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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 86 KB, 684x912, pcphnimg445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15143171 No.15143171 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.15143180


>> No.15143196

acting like a retard and blaming the sun for it

>> No.15143209

Literally this.

>> No.15143211

an incredible experience, but only if you shouldn't be here

>> No.15143212

apathetic guy who only seems to give his life choices much thought when he's about to get executed/

>> No.15143225

Typical pied-noir behavior

>> No.15143232 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 684x912, 1587332925555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man no spoilers.

>> No.15143234

What is with seppos and taking pics of unrelated objects? Like >yeah look picture of book next to coffee haha cute OMG Karen will be so jealous my posts get more likes than hers
>haha look I arranged my funko pops around these latest expensive leatherbound Harry Potter editions and instagrammed it based black bull please satisfy my wife

What does this image even convey? you get butts if you read this? butts and books?

>> No.15143242

Apathetic Frenchman spaces out during a heatstroke and kills an Arab on a beach
He gets sentenced to death because he comes across like a soulless autist and isn’t empathetic whilst refusing to pretend he is.
You’ll have a more intellectually stimulating evening if you just fuck the girl in your pic, if that is a girl.

>> No.15143249

how are you gonna read the book when its smells like ass?

>> No.15143255

Bruh, I think your girl might be a slut.

>> No.15143262

How would that not make it easier?!?!

>> No.15143265
File: 54 KB, 900x900, 1585470359056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never having touched a girl is starting to get to me lads

>> No.15143271
File: 222 KB, 1051x417, E9AAAFD8-2C4A-4244-A833-7C7FD63D6B81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously dude, just fuck her and throw the book away, you’ll be better off. There’s literature more enjoyable than cooming in girls but Camus didn’t write any.

>> No.15143278
File: 61 KB, 420x557, 57357451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if that is a girl.
She is. I checked.

>> No.15143285

How old are you?

>> No.15143287

Only 20.

>> No.15143312

>gf has undies that say "cum slut"

Have fun being cucked.

>> No.15143317
File: 24 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chad won't even read the book
>he's just flaunting his whore's ass
let that sink in, faggots

>> No.15143320

did you use to post pics of your thinkpads on /g/?

>> No.15143324

Ok is it a girl or a “tomgirl”?

>> No.15143330

I had the same problem. Become attractive (normal looking) and develop a personality (masculine behaviorisms) and then pay a whore (honest woman) for sexual services. You'll be fine.

>> No.15143331

Now pull those down and put the book in the middle. No hand, please.

>> No.15143333

Good, Chad shouldn’t read that book, it sucks, and even if it was good Chad’s copy is a translation so he shouldn’t read it for that reason too

>> No.15143336

"What am I in for" threads deserve to be autobannable offence.

>> No.15143343

Based but bluepilled troomer

>> No.15143354

I was nearly twenty when I lost mine, so don’t worry. I’d recommend losing it even if it’s to someone you don’t love because not being a virgin boosts your confidence for the future

>> No.15143365

even a prostitute?

>> No.15143378

I'm not sure how to get there. I'm not obsessed with it but it does cause feelings of inferiority from time to time desu.

>> No.15143412

that's not the arm and hand of Chad

>> No.15143433

No, I wouldn’t consider that losing it. Idk about other people but I would still feel like a virgin if I had only fucked prostitutes.
The usual memes about getting in shape and grooming etc etc are true but you do have to consider that it certainly is harder for men than women. Confidence is very important but don’t set your sights too high, and don’t tell them you’re a virgin unless it’s after you’ve had sex if at all

>> No.15143438

No roll it up and stuck it in her ass.

>> No.15143460
File: 57 KB, 525x391, 1586297906760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these photos were really taken
>there are people who get to do this
I wasn't going to drink today but here we go

>> No.15143485

> I would still feel like a virgin if I had only fucked prostitutes.
And you would be in the sense that you haven't learned to get women yet, but you'd still know what sex is like and that's good for the virgin psyche.
It's highly conducive to learning to get laid. Speaking from firsthand experience.

>> No.15143515

>There’s literature more enjoyable than cooming in girls

>> No.15143535

Some day you will find the right girl too. There's one for everybody

>> No.15143545

t. virgin

>> No.15143556

How many girls did you ask out last month? If it's less than 5 it's on you bro.
Unless its just a quarantine feel.

