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15142850 No.15142850[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Mankind is devolving into a bug-like species caused by a cocktail of degenerate tendencies in late stage capitalism. Artificial sweeteners, plastic bottles, excessive onions-consumption and endless hours in front of the internet without proper physical activity is causing morphological changes to men: they are becoming flabby and effeminate looking.

Their values have evolved to scorn religion and the folk culture of one's forefathers, and instead it embraces obscene and child-like entertainment on Netflix and a mindless devotion to Scientism - the cheap psychedelic awe of gazing into astronomical photographs and reading popularizations of quantum mechanics replaces the Bugman's need for serious philosophical meditation on metaphysical principles.

Nietzsche warned us of the Bugmen who would inhabit the cities in the twilight days of western civilization. In Thus Spake Zarathustra he describes the Bugman in great detail:

I see and have seen worse things, and divers things so hideous, that I should neither like to speak of all matters, nor even keep silent about some of them: namely, men who lack everything, except that they have too much of one thing—men who are nothing more than a big eye, or a big mouth, or a big belly, or something else big,—reversed cripples, I call such men.

And when I came out of my solitude, and for the first time passed over this bridge, then I could not trust mine eyes, but looked again and again, and said at last: "That is an ear! An ear as big as a man!" I looked still more attentively—and actually there did move under the ear something that was pitiably small and poor and slim. And in truth this immense ear was perched on a small thin stalk—the stalk, however, was a man! A person putting a glass to his eyes, could even recognise further a small envious countenance, and also that a bloated soullet dangled at the stalk. The people told me, however, that the big ear was not only a man, but a great man, a genius. But I never believed in the people when they spake of great men—and I hold to my belief that it was a reversed cripple, who had too little of everything, and too much of one thing.

>> No.15142890

capital apocalypse is gonna happen anytime now, my jewish prophet marx (pbuh) told me so in the sacred scriptures of das kapital inspired by des geist of dialectical materialism

>> No.15142897

Yeah I'll translate that for y'all

>Science, of which I am totally illiterate, has disproved all of my airy metaphysical babble that i wasted time on
>but this makes me feel bad, so science bad and makes people "bugmen" (ie people who i don't like but can't refute)

>> No.15142911
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>Mankind is devolving into a bug-like species caused by a cocktail of degenerate tendencies in late stage capitalism. Artificial sweeteners, plastic bottles, excessive onions-consumption and endless hours in front of the internet without proper physical activity is causing morphological changes to men: they are becoming flabby and effeminate looking.

>> No.15142912

As long as the problem of induction remains unsolved I will not pay attention to any of your scientific "discoveries".

>> No.15142913
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Opinion discarded.

>> No.15142918

Yes because scientist don't use metaphysics... Oh wait they do

>> No.15142922

>bugman can only think in terms of proofs and refutations
You and your race are painfully unaesthetic and immoral.

>> No.15142933

Some of the stuff on the chart is admittedly for fucking fags but I never got the internets hate for craft beer, like drinking bud light is some mighty and noble thing. Or just random brands like nike, like they don't make great track pants. Also Nietzsche himself was an anti-traditionalist atheist and I hate all of you

>> No.15142943

IPA gives you man tiddies, and that's backed by f*cking science, bitch

>> No.15142959
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>I hate all of you

>> No.15142968

And the internet erodes your mind, yet here you are moralizing on 4chan

>> No.15142983

>Nietzsche himself was an anti-traditionalist atheist
Pleb take.

>> No.15143009
File: 62 KB, 850x400, quote-i-have-not-come-to-know-atheism-as-a-result-of-logical-reasoning-and-still-less-as-an-friedrich-nietzsche-83-83-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking faggot read a book nigger

>> No.15143020

Actual autism

>> No.15143037

>"Read a book"
>Posts some quote from the internet

>> No.15143055

IPAs are disgusting

>> No.15143069

it's capitalism doing this how crazy is that it's almost like everything being commodified is really fucking bad

>> No.15143085

Yeah that's the enlightenment not capitalism

>> No.15143113
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take the virtue pill, breathe life back into the morbid body that is the west.

>> No.15143179

Nice diary entry, Banksy. Try making it about literature next time

>> No.15143190

Thus Spake Zarathustra is literature.

>> No.15143195
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The only options for males are to become Bugmen or Deano

>> No.15143325

Yes you will. Lying like this just makes you look stupid.

>> No.15143917
File: 48 KB, 968x681, 1F0371E9-E6EE-404E-9C2C-F75148586A5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the only options for lower middle class and nouveau riche males. Plebs don’t know any better than to act like different kinds of trash.

>> No.15143961

He can't exactly make a post that makes you have read a book, can he?

