, destroyed' vids but is useless for actual debate.

>> No.15160302

Absolutely and unequivocally based

>> No.15160339

A man not content with having published a minor classic which he might have convinced dutiful undergrads to pass around decides to endear himself to the online intelligentsia by clowning trannies. He finds his best talent is mythologizing capitalist toil to young men who will be swimming in shit for the final 50 years of mammalian life on this planet.
He sees Joe Rogan fuck a child like an ape and that night when taking his happy pills the Lenin's in his collection of Soviet paintings (which he really has look it up) come to life and show him the future. His daughter being a cam-whore, the destruction of the family and church for capitalistic values, and even more trannies. He swallows all his pills and in the last squeeze of dopamine he'll experience in his miserable life Funtown Fever from Cuphead plays.

>> No.15160383

His wife is Jim Keller's sister. Not a Jew.

>> No.15160422

Only if you take as a founding premise the idea that all morals derive from some god. An opponent could just as easily not take up that premise.

>> No.15160499

But he has read Marx. It's still pseudo intellectual garbage.

>> No.15160521
File: 294 KB, 620x572, 1580546464330113294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only reads Communist Manifesto for 10 minutes the day before debating Zizek when he had a year to prepare
>He totally knows Marx dude!

>> No.15160580


>> No.15160594

>People laugh that he lost the debate with spitzeck

This never happened though.

>> No.15160615

The existence of objective morals necessarily presupposes the existence of God.
Don't (You) me, just use your head a little.

>> No.15161194

Well i've read both Das Kapital and Mein Kampf (15 years ago this one), and mein Kampf is a total piece of shit compared to Das Kapital. How does that makes you feel?
>It's not that he can't read Marx
Actually, it take quite a lot of dedication to read both 3 volumes of his major work. Dedication Peterson didn't have apparently.

>> No.15161507

Codreanu mogs Hitler's writings

>> No.15161681

its like how nietzsche drew a picture of a woman during his later years but instead it is rc car brrrrr

>> No.15162158

Can confirm. Codreanu blew me away, his book was fantastic and deeply moving in a way Mein Kampf never could be. And I say this as someone who enjoyed MK

>> No.15162205

Gee, if u only weren't defending peterson you'd be THE speaker of truths.

>> No.15162344

No, he sued the creator apparently, or issued a DMCA or something. Wish someone had the trained model around. You could probably recreate it with enough of his speeches pretty easily.

>> No.15162419


>> No.15162789
