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File: 702 KB, 752x578, untitled (awnings, shadow).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15137009 No.15137009 [Reply] [Original]

Art is subjective

>> No.15137013

Die Lit by Playboi Carti and Laughing Stock by Talk Talk are the two greatest albums of all time

>> No.15137019

Learning rhetoric is the only worthwhile pursuit

>> No.15137038
File: 1.26 MB, 2981x3759, Self Portrait in acrylic (1)-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent maybe 2 days making this self portrait. Most of day one sketching it out multiple times then painting it day 2. What do you guys think?

>> No.15137056

haha te cake

>> No.15137068

art isnt a popularity contest

>> No.15137069

She probably wanted to go out. I shouldn't have offended her. She should have just asked. Quarantine is somehow even more lonely than my regular life. I didn't think it would be possible.

>> No.15137074

Art is subjunctive

>> No.15137086

I like it. It's like anime Picasso

>> No.15137092

If I’m being completely honest.... these lyrics:

*Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say
"Rudolph, with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
Then how the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
You'll go down in history"*

>> No.15137097

The form could be better but the colors are great

>> No.15137109

It's been years of trying and I still have no idea what to believe when it comes to climate change. I don't believe the alarmists, but I definitely don't think it's a hoax. I normally trust scientists with everything but feel like every perspective/research out there nowadays has some sort of ideological bent to it. I'm just very skeptical and some of my friends are grouping me in with right wingers for even bringing this up. Does anyone know where I can find some good sources? Something reliable? It's driving me mad.

>> No.15137111


>> No.15137114

going back to university at 30 in the autumn and i'm curious if i should go back for art history or just history in general (focusing on something later). i like both and can't really decide.

>> No.15137122
File: 25 KB, 274x400, 518q+c85EqL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean about the form? And thanks for the advice on the colors, I know nothing about painting or drawing and that was kind of my first one, I'm basically just working from this book. I only have two brushes and really limited paints, basically just the primaries and burnt umber + black + white

>> No.15137149

I can't say exactly, I'm no art theorist. My reaction towards the arrangement of the image was less positive than my reaction to the colors. It just wasn't striking or pleasing or however else you want to call it.

>> No.15137167

I blame the hair

>> No.15137187

Have you watched the Rankin-Bass TV special? It's really good.

>> No.15137203

Americana is turbo-comfy and little compares to it. Prove to me that it is otherwise

>> No.15137224
File: 478 KB, 448x604, 818bca7ab55e4b43cb0b89a150197c01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15137287

Who would you rather: erika or molly?

>> No.15137294

oh how your bubble's gonna burst
when you need another nurse
she'll be driving in a hearse

>> No.15137297

Yes! It’s quite splendid! I always watch it when I’m feeling down and reminisce about much, much simpler days...

>> No.15137424

Absolutely based

>> No.15137721

>schizo poster back on yet another WWOYM thread

Can you please find another outlet for your mental illness

>> No.15137729

No, I want one of the girls to come sleep with me. I am over whining about the tranny because I think they took the hint and got bent but I want a gf now. "I want woman"- crazy guy, Amarcord

I saw a car roll up once and I am not even sure who was in it but I would have probably slept with them, I admit it.

>> No.15138014

blood in stool for a week and a half

>> No.15138019

UG Krishnamurti ended philosophy and reached the final evolution of man.

>> No.15138096

Pretty profound thought occurred to me tonight: I've literally never *tried* to have sex.

>> No.15138102

Fairy tales should be brought back. YA is slowly getting there but it's not quite what I want. Too many feelings in between and the meaning gets lost.

>> No.15138108

Pretending to enjoy shitty music is such a conceited attempt to appear down-to-earth, just say you like Talk Talk and accept that people will call you a pseud, trying to supplement it by saying you like [insert shitty popular album] is generic and boring

>> No.15138109
File: 378 KB, 467x537, 1581311588564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think! I can't think! I don't have the habit anymore! I'm beyond saving! I'm an animal, not a man! I have fallen beyond the point where I have the habit of consciously forming habits! I will die this way! I will die this way! Every time I say "I will die this way!", the "will" in the sentence confirms that it is my will to die this way!

>> No.15138114

I've been conditioned towards emotional numbness and confusion to the point I don't even know how to feel about most things. Doesn't matter if what I'm confronted with is of importance or not, the artificial, robotical responses stay the same.
Like a bad actor I drift from scene to scene, incapable of understanding neither the script nor the motivations of my character.
There must be a reason, right? It surely can't be just a sickness of character. All this suffering, this powerless struggle of years, was it all for nothing? Just a product of circumstances? Simply, here is anon: "he was born to be incompetent, even towards the most fundamental human aspects, the same way some days are destined to be stormy while others are full of sun”.

>> No.15138122
File: 251 KB, 1280x853, AA6D8072-209A-4CC5-855D-7565B7348A91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listened fyi.
Shouldn’t go into the feels.

>> No.15138133

Your enjoyment of art is subjective and interpretations of art can be subjective, but art itself is empirical. It exists in the physical world and can be analyzed factually.

>> No.15138178

I talk to myself out loud all the time. Is that weird? People seem to think it's weird.

>> No.15138209

where do I start with him?

>> No.15138227 [DELETED] 

The nigger's laziness is our civilization's greatest burden. The nigger makes for a great weight on our society.
The human's diligence is our civilization's greatest strength. The human must endure a great wait for our society...

>> No.15138615

I sent an email to somebody asking him to comment on a discussion on a certain matter(on which he is a somewhat authoritative figure) . A few days ago he replied apologising for the late reaction and saying that he lost his father some weeks ago and there's some unexpected stuff happening due to COVID, and that he's going to comment soon. I'm not sure what if anything I should respond to RIP his loss?
>inb4 autist

>> No.15138673

I genuinely wonder if people are going to have some crises of faith after all this. With churches shut down due to COVID-19 peoppe are not being bombarded with religious bologna every Sunday. If they're not being constantly told and indoctrinated I wonder if they'll fall away from it?

Hopefully. I say this with the least amount of edginess I can but religion is really stupid.

>> No.15138699

No, it’s a sign that you’re not an NPC, for lack of a better term.
Talking out loud is essentially a dialogue, analysing your thought process or emulating a response or situation which involves others.
NPCs see this as threatening or perplexing behaviour because they see talking to yourself as talking to no one, because they have no real sense of self that is independent from external stimuli.
To the NPC you are talking to something that doesn’t exist: the inner self.

Not that it cannot be out of place in certain contexts but if you’re caught doing it, and you get that wary treatment, just remember that’s usually why.

>> No.15138735

People that say everything they're doing is really annoying though. I call it John Maddening after the handegg announcer. Mainly because when I hear it it's maddening but also because I remember him just saying the most inane things in a very obvious play-by-play of the sport.

>> No.15138739

This right here!


>> No.15138746

"Art begins when a man, with the purpose of communicating to other people a feeling he once experienced, calls it up again within himself and expresses it by certain external signs".

>> No.15138747

Among one of the dumber sincere posts I've ever read.

>> No.15138757
File: 195 KB, 1280x978, 1577826491788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write what's on your mind
Ditching Academia completely, I've been looking for a PhD close to two years now and still no fucking result. Might apply at some big shot or medium shot companies and hope for the best and then neck myself 20 years from now when I regret I didn't pursue my dream - which I can't because I come from a shithole that isn't shitholey enough to get good boy points when applying to institutes.
Either that or start applying to positions I don't care about and then neck myself in 25 years but at this point I'm not sure I want that extra time

>> No.15138760

Not going to lie to you, seems that it's somewhat artificial. Not sure what it is but probably the lines, I don't see them conveying much other than "these are the boundaries of my face", I don't feel much when I see it. The colors and contrast are both top notch though.