>> No.15144155

I don't understand the connection with insects.
I mean, certainly, we're falling down, into something less-than-human, but what does that have to do with insects? This irresponsible, impulsive, sentimental, soft creature undecisive and torn among desires is completely unlike the respectable insect, which keeps to his part with complete content.
It has no animal equivalent for a good reason - it is a human phaenomenon.

>> No.15144230

In my understanding of the term, the bugman is the type of person who advocates for the consumption of bugs as a source of sustainable protein, rather than the sort whose behavior is remniscient of an insect. Also does spelling "phenomenon" like that make you feel smarter?

>> No.15144305

>In my understanding of the term, the bugman is the type of person who advocates for the consumption of bugs as a source of sustainable protein, rather than the sort whose behavior is remniscient of an insect.
Fine, then. But that honestly does not fit with the usual, comfort-obsessed person. The Green university students are airheads of a different type
>does spelling "phenomenon" like that make you feel smarter?
I've never seen it written as "phenomenon". It seems completely wrong.

>> No.15144313
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>I've never seen it written as "phenomenon".

>> No.15144338

they all consume the same products and wear the same kind of clothes so they resemble bugs in their blind following and similar appearence

>> No.15144375

the original form was "small-souled bugman"

>> No.15144386

lmao what the fuck I'm not moralising, I'm telling you the facts about craft beer, look it up if you don't believe me.

>> No.15144389

"bugmen" is just commodity fetishism but dumber

>> No.15144438

That's not what commodity fetishism means.
By commodity fetishism, Marx understands a mistake he attributes to the economists of his time of viewing the social attribute of the commodity (that which makes it a commodity in the first place - its value - its position within the value system as its relation with other commodities) as its natural attribute; that is, conflating the twin-existence - the value form and the natural form.

>> No.15144488

But that is silly. All customs tend toward uniformity. And general acceptance of customs is a prerequisite of all organised social life. It does not imply a blind, unreflective attitude toward them.
What does that mean?

>> No.15144503

>What does that mean?
Not him but bound to the material world.

>> No.15144529

Thank you.

>> No.15144752

Science isn't even real and the entire concept is absurd. De Maistre exposed Bacons ridiculous propaganda thoroughly.

It amazes me that people think literally all the Mathematics, Engineering, every technical achievement of humanity prior to the 16th century was figured out at random. The scientific method is so basic in its premise and so overreaching in its conclusions that it can not be seen as anything other than clear propaganda.

>> No.15144766

Unironcially it means they are NPCs. It's a perennial observation that goes under a myriad of euphemisms, from hylic to lemming.

>> No.15144779

>Science isn't real
Retard detected. If science isn't real how the fuck you explain all technology that we currently have?

>> No.15144782


>> No.15144794

Engineering and science go together. Retard. Did you even know what is an engineer?

>> No.15144798

You're a complete retard with no understanding of the ideas you've looked up on wikipedia

>> No.15144801

Scientists and Science don't even go together. Engineering is even further removed.

>> No.15144814

Back to >>>/pol/ with you

>> No.15144819

Whats wrong with onions milk?

>> No.15144823

Almost all types engineering requires the use of scientific and mathematic knowledge. Do you want me to prove it?

>> No.15144825

it's trendy.

>> No.15144830

I want you to stop larping.

>> No.15144837

He's saying it isn't real as a concept, which is true. If you don't think so then try to answer the question, what is science? What is its method? What has science historically been? "All the technology we have" can be easily explained as the result of human knowledge and engineering. Calling it the result of "science" will necessarily obfuscate any real explanation of the modern world, unless you first have a clear idea of what science is. Which nobody can agree on.

>> No.15144839 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 494x512, 51E8AA2F-B319-42E7-87A3-BE41FC7B142A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I use fancy words i read on my thesaurus it'll make my fairy tale book look logical!

Fuck off cracker

>> No.15144853

I am an eletrical engineer nigger. You want me to show you how my occupation requires the use of scientific and mathematic knowledge? I hope this is b8.

>> No.15144869

> You want me to show you how my occupation requires the use of scientific and mathematic knowledge?

No, once again I want you to stop larping. It's too obvious. Don't larp as an "I fucking love Science!" caricature in a thread making fun of this particular brand of sub-human.

>> No.15144873

kek you're the retard. Technology and science are different things, pleb. And science literally doesn't exist. It's a collection of information.

>> No.15144880
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>bug-like species
big butt

>> No.15144881

Sorry would you have preferred him to post the text of one of Nietzsche's books instead?

>> No.15144882
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>> No.15144885

True. Science is just tool that we humans use to explain how everything works. This tool will not always give us a definite answer because is constantly changing due to new discoveries or paradigms. Physics of the 19th century are quite different than physics of 21th century. The problem is saying that all that knowledge obtained through the scientific method wrong is stupid.

>> No.15144891
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>> No.15144893

The knowledge isn't actually obtained using the scientific method though. The scientific method is a total meme.

