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15151422 No.15151422 [Reply] [Original]

How do I start enjoying this life? Is such thing even possible? Please answer me. How do I flip the switch to stop seeing life as a miserable thing? What books do I need to read in order to develop such world view?
Please, I'm begging you. I'm at my wits' end and I can't help but return to having a pessimistic, grey worldview after a sporadic happy moment. These sporadic moments are not enough reason for me to continue struggling. I need something to stick.

>> No.15151445

read Nietzsche (pbuh) and Stirner (pbuh)

>> No.15151450
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The Self Awakened: Pragmatism Unbound by Roberto Unger.
Trust me.


>> No.15151454

Stop overthinking and just let life happen to you

>> No.15151456

This thread isn't /lit/ related, it should be moved to /r9k/ or /adv/.

>> No.15151481
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>This thread isn't /lit/ related, it should be moved to /r9k/ or /adv/.

>> No.15151497

Imagine crawling into soijacks big gaping watery mouth, imagine the warmth, the smell, the ooey gooey feeling as you swirl down his windpipes

>> No.15151508

Get yourself an Orthodox prayer book and pray to God every morning and evening. It has completely changed my life. No problem weighs me down anymore, I just submit to God and ask for mercy and to strengthen my faith. I just need to make the right moral choices and the rest is up to Him because all things are in His plan. It's the most peace of mind I've ever experienced.

>> No.15151517

>Submit to God
I love Shrek so much

>> No.15151527

>How do I flip the switch to stop seeing life as a miserable thing?
you can't because in reality life is miserable. the best you can do is to accept the way it is. or read more pessimistic writer so you'll feel like you have company.

read the book of disquite

>> No.15151580

There's no books. You really just need to stop being a faggot. Don't wallow in self-pity and sadness. Climb out of it. Make a conscious effort to see, recognize, and appreciate beauty and the beautiful and good things around you and in your life. It takes a conscious effort to get your mind out of a hole. Stop being a faggot, you'll thank me later.

>> No.15151621

name one beautiful thing

>> No.15151633


>> No.15151695
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I'm not fond of Stirner, but the little of what I've read of Nietzsche has been thoroughly a pleasant experience, but my heart is not in it to digest his philosophy yet. Where do I actually start with him? I've only read fragments of his texts.

That seems rather interesting, I'll give it a shot.

I never was able to get into christianity or other religions for that matter despite all the effort I put in

The last thing I need is a verification of my worldview

My problem is that I don't recognize many beautiful or interesting things aboutt life. Everything feels exhausting because they hold no meaning to me whatsoever yet require effort and willpower. I have no mission in life. Consuming media and having sex only takes you so far before you end up at a material dead end. Sorry, but I don't see how enduring 50 more years of this is going to make me see the light. At this rate, I'm lucky if I even make it to 30. I'm just a spiritually tired person, and no amount of sleep will fix it.

BTW, don't even mention antidepressants and therapy. These things never worked out for me.

>> No.15151816

>I don't recognize many beautiful things
I'm telling you if you make a conscious effort everyday to try to appreciate something, be it the sun or the chirping of birds or the taste of food or a woman's smile or a nice bit of landscaping (or if you live in a place with bad weather, say, Buffalo, then seek beautiful, uplifting art). Try to generally submerge yourself in a positive or beautiful environment, and it will, given time, make your conscious efforts easier. Life can be bad but it can be beautiful and holy. Don't give up fren

>> No.15151834


>> No.15151841

Start exercising

>> No.15151853

hairy milf pussy desu

>> No.15151867

excercise, videogames, and decent masturbation, is all you need

>> No.15151879

realistic art
cumming inside a girl
anime tiddies

>> No.15152045

Infinite Jest, and stop drinking alcohol and watching porn.

>> No.15152062

feminine penis > pussy

>> No.15152158

Realize the unreality of your problems, realize your inner nature and many delights and pleasures will be yours.
Start and end with advaita vedanta

>> No.15152206

do you ever hang out in saunas?