>> No.15138768


>> No.15138769

I'm writing about the quarantine from the perspective of the boyfriend of an onlyfans model and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.15138785

please god help me
let me escape this
I am so weak

>> No.15138800

Quarantine entering me into some weird and liminal social landscape. I am not human to people around me. They are students like me, but I have not seen them in the flesh for months though we live on the same campus. They have not contacted me before now but I assume they are social with their flat mates. They’ve been payed by the college to “reach out” and pretend to care, so I have these kids calling me up to assign me into their “buddy system”. Bizarre, alien, inhuman, these kids I used to drink with calling me up on behalf of a commercial land management entity, using its language. They’re ghosts

>> No.15138819

lol, you actually don't know what you're talking about, Die Lit is a very experimental work, one of the most cutting edge and cohesive albums in melodic hip hop. just because you know nothing about music and think simple lyrics make something simple music doesn't mean everyone else has two useless holes in their head. maybe if you actually listened to music instead of just hearing it you you be able to use your mouth for something other than spewing shit

>> No.15138823

Please answer.

>> No.15138840

what are you talking about? it's obviously happening and doing something about it would be good for society even if it wasn't happening. it's like the opposite of antisemitism, where even if jews were as bad as everyone says, the Holocaust still wouldn't have been justified. climate change denier are so stupid. why wouldn't you want to build trains and alternative energy sources that uncuck us from middle eastern oil and potentially increase the possibility of a less schizo future. think about coal too, you really think it's even slightly possible that that shit isn't awful for everything? we've known how bad it is for ever. this shit really is less complicated than you make it.

>> No.15138847

music like this pic?

>> No.15138852

fascinating 18th century style pedant poster

>> No.15138859

Die Lit is very cathartic. Young naive boy suddenly gets a lot of money and fame and becomes lost in a world of extreme hedonism and vanity. Glorifying Carti as the next coming of christ is just as cringe as writing him off as another low brow pop artist, i think Carti is getting at something very interesting, i don't think he's aware of it but that makes it even more beautiful.

>> No.15138861

Just say "I'm very sorry for your loss, don't worry about replying, but if you feel like it I'm very interested in hearing what you have to say."

And then say some shit about the suffering of the world and "crazy times" to commiserate

>> No.15138872

I’ve been up since 5am but haven’t used the time wisely. I sit quiet and bored, watching the sun pour blond rays over unbothered houses. My cat snoops around the office then jumps on the radiator to look outside. I ponder breakfast options and the course of my day, there are several excruciating small tasks to accomplish. Before that though, I will read George Eliot and toast waffles. I’m not at total peace with everything but I’m relaxed enough to work.

>> No.15138873

he's definitely aware "as a maker of music " but no, not in the aesthetic criticism sense necessarily. he understands what he's doing in a visceral musical sense, like Young Thug does. many musicians are like this, they can feel...shapes (for lack of a better word)...which allow them to express things in a new way

>> No.15138878

i just finished the idiot. it is my favourite dostoyevsky; i found it an utterly hearbreaking tragedy, very funny as well. such a unique structure, a cacphony on different voices and ideas. i read an academic commentary saying the style lends itself to the characters driving the plot, and not the characters being inexorably bound to a finish-point. the way it was written of course influenced this. i don't know, i haven't read much but from what i have read it is the book that has affected me the most powerfully, and consequently it is my favourite.

how sad is prince myshkin and how sad is the world around him. applicable to today of course. the human race is so cynical, mistrustful and suspicious.

>> No.15138886
File: 214 KB, 1024x1155, 1024px-David_and_Goliath_by_Caravaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does all of art exist empirically? Can I empirically understand what caused this painting to be made? Can I empirically understand all of the meaning contained in this painting? Can I empirically understand what you see when you see it, what Carvaggio saw when he painted it, even what "I" see when I see it?

>> No.15138971

yea i think that's a good way of putting it, i don't mean to imply that he's tremendously stupid, he just has no academic frame of reference and probably very little interest in ideas, which is good because it would compromise his aesthetic. He has a very good feel for emotionally hitting vocal melodies. I don't understand a word he says most of the time but through his delivery alone he expresses very genuine awe and happiness at the world around him, with no impulse or desire to understand it but self aware enough to know that the happiness will fade.

>> No.15139072
File: 79 KB, 700x299, william wallce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that I cucked out and tipped more because the carryout girl was cute. She's Greek Orthodox too.

>> No.15139108


>> No.15139133

Interpretations of things as art is subjective. You can't factually analyze it if you don't know what you're looking at.

>> No.15139232

Milk smells fresh before it rots,
I sit me straight and smell it fresh,
I smell it thus until it rots,
I chug it rotten chunky down,
I spew it rotten chunky up,
I lap it up, I lap it up,
In and out until I die.

>> No.15139298

>I come from a shithole that isn't shitholey enough
the upper under class struggle is real

>> No.15139525

i wonder if butterfly and i are the only women here

>> No.15139578
File: 52 KB, 960x959, liveWithPain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever see a girl that's so cute you can't help but imagine what it would be like if she loved you?
Sometimes I think I should go talk to her, but then I remember that I'm me, and I would just be made fun of.
Its okay. She wouldn't live up to my expectations of what shes like. It wouldn't be fair of me to expect that she would.
She lives in my imagination. That place is as real as any, and there we can be together.

>> No.15139674
File: 849 KB, 719x898, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often feel physical pain when I see a girl who I find especially attractive. Her presence triggers this tightening in my chest and I feel hopelessly alone

>> No.15139680

be my /lit/ gf?

>> No.15139701

The most important thing to recognize is that Death in itself isn't what you should fear, but its cause. I myself wouldn't be disturbed if I were to fall dead in a pleasant manner, maybe the next day. People keep saying "Live like it's your last day on Earth", but every day is laborious enough, so why keep yourself occupy with something that causes fear when in the end it's nothing terrible, merely an end to a cause.

>> No.15139702
File: 64 KB, 721x540, G4jcy2G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been feeling a deep sense of emptiness for a while now. People often bring this up when they talk about their depression (or sadness in general) but I don't necessarily feel sad or depressed; I just lack a general sense of purpose in life.

>> No.15139745

b a s e d

>> No.15139762

the fact that you imagine what it would be like if she loved you instead of what it would be like if you fucked her gives me hope. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, if a girl makes fun of you for striking up a conversation she's arrogant anyway and not worth your time. Though you are probably right about her not being like you imagine her. That happens to me all the time with guys.

>> No.15139803

This was like a dart in the middle of my chest
I feel terrible when I see a girl I really like, I remember every single thing I don't like about me. Like a shotgun, instantaneously telling myself I'm undeserving.
It's the ultimate anti-cope and painful as fuck.

>> No.15139984

I'm sure that kissing a woman who loves you and v.v. must be incredible. I must make sure to experience love at some point in mylife, but I have no idea how to approach women.

>> No.15140004

Being diverse and not didactic doesn't not mean there's no objectivity to good art. That standard is both universal and insurmountably objective.

>> No.15140039

There is no objectivity

>> No.15140042

not any different than you would approach a guy, women aren't from another species

>> No.15140253

What does one do when they want to write but feels like everything they could say has already been said or is utterly hopeless?

>> No.15140258

I’m in a bit of a unique situation but might be going back at 27/28. What’s your interest exactly?

>> No.15140288

Art is neither subjective nor empirical. At its core art expresses inward states of reality experience. They cannot be measured or observed under a microscope but they’re nonetheless real and universal appreciation of art speaks to a certain objectivity.

