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15153370 No.15153370 [Reply] [Original]

>pandemic of the century
>largest encyclopedia in world history exists free
>more scientists alive now than ever combined
>computers, internet, cloud available with limitless possibility
>more leisure available to people ever than human history

At what point did you realize that most people will never care about anything /lit/?

>> No.15153399

When I looked into IQ distribution.

>> No.15153407

>more leisure available to people ever than human history
this is false

>> No.15153410

Why would you want "most people" to care about anything
/lit/? Most people are disgusting. Read the comments on a Slate advice column one time and you'll be quite convinced that most people should be dragged out to killing fields and shot in the head.

>> No.15153418

That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in weeks. Defend your claim, in the face of Playstation, beer, and porn. I want to see what kind of absurd shit you come up with.

>> No.15153422

i want to go eat out at french restaurants and shit

>> No.15153439

OP didn't mean right this minute. He meant in general.

>> No.15153442

He probably thinks because people only had to do a few hours of paid labor a day that the rest of their time was for leisure, or because they satyed in during the winter that all their time was for leisure.

>> No.15153447
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top kek

>> No.15153481

no we have more leisure because a large part our economy is making things easier for exchange of money. which is why you have things like microwave dinner and washing machines. there are so many things you just don't have to do that previous generations had to. if you have even a modest middle class income you can buy a lot of time. and people do. even then they lack intellectual curiosity. throw some irl bait about say gravitational wave detection last year. people just don't care.

>> No.15153490

I agree with you

>> No.15153496

What do you mean by “more leisure”? If you mean time, then he’s right.

>> No.15153613

Modern people work fewer hours on average than any people in history.

>> No.15153622

That's false

>> No.15153669

the 8 hour work day is pretty fucking recent anon

>> No.15153675

working all day as a roman slave was the shit

>> No.15153685

>plebs bring plebs
Why am i not surprised? Its almost as if some were born to lead and others to serve...
Now you know why so few democracies existed in history

>> No.15153699

yeah but knowing this how do you navigate life? my strategy has been social distancing ironically. and i admit i've only been able to practice this due to good fortune.

>> No.15153718

When a gaming console is a few hundred bucks, a 30 rack of cheap beer is $20, and porn is free for millions of people, you have a recipe to kill an absurd amount of cumulative time

>> No.15153735

What if most people are right? who cares about dostoev-whoever when you could be out boating or partying or having sex?

It’s not their fault that you need to think all the time because your serotonin machine is broken.