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15130049 No.15130049 [Reply] [Original]

What are some important books for forming well reasoned political views?

>> No.15130054

Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy

>> No.15130127

I was quite impressed by "Group Agency" of Pettit and List. I would most definitely reccommend it. Its themes are at a great distance from the classical themes of political philosophy.

>> No.15130147

huge naturals

>> No.15130552

Aimee Terese is one of the dumbest people on Twitter and that says something.

Her only engagement with left wing politics is intellectual arguments so she barely knows anything about what goes on and then constantly projects the limitations of her world view on to everyone else.

She's also deathly terrified of being wrong so she constantly deletes her misjudgements and over compensates by bashing people over the head with the correction, whilst denying other people made the point before her. Her intial praise and enthusiasm for Warren followed by her sharp turn against her being a prime example.

>> No.15130584

t.seething idpol with small fakes

>> No.15130604

The complete works of Homer, Pindar, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Euripides, Hesiod, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Arrian, Thucydides, Sappho, Plutarch, Ovid, Virgil, Lucretius, Arisoto, Horace, St. Augustine, Marcus Aurelius, Rabelais, Dante, Petrarch, Tasso, Bruno, Boccaccio, Leopardi, Machiavelli, Luther, Cervantes, Chaucer, the Beowulf poet, Chretien de Troyes, Marie de France, Sterne, Burton, Browne, Spenser, Wyatt, Sidney, Herbert, Percy Shelley, Tennyson, Donne, Pope, Dryden, Bacon, Novalis, Schelling, Schlegels, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Pascal, Lichtenberg, Dickinson, Shakespeare, Ibsen, Strindberg, Austen, Dickens, Marlowe, Diderot, Jonson, Potocki, Goethe, Bunyan, Gibbon, Addison, Smollett, Milton, Johnson, Boswell, Emerson, Quincey, Burke, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Mary Shelley, Wollstonecraft, Racine, Baudelaire, Valery, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Moliere, Montaigne, Browning, Gray, Holderlin, Schiller, Shaw, Voltaire, Hugo, Balzac, Zola, Colette, Duras, Dumas, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert, Mallarme, Malraux, Chateaubriand, Artaud, Poe, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Byron, Keats, Arnold, Pater, Walter Scott, Swinburne, Thackeray, Rossetti, Carroll, William James, Henry James, Hawthorne, Twain, Melville, Dewey, Bergson, Whitehead, George Eliot, Williams, Frost, Cummings, Crane, Stevens, Whitman, Hughes, Plath, Trakl, Rilke, Celan, Montale, Neruda, Lorca, Tagore, Manzoni, Peake, Murdoch, Wharton, Wilde, Faulkner, O'Connor, Passos, Nietzsche, Marx, Adorno, Bloch, Lukacs, Bakhtin, Hamsun, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov, Andreyev, Bely, Bulgakov, Gonchorov, Camoes, Pessoa, Queiroz, Saramago, Paz, Borges, Bloy, Pirandello, Huysmans, Lautreamont, Schwob, Casares, Bolano, Cortazar, Lima, Donoso, de Assis, Carpentier, Celine, Marquez, Unamuno, Gracq, Gide, Jarry, Camus, Conrad, Wells, Hardy, Salinger, Anderson, Ford, Maugham, Lawrence, Forster, Hrabal, Swift, Bronte, Woolf, Bachelard, Roussel, Beckett, Proust, Nabokov, Joyce, O'Brien, Yeats, Waugh, Heaney, Pinter, Auden, Hofmannsthal, Mann, Musil, Broch, Zweig, Bachmann, Jelinek, Lessing, Laxness, Simenon,Svevo, Levi, Buzzati, Quasimodo, Moravia, Llosa, Walser, Kafka, Babel, Schulz, Transtromer, Kertesz, Pavic, Andric, Grossmann, Linna, Mahfouz, Boll, Grass, Canetti, Pavese, Robbe-Grillet, Blanchot, Perec, Queneau, Calvino, Bernhard, Gass, Barth, Gaddis, Vollmann, Vidal, Hawkes, DeLillo, Pynchon, McCarthy, McElroy, Soseki, Murasaki, Shonagon, Kawabata, Mishima, Akutagawa, Tanizaki, Dazai, Oe, Xingjian, Mo Yan, Kosztolanyi, Gombrowicz, Ishiguro, Eco, Coetzee, Auerbach, Benjamin, Barthes, Pasternak, Derrida, de Man, Kristeva, Deleuze, Bateson, