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15140759 No.15140759 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread

>> No.15140780

Do you own any fiction?

>> No.15140784

alright what're those 8-10 books on the bottom that you cropped out?

>> No.15140788


>> No.15140790

Wow, you are a repellent human being

>> No.15140804
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Here's my quarantine stack. Not that I'm actually planning on getting through all of them, it's just what I took with me when I had to leave my uni dorm. Currently reading the top three, just finished American Psycho.

>> No.15140810

Whats that Kafka book include?

>> No.15140818

I keep all my books in transparent plastic boxes. Kinda feel bad about it but I don't want dust eating at my books (my room is extremely dusty even with regular cleaning)

>> No.15140831
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The Trial, The Castle and pic related

>> No.15140892

>Spengler spines in mint condition

not based

>> No.15140925
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The orange slim book is a collection of Futurist writings I bound together with string and glue.

>> No.15140957

so memey

>> No.15140969
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>> No.15140980

I guess I’m glad the people ruining the board are actually reading

>> No.15140981
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>> No.15140993

Fuck the haters this is holy based

>> No.15141021

literally nothing but memes, aside from the brian wilson book. expand your taste or youll get embarassed in an actual debate

>> No.15141048

give us a closer look at the Futurists

>> No.15141059

>reading for debates

>> No.15141098
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>> No.15141103

youre missing a bible. otherwise it's based

>> No.15141108
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>> No.15141114
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Part 2, my coffee table books

I like to read, and these are fun and engaging

Who tf would I debate about fascism? What a waste of time IRL

>> No.15141116

Iliad with no Odyssey?

>> No.15141131
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>> No.15141133
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My ex gf bound this for me with actual book binding technique, I gave it a shitty cover and edited the typeface/layout

>> No.15141150
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My shelf itself is the ugliest shit ever

>> No.15141151
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The binding that’s still sort of visible

>> No.15141183

le edgy nazi xD

>> No.15141205

is good shelf

>> No.15141207

Do you ever have people over at your house?
Do you just hide all your books?
Don't you have any other interests?

>> No.15141210

>unironically reading Neil Gayman
Yea, you're right.

>> No.15141222
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>> No.15141224

I mean, my black GF reads them all the time. All my SJW friends used to see them and immediately assume I was “researching the other side”. Never corrected them cuz this is Seattle and I’d be on the news otherwise.

>> No.15141234
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>> No.15141239

>My black gf

>> No.15141243

>wall of cook books
honestly kinda based

>> No.15141268

At what point to cook books become pointless? Surely after so many recipes, you start to learn to cook without them.
Also checked

>> No.15141276

typical ivar shelf, cheap and sturdy. i like your selection though, looks natural

>> No.15141292


>> No.15141297

I'm not ashamed of reading trash. I unironically haven't read that one though, it's been sitting there longer than almost everything else because I got memed in my reddit phase when I searching for a le funny buk.

>> No.15141299

is the MAD book any good?

>> No.15141386

I think i last read it when I was about 10. Not laugh out loud funny but i enjoyed it

>> No.15141413

>Fagles Iliad instead of Lattimore
>Fagles Odyssey instead of Fitzgerald

>> No.15141416

trannies seethe at this

>> No.15141424

Why not Fitzgerald's Iliad and Lattimore's Odyssey?

>> No.15141634

fucking amazon banned the sale of on the jews and their lies. i'm trying to read all of Luther and Calvin's writings but Bezos is fucking me hard

>> No.15141662

I managed to get it before they banned it. Also bought Myth of The Twentieth Century (banned as well) in hardcover on Ostara Publications, Arthur Kemp’s publishing gig. Try to look for independent publishers that specialize in that stuff.

>> No.15141676
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I guess you could say I’m a bit of a book hoarder

>> No.15141700
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i need a bigger bookshelf

good taste

megg, mogg, & owl is so fuckin good

great taste

mirin that thicc stacc

>> No.15141750
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>tfw no gf who binds me fashy books

>> No.15142035

Can't eat books. What's the point

>> No.15142096

how many of these did you actually read? nevertheless great collection

>> No.15142112

Which Everychad's Library books do you own? I'm seen a lot of them.

>> No.15142572

That's the first time I hear Martin Luther be called "Dr".
Must be some mutt edition confusing him with the negro.

>> No.15142599
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Absolute based
Absolutely seething

>> No.15143305

you know youre gonna have to read them at some point

>> No.15143400

>The Origin of Species
You've never read that book and never will.

>> No.15143583

Not OP, is it boring?
No edition with pretty pictures of birds and how God made each of their beaks perfect for the task he assigned them?

>> No.15143660

It’s not boring, it’s informative.

People just salty it implies things about humans the same way it implies about birds.

