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15149266 No.15149266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any literature that explains why Americans are so insanely retarded?

>> No.15149277

Dwight MacDonald - Against the american grain

>> No.15149287

somehow, leftist americans are even more stupid and retarded

>> No.15149294
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>Implying Americans are literate

>> No.15149310

Americans are culturally backward apes who live for social status and material displays of wealth.

>> No.15149319

They're the only sane ones.

>> No.15149320


America has a lot of problems but one thing I like about Americans is they aren't faggots. If you basically raise your voice to a western european man and speak in the imperative he will just obey whatever you say because he's been conditioned by "propriety" and his nanny state to do what he's told. Those fucking faggot Europeans still fundamentally respect their peerages and have this weird deference toward them, and other oligarchs by extension.

You could disarm the entirety of western Europe by just asking sternly for everyone's guns, and you could make every French, German, or Scandinavian man choke on a brown dick if you told him "cmon, we're all in this together bud, you don't want your neighbours to think you aren't progressive do you?" But even the dumbest fattest American piece of shit will get instinctively angry if someone simply says "muh freedom of speech" or "the government wants to take our guns."

It's easy to idealize Europe if you've lived with crass cultureless Americans your whole life but when you actually meet them you realize they have the body language of women and carry purses and other gay shit like that. Something fundamentally went wrong with them. This only applies to western and northern Euros of course.

>> No.15149325

They aren't

>> No.15149332

you are an idiot if you actually believe that

>> No.15149345

Lmfao the level of delusion. All of you americanmutts are in the same shitboat

>> No.15149373

sane? at least the right is consistent and entertaining in its Q anon wackiness and Trump's funny quips.Christianity and self reliance are far more appealing than the leftists conformity and therapeutic dependency. the left are scolds and lapdogs for the HR and advertisement department.

>> No.15149393

I mean wouldn't it just feel great to round up all the queers and take a fucking sledgehammer to their pink haired skulls?

>> No.15149408

t. Small dick mutt

>> No.15149415
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How does it feel knowing we can sell your country to Asians/Slavs?

>> No.15149425

Holy shit this dude mad because he's too American to understand irony

>> No.15149435

>scolds and lapdogs for the HR and advertisement department.
All right wing
>Christianity and self reliance
By "self reliance" you mean rugged atomized individualism where everyone is left to rot?
And these things are what make America garbage.

>> No.15149439

The USA has like 100 actual leftists total. The rest are genderqueer post-colonial radical feminist folx who think Stalin wouldn't gulag them.

>> No.15149450

All you’ve done is describe how Americans how self righteous working class tough guys

>> No.15149453

Read Jefferson. He anticipated that the USA would rot into garbage the second it stopped being the frontier because people would devolve into wannabe Europeans as urbanization increased and demand tyranny. The only good part of the country is Alaska.

>> No.15149461

rugged atomized individualism beats dependent atomized individualism, I mean just take a look at your local leftists, they are the sort of people to complain ceaselessly about being mentally ill, they just replace church authority with a slavish devotion to mass media, psychiatry, political correctness.The primary impulse behind the left is no longer economic change, but wanting the authorities to take care of your 'self esteem', a therapeutic ethic based around guilt and dependence. To think for yourself in this day and age is already to position yourself on the far right.

>> No.15149468

t. wants john q. taxpayer to fund abortion, housing for blacks, welfare payments for single mothers, and healthcare for illegal immigrants for no benefit

>> No.15149474

Propaganda by Edward Bernays sets out a pretty great explanation on how to make the public retarded. Every politician, corporation, and media outlet followed his advice for the next 100 years.

>> No.15149475

The American left is braindead
>All cops are wife beating pigs who hate POC and LGBT
>Why do you want to own a gun?! The police exist, it's 2020, why do you love school shootings

>> No.15149489

the archetype of the modern leftist is 35 year old cat ladies who get all their news from Teen Vogue

>> No.15149498
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Pic rel is all you need to know

>> No.15149501


>> No.15149504

can you imagine what the current crop of 20-35yo college pseudo-leftists is going to look like as it ages?

imagine the faggotry of middle-aged twitterbrained retards who think states exist to supply n*****s and w**** with free starbucks so they never feel bad

>> No.15149509

^Retards confusing left and right, yet again.

>> No.15149522

Nice post
t. non-American

>> No.15149526

The right/left dichotomy in the USA is broken and it's impossible to fix without abolishing FPTP voting. Once a party picks a platform, you have to support it regardless of what kind of right winger/leftist you are because that's just what you do. So you have revolutionary socialists who want gun control and paleocons who hate the environment.

>> No.15149528

>You could disarm the entirety of western Europe by just asking sternly for everyone's guns, and you could make every French, German, or Scandinavian man choke on a brown dick if you told him "cmon, we're all in this together bud, you don't want your neighbours to think you aren't progressive do you?"
fucking delusional amerifatt lmao

>> No.15149530

Yeah sounds great

>> No.15149536

discord . gg/tmecPqx

>> No.15149553

The most absurd example of this is how the Green party went from isolationist, closed borders, and protectionism with the goal of green self-sustainability to open borders because Julian Castro decided that was the only "fair" way to make up for Trump.

>> No.15149562

the left is in power, not through elections they have marched through the institutions essentially becoming one qwith the globalist establishment and corporate america. Cultural Marxism and Materialistic Free Market capitalism are but two sides of the same coin. I think true dissidents should opt for direct confrontation with the ruling ideology and its holy cows ie. the transgender movement edging closer to the normalisation of pedophilia. I think its about time we draw the lines, these people are deranged and violence is the only language they understand.

>> No.15149586

>these people are deranged and violence is the only language they understand
thank you FBI, very cool!

>> No.15149593

Albion's Seed.
The South and their descendants have always been a drain on this country. Sherman should have finished the job.

>> No.15149600

On the bright side, the millions of nonconformist young white men who might have once looked to leftism and marxism are imncreasingly turning to the radical right and third positionism.

the left is a retarded inversion of christianity substituting the sacraments are abortion and sodomy, denying any sense of cultural or historical continuity. and for what? and for what a world of atomized pink haired individuals, repeating psychotherapeutic idpol formulas as a quasi soviet holloe ideolog, passively consuming the diverse and progressive products of the walt disney corporation, totoo hooked up on ssris and marihuana to even enjoy their politically correct acts of sodomy anymore. I have never met a leftist who wasn't miserable or who had any interesting ideas about anything. these people are basically purpose engineered consumer cattle for globalism they have given up bettering the world and can only drem of dragging others down to their pathetic level.

>> No.15149616

Based. I’m not a liberal. But if one lives or believes in the liberal paradigm then they should be able to do this as individuals.

>> No.15149621

Seethe europoors

>> No.15149622

You should read Lysander Spooner's take on the Civil War. He was an abolitionist who opposed it because he saw the war as an excuse for the federal government to increase its power permanently, then using the aftermath as an excuse to grant themselves more and more power while also limiting what people were allowed to do. He's also notable for creating a postal service competitor that was cheaper and faster before the feds forced him to close it.

>> No.15149662
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Based, fuck faggots that give up what's theirs because of a doctor's note

>> No.15149674
File: 188 KB, 1200x674, easy rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admit it. You actually love the boomer Americana aesthetic.


>> No.15149675

Cool will do. Nothing I ever read will get rid of my desire to purge everything below the MD line.

>> No.15149700

>the South
New England is the worst thing to ever happen to all of humanity and you're shit talking the South? Go fuck yourself

>> No.15149707
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>> No.15149709
File: 218 KB, 1080x1444, good thing he's american edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw havent had a Cheeseburger in almost a month because of this quarantine shit
I'm about ready to rise up against the tyranny of the government like my forefathers before me.

>> No.15149722

This Unironically. There is nothing wrong with persuading others to stay in, but they should be able to exercise their freedom as long as the US subscribes to the core tenets of liberty. Now, if we were following the Prussian model things would be different, but since this is the prerogative of a liberal democracy they should follow through with the ideal.

>> No.15149739

Literally what is wrong with not being a bitch to your government and fighting for the basic right to leave your house?

>> No.15149740

Why is that guy wearing a facemask?

>> No.15149741

The modern American problems are from a drawn out devolution of two competing principles.
The left was built off the protestants, who wanted a strong government to crush sin and ensure that society was as God intended. But they moved away from Christianity over time, so all they had left was a vague principle about the government existing to prevent evil, and so they became obsessed with allowing tolerance... by force. They want to micromanage society to ensure it is as tolerant as possible and they don't care what you think about it.
The right, meanwhile, was more of a thing from the deists who thought people should do what they want as along as they leave everyone else alone. Grow drugs, build guns, own warships, who cares? But over the years this devolved as racists and religious fundamentalists flocked to this position because it was the "old America", so it lost a lot of its luster because the fundies could stomach guns but not the other vices.
So basically modern American politics are the result of a multi-century long feud that got twisted over time.

>> No.15149748

well put.

>> No.15149757

99% of the time you are completely safe in doing the opposite of whatever the government hands down as divine mandate through the propaganda apparatus.
So this one time they get unlucky in ignoring what turned out for the first time in living memory to be a well founded reduction of rights in favor of the health of many people, and everyone's gloating?
Come on guys. Every fucking radlib mom on my facebook is talking about how they saw people walking too close to each other without masks or how they noticed their neighbor went shopping twice in one week or whatever, this is the exact kind of snitch network and shit talking bullshit that enables authoritarian bullshit.
Every fucking one of the radlib moms would have narced me out for hiding jews if we lived in nazi germany. They would have been counting the bread rolls in my cart to be sure I wasn't feeding more people than they thought lived in my house.
These protesters aren't even that wrong, the situation has been poorly handled from the beginning and inviduals are bearing the brunt of the negative consequences of shit actions taken by bureaucracies, corporate and governmental. It's fucking shitty and I admire their willingness to go out and face the sneers to make their point.
If we're going to get these people to stop maybe we should look at approaches which don't include public shaming like some kind of herd-minded country, we're not China.

