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15154074 No.15154074 [Reply] [Original]

What was the biggest heel turn in /lit/ history?

>> No.15154089

Possibly Tolstoy's later life in general

>> No.15154098

Houellbeck getting married.

>> No.15154227

>old white man happens to be an imperialist

>> No.15154249

>the US military machine is good when it can be used to support far left causes internationally
.t every living leftist.

>> No.15154254


>> No.15154257

>imperialism is only bad when America does it

>> No.15154262


>> No.15154267
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He's Jewish. His ethno-kin in the middle east are the ones pulling the strings to get their local threats demolished while he blows wind up the ass off impressionable white leftists about "oil wars" and "anglo imperialism".


If Chomsky is so woke, why is a gatekeeper on the JFK assassination and 9/11?

>> No.15154307

And here he is defending the Kurds from Islamic nationalism. The Jewish card isn't working this time.
>JFK gatekeeper
He say it's the mafia?

>> No.15154344

>And here he is defending the Kurds from Islamic nationalism.
The Israel-Kurd strategic relationship goes back decades: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraqi_Kurdistan%E2%80%93Israel_relations

Israel is known to back minorities as a cat's paw against other groups in order to divide and conquer. They did it with the Druze and they did it when Mossad founded Hamas in order to D&C the palestinians.

>He say it's the mafia?
Ah yes, the "mafia". Always thought to be "Italian" and definitely not Jewish. There was no such thing as Operation Underworld, and Jack Ruby's real name was never Jack Rubenstein but Jack Spagettio Mario. Just like the "Russian mafiya" and "Russian oligarchs". Amazing how the generic "mafia" is associated with these various other ethnic groups but never you know who.

>> No.15154358

It's because the Syrian Kurds are run by a socialist militia, he prefers them over the Islamist rebels and nationalist government. Pretty straightforward and expected if you know Chomsky.

>> No.15154391

>Using the Kurds as pawns goes back..
I wouldn't doubt it. Not excusing anything here. It's hardly benevolence on anyone's part, except maybe the foreign division troopers.

Only assholes say it was the mafia

>> No.15154407
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All nation states are ran by mafias with their own self interests, Israelis are no exception. Ironically you mentioned Russia, which is a state that's in bed with Isreal.

>> No.15154452

>All nation states are ran by mafias with their own self interests, Israelis are no exception
Most mafias are run along ethnic lines, and have connections to intelligence services (see Operation Underworld). The largest most successful of these mafias happens to be a state supported one run by Jews and dominates organized crime in America, Russia, and elsewhere for the last few decades (probably longer, under different guises). It's not some Dixie meth-smuggling good ol' boys with KKK klan hoods corrupting politicians via sexual blackmail on pedo islands.
>Ironically you mentioned Russia, which is a state that's in bed with Isreal
It wasn't "ironic," dummy. The "Russian mafiya" and "Russian oligarchs" mostly aren't Russian, yet the media affix the term "Russian" to the front of them. A quick wikipedia "early life" of the major oligarchs ought to be enough to get you to do a big think.

>> No.15154457


>> No.15154458

hes a pol pot apologist, he was always a heel

>> No.15154529

The problem is relying on large corporate identities such as nation states to sustain and protect us. Oligarchical mafias run everything, it doesn't matter if they're Jewish or not all mafias are parasitical entities.

>> No.15154730

There is more too this statement of an act. I hope he writes his memoires someday.

>> No.15154894
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I don't think Chomsky will do well in the next debate

>> No.15155378

>the US military machine is good when it can be used to support Israeli causes internationally
.t every living American.

>> No.15155396


Thank God those subhuman trash are going to be exterminated. Give them the barrel bomb, Assad.

>> No.15155407

Uhm, Based? the blue eyed lion strikes again.

>> No.15155633
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It's not actually that popular of a position, but after they crushed H Bush for refusing to give zero-interest loans to Israel in the late 80s so that they could illegally build colonies on the West Bank (he outright said "I'm facing some really powerful people here" and then had to apologize in tears later) nobody in the Right is brave enough to fight them.

The Left on the other hand still do the same shit, as Syria proved, but they mask it by blaming the behavior on American Imperialism, when it is in fact being mandated top-down by Israelis through a nepotistic control of the media and of finance.

Now, Chomsky obviously knows this since he is currently running damage control for any excuse, ANY excuse to topple the lawful government of Syria, in this case using a joke minority (the Kurds) as a catspaw.

But if you think about this for five seconds, you'll realize that the Kurds are themselves a bunch of genocidal fuckwits who are hated by everyone because of how they BEHAVE, and that the idea of them getting a Kurdistan or whatever is laughable. Either Turkey will simply take Syria in its entirety, along with whatever joke state the Kurds build up, or the Kurds will go back to being a compliant minority in Syria.

That's it. Those are the only two outcomes here. So why should the US be involved? Aaaaahhh, that's right, the Golan Heights, the group that HIS people want to steal from the Syrians.

>> No.15155657

You must understand that the situation in Syria has been ridiculously complicated, the Kurds are fighting very sophisticated military operations by some big players.

>> No.15155718

>And here he is defending the Kurds from Islamic nationalism. The Jewish card isn't working this time.
By opposing enemy's of Iseral conveniently enough. Different rationalization same effect.

>> No.15155752

the Syria clusterfuck is so weird, nobody can decide who they're rooting

>> No.15156474


>> No.15156544

>nobody in the Right is brave enough to fight them.
since the 80s the evangelicals have become more politically active and you cannot win the republican nomination without their vote and therefore have to support Israel