>> No.15143733

it's ok apu

>> No.15143738

I started really accumulating books a little over two years ago. I have read around fifty of them give or take a couple. I will probably never finish every book I own because I keep buying new ones
I think I own most of them actually. I went on an Everychad buying spree last fall and bought several dozen of them off Abebooks. I’ve had to buy extra copies of some of them because the translations are shit though, For example the Everyman’s Don Quixote. But it looks better on a shelf so I don’t regret it. Overall though they are far and away my favorite publisher

>> No.15144127

Nice to see Investigations of a Dog is not included
what a piece of shit

>> No.15144211

Everychad's books are unironically my favourite consumer item in the world right now. Do you prefer them with the dust cover on or off?

>> No.15144450
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>> No.15144504

Really good shelf minus the R.R Martin rubbish

>> No.15145192


>> No.15145330

like Hannah Montana said "Everybody makes mistakes"

>> No.15145399
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Some books

>> No.15145496

Well yeah obviously I am planning on reading all of them eventually, but hopefully this stack will last me long enough that I'm allowed to go back to my dorm before I finish all of these, and I can get back to the rest of my books.

>> No.15145533

>sorted by colo(u)r
This is so autistic

>> No.15145637
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Hope stacks are okay

>> No.15146105

Actually impressed, great work everyanon.

>> No.15146130

>Homo Deus
Yuval Harari writes sociological opinions and masquerades then as irrefutable science. You have to be retarded to enjoy his fictional writing.

>> No.15146368
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My to read pile. Currently reading The Compleat Angler

>> No.15146409

>reading for debates
What did this ESL monkey mean by this? Why are there so many fucking communists on this board now?

>> No.15146417

>>Do you ever have people over at your house?
>>Do you just hide all your books?
>>Don't you have any other interests?
Do you only read books that are socially acceptable? Do you only read books that your friends would like? Do you have any other interests? Unironic question here, why don't you go to reddit? On reddit, theres this thing called upvotes and downvotes, I'm sure you've heard of them. So on there, you can express your politicly correct opinion and get tons of upvotes from your friends without having to see people with different opinions! Isn't that great? It's time you go back now!

>> No.15146500
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why r u posting the books u own, u guys are all so full of shit, lit is the biggest bunch of masturbation and none of u really care about the gay boring books you pretend to like to seem smart and unique

>> No.15146506

You have too much skin

>> No.15146789

what happened to volume 1 of gibbon?

>> No.15146830

The most reddit stack I’ve ever witnessed. Be ashamed.

>> No.15146855

It’s about checking out what others have, not gloating over what you own.

I’ve gotten so many new books, because I see interesting things that I’ve never heard of on other anon’s shelves.

>> No.15146944

I've read it

>> No.15146975

Be ashamed because my taste in literature doesn't directly correlate to yours? kek

>> No.15146984

fucking based Kotkin
am currently reading him
one history patrician recognizes another

>> No.15147096

And why do you get those interesting books? To gloat later on perhaps?

>> No.15147221

Just ordered my first Everymans, are their translations generally poor?

>> No.15147228

Owning books rather than just reading them makes you smarter but not simply because you own them

>> No.15147301

Does that Lovecraft published by Vintage contain all his works?

>> No.15147307

They vary a lot like most other publishers. It's hard for a publisher to secure the rights to a great translation for every work.

>> No.15147355

Most, I think. If you want all of the works you should buy "The Complete Works of Lovecraft" version.

>> No.15148474

To read....to pass it on...
No, I’m just as narcissistic as a woman food instagrammer. Have you checked my stack yet? It’s the one with every book everyone else has! I’m so conformist and I want you to knoooooow

>> No.15148629

>Frank peretti


>> No.15148728

why didn't you just take it to an office type store.

>> No.15148763
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I try to get a bit of everything

>> No.15148800
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Nice selection op, seems very grown up. I don't think I've heard of a single one.

Love the Easton book and the Dune. You seem like a man of fine taste.

Nice op did you write the pieces yourself?

Love the dynamic colours op you sure are based.

Love it, looks like a real collection that hasn't been strategically organised.

>> No.15148918

You clearly don't read

>> No.15148933

nice LARPing

>> No.15148966

I guarantee you are never going to read Being and Nothingness. The ratio of effort to read it and value gained is just off the charts

>> No.15149044


>> No.15149051

Would you recommend starting Mishima with The Golden Pavillion?

>> No.15149208


>> No.15149217

He is being a prick, solid books. You seem young but if you're reading you are already ahead of where I was in my teens.

>> No.15150468

Don’t read your trash

>> No.15150488


Sailor Who Fell From Grace is a much better starting point. I read Golden Pavilion as one of my first Mishima books and it got a bit too dense for me at points but I loved Sailor Who Fell From Grace, it's easier to digest and isn't as dense as his other books.