>> No.15140300

I work in higher ed. Honestly, I have come to think academia is a waste of time and talent along with the rest of University. What field are you in?

>> No.15140306

No, it is not.


>> No.15140317

It's unbearable.

Theoretical mathematics.

>> No.15140328

Nice decoration. Not art, you are not that good yet. Keep working on it! In the meantime these guys might help inspire you...


>> No.15140341
File: 260 KB, 559x399, Its_All_So_Tiresome.png.cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hard to open up to my family more than anyone. I've been mocked and embarrassed for the things I liked since I was a kid. Now that I'm an adult, they demand that I share my thoughts and feelings. However as past experience has it, I can't just give it out there. It doesn't help the fact that I'm the youngest in the family. Am I coping? Yeah probably. At least I'm glad I took up journalling, I feel less 'alone' with my thoughts.

>> No.15140343

I think I realised that the reason for not finding meaning in my life is that I ignore death.
I ignore death and seek meaning ruthlessly in real life, to prove to myself that there is meaning and the moment the path I take shows one obstacle I ditch it because in my mind the path of meaning is perfect and golden.
And I don't know why I ditch. Maybe it's thinking that an obstacle means that this is no true path, and so I run in alarm because of the possibility of being no paths at all. Rambling.

>> No.15140350

Honestly, you could do one of two things. Either say “sorry for your loss and i understand that you may be busy so there’s no need to respond but here’s a quick summary of what I would’ve asked please let me know if you might be able to have a discussion or answer some questions related to this topic at a future date...” or you could respond saying “I’m sorry for your loss. I understand you’re busy and I look forward to your response” or even just simply not respond right away and come back to it in a couple of months saying “I messaged you a couple of months ago to ask about X but you seem to have been busy with other matters. Again, my condolences regard A...I was hoping that maybe we could have a discussion about X...I’ve done research on Z...please let me know...etc.”. I personally think the second one is preferable since it sounds like they’re going to respond to you appropriately anyway.

>> No.15140364

Same here. I read a lot of philosophy basically looking for answers. I’d like to write my own but it does feel like I either don’t have it in me, what needs to be said has already been said, or anything I write would be hopeless anyway. I guess you can tell I haven’t found what we’re looking for.

>> No.15140380

I don’t know much about that field but I would imagine you could find employment elsewhere if needed and if you’re smart enough to study that you’re smart enough to earn a living doing a trade or something. The military always needs smart people.

>> No.15140412

I wish i wasnt clinically depressed. I didnt ask for this.

>> No.15140413

I found a copy of The Fountainhead and A Clockwork Orange sitting in a box outside someone's house. The latter had a trading card of a musician I have never heard of before, the business card of a freelance animator and a polaroid of presumably a man and wife in it. Do you think they were put in the book on purpose? One only needs one bookmark. The items in question are quite old, though.

>> No.15140422

That is a polite way of saying that the drawing is substandard but whoever manufactured the pigment did a good job LOL!

>> No.15140474
File: 810 KB, 785x1154, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a third world country but working hard managed to save up around 33-34k dollars

But I feel really anxious about what I should do with it. On one hand I want to be a masterful painter, and invest my savings into studying in an atelier Europe, where besides having the highest level possible of education, there's a chance of 'making it.'

On the other hand if this goes wrong I feel like my life will be over. Sometimes I feel I should rather keep saving and buy a house to rent away, or something like that.

This COVID pandemic is sure to ruin my country, so on one hand property will be much cheaper, and my dollars will be worth quite a bit more, but on the other hand I'll probably end up unemployed indefinitely, and will have to migrate anyways. I have no idea how things are going to end up in Italy/Spain. The plan was to go there this year, but now at least I'll have another year to make a decision and attempt to make a better portfolio -getting a slight scolarship would make such a big difference.

>> No.15140484

climate change is real and humans are partially responsible, no we can not stop it and people need to accept that.

>> No.15140496

post tits

>> No.15140528

>studying in an atelier Europe, where besides having the highest level possible of education, there's a chance of 'making it.'

>> No.15140552

I don’t think you can base your life decisions on “what if”. If you always play it safe, then you’ll never achieve anything exceptional. Of course, you could crash and burn but that’s the risk. At the end of the day, it’s unlikely that you’d starve anywhere in Europe. How important is your art to you?

>> No.15140555

Bro go learn statistics and do private sector work.

Its really the Chad strategy.

>> No.15140562

We're all gonna make it brahs.

>> No.15140634

>How important is your art to you?
The only thing I truly feel I have some true understanding about, that it's in my grasp.

Even though I know it has a dozen mistakes, the day I finished this painting I felt in ecstasy. I felt truly achieved. Not even sex gives me that feeling anymore.

>> No.15140964

I feel kind of insulted by that remark. I was only working with 4 colors, Pthalo blue, cad yellow, white, and burnt umber, so I mixed all those colors myself

>> No.15141057

Well, I just want to say that I don’t think you need to move to Europe and go to an art school to make art but it does sound like you largely have a direction and know what to do. You’re very lucky.

>> No.15141075


>> No.15141094

not really, i know plenty of women that surely post here o;

>> No.15141139

yea, for a 18 years old guy

>> No.15141144

I blame RPG grognards for sucking all the wonder out of the fantasy genre

>> No.15141215

Moving there is crucial, around here the only way to improve would be online courses.

Chances of being 'spotted' and enter the art world, or find patrons, are slim to none. Art scene here depends entirely on nepotism and being already rich or famous. Nobody buys anything either. I want to live from this.

If it doesn't take off I think I could take a chance at mural paintings or comics. Maybe even drawing hentai commissions anonymously.

>> No.15141244

I agree with >>15137086. It comes across as a weird cross between the iconoclasm of a cubist painting and the predictable style of an anime character. The lines are too thick and straight, and the "jumbled-up" style ends with the boundaries of the face. I don't know if the contrast was intentional, but I don't like it.

>> No.15141264

You’ve got other options.
You don’t have to go to school in Europe to be an artist. The education is all that matters. The work that you produce should be your sole concern. You can take online courses like Watts Atelier that are tremendously helpful

>> No.15141294

Well yes, that's part of why I'm so insecure. I don't know if it'll be enough. But I should at least try, that's true. There's lots of good content readily available for free on youtube, instagram and some artist sites too. And there's the chance of studying in Europe (or NA) without needing to blow up my life savings in an overpriced course.

>> No.15141371

sometimes i want to write articles for stupid websites about whatever the fuck i want but at the same time i don't want to have to write x amount of articles about nothing at all because they need a quota. i also have zero original thoughts.

>> No.15141505

>reading both Middlemarch and Ulysses for class this semester
oh god

w2c stupid websites that need articles written for them

>> No.15141516

If art is subjective then literature is not art, because literature is mostly objective.
If you don’t like a book like War and Peace or Don Quixote it’s because you’re a drooling retard, not because the book isn’t great

>> No.15141762

I'm tempted to try old Don Qui again and use a Seleccion, an abridged Spanish version. you know, I might just read the whole damn serrano, if I liked the important parts of it.

>> No.15141775


>> No.15141781
File: 298 KB, 1200x800, CFCD28F7-BDD6-4E0B-B1B2-B09657786117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one GOAT in hip hop and it’s not Carti

>> No.15142068

Why must adulthood be so lonely? Unironically take me back to high school, where I’d eat lunch everyday with my friends on the back steps of the school.

t. meets up with his “friends” maybe once a month

>> No.15142080

i'm about to finish college and i'm scared. How do you make friends as a working adult?