>> No.15144894

>>Science, of which I am totally illiterate, has disproved all of my airy metaphysical babble that i wasted time on
Science has done nothing of the sort by posting this you're are diminishing the actual purpose of empiricism and the scientific method

>> No.15144903

easy way to detect niggers and white trash, right? kek

>> No.15144906

True, science is a collection of information and that information can be real and sometimes is not real. That is why science is always changing. Science is not constant is dynamic.

>> No.15144915

Good argument
Interesting. Tell me, how can you obtain this knowlege then?

>> No.15144917

Has the scientific method changed in the last 50 years?

>> No.15144926

It's not just a matter of the inherent certainty of science or induction. There's an ambiguity present in how we even define the method at all. If you look at the famous writers in the philosophy of science, like Kuhn or Feyeraband, there's a debate over what the scientific method itself is. This turns out to be a discussion alienated from what we take the actual daily practice of science itself to be, ie the process whereby a doctor creates a vaccine or an astronomer discovers a new planet, etc. etc., and this too then creates a question of how science can exist when there's such theoretical uncertainty over how to define it and how it functions.

>> No.15144930

>Good argument

>> No.15144936

Also, I forgot
>Technology, the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment.
You are right anon, science and technology are not related

>> No.15144942

Empiricism is good and the scientific method helps with understanding things within it's scope but the problem is ontological materialism has been falsified so we need to use many tools to understand everything and relying only on science is the same as say, relying only on math. It's limited, you need to use everything.

>> No.15144944

I didn't say they weren't related, I said they were different things, which they are.

>> No.15144975

Imagine being this floridly schizo.

>> No.15144978

Thanks for proving my point
The way that we perform experiments has changed. The way we interpret the results has changed. The way develop new theories has changed.

>> No.15144986

OP's post is sociopolitical in nature (discussing social discontentment and cultural phenomena, and not what your Asperger-poster-boy mind came up with), and is not based around refuting scientific observation. I don't agree with half of the post, but I almost feel inclined to do so from you being such a quipping faggot about it.

>> No.15144989

>Thanks for proving my point
So you can shitpost freely but the moment others do the same to you then that offends your delicate sensibility? kek come the fuck on

>> No.15145012

>The way that we perform experiments has changed. The way we interpret the results has changed. The way develop new theories has changed.
How exactly? I would imagine it works with the same principles just more exhaustive or sanitary/safe processes, so essentially the same.

>> No.15145025

Ambiguities will always exist. There are things that will be always ambiguous and will require a myriad of procedures to to reach a certain level of certainty.Other things will always remain true no matter what. For instance: 1+1=2 will always be 2 no matter what. Science is a tool created by humans. Is not perfect, but is the best thing that we currently have in order to explain how the physical world works. Otherwise, how can you explain most of the physical phenomenas? How can you explain how a computer works without scientific knowledge? How can you explain how a nuclear bomb works without scientific knowledge?

>> No.15145033

And what are the resident poltards who spend 16 hours a day on the internet having hypothetical arguments classified as?

>> No.15145042

Why are you implying that I even shitposted in this thread?

>> No.15145066

Did you not post this: >>15144882? Why are you even talking to me, then? Fuck off.

>> No.15145079

>. Is not perfect, but is the best thing that we currently have in order to explain how the physical world works.
No one is claiming otherwise. The problem lies when people worship science to absurd levels and try to apply it to everything in the world, even the non-physical. Scientism is the problem, not science.

>> No.15145097

Science is the problem because it's always been Scientism and nothing more. It simply co-opts the methods of achievements of numerous disciplines into a neat catch all package that is useful as propaganda.

>> No.15145137

And I should also stress, the perception the the rigor "scientific" disciplines follow is a complete myth. It more akin to any philosopher being called out over "fallacies" and other debating if such reasoning is actually fallacious. I wonder how enduring these mythical perceptions will be. The perception of FBI/CIA agents being callous, calculating men in black suits and steeped in classified intel has already been shattered by the likes of twitter, which has exposed the reality of these employees being a cabal of spinsters calling themselves Dumbledore army in their crusade against Trump.

>> No.15145143

Not really. New techniques and perspectives have been made. The way a result is interpreted is not the same as today than in the other centuries. A result can point towards one theory in concrete. However, that whole theory maybe be wrong, so in order to interpret a result one must observe the result from multiple perspetives and not a single one. Why do you think there are several theories of "everything". These models maybe have flaws and truths. Many people assumed that newtonian physics were always correct. However, newtonian physics only works in a "normal" scale and not in an atomic scale. That is where quantum physics takes place. To explain the phenomenas that takes place in a quantum scale. There is a lot of uncertainty is this field. Maybe in a future there maybe a theory that replaces quantum mechanics.