>> No.15143568

I haven't left my house in a month

>> No.15143576

The first time I came inside my ex gf, a girl I longed for years, until I found out she liked me even more than I liked her, I felt something impossible to describe with words. If books were to reach 1% of said bliss, I'd do nothing but read.

>> No.15143594

God damn dude. I gotta fuck your ex girlfriend.

>> No.15143659

what was the last book you read?

>> No.15143663

Tbf I only experienced joy greater than cooming (with a girl) twice in relation to books and they came from reflection on the books after I had finished

>> No.15143736

>Only 20
It's over, anon.

>> No.15143921

It's a blessing in disguise, anon. You should not "touch" a "girl" who isn't your wife.

>> No.15143929

>don’t tell them you’re a virgin
I'm afraid they'll know anyway. How would they not pick up on that?

>> No.15143930

What do you mean?

>> No.15143951

Wahhhh I don't get pussy so therefore having sex is BAD and IMMORAL. Every faggot who gets "sensitive" when they witness sexual activity isn't pure, isn't sad for a loss of innocence, etc. They're sad they're a fucking loser. The second you get laid is the second you get rid of this basedboy worldview.

>> No.15143956

>Wahhhh I don't get pussy so therefore having sex is BAD and IMMORAL.
Never said that
>They're sad they're a fucking loser.
That was my intention

>> No.15143969

Idk, my first didn’t realise, though I had oral sex with a gf in high school so I had a little experience.
Act in control during sex, premature ejaculation the first time is an absolute meme

>> No.15143983

Literally zero reading comprehension. He’s clearly just saying he’s sad about not getting to do it. The image makes him sad because he’s envious and that’s why he drinks, he’s not reprimanding them. You’re probably projecting about something

>> No.15143990

That makes two of us, brother. My friends have all had gfs now too.

>> No.15143997
File: 27 KB, 500x508, 1540055405772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just said I don't hook up much because I'm too busy reading books

>> No.15144002

you are either a schizo or a 80iq ape

>> No.15144004
File: 70 KB, 640x480, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about sex, I just want a girl that loves me. But that's impossible

>> No.15144023

I don't really have many friends. One of them a trans man lost their virginity to a girl when he was 14. It was a very shocking thing to discover. My best friend is like me though, just older.

>> No.15144026

i want both sex and love and have none right now
i'm 20 and i'm too autist to try to seduce girls. I'm not afraid of talking with them nor with anyone for the case, the problem is I just don't know how to hint I wanna fuck them or be with them, don't know what to say, what words should I use, etc..
this is now the incel containment thread of /lit

>> No.15144031

You really should've gotten over chasing girls by the time you got out of high school. You'll always be emotionally stunted now; forever chasing that which you couldn't have.

>> No.15144043
File: 229 KB, 606x444, 1586809201189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did this + lots of LSD
>Now spend my time doing drugs and russian escorts

desu I highly recommend it, things are pretty great

>> No.15144052

I don't think that's true, everyone around me acts the same way they did in High School, they just get to drink legally now.

>> No.15144065

you're an incel anon
18-24 is peak sexual activity for everyone

>> No.15144071

You shouldn't use the present state of society as a model for its entirety. The fact is, for most of human history the sort of behavior you're pursuing was the realm of teenagers.

>> No.15144072

I'm 25 and never had sex. I mean I don't make any deal about it now but I had my r9k phase when I was 20-21. Now I don't even think I can love anyone or be loved, literally my life goal is to have permanent silence in a place of my own where I can be alone.

>> No.15144076

you have tiny fag hands and wrists and your gf has a flat man ass

but at least you have a gf i guess

>> No.15144077

Citation needed

>> No.15144079

You're projecting, anon. I'm 24 and married. Met her at 17.

>> No.15144091

Encyclopedia Britannica A-Z

>> No.15144096
File: 807 KB, 1920x1080, [Beatrice-Raws] Bakemonogatari - 11 [Tsubasa Cat][BD].mkv_snapshot_11.52_[2020.04.18_16.48.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.15144103

Is that any good though?
I had a beautiful girlfriend with whom I had a great relationship in highschool, had a nice group of friends too. Lost everything when I was 19 and I've been completely lonely since then. I admit it's much less tougher than I expected but I don't think it's sustainable. Like, what's even the purpose of living a life like this. It's just endless escapism.