>> No.15142156

I'm sitting outside the grocery store waiting for someone and a guy in a news vehicle drove up. He approached the people two cars down from me and asked if he could ask them a few questions as he was with [news channel] and was doing a story. They politely declined. I just saw him drive away not three minutes later.

What the hell? He asked two people and then left. Not that anyone should speak to those consent manufacturers but still wow.

>> No.15142163
File: 1.47 MB, 382x308, 1563098973227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15142560

I've felt so lonely since graduating high school. I didn't make any friends in college and I've grown distant from most of my old friends (plus my best friend an hero'd). It's almost six years now and I haven't done hardly anything to improve my situation and I don't know where the time has gone.

>> No.15142679

It helps to have a "social" hobby. I've made more friends as an adult through playing music than I ever had as a teenager

>> No.15142699

Was about to say this, music is by far the best

Also getting into sports, lots of opportunities to meet new people

...though those are quite dead for a couple months

>> No.15142735

How many seminars are you spending on Ulysses? If its less than two, I feel bad for you.

>> No.15142763

i actually play music, too but only on my own. How did you find other people to play with?

>> No.15142809

i am so very lonely

>> No.15142826

I want a girlfriend.

>> No.15142835

I like Moll-doll LOL

>> No.15142840

True, that art be subjective.

>> No.15142849

Wait fuck I fucked up subjunctive*

>> No.15142882

Aesthetic appreciation is an aptitude. A specialist can find something beautiful that no one else sees.
But rn I'm racking my head around what happens when we enjoy or rest in the sensuous pleasantries the world provides. And what is happening when a painting or music or whatever takes you somewhere? What is this way and where is the somewhere?

>> No.15142946

There’s probably no real difference between online courses in-person. I actually work for university and we offer both. Here there’s no difference. That said, if you think you need to move then by all means. I just think actually making art and self study is probably 99% of it.

I wish I became an artist to be honest. I basically gave it up when I was 18. I’m just coming back to it at 27.

>> No.15142955

Where are you from? Just curious.

>> No.15142964

Man, sorry to hear that. What do you think is stopping you?

>> No.15142990

There is a threshold on the human consciousness that wasn't meant to be crossed, but every now and then some damn fool does it; and when he does he peers into something deep and dark.
When you realize that this has been done before, you might think to try it yourself, but the average man isn't built for this task.
When you stare into the abyss, it stares back is a cliche but effective way of putting it.
In my nightmares I have wandered green sands of the dark valley and seen the distant orange moon, I have read the epitaph, and at the end of this journey, I shit you not; a nine foot plus tall demon lady with a beak for a face told me it was not made for the aberrations such as myself to visit; and got dragged off and raped by her.
Every hour of every day I hear the ethereal screams from the sun attempting to guide mankind away from his ultimate demise; and I can tell anyone cause it means I'm a schizo and I need pills.
Everything we do needs to lead up to escaping this planet and leaving the greater fissure of the cosmic superstructure we exist in so that we can go meet with an ancient covenant of like beings and escape the rotting confines of fate.
I want a bottle of scotch but the line out the liquor store wraps around the parking lot and I'm not fucking waiting in it, all of fucking chinese commies ruining the world and you can rest assured those mongoloid bastards will get away with it again.

>> No.15143000

It's a class entirely dedicated to Ulysses, so it's gonna be a bunch.

>> No.15143013

even if we dont do it some other lifeform in the universe will

>> No.15143039

it was good until
>all of fucking chinese commies ruining the world and you can rest assured those mongoloid bastards will get away with it again.

>> No.15143081

>Gazing into a dark abyss
>Witnessing horror untold
>Read dark scriptures
>Get raped by demons
>The sun yells at anon
Yeah Sure Fine
>Commie Flu Bad

>> No.15143082

my mind hurts

>> No.15143286


>> No.15143350

I started painting at 26 so don't worry much about your age as long as you're critical of your own work. It's very similar to writing I think (though writing seems much, much harder to me).

About the other part, even though I'm self-taught, if I wanted to reach a higher level of skill I'd probably need face to face advice from someone qualified enough, but I haven't found that. Realism is dead here, even though we used to have some of the best realist painters in the continent.

>> No.15143395

yes china numba one unironically
cope ameributt

>> No.15143408
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>> No.15143440
File: 309 KB, 1920x986, 1920px-COVID-19_Outbreak_World_Map_per_Capita.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China hasn't won a war against a foreign power in over 400 years

>> No.15143520

you are delusional
china has survived for more than two millenia while your glorious 'empire' is crumbling down by the hour
the fact that the poster consistently uses the word 'commie' makes it clear that he has no idea what he is talking about
no serious talk can be had with such people, to them everything that is not what their own mind says is right gets catalogued as 'commie' for some schizoid reason
they have so ingrained this 'commie' demon like it's some unnamable evil
it's the same tactic they have always used but it's now evident for the whole world to see
your fall will be all the more painful and we shall not regret it even if it means our own doom
it started with the nazi/fascist threat, which was real enough, but then it moved more and more into more delusional threats: 'commies', 'war on drugs', 'terrorists'
all of them excuses for imperialist invasions caliming to be 'freedom fighters', the 'world police', titles of course self proclaimed titles
sure, I agree that in a military point of view they were succesful and praiseworthy, but they are evil, more evil that what they claim to be fighting against
economically you are beaten and you cant accept your defeat

>> No.15143527


>> No.15143529

I don't know why but Finnegans Wake is on my mind a lot recently. It's such a shame that James Joyce didn't get to be buried in his homeland, and I hope one day they can fulfill his final wish to return his remains to the land he so loved.

>> No.15143555

what a braindead post, I hope youre a literal esl chink

>> No.15143575

This so hard

>> No.15143592

Ignore this guy. He's intentionally following me around the board faking that he is being paid to post about finnegans wake (some people actually are), look at the other thread, so basically they're astroturfing the entire board

>> No.15143611

the way that white pseuds like this try to play up some barely sapient black kid rapping about his money and girls is the most embarrassing shit in the world

>> No.15143647

Lads you might not care because this isn't /k/ but I've worked as a military advisor in China, if there is any type of war involved, be it domestic or otherwise, they lose, they aren't even prepared to fight civilians.

>> No.15143710

The day has gone by sluggishly, it was quiet as a cat, it turned away from my dull advances. I made egg and avocado toast with instant coffee for lunch, then played videogames like my life depended on them. I did some writing and it was ok, I kind of feel like mush, I feel like wet paper balled up. There’s so much to clean in the kitchen I should just devour the whole thing and melt it in gastric acid.

>> No.15143898

Yes, Anonymous is intentionally following Anonymous around.

>> No.15144105

With lazy hands I push the lawn mower across the yard. I make vertical paths and avoid thorn bushes, I try to not let the windchill ruin my peace. My head is spacy because I barely slept and decided to indulge myself with caffeine this morning. It’s easy to get lost in the waves of grass. I imagine lawn mowing is like yoga for dads. I’ll never understand the bliss of working with one’s hands at something that doesn’t drain the soul. It’s probably natural, otherwise I don’t see why anyone would ever do work at all.

>> No.15144298

You are romanticizing work a little bit too much. While it is true that working with your own hands and using the product of said work for your own and your family is blissful, stuff like farming isn't called backbreaking work for nothing. Now add to it that your product won't be for your own consumption but for some unnamed corporation and that you'll get little revenue and no health insurance to pay for it.
You probably know where I'm getting to about the nature of work. Marx explained it better than anyone could, but the idea of work is too romanticized sometimes I feel.
If it doesn't drain your soul it drains your body. Sure, the latter may be more desirable, but it's still painful in its own way.

