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/lit/ - Literature

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15151848 No.15151848 [Reply] [Original]

I know he didn't approve of the final list, but just for fun, what should be added and what should be removed?


>> No.15151924

it's a pretty great list

>> No.15152003


>> No.15152692

The medieval section is missing so much. No Piers Ploughman, no Gawain and the Green Knight, no Parzival, no Heloise and Abelard, no Nibelungenlied?

>> No.15152716

medieval section is missing a lot because the medieval times were garbage. niebelungen is there. gawain is tripe compared to de troyes.

>> No.15152719

The Nibelungenlied is on there.

>> No.15152729

Parzival is there, too. Learn to read.

>> No.15152737

Why is India on the western canon?

>> No.15152743


A lot is missing when it comes to literatures he wasn't very familiar with. For instance, in the Portuguese language.

>> No.15152745

Indo-European languages. English is distantly related to Hindi, etc.

>> No.15152751


>> No.15152752

>The Western canon is the body of high culture literature, music, philosophy, and works of art that is highly valued in the West: works that have achieved the status of classics. However, not all these works originate in the Western world, and such works are also valued throughout the world.

>> No.15152753

>No ancient greek romances
>No Nonnus' Dyonisiaca
>No Post-Homerica
>No Epictetus
>No Plotinus
If you unironically base your self-education exclusively on this shitty list you should consider offing yourself along with all the chartfags who ask to be spoonfed on this board.

>> No.15152761

Non-Western works that influenced Western works are included in the canon. Like The Bible or 1001 Nights, etc.

>> No.15152770

The list is a condensed representation, it doesn't include everything, you autist. It's pretty solid.

>> No.15152774

Bible or Arabian nights make sense but I usually see India and stuff like Shankara described as Eastern on this board.

>> No.15152793
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>misses the philosophers who influenced the most christian theology
Come on man

>> No.15152803

Bloom himself didn't like the list. He thought he had left out many things. The list was his editor's idea.

>> No.15152847 [DELETED] 

No Potocki or Prus for Poland? No Pontoppidan for Denmark? No Szabo, Szerb, Kosztolanyi for Hungary? No Laxness for Iceland? No Rulfo and Sabato for Latin America? Pathetic.

>> No.15152867

Well, there are a few glaring omissions. No Potocki or Prus for Poland? No Pontoppidan for Denmark? No Szabo, Szerb, Kosztolanyi for Hungary? No Laxness for Iceland? No Rulfo, Sabato, or Onetti for Latin America? If one were to make a more complete list these would probably be included.

>> No.15153125

My bad, i didn’t realize they were categorized by location at first

>> No.15153206

But the canon isn’t about what's good or not, it’s about what influences our culture and what influences the literature that comes after it

>> No.15153220

>matches found
opinion discarded

>> No.15153228


>> No.15153663

Definitely more latin american writers should be added, since most of important stuff was being written by latin americans during mid/late 20th century, they were the ones carrying the torch of great literature and probably still are.

>> No.15153772

Don’t you have a Nabokov circle jerk thread to start?

>> No.15153872

some of it is about what's good
how much culture influence did Jay Wright ever have?

>> No.15153954

> Gawain is tripe
Get ye gone

>> No.15154827

Fuck tripfags but based

>> No.15154941


Hmm. The 20th Century is the worst I think but that's to be expected (Bloom admits as much).

From England, he has only Pincher Martin from William Golding. You need Lord of the Flies, The Spire, Free Fall, The Inheritors for sure.

From the USA there are some astonishing omissions:
No Raymond Chandler
No Dashiell Hammett
No Carl Dennis
Only "Where I'm Calling From" by Raymond Carver (you need all his short stories)

>> No.15154942

I cant fathom the existence of people who actually enjoy reading Dreiser or indeed any naturalist. Second rate hacks.

>> No.15154996

Dostoplebsky is overrated, Bloom was totally right.

>> No.15155012

He's part of the list.

>> No.15155058

WTF is this garbage ass list??
Never seen such a massive circle-jerk over anglo-literature.
This guy obviously hates Germans.
The worst thing is that it's not even filled with good (British) anglos, but with Am*rican trash literature.

How can you have only 5 works of Friedrich Schiller in there, but 6 works of John Ashbery (I even had to look up who this literal who is.)

>> No.15155079

He states outright that the conremporary list is less selective.

>> No.15155125

I'll give you that, but still. Just look at the amount of German philosophy this list contains and compare it to the amount of literal who anglos who i've never heard about (i'm not talking about the contemporary ones)

>> No.15155171

Not Bloom's line of work.

>> No.15156083


>> No.15156102

>This guy obviously hates Germans.
(((what did you expect?)))

>> No.15156142
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This, how could he do my man like this?!

>> No.15156442

except he is there.

>Fyodor Dostoevsky
Notes from the Underground
Crime and Punishment
The Idiot
The Possessed (The Devils)
The Brothers Karamazov
Short Novels

>> No.15156487

lrn 2 read

>> No.15156622

Trying to navigate that website is a trip. Hundreds of hyperlinks sending you in seemingly random places.

>> No.15156846


>> No.15157374


>> No.15157451

they wuz aryan n sheet

>> No.15157768

Needs more ancient greeks and romans etc/ that sort of stuff in my opinion plus medieval stuff