>> No.15144138

>About to read The Stranger for the first time

It's barely a hundred pages, in the time it took you to create this pointless thread you could have read the damn book.

>> No.15144154

You're fine

>> No.15144176

Having a few gfs made me realize how much I like being alone and dont actually care about sex that much. Ofc right when theyre gone ill care again.

>> No.15144178

I don't think there's anything to be done in life. I never experienced the joy in companionship I see in other people. I want nothing. The thought of dying is my biggest hope but I'm not sure about killing myself, I'm ironically very empthetic and wouldn't want to be the cause of the suffering of other people.

>> No.15144208

>tfw 27 and virgin

I dunno, it doesn't upset me that much as I don't want a gf. However, I think social improvement is my next major project. It's the only problem I have in life really.

>> No.15144317

Same. I'm super introverted so having a gf was a huge pain in the ass, even the sex was exhausting after a while. but now that I'm single again I'm fucking miserable. I ended it because I wasn't ready to commit, I wanted to travel and smash pussy, fit some childish 'Chad' ideal I had in my head. And now that I took that path I realized that home and love is what really matters. Naturally she moved on, and I'm going to have to start all over again and build up love all over again. And its fucking exhausting and terrifying to even think about all that. Fuck me, wisdom comes through pain and pain alone.

Sorry guys, blog post over

>> No.15144357

This is what cooming too much does to your brain.

>> No.15144366


>> No.15144376

Oh I see, another man whos not afraid to live life. I salute you king!

>> No.15144420
File: 324 KB, 2133x1600, 2017E7BA-1E38-409D-80D6-9001D9DF7387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never wanted a gf. I thought I did but I don’t. I didn’t want one either when I was a kid, I only wanted one when I was taught it was unbecoming of a man to not have one.

What I wanted was to be a man ™, but as I got older I didn’t naturally become one. I saw kids I knew from elementary school have puberty hit them. From then on they became tall, strong, got praise for being athletics and females flocked to them. But it never happened to me. I once saw a disheveled kid who got bullied and was fat playing his 3ds at the high school pep assembly. And I saw chad and stacy being homecoming king and queen at the same assembly walking down the court, everyone cheering. I then realized equality was a lie and I was not on the side I thought I was.

When I started working out and learning more at first I thought it was useless. It was ultimately pointless. But then when I received praise from my family, friends and even a girl I realized what I really wanted in the end.

>> No.15144490
File: 30 KB, 300x365, 1578402704499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks king.

>> No.15144499

Is it too late to have your Chad period in your 30s?

>> No.15144501

someone give me a quick rundown

>> No.15144511

Nope, men age like wine.

>> No.15144512

women are whores. wanting to be "good" at "impressing" them is like wanting to be an effective enticer of children to fuck. no one is saying don't fuck them, just don't take some weird gay pride in being the best at communicating with them pre-fuck

>> No.15144514

A really overrated book

>> No.15144518
File: 41 KB, 640x616, 1585718523484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no point to this.

>> No.15144531
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>He got pleb filtered by Camus

>> No.15144601

Someone is jelly

>> No.15144605

Only if you exercise daily and don't dress like shit. You are in for a rude awakening if you think you will just "age like wine" without putting in any effort

>> No.15144610

I thought it was amazing when I first read it. But I since read many better books and I have to admit it's not that good, I just didn't know any better.

>> No.15144612

I like Camus c:

>> No.15144639

Like what? Have you read any other Camus or are you actually retarded?

>> No.15144764

no, don't worry another autistic girl with come to you, you're young.

>> No.15144772

lol, you deserved it

>> No.15144815

My girlfriend's ass is mediocre and has a better tushie than that.

>> No.15144828

Bro when this epidemic is over go to one of those strip mall Chinese massage parlors and pay for an hour massage. If they ask say you've been there once before. Bring an extra $100 for the tip (less if you just want a tug or BJ). When you get get undressed just lay on your stomach on the towel they give you. If the bug lady puts the towel back on try another establishment. This is cheaper than an escort and you won't get herpes unlike going to a truck stop.

>> No.15144835

your gf is fat

>> No.15144844

Promise yourself you'll never ever do heroin

>> No.15144852

dubs of truth

>> No.15144958

That skelly wrist lmao

>> No.15144967

>posts nonchad
What are you trying to tell us?