>> No.15144377


Yeah for sure, but it’s romantic in doses when it changes the routine. Non-alienated labor has its own inevitable drains but they’re better than our current situation. Although I may biased because I just finished a year of student teaching and am longing to exert my body rather than my mind.

>> No.15144485

>they’re better than our current situation
That's exactly my point. They are NOT better than our current situation. They are just different and apply to different aspects of our life.
You just think they are better because that's what we all think about ourselves, that the grass is always greener on the other side. Well, it's not.

>> No.15144633


>> No.15144645

In life, people will put on a false display of feelings to prevent hurting others. For exampe, a man may laugh at a coworker's joke that isn't funny or a man may pretend his wife's atrocious cooking is delicious. They do this to be good people and prevent hurting others. Learning of others true ferlings should not allow you to cloud judgment of their noble character and legacy.

>> No.15144711

My mom cut my hair today and it came out nice

>> No.15144714

Also your boyfriend's brother led you here knowing full well nothing censored or edited and what would happen when presented with the truth of what everyone is thinking. If you had even half a brain, you would shoot and kill that guy.

>> No.15144719

>not mowing on the diagonal

>> No.15144757

We hold the moment
Like a skinned apple,
And stick it with philosophies
As it browns.

>> No.15145039

If i could i would end all life on earth

>> No.15145086

Butterfly's a "woman" but she's not a woman, if you catch my drift

>> No.15145103

I don't see what this is doing that Picasso hasn't done. Technically proficient, imaginatively devoid.

>> No.15145109

Where are you based? Is that a painting of yours? I rather like it

>> No.15145112

Say what you will of Butterfly's leftost politics but she's pretty consistent that she doesn't view trannies as women.

>> No.15145163

What we can do is become 100% renewable by 2050. The EU plans to do this, and already has major power-sharing connections installed across borders. The US needs to get its shit together and stop with all the tribalist bickering between states. Large numbers of solar panels are shut off in the summer because they provide excess energy and California refuses to sell the excess. Texas produces a quarter of the wind energy in the US, but won't sell it to California. Energy-sharing needs to happen in order to reduce waste and therefore eliminate fossil fuel reliance.

>> No.15145183

consult a physician before you die, friend

>> No.15145197

is it melena or hematoquezia? either way consult a physician man, you have cancer not kidding

>> No.15145206

"My deepest sympathies. Please take all the time you need."

>> No.15145209

I’m going to reclaim the word “virgin” from the normies, it’s /our word/ now and it’s super woke.
>yeah I’ve never fucked, you gotta a problem with that sex-haver?

>> No.15145218

You're kidding, right? White people are literally infecting themselves in order to attend church, or obtain the right to attend church.

>> No.15145237

Sounds like you're about as human to them as they are to you. Stop being so damn jaded. Human connection is a physiological necessity in order to prevent insanity. Reach out as much as you desire, and don't judge others for doing it.

>> No.15145257

someone speak to me, I am disappearing

>> No.15145263


>> No.15145272

as a mild autist myself, I recommend you play to your strengths. I'm quiet and introverted, so I only make occasional jokes and small talk, and do all my gradual escalations via text.

>> No.15145281

I hope you put the ACO back, or at least put the photo in an accessible place.

>> No.15145288


>> No.15145290

I miss my ex so much.

>> No.15145304

That's the isolation talking. Rub one out and see how you feel then

>> No.15145328


>> No.15145355

I was browsing yesterday, and just off the cuff decided this morning to read some FG for the first time. Maybe you had a hand in that. Pretty entertaining stuff when read aloud!

>> No.15145376

>not letting your grass grow tall and wispy enough that you can cut it with a scythe, twice a year

>> No.15145388

I want to become a man of adventure. Maybe that's my last respite as I've proved to be no genius, and my business aspirations have been foiled by the end of the world. I'm thinking about enrolling at my local community college this fall for either electrical work or diesel mechanics (think the giant trucks at minesites). If I could live at home and get a job at the mines its conceivable that I could have at least $200k saved up by the time I'm 30. Then I could travel, eventually buying a ranch in South America and finding a cutie trad Cath wife. I'd be living the dream.

>> No.15145389

literally no one in polite society will give you shit for being a virgin. The only people who will are diesel-chugging, denim-vest-wearing rubes, and basketball americans

>> No.15145396

But this could just be another flight of fancy that I'm prone to.

>> No.15145472

Hmm, that trick always works for me...

>> No.15145477

is because you're probably a man

>> No.15145521 [DELETED] 

Sorry, assumed you were as well. Probably bad advice in that case. Things to try are: 1. developing your hobbies 2. Spending time with friends 3. Try dating sites like Bumble, since that seems to be where everyone's at currently with the quarantine

>> No.15145547

Fwiw your ex probably is thinking about you too. I know when I broke up with my ex I thought about her a lot and I still do sometimes and I hope she's happy. We just had different paths in life and I know that if we got back together I'd just end up hurting her more, and I don't want to do that. I missed her though, her laugh and her voice and the cute stuff she did. I hope that she's happy and that she's safe.

>> No.15145612

oh that's cute, thank you. I know, he used to hurt me a lot and I honestly feel I did not deserve that, he was not a bad person though. Probably she is thinking the same of you and will also wish your happiness as much as I do for him.

>> No.15145622

you chinks are alone in the world, everyone else hates you with a seething passion, your inner stability is only the result of an insectoid population with no soul who value confucian conformism above all else

>> No.15145630

Hang in there. I'm sure once we can move around freely things will get easier. Best of luck, wherever you are :)

>> No.15145645
File: 9 KB, 280x180, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to have a nice discussion ad you're ruining it with your xenophobia

>> No.15145648


I go to a large diverse college (lots of internationals) and every day as I walk across the campus to my class I realize I am probably passing dozens and dozens of adult virgins just going about their lives live every other normie

>> No.15145666

Thank you, nice anon. Best of luck wherever you are too! :)

>> No.15145695

Does druze girl want to fuck? I probably would fuck her. Tell her to post her boobs or something.

>> No.15145702

>nice discussion

You can't praise China for its merits, accomplishments, or achievements so you resort to tearing down the American government. Every time a global crisis happens, people will call Washington D.C. for help... they would rather let themselves painfully die than call the snakes in Beijing. You know it. But let's take our governments out of the equation. Your people will always be content wage slaves, Americans are largely good and authentic people who think for themselves and have the capacity to challenge their authority with almost no consequences. The middle class chink would do anything to be in the position of the poorest Americans... well, if they had a soul at least.

Hopefully that was a "nice" enough discussion for you. Chinks and their sympathizers deserve no respect.

>> No.15145725

Not the original poster, but you sure are showing him by getting all riled up on a basket weaving forum

>> No.15145742 [DELETED] 

If it makes you feel any better I'm sure we're going to go to eat with China at some point, probably within the next ten years

>> No.15145749 [DELETED] 

*War, fucking autocorrect

>> No.15145766

If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure we're probably going to go to war with China at some point, probably within the next ten years.

>> No.15145789

>basketball americans

this term is somehow even more degrading and offensive than the traditional epiphet, reducing an entire race's value to their utility in a single sport

the gentleman's racial slur

>> No.15145828

Might as well grow wheat at that point

>> No.15145968

What does it mean when you suddenly dream about your ex of three years back for two nights straight?