>> No.15149760

>99% of the time you are completely safe in doing the opposite of whatever the government hands down as divine mandate through the propaganda apparatus.
So you accelerate at stop signs?

>> No.15149764

burgers really have no concept of community huh?

>> No.15149773

Localism is dead.

>> No.15149775

Any literature that explains how Americans live rent free in the heads of Europeans?

>> No.15149777

>muh freedumbs

>> No.15149778

No, if you as a community decide to stay in that’s fine, do you need the government to do it? If that’s the case, I’d say you are the ones lacking community if the big man needs to force you to do it.

>> No.15149788

The community is partaking in civil disobedience.
>Community means doing everything big brother scares you into doing

>> No.15149800

>devolved as racists and religious fundamentalists flocked to this position
You realize the original deists you're talking about owned slaves right? Fucking retard lolbertardian.

>> No.15149807

looks like they dont

>> No.15149811

There is no American community besides the few majority white small towns remaining. Thats what happens with all mass 3rd world immigration.

>> No.15149828

well this only applies to the continent. the British Isles aren't like that at all
you are horrendously retarded

>> No.15149832

>Stupid Americans, they are but atomized individuals who only care about themselves and their property, unlike us Europeans who know how to live in a Human Community.
Imagine thinking this, the whole post-war American order exists for the purposes of restricting liberty to protect blacks, top kek.

>> No.15149834

slavery was a contentious issue among the founders

>> No.15149838

Liberals aren't left wing

>> No.15149847
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>> No.15149849

What makes them Jewish? Most of them are far more ethnically Northern European

>> No.15149851

>the federal government and CNN are my community :^)
Eat shit mr servile, what about all the small business owners having to shut down through no fault of their own? Forcing people to lose everything to protect elderly chainsmokers is the way to go?

>> No.15149857

They are not even close to conservatards

>> No.15149862

This shit is why we need authoritarianism. I know leftists bitch at stuff like the OP but the retards just push me further to the right. They don't deserve freedom

>> No.15149869

le robespierre faec

>> No.15149880

No it wasn't they owned slaves you retard. The only ones that didnt were the new england proddys.

>> No.15149887

>implying community is somehow alive and well in other countries

>> No.15149895

Why do you think a state that lied about the Iraq war isn't lying about coronavirus to expand its power?

>> No.15149905

Explain how I'm wrong then.

>> No.15149906

american leftism is 9 year old drag kids twerking at the lockheed martin disney pepsico sponsored Pride(tm) parade. by this point its completely reasonable to just genocide the lgbt community

>> No.15149919
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>> No.15149929

You mean the New England protestants like those inconsequential thinkers none of us know about like fucking John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, Sam Adams, John Adams, and Ben Franklin? Yeah those guys barely even count. Only the entire federalist papers, that's practically nothing.

>> No.15149935

They are lying, that's what I'm saying. They play videos of lady gaga singing about staying indoors and are encouraging people to rat on their neighbors if they dare to stand to close to someone.

>> No.15149939

I meant to reply to >>15149862

>> No.15149951


>> No.15149961
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>the British Isles aren't like that at all

>> No.15149968

I refuse to believe the artist that made that poster wasn't laughing his ass off

>> No.15149969

Marxists don't get to decide who is left wing

>> No.15149980

>All cops are wife beating pigs who hate POC and LGBT

If you have any self respect you would hate the majority of the police force who spend an inordinate amount of time fucking over the average law abiding citizen and ignoring the Constitution in the name of profit, and they get away with it because they have daddy state behind them which you hate so much. Imagine having vehement desire to defend the same cops who would turn a blind eye to fucks like Epstein until it serves those higher up not to. The modern american political conscience is fucked but average conservatives you defend are without a doubt fucking pathetic and spineless.

>> No.15149985

there are nonwhites in your community of former germans, irish, Italians, and poles so you think that only now has that community disintegrated

>> No.15149986

>What makes them Jewish?
Their ethnicity, allegiance and nationality.

>> No.15149996

the cop fans are just authoritarians in need of a daddy bro, they'll say whatever to validate their deep desire to get spanked and lick boots.
It's no use trying to reason with them. You have to become their daddy.

>> No.15150001

American cops are only bad because they have to deal with blacks all day.

