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File: 48 KB, 597x869, atlas-shrugged1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1515159 No.1515159 [Reply] [Original]

How do the works of Ayn Rand relate to the views of the Tea Party? Is this relation truthful to the authors original intention of her works? Why/why not?

>> No.1515164
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They're related because they're both headlined by a dumb bitch who doesn't know what she's talking about.

Captcha related to objectivism/libertarianism

>> No.1515167

Ayn Rand's stupid.

The Tea Party-ers are stupid.

1:1 stupid to stupid mapping.

>> No.1515168


>> No.1515170

They both think taxes sux, man.

>> No.1515179

most tea partiers are small business owners and private sector employees that are used like pawns.

>> No.1515192

Both think they shouldn't have to pay for social programs (like universal health care or social security for example), because everyone should be able to get by on their own. This idea of course goes out the window the moment they need it for themselves.

>> No.1515202

"The Tea Party" started as a pro-Ron Paul group and then the name essentially got co-opted by Republicans as a rebranding strategy. It's meaningless to talk about 'the views of the Tea Party' as they don't have any kind of official dogma or organization. It's like talking about what Anonymous believes.

>> No.1515210



>> No.1515215


They relate in one way and that is they both purport the moral superiority of Laissez-faire capitalism.

How they differ is that in Atlas the few creative exceptional men were those in protest, while in the tea party it is basically the unexceptional blue collar worker. So it's true in spirit but not in character.

>> No.1515217

Why is it called 'Atlas shrugged'? Does it means that Atlas just doesn't give a fuck?

>> No.1515218
File: 23 KB, 250x332, 250px-Shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno

>> No.1515223

I've never read it, but I assume it means shrug in terms of throwing off something (i.e. the weight of the world) rather than the gesture. I've always thought the image of Atlas throwing the weight to the ground was pretty sweet.

>> No.1515242

The hate for Ayn Rand stems both from her popularity amongst braindead republicans and her counter-cultural opinions among post-modern intellectuals.

I don't like her philosophy either, but I cannot hate such an avid proponent of individualism. Popular political books like ragged troussered philanthropist warrant far more hatred than Rand.

>> No.1515245

I like you. You make sense.

>> No.1515442

Atlas carries the weight of the world on his shoulders (much like successful capitalists do). When he merely shrugs the Earth quakes and governments collapse.

>> No.1515478

Just guessing on habit, Ayn Rand would have hated the tea parties because she fucking hates everything that doesn't directly make her moist.

>> No.1515510

I was under the impression that Rand was strongly anti-religion. I don't like her at all, but she seemed to stick to her guns, Tea Partiers just sort of absorb select parts of different views to justify their own (i.e bible)

>> No.1515564

Dear /lit/,

Please do my homework.