>> No.15145977

that you probably have seen something recently that reminds you of her

>> No.15145986

that you want to coom in her pussy and make coombies (coom babies)

>> No.15146023

ive been keeping a journal. and i write everything then scan it. i read over it and its 99% garbage. probably 100% absolutely trash. i wonder why i even bother. am i waiting to unlock some stroke of genius im simply incapable of? fucking sick of being a retard

>> No.15146034

keeping a journal is good b/c it's an antidote to loneliness if you are lonely, an ongoing dialogue with yourself. in some ways, this can alleviate you of a dependency on other people for things like emotional validation (although you won't be able to replace external human interaction entirely, but journaling is a good start to being an independent human being)

>> No.15146042

>have the coof
>might die
>literally zero friends or family
>realize ive accomplished nothng i have wanted to, despite my best efforts
>torn between a ragequit suicide or not wanting to die yet so i can keep trying another 12 years
idk. dying might be nice?

>> No.15146048

Can't really think of what exactly besides maybe Instagram.

Not gonna lie, I miss cooming in her pussy. I don't miss being with her though. I'd rather not go through that ever again.

>> No.15146053

So, babies

>> No.15146064

Post the most compelling thing you've written:

>> No.15146065

coombies is my original meme term, it's an attempt to make people realize the folly of reproduction (like what coomer does for porn addicts)

i'm an anti-natalist btw

>> No.15146073

The dialogue is why I talk to myself!

>> No.15146080
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It's good for any society to have a division between bourgeoisie and proletariat. The two cultures must remain in eternal conflict. This is the way progress happens within the parameters of decent conservatism.

>> No.15146083

why not going out with her again?

>> No.15146090

>Folly of reproduction
That's probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Fortunately your noncompetitive ideology will die with you and the other losers like you who are too cowardly to fight for a better tomorrow.

>> No.15146104

it was a joke you unbelievable faggot

go back to your containment board

>> No.15146114

10pm: if I go to bed now I'll get 9 hours of sleep
12am: I really only need 7 hours
2am: fuck

>Why am I like this bros?

>> No.15146119

based crypto-roastie

>> No.15146122
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Sarcasm is hard to detect through text. I stand by what I said about antinatalists though

>> No.15146124
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Being with her was an emotional trainwreck. It was something or another. Not to mention, she cheated on me so I don't wanna see her again.

>> No.15146148

I think with everyone stuck at home our minds are naturally drifting back to our pasts (exes, friendships, etc)

>> No.15146158


>> No.15146162

How do I free myself from this crippling paralysis? This fear of being a failure, an absolute worthless being? There are so many things I want to do, and still these all consuming feelings of worthlessness freeze me to the core when I so much dare to contemplate my wants.
I beli3ve the will can take someone a long way, but isn't the opposite also true? How can someone so weak willed succeed?

>> No.15146170

collect and self-publish everything you've written up to this point in time. maybe you will be discovered posthumously as a minor kafka

>> No.15146171

Good lord

>> No.15146182

Reading through post cards sent by my best friend during summer vacation when I was in elementary school and crying. He later abandoned me during middle school which probably is a large part of the reason I am the way I am.

>> No.15146187

that's not the author i wanted my life to follow

>> No.15146188

Most things to do with people express inward states etc. Art is not unique in this way and can hardly be said to be universal

>> No.15146191

Melodramatic homosexual.

>> No.15146198


>> No.15146202

Return to God.

>> No.15146241

i only mean in a famous after death for unfinished works way , obviously i dont know what your work resembles stylistically

>> No.15146268

You should just save up momey and visit a hooker. Look at that absolute travesty. I would have slightly less disgust for you if you just visited a hooker. I'd still think you're a loser either way though.

>> No.15146276

I can kinda unterstand how psychology gained strength despite its shoddy beginnings if your kind of answer was the commonplace advice offered to anyone with problems at the time.

>> No.15146277

Whatever bitch, I’m not going to be less sad because some retard online goes hur dur your got the gay.

>> No.15146288

Which God? Please, I'm desperate

>> No.15146314

>Why bro, maybe you just didn't believe hard enough
>Lol just pray bro
Ya I can see how the death of God is a tragedy in its way, but imagine 2000 years of that shit...

>> No.15146322

It's easier to hate than it is to love

>> No.15146324

Who do you think you are, Rousseau? We can't all just fuck bitches in the woods while mommy does your dry cleaning Anon. That's not how the world works.

>> No.15146348

If I read as much as I shitpost on this forum I might actually have interesting contributions

>> No.15146376

Probably just some cringe about globalism

>> No.15146398

delusional burger, probably unironically thanks the troops lmao

>> No.15146419

No one knows what "subjective" means these days

>> No.15146423

You only need to read the Harvard Classics series 15 minutes a day to get a classical education.

>> No.15146428


>> No.15146465

Sounds like a good time to be manipulative towards our exes

>> No.15146466

My teratoma is acting up! My teratoma is acting up!

>> No.15146483

I was laughing at that tard's suffering and I blew coffee all over the counter. Fuck

>> No.15146502

oh that's ok, anon. I feel you, being cheated on is not something nice, and I wouldn't forget either.

>> No.15146558

If I push your fatass retard friend to suicide, I will fucking laugh in your face. Never forget who is handsome and on top and who is pathetic and on the bottom. The world is made for the handsome and strong to do as they please.

>> No.15146564
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Give me cunny or give me death.

>> No.15146621

do you like prog?

>> No.15146636

reading is such a drag

>> No.15146868

I despise the BBC posters on this board and all the other boards. I don't care whether they're niggers who have some semblance of how to use a computer, small-dicked asians who are upset about their inferiority or basedboy cucks who wet themselves when they think about a nigger fucking their girlfriend. It's all fucking annoying. No longer can there be a thread without some fucking cunt popping his head in and talking about BBC like it's all their fucking inferior brains can think about. I fucking hate interracial porn and advertising as well.

>> No.15146926

Interracial porn gives me similar unpleasant feelings but I always wonder whether it's caused by biological preference or subconscious hatred for BBCposters. I tend to assume that most of them are shitposting. Honestly I assume that most of the posts I see on this site are shitposts.
Anyway I think black girls are hot sometimes and black guy/black girl is kinda nice but it seems like it's virtually nonexistent, it's always a black guy and a white girl, and it just weirds me out.

>> No.15147224

Mostly I think people should stick to having sex with their own race. Asians should stick with asians, whites should stick with whites, blacks should stick with blacks. Not sure why there's a big desire nowadays for interracial stuff, but it definitely seems as though there's something to all the theories about advertising promoting race mixing.

>> No.15147258
File: 112 KB, 256x256, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant stop biting my fingers. I cant stop biting my fingernails. I have dermatophagia. GOD HELP ME

>> No.15148002


>> No.15148039

He said anal, lol

>> No.15148212

the american government is the biggest terrorist organization of all

>> No.15148233

prog rock? No I don't, I guess pink floyd is ok. It's also not that I don't like dumb hiphop, plenty of it is nice to listen to, it's the ridiculous posturing people do about it like it's high art that I can't stand.

>> No.15148453
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I got no one to tell this so I suppose I'll say it here.
I was worried I was getting sick and having the lack of smell. I went to sleep and now I can smell even the sweat from my balls.

>> No.15148520
File: 243 KB, 1280x960, photo_2020-04-20_10-36-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I took 1 gram of phenibut and went on a nice walk down the river. I live on the outskirts of a large city and luckily I can escape from the metropolitan bustle pretty easily. It's about a 30 minute walk to this nice area where you can sit on a massive wall and look down at the rapids blow, near the site of what use to be a dam and now is a massive waterfall. On a nice day like yesterday you can even climb down the wall and relax on the rocks by the river, though, on those days fellow escapees usually find their way out there as well. I also happened across some abandoned rail tracks, which lead to a bridge across the river itself. Standing in the middle of the bridge and looking down, through a thin iron gate, and then some probably 30 foot drop (its bigger than it looks in the picture), it's strangely nerve wracking.