>> No.15144973


>> No.15144985

This is actually exactly what I expect of people who read Camus.
You found the perfect author for yourself, OP. Congratulations.
(Both of you are still vapid hypocrites however).

>> No.15145057
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>> No.15145147

I know asshole, I was wrong. But fuck this society that idealizes shitty values, I was a child who needed guidance and i was led astray.

>> No.15145253

So which one is it? Is the ass small or fat?

>> No.15145255
File: 85 KB, 804x802, 59FE8E5F-540E-4929-94C7-02A9136B0598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 22 year old virgin who’s never had a gf or even kissed a girl
It’s over bros

>> No.15145256

is your own choice to idealize those shitty values, not society ; o

>> No.15145271

she have a an ass that goes with her body, she seems overweight

>> No.15145295

you're fucking delusional. If I was born in Tenochtitlan 600 years ago I would think priests dancing in human skin was normal. Society molds us, you included, to an incredible degree- and our society molds us wrong. I was a victim of that. Fuck you.

>> No.15145301

and yet there's people that lives in the same society as you and don't do what you do ;o

>> No.15145306

Lmao you have no insight
Dude behaved like a jerk but he did what was expected of him: behaving like an hedonistic narcissistic piece of shit who idealizes chasing vain pleasures and status commodities

>> No.15145307

Suck my dick incel

>> No.15145312

You will never take any of your actions serious because you still blaming something else/someone else instead of yourself. There's nothing wrong making mistakes but it is your fault and you deserved it because YOU did it, you're learning.

>> No.15145314

Hey anon I love you. I feel your call your begging like you know someone lost. This might be the most beautiful interaction i've witnessed.

>> No.15145318

>its not my fault

>> No.15145321

Slave cope

>> No.15145348


>obese parents raise a child
>Child becomes obese
>'this is your fault'

Fuck off, your hyper-individualistic libertarian bullshit philosophy is retarded, humans are molded by their social arrangements. I've learned, hence why I regret my behavior retard, and i know i have to fix it- but to imply its all on me, and not partially a product of this shitty culture, is absolutely delusional. Suck a dick

>> No.15145351

>Thinking maybe there is something wrong about people posting pictures of a Camus book over an ass with "Cum Slut" panties for likes on an anonymous imageboard.
Guess I'll drink today as well.

>> No.15145357

Why do you insult so much
is in that way you win an argument?

>> No.15145358

quit listening to nigger music lmfao

>> No.15145382

But that obese children can make changes on himself by the age he gains knowledge that something is wrong with his weight. Something that can be seen for a really early age. Also, don't tell me that in your twenties don't see what is good and what is bad, you were just banal with your decisions and YOU took that one, even though you knew what is going to happen.

>> No.15145390

My family has been obese all their life, and I'm 22 years old and I'm in a good shape since I'm 16. You just want to validate your point by not taking responsibility for your actions.

>> No.15145413


This level of delusional individualism is quite something.

>> No.15145416

grow up

>> No.15145476

i grew up without a father,
you're speaking truth

>> No.15145487
File: 34 KB, 326x294, 21459745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if your friends walked off of a cliff, would you do it too?

>> No.15145509


Top laff.

>> No.15145527

The sun falls but it also rises brother you’ll be ok

>> No.15145621

nobody say that
get your medication

>> No.15145635

It's always amusing when people do this. You get confronted on your shit and you immediately scurry to goalpost moving and hiding in whatever hole you came from.
That guy was claiming society shapes people and puts them in bad places, and you people have been claiming he is just weak/dumb and blaming things on others.
You are no different than him. Nearly everything you claim to be individual and unique about your ideas and tastes can be traced back to the influence your society had in your growth. Denying this is pretty fucking dumb in 2020. If he cures himself of his obesity it will still be due to the influence of society.

>> No.15146688

Can we just agree that OP is a giga Chad with a perfect submissive gf
>tfw no gf so no asscrack to put my copy of Faust into

>> No.15146694

I wish I had a gf to put my 2666 into

>> No.15146723

why would it matter if not for getting girls

>> No.15146737

start taking steps and honor each as an end in itself

>> No.15146743
File: 8 KB, 241x250, 1578358289491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do normies love Camus so much?

>> No.15146749

Are you fucking kidding dude
If it's good music then it's "nigger" music. Fucking Camus listened to black music

>> No.15146753


>> No.15146754

he's easier to read and doesn't mean to be a philosopher

>> No.15146765

He's right.

