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/lit/ - Literature

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15153794 No.15153794 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts? I think they're really great books, even now that i'm rereading them at 19. I tried rereading other books i read as a kid and none came close to the wimpy kid books.

>> No.15153843

Yes they're good.

>> No.15153848

I only read 1-6, but I think after 4 it definitely dropped off. Haven't read after that, but from the few pages I've seen it seems a lot worse.
Maybe that's just because I'm not 12 anymore though and they have different experiences in middle school now.

>> No.15153946

I've only read 1 and 2. I assumed that it would be repetitive afterwards so I never bothered.

>> No.15153948

Little niggas a psycho

>> No.15153952

The movies are awesome

>> No.15153956
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>> No.15154015

only zoomers would have read them. fucking newfaggots

your books are shit. i was raised on watership down.

>> No.15154024

lol fuck your furfag books

>> No.15154039

>furry shit
Oh ok. 4chan is for zoomers now,
gramps. You're probably so old you don't even know who Colfer, Haddix, Riordan, Horowitz, Stroud are. Watershit downs(syndrome) is a boring old book for boring nerds like you dood. *ppfffffbbbttttt*

>> No.15154063


>> No.15154103

you zooms didnt even read it
go back to /pol/ and /tv/ and fuck off forever you cock gobblers

>> No.15154112

t. boomer
I dont read gayshit rabbot books

>> No.15154123
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>> No.15155264

How does that fat, disgusting, unwashed man in the picture get a gf and I don't?

>> No.15156903

I'm rereading the Alex Rider books, and they were fairly compelling as off-license James Bond for kids, until he got shot at the end of Scorpia and went to space in the very next book.

>> No.15156932
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a kino connoisseur, i see