Anyway I had a nice walk, I left my house around noon or so and didn't come home till 5pm. I'm thinking today after work I'll take a stroll again if it's not too cold. Getting outside really helps clear my head, and escape the loneliness of my apartment.

>> No.15148627
File: 274 KB, 502x371, 3G6Dg3t (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you're feeling anon. When you're home alone staring at a screen you don't feel like you're part of a physical world. It is only when you step outisde that you realize "damn, I'm really in this bitch". crazy how the real world can feel so surreal at times

>> No.15148665

ir pron is alluring and seductive because it's a defilement which, as it turns out, a lot of people get off on. that's the reason it's always black guys with blonde girls is because that's as close to bestiality we can get within human bounds. people get off on the defilement of white women, asian women, etc. however, i notice the sensation is different when watching white male/poc female couplings. it has a faustian vibe to it that really turns me on desu.

>> No.15148721

Yeah multiple days last week I felt that way, I didn't leave my house all day. I've been feeling more and more pathetic the longer this goes on but at the same time I don't want it to end. I don't want to go back to the office and have my 9-5 life robbed of me once again. It's not the best now but at the very least I feel like I have control of most of my day versus before, waking up at 7 am, commuting for an hour, sitting in a prison cell for 8 hours, commuting home for an hour, being too exhausted to do anything besides sit in front of my tv and stare into dead air. I'm so fucking sick of this shit. I'm sick of how mundane everything is man. I know none of this is new, and everyone goes through it, but what the fuck?

I can barely afford rent, I'm fucking miserable, the only thing I look forward to is drinking a beer at night and going the fuck to bed. I just want a purpose. I bought a bible online and I'm waiting for it to come because I'm that fucking desperate to have something to cling on to. Something real. I'm sick of being online and looking at screens I just want something that lasts and is real.

I think that's why I like going on walks. I can see the old train tracks, they probably haven't been used in 30, 40 years, judging by the overgrowth further down the river. Sitting and watching the water, the same spot where, 60, 600, 6000, 60000 years ago someone, whoever, whatever, was around, could reasonably sit and do the same thing. A river through a fucking mountain, something that's been here since humans have been around and something that will be here long after we're dead and gone. It's immortality. It's just not ours. Not for us. And it never will be, but , at the very least, we can admire it, and listen to it's sounds.

Anyway, I'm losing my mind. I need to find a gf. I was on a rebound earlier in the year, I went on a handful of dates and fucked a few of them. I didn't really like any of them though. I used to think I could connect with anyone but since I broke up with my ex a year or so ago I'm having trouble really finding a reason to talk at all. It's not that I was so close with her, I'm not sure if something in me died when that relationship did but I just can't find any sort of "click" with anyone else now. It feels so futile. Dating apps make everyone feel like shit and yet, especially now, they're all we have. And even under normal circumstances - how unbelievably hard is it to meet someone normally. If you're in college, sure, it's easy. But real world? You're fucked. Unless you have a naturally huge circle of friends and are always meeting new people, you're absolutely fucked. Better get the apps. Tinder. Hinge. OKCupid. Bumble. Fuck it, Plenty of Fish. Whatever it takes man. It's fucking 2020. Either give in to the madness or die alone.

I gotta get back to work. I think I'm going to get fired soon. Hopefully my bible will come today. I'll crack it once and never read it again, but maybe I wont.

>> No.15148912
File: 23 KB, 736x258, Screenshot_2020-04-20 (20) JAMES FERRARO auf Twitter LinkedIn shows us the pain of exsistence in brutalizing detail Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was beautifully said anon. I'm 20 y/o working part-time at a warehouse and this is the exact same thing I'm feeling rn. I'm lucky that I can live with my dad so I don't have the economic threat on my neck. I'm thinking of going to college this year mostly because it gives me an opportunity to socialize with (hopefully) similiar minded people and eventually have some friends. Ofc it'd also be nice to have a gf but that fantasy is so far away from me now that I can't possibly imagine it.

I know I want to do something. I know I want to make films, write, draw, make music or whatever the fuck that fulfills me. But I'm getting this feeling that if I don't find friends and a partner then I'm forever gonna be miserable and hopeless no matter how successful I am with my career or whatever it is that I want to achieve.
I believe I have aspergers and I can't talk properly so most of the time I just shut the fuck up in social gatherings to not embarrass myself. I'm still traumatized by that internship I had when I was 16 - I was working at a clothing retailer and my coworker made me feel like the absolute biggest failure of human existence for not being able to talk to customers. That shit hurt me man. How is a teenager supposed to cope with that? Sometimes after those horrible shifts I'd walk down the river for an hour and think about ending it all.

I like the internet and especially 4chan because it doesn't make me feel like a complete failure. Even if someone were to insult me I can just brush it off because it's technically not real and anonymous. People often mistake internet consumption for some kind of addiction (porn, vidya etc.) and even though there's some truth to that, most people don't realize that the internet is a safe space for people lke me.

>> No.15148922

I'm turning 20 in a month and I'm worried I'll waste the next decade of my life as I had the last. The COVID-19 quarantine may have contributed to the dread.

>> No.15149021

The pain of being in a job that you physically do not have the capability to do is draining. It's something so soul sucking that you, despite all your wants and desire to try, simply cannot do it. There is some internal failing, some mismatched wire that is permanently unable to be remedied. Everything, everyone around you, seems so confident and sure of themselves, and you, for some cosmic reason, cannot. But then I realize that I've felt this way in every job I've ever had. And then I realize that, in all actuality, I was probably fine, decent, at all those jobs. Here's the thing, there are two people in this world - those that like to work, and those that just sort of work.

I envy the ability of my coworkers to turn their brains off in the office, to go in, smile, make bullshit small talk all day. Laugh in the kitchen. Have fun. Go home energized and ready to do it again the next day. I know nobody really "loves" work but for these people it's almost like they'd rather be at work than at home. They can't fathom life outside of the office, they simply don't know how else they'd fill their time. So they work. And they're happy when they're there because they're not at home.

And then there's the rest of us, who sort of just...work. The Type A people can't fathom an existence where they don't work and we can't fathom how anyone could be like Type A. There's no bridging the gap. It's a massive canyon that can't be crossed. It's why boomers work until they're 85 and refuse to retire. I used to think this was a generational thing but it's not, half of my coworkers are younger than me (I'm 25) and when we talk about working from home, all they can do is comment on how boring it is. And I realized I can never connect with or understand these people. There is simply a fundamental difference in how we experience life.

My advice for you - unrelated to the above ramblings - is focus on connections. It's the only thing of value in this world. Girlfriend, boyfriend, friends, family, whatever. Nothing else will fulfil you and make you happy. Art will never fully fill that gaping hole. Work will never fill it at all. They're all distractions. I say this as somebody who loves to be alone and yet go to bed feeling remarkably empty every day. Something has to give. Knowing yourself means knowing no one else. I guess, pick what matters most to you.

>> No.15149089

that last paragraph is what I was thinking too. work will never satisfy me regardless of how comfy or well-paid it is. I need to have a sense of belonging. I will definitely go to college sooner or later just to reintegrate into society and I will make sure I overcome those fears. Eversince I graduated from hs I've been living as a neet for the most part and it just does not satisfy me. I can consume and create all I want but if I don't have anybody to share it with it'll be for nothing. thanks for that little convo dude it made me feel better somehow.