You can't get scammed your whole life and keep blaming the scam artist.

>> No.15146775

I don't know why 4chan hates single parent families so much. Most people with two parents are also total, valueless degenerates.

>> No.15146778
File: 56 KB, 800x840, 1576546653303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off this board

>> No.15146783

Yeah but there's loads of guys like that, especially Anglo weeaboos like Alan Wattts. What is it about Camus that makes him the king of this genre though? Is it just because he's a sexy French guy?

>> No.15146792

thanks for this

>> No.15146801

A character from an anime I really liked in my childhood was named the same

>> No.15146827

Because it's good literature I suppose. And philosophy people appreciate him for the most part
Not that we shouldn't appreciate Alan Watts, that boy's become a punching back for people who pretend to read

>> No.15146841

One Arm and some short stories, by Kawabata

kek of course not

>> No.15146853


I second this

>> No.15147017

Having no gf is better than having a "cum slut" "gf" desu.

>> No.15147062

He is most free when he's in prison

>> No.15147198
File: 21 KB, 580x548, ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15147304

>there is this group of virgins online who pretend to read books and consider themselves as intellectuals
>let's trigger them by posting your ass sis

>> No.15147329

oh this took a whole different twist, I like it

>> No.15147511


>> No.15147680

Yeah, his grapes actually are sour in this case. You're still hungry though.

>> No.15147730

Get on OKC, be absolutely unashamedly real (in an aesthetic way) on your profile, wait a year or so and you will find your perfect goth virgin soulmate. If you're fat or disgusting, work on that, that's on you. But apart from that there's nothing that could hold you back in the age of online dating.

>> No.15147735

How do I get good pics?

>> No.15147745

see >>15147730

You practice taking them, but one or two are enough. Think more about the stuff you write, the media you link, the most subversive and clever way to signal your neo-neo-nazi politics. Treat it like one of your faggy art projects.

>> No.15147844

Props on the outrageously effective bait OP

>> No.15147971

Why is it the only thing I like on this forsaken planet is ass

>> No.15147976

one often asks himself this very same question...

>> No.15148001

>there's nothing that could hold you back in the age of online dating
Online dating is exactly the problem for the modern dating market you fool, the fact that women have 100's of horny men sending the messages inflates their ego beyond your understanding even a disgusting landwhale ends up thinking she deserves more because a couple of pajeets want to fuck her.

>> No.15148010

sounds like you're ugly and can't compete. just gotta cope and seethe senpai

>> No.15148022

I liked The Stranger, is it worth reading The Plague too? Seems like the right time to read it now with the subject matter.

>> No.15148035
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>> No.15148108
File: 12 KB, 255x153, 1585571492545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you must be the dumbest motherfucker on this site. Now that's saying something.

>> No.15148151


>> No.15148213

You're not entirely wrong but this is only true for a small (but growing) number of sluts. Obviously they make up a large percentage of women on dating platforms but there are always nice modest girls as well. Just don't use Tinder. My advice is directed at people who actually find a girlfriend that fits with them and for those OKC is a good platform.

>> No.15148236

Lost mine a couple of months ago at almost 24.
Sex is fun and can be a great way to connect to someone on a different level.

Sex is not competitive, and I get how saying that does't help you since everyone has done it and you feel inferior but don't let that get to you, i always thought that many of my friends who bragged about how much sex they had were pretty messed up in their mentality. They didn't see sex as fun, they saw it as a competition that most of the time they lost, I guess, since they had pretty mediocre girls who would leave them quite quickly, of course there were exceptions, but the guys who really brag about sex in your face aren't getting that much, and when they do its like a Godsend.

Meanwhile, the guys I now who actually had ,,game" (fuck pick-up artists, fucking rapists, i'm using this term just for its meaning not the community behind it) rarely bragged about how much sex they had or what they did, and they seemed to have more fulfilling relationships.
Be interesting and honest, if you treat sex a this domination thing or as a victory over a girl it's gonna suck. Btw, i told the girl i had sex with the first time i was a virgin before we had sex, and i was FUCKING 24, we laughed it off but we still had sex, and if i hadn't told her she would've been able to tell anyway. Not telling her, or telling her after would've meant that i was only interested in her for sex if you think about it, which i was not.
In all honesty i also gave up all hope when i started having sex, as weird as it sounds, I had a hard time getting over a girl and i just installed tinder again) and didn't give a flying shit anymore, i was just myself...at 23...a virgin.