>> No.15150007

Op here. I'm American btw

Also, thanks for proving me right by having the thread immediately devolve into "muh left vs right" bullshit.

>> No.15150014

I'm not defending cops, just mocking liberals and their doublethink around gun ownership. Thin blue liners are also stupid.

>> No.15150016

Pretty much this. I also would've gone insane if I had to deal with packs of wild niggers all day.

>> No.15150031

leftists on the other hand want a smothering mommy state as embodied in the managerial gynocracy mass media and academia to take care of their feelings. their hatred of cops is entirely performative,like when they claim to be 'communists', 'anarchists', 'satanic atheists', 'nonbinary' its just them being petulant and childlike

>> No.15150032

what are they protesting here?

>> No.15150034
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It’s capitalism. States aren’t interested in intelligent workhorses, so the education and propaganda are geared towards pumping out this singularly stupid sort person.

The Left is anticapitalist, you liberal.

>> No.15150043

Money is why

>> No.15150055

Shut up, slut. Nobody cares what you think. Kneel the fuck down and suck my cock or we are going to have a serious problem and I dont think you would enjoy how I solve problems.
Little nasty slaveboy. I'll show you how to be a good boy. You want to be good for me. I'll teach you how to make daddy happy.

>> No.15150058

leftists will support capitalism as long as corporations paint their logoes in rainbow colors, these people are pretty much the ideal consumer cattle. The radical right is the real threat to globalism and corporate capital.

>> No.15150060

They want the right to spread covid19 everywhere.
Someone told them it was all a hoax and they believe it.

>> No.15150065
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>> No.15150069

Do you even read the things you write? Of course the State is interested in more intelligent workers, or at least ought to be, because more intelligent workers are more productive, which is why so many companies are lobbying for immigration policies that essentially brain-drain the rest of the world. On the other hand, nothing is more threatening to the contemporary religious order than a knowledge of probability, statistics, and undergrad-tier genetics.

>> No.15150080

Then you’re describing a corrupted left-liberal

If the “right” gets in power, they’ll use capitalism and get corrupted and continue with the “globalist” project.
Conservatives, Libertarian (party name) or fascist/nationalists. All are capitalists. All will lose.

>> No.15150104

Name one thing you've done to advance your ideology

>> No.15150107
File: 3.48 MB, 1240x1870, founding fathers were based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seperated the founders into proddys and deists. The deists like Jefferson and Washington owned slaves lol.

The proddys didn't own slaves but they thought blacks were inferior lmao.

>> No.15150117

>more intelligent workers are more productive
And demand a higher paycheck.
Look. An elite of middle management is put through universities, but the mass majority are fodder. And since the labor surplus of the 1970s the ruling class have grown increasingly callous and careless with our general health. Again, we have to pay a lot to get well.
Don’t you ever read between the lines?

Name one thing you’ve done. Oh wait, you can’t be trusted.

>> No.15150136

Germans, Irish, Italians, and Poles have been here for nearly 100 years now, all basically look like anglos, speak English fine, worship the same as Anglos, and contribute to society and their communities not just taking handouts.

3rd worlders fail in all those aspects.

>> No.15150141

sad cope

>> No.15150162

The founding fathers were factually more racist then me. How am I the one who's coping lol?

>> No.15150163

>looking like anglos
As an Italian I'm deeply offended by this remark

>> No.15150173

Yeah, and top-tier workers actually earn higher paychecks, which is why companies want to increase the number of such workers available. This is why the State sponsored a big STEM push over the past few decades to ensure that an oversupply of such workers existed. Your claim is literally false.

>An elite of middle management is put through universities, but the mass majority are fodder.
Even at the level of factory labor, a smarter worker is better than a dumber one.

>And since the labor surplus of the 1970s the ruling class have grown increasingly callous and careless with our general health.
Most instances of this I can think of were engineered by Progressives in the grand scheme of things.
>Again, we have to pay a lot to get well.
If you're talking about medicine here, note that almost every drug or procedure becomes less expensive when actually subject to market forces. People cry about free trade but you can't buy a pill from Ireland, India, Canada etc. where said pill is made before a 10-100x markup for the US market, FDA won't let you.

>Don’t you ever read between the lines?
I did, your entire post is just sentimental crying typical of the English-speaking Left.

>> No.15150180

there's no way that's true

>> No.15150180,1 [INTERNAL] 

>which is why companies want to...
Companies want to pay less to their workforce and make more for their output. Not only are you stuffing cotton in your ears you don’t understand how to run a capitalist venture. The investors wouldn’t consider you for the position.
>even at the level of factory...
They prefer to ship that to a less expensive country.
>progressives poison the food and water supplies and lobby against medicare for all
I’m not going to defend the shitty left-liberals, but this is a bit of a mischaracterization
>market forces are why drugs are soooo cheap in the US
Market fundie. You crayzy

I wish!