>> No.15149124
File: 636 KB, 1668x2224, FED4C88C-3F6F-4D00-82E1-E7EFABCA2ED1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that hasn’t stopped in this city is fucking construction at all hours of the week/times of the day. to live in a big city is to be cucked by heavy machinery. very bad idea, bros. i want to go hang out in a forest and pick some mushrooms.

>> No.15149141

And you are one of those idiots

>> No.15149155

Move the fuck on

>> No.15149264

I don't know what to read. I've read most classics I'd be interested in, as well as popular fantasy stuff. All that's left is picking up some contemporary /lit/, but every time I google I just find stuff that's like
>actor's memoirs
>black girl's first book
>detective book #212151212
Is it really not possible to find anything a little more unique? What the fuck.

>> No.15149297

start reading manga. sunny.

>> No.15149389

I don't feel like living at all. I feel like one of those NPC. A hollow husk.

>> No.15149568


>> No.15149571

Elio Vittorini - Conversation in Sicily

>> No.15149628

No, uruguayan. From Montevideo.

>> No.15149933
File: 18 KB, 474x266, noided.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living off fuckin baked beans that I heat up by leaving the can on a radiator
fuck this

>> No.15150342

What is the appropriate amount of real world experience that should be in a work? I'd want to write about some things in my life, but I'm somewhat worried the actors involved will recognize their pastiches and may get offended.

>> No.15150345

I feel as if my writing isn't good enough, but I can't tell if it's because it's the first draft or because I'm unlearned in writing technicalities and just "feel" if sentence is constructed correctly.

>> No.15150591

Read more and keep erasing and rewriting

>> No.15151262

I think I like the idea of having been in a relationship more than being in a relationship.

>> No.15151427


>> No.15151443

>art is subjective
This just means "different people like different things." No fucking shit. Why do people keep saying this like there has ever been anyone who thought otherwise?

>> No.15151723

>After nearly 100 years of oppression, artists who believe in the realist tradition have a champion and a home.

fucking cringe
and some of the landscapes I'm looking at on this sight show clearly the influence of the Barbizon school; it's not clear where they draw the line for "realism"

>> No.15151919

Art renewal is a way for emerging autists to gain exposure.

Their main profit literally is the submission fees artist pay to participate.

It's literally a scam. Almost a ponzi scheme.

Lots of artists avoid it like the plague. They can't be too vocal about this though, as it may hurt their careers. Their owners have lots of influence.

>> No.15152249

there's some good stuff on there; it's a shame to see those artists be taken advantage of

>> No.15152278

So is everything else, op.

>> No.15152603

because people keep saying that pieces of art are objectively shit/good, or that people are objectively wrong for liking/disliking a piece.
case in point, this thread.

>> No.15152643


Absolutely based.

>> No.15152857

I fear that I have become completely insane. That, or I am rapidly losing my faculty of distinction. The separation between matter and perception, the air round swirling. The colors mixing in a kaleidoscope of rapture. When someone on a rare occasion speaks to me, I smell their words and taste their tone. All separation, all categories are becoming ever more liquid. I can no longer tell two people apart. For fear of sounding Hindu, all is becoming one. This is not enlightenment for me however. My mind is slowly slipping away from me.
I no longer go outside my apartment. That’s a melodramatic exaggeration. Of course I go out when necessary but I think most people would be surprised how little one has to step out their door these days. Sometimes, I think, my cousin (again, speculation) brings me food which I suppose I feel grateful for. Last week he came here. He brought no food. He wore only the clothes on his back. He sat on my couch for awhile, talked at me. I think I looked into his eyes. Then, a magnificent rapture overcame me. The blueness of his iris exploded and filled the room with a violet vapor. The skin on his face peeled back and made unity with the rest of mankind and with all of earth. His bones, his ribcage, they opened up to accept me into the fold, his heart beating before my very eyes and mine was beating to the tune. The couch we had sat on was now swirling, lifting itself off the ground. He kept talking, though his lips had been pulled away with the rest of his bodily flesh. Yes… he continued to speak but his words were not English. Nor were they any Human language. The sound of his voice was an enormous harmony, a symphony of birdsong and rapture. It filled my soul and I could smell on his lips the nectar of the flowers in bloom. My eyes fell back into my cranium in ecstasy and at this very instant he pulled back. The couch crashed on the floor. He stood up, the flesh securely fastened to his corpse. He looked at me with a strange melancholy. See you next week. Then, he walked out. I got up and locked the door behind him.

>> No.15152956
File: 103 KB, 1080x1080, 1585971756526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I have to reach the correct number of post and Images in this thread

>> No.15153225

If you put zero fucking effort into your appearance then you deserve zero respect. It is as simple as that. When you want to look like something that is not a monstrosity for a change, then you receive respect.

>> No.15153356
File: 39 KB, 400x400, Daphne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you idiots just took the fucking hint, Jesus. I make it very clear I dislike you. I have said so much schizo nonsense to people I am trying to make up for now but holy hell, leave me alone. And screw that baldy faggot the most of all. Springing a fucking tranny on me. I would never do that to someone. That's a nasty prank to play.

>> No.15153387

dammit i am with you as much as i hate to say it
i have fond memories of the times in my life when i was with someone and look back at them with the idea of something like safety or contentment when in reality they weren't even that great. being in love has the shittiest comedown of any drug

>> No.15153402

I hope you're working on your novel.

>> No.15153404

no no no no no no no no
this is enough
w-well uh
end this

>> No.15153412

I am actually a bit sorry your father is gone because he's the only one of you who wasn't totally fucking retarded out of his mind. Dress like that in his day and see what happens. Go to a bar dressed up like that.

>> No.15153472

I shouldn't harp on it but you are so lucky you did not meet Madchen. I have heard Madchen speak about trannies and it was not good. It was not what you would want to hear. Most people do not think very nice things about them and a girl like Madchen does not care enough to keep it concealed. She wouldn't even humor the "she" and "her" nonsense.

>> No.15153491

What you hear about trannies here and from girls like Soph is what people are actually speaking. The coworkers and peoppe you meet day to day won't say anything because they don't want shit like this to happen to them for the crime of being a bit confused and repulsed.



>> No.15153752

I hate how everything is so fast paced. You have to do this within a certain amount of time. We'll get it done in x amount of time! Seconds count! Hurry up you're doing it too slow! We've got more to do so speed up!

I want to take things slowly. I don't want to rush. I do things deliberately and carefully. It's so annoying to be hurried for absolutely no reason.

>> No.15153758

I keep putting off cutting my hair and now I look homeless

>> No.15153765

We all do. Let it rock anon. Your favorite author had long flowing hair

>> No.15153945

Probably some mix of fear of failure and inability to let go of things past. I've always been very averse to change.

>> No.15154366

Books about wanting to remake the world into a more beautiful form but knowing it’s impossible?

>> No.15155329

I definitely have fond memories of my past relationships, I don't think they were bad at all. When I think of the intense love I felt, the universe certainly makes more sense. Hell, I went on a date with this musician I've admired for years recently and I felt unrivaled ecstasy for the entire week we were spending in the same cities. But I don't know. When I think of being with someone, a rando that I haven't yet met, there's no feeling involved, it's just a big time investment. When am I ever gonna learn a new language, finish my studies, read, write a book, when I'm forced to meet this person, plus other friends, several times a week? I've grown content with growing old alone, I realised I've always imagined taking my own autarkic steps. Still, I somehow find the idea romantic of roaming the streets and running into an ex that I shared such a strong bond with. Which despite my past relationships is unlikely to happen, as my one gf rarely left the house and the other died years ago.

>> No.15155341
