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15144378 No.15144378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, explain to me your ideal sexual culture. Who gets laid, what age, how much, what do the men and women value and desire in each other?

>> No.15144394

>Who gets laid
>what age
whatever age I have at the moment
>how much
at least once a day
>what do the men and women value and desire in each other?
don't know, don't care, pussy I guess

>> No.15144398

>who gets laid
only intellectuals who can grasp the essence of eternal beauty and contemplate the intelligible aspect of the universe
>can women do that too?

>> No.15144419

based and greekpilled

>> No.15144432
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Just women.
Pregnancy through deliberate means.

>> No.15144467

>In Mahayana schools, Buddhahood is the universal goal for Mahayana practitioners. The Mahayana sutras maintains that a woman can become enlightened, only not in female form. For example, the Bodhisattvabhūmi, dated to the 4th Century, states that a woman about to attain enlightenment will be reborn as a male.
>Some Theravada sutras state that it is impossible for a woman to be a bodhisattva, which is someone on their way to Buddhahood. A bodhisattva can only be a human (that is, a man).
>If the aspiration to Buddhahood has been made and a Buddha of the time confirms it, it is impossible to be reborn as a woman. An appropriate aim is for women to aspire to be reborn as male. They can become a male by moral actions and sincere aspiration to maleness. Being born a female is a result of bad karma.

>> No.15144470

>only men can get laid
Sounds like greece to me

>> No.15144494

>who gets laid
Pretty much everyone that wants it
>what age
18 and above.
>how much
A few times a week
Men want physically attractive women
Women want mentally attractive (not necessarily smart) men

>> No.15144495
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wrong trip shieeet

>> No.15144548

No sex for pleasure. Sex only for the purpose of procreation. Sex is a messy distraction from the more beautiful things in life.

>> No.15144554

how many times did you have sex in your life

>> No.15144559

What about the pair bonding benefits

>> No.15144593

I got fucked in the ass and sucked dick multiple times at the age of 10. I have no intention of having sex with women, I am too attractive to dirty myself like that.
Birds do fine preening their partners rather than fucking hourly. Sex for procreation is sufficient "pair bonding"

>> No.15144606

>Who gets laid

Everyone who’s healthy and valuable to society in the long run genetically.

>what age

No age distinction, based on testing beginning at the age of 18, if you aren’t mature enough sex should be a punishable penalty for both parties and any pregnancies should be subject to forcible abortion.

>how much

Enough to reproduce a state-mandated amount of children and then as much as they want within marriage assuming they did not reproduce a surplus.

>what do the men and women value and desire in each other?

They don’t, marriages are state and computer calculated, they seek what’s best for their children in the long term. A short “dating” period is arranged by the state between the two selected parties and if they are not immediately acidic towards each other, are then married. Breaking of said marriages comes with economic and social punishments if not jail time. Cheating in Said relationships or domestic abuse are both equally punished to a maximally productive degree.

>> No.15144608


>> No.15144665
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>I got fucked in the ass and sucked dick multiple times
Did you at least consent?
>I have no intention of having sex with women, I am too attractive to dirty myself like that.
Fucking hell, you sound like a total narcissist and an utter faggot with no social skills and an overinflated ego. If it renders you so despicably ugly inside, your "beauty" is none other than a detriment to your mental health.

>> No.15144671

I would first divide our society into three castes: working class, army and the government.
Then i would establish specific festivities to have sex, in which the couples are decided by some sort of lottery, and always with the sole purpose of procreation.
Nevertheless, to ensure that only the best of the best gets into the government, the lottery needs to be rigged previously, so only those with the best souls can have children between them, while those with mediocre souls procreate among themselves and have equally mediocre children, destined for the working class. If some children is conceived outside of the festivities we will need to kill him, for we would not be sure if his parents were of good souls.
The government itself will have to take care of rigging out the lottery, but then we may have the problem of nepotism into our government. To avoid this, i suggest that children are taken away from their parents as soon as they are born, and taken into custody to supervise the quality of his soul through various tests.

>> No.15144705
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Thanks Plato.

Finally something good. I disagree on the absolute state mandates, however, and the lack of concern for compatibility. If some theoretical personality framework could sort people into relationships with chemistry, I'd be down.

What about sublimation and using sex/ relationships as a way to entice people towards pro-social behavior

>> No.15144768


>Finally something good. I disagree on the absolute state mandates, however, and the lack of concern for compatibility. If some theoretical personality framework could sort people into relationships with chemistry, I'd be down.

I would assume a comprehensive system would have more advanced technology than our best match making technology currently. That’s another metric for efficiency.

>What about sublimation and using sex/ relationships as a way to entice people towards pro-social behavior

Human valuation considers the fulfillment’s of Lower desires as unimportant and the denial of lower values as incredibly horrid, inversely they consider the fulfillment of higher values to be great and the denial of higher values to be fine. By training them on the fulfillment of lower desire you don’t amount to much stimulation in their valuation. I personally am a fascist and believe that the Kojeveian conception of animalization and the deleuzian conceptions of desire processes becoming commodified into a simulacra which contains only the cancerous-line of flight is more efficient, by which I mean to say, it’s more logical to via cultural and economic means to fabricate new valuations based on symbolic capital which people will and currently do base their identities off of, since these desires are animalized aka, no longer genuine desires but rather an animalistic form of need which technology and group interactions immediately fulfill and since these relations and symbolic capital are state/techno-capital designed they’ll have no real option but to fulfill needs/desires which are socially/economically beneficial. In this way you can enact the fascist solution to the Hegelian problem of recognition via the integration of the spirit of man/his das sein into the movements of Techno-Capital causing aufheben, inducing a fusion of das man and State-Will.

Or at least that’s the autistic way I see it unfolding in the most practical way.

>> No.15144806

Everyone, 18+, 2-3 times a week, men want an interesting partner, women want someone who will touch them in all the right ways.

>> No.15144817
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>an utter faggot with no social skills and an overinflated ego
Said the tripfag, stay mad you're not an asexual chad.

>> No.15145150

where is the book fag?

>> No.15145161


No one experiences sexual release ever again and the human species goes extinct after a few decades.