Hope it helps.

>> No.15148264

>pickup artists are rapists

Guess we know why you were a virgin that long lmao

>> No.15148276

What’s so cringe is that I remember using this exact “failsafe” to justify my lack of thinking at 14. Eerie. Culture really does permeate and infiltrate.

>> No.15148347

>pick a girl up
>fuck her
That's obviously rape.

>> No.15149443

Is that from /ck/?

>> No.15149452

Is that a trap?

>> No.15149467

An in depth POV of what it's like to never critically think about any of the choices you make. What goes on in the mind of someone asleep at the wheel (great read though)

>> No.15149485

I used to do the same, but then she kept wanting to meaninglessly chat about stupid shit and got upset when I would read a book and not talk to her after sex. I broke up with her and made a vow to remain celibate until I reach 30 years old and have the means of having a family. This simple rule has improved my life beyond my imagination.

>> No.15149486

imagine unironically thinking this

>> No.15149502

>The second you get laid is the second you get rid of this basedboy worldview
The opposite happened to me. I felt extreme disgust at myself and this board only reinforced it and now don't seek out women anymore. Never grew up in a religious household too.

>> No.15149533

Just disable images if they bother you that much chastefag

>> No.15149544

discord . gg/tmecPqx

>> No.15149565


>> No.15149577


>> No.15149657

I'm gonna be honest: I want to fuck your gf

>> No.15149704


>> No.15150041

start doing adrenaline junkie shit. get in shape in the process and live life to the limit.
pros: you either die a cool ass death or live life to the fullest
cons: you might die, but that seems of no concern

>> No.15150062

What a chad. You already understand Camus.

>> No.15150087

>that's someone's daughter, sister, niece, etc.
I hate this godforsaken world.

>> No.15150094

Please elaborate on this masculine behaviorism and how I can develop it.

>> No.15150122

>that's someone's daughter, sister, niece, etc.
I love this godforsaken world

>> No.15150164

Imagine if that was your sister or daughter.

>> No.15150194

I do not possess that faculty

no sister

I will never procreate

>> No.15150199

That's some bodys daughter!!! Wont somebody think of the poor little children!!!

>> No.15150240


>> No.15150249

honestly I'm convinced that Meursault is legit autistic

>> No.15150289

So? You think your mom doesn't suck cock like a filthy little cumslut?

>> No.15150301

I know she doesn't. Maybe yours does.

>> No.15150309

So she sucks it gently, softly then?

>> No.15150317


>> No.15150340

You mentally ill reprobates never cease to amaze me. If you're a filthy degenerate, then so is everyone else.

>> No.15150365

So you've had this conversation with your mom? She's never done oral sex? Even with your dad? And you believe her?

>> No.15150367

How could you know that faggot? You're just too naive to not look upon your family without rose-colored glasses.

>> No.15150403

I have absolutely no reason to believe my mom does that. I have a healthy, morally upstanding family. I'm probably the worst of the lot, but that goes without saying since I'm posting on here. I don't know why Westerners always get triggered by these things. Maybe my little country isn't as depraved as yours, I don't know. Do you guys have broken families or something? Hippie parents?

>> No.15150515

Yes everyone knows morally upstanding people don't have sex or enjoy having sex. Anyone who doesn't do missionary for strictly reproductive purposes is a depraved, perverted westerner lmao get a grip lil nigga

>> No.15150645


>> No.15150707

Lmao no. You'd think people would have taken 5 minutes to learn what strawman means by now.

>> No.15150816

>this is what /r9k/ers really believe

>> No.15150889

get the fuck off the board coomer, theres a great board called /b/ for people like you

>> No.15152730

Thanks Jeff.

>> No.15152789
File: 760 KB, 1520x776, 1546198887748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15152850

I like Camus!

>> No.15153014

>+205 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.

based retarded coomers

>> No.15154185

you will not understand any of it, you will do it just to get extra "smart" cred cause for some reason you think its a "smart" book,

like most americans everything you do is just some thinly veiled form of consumerism with no thought or content of any kind behind it.

also you will never have a hot girl like that

>> No.15154203


>> No.15154212

wow this is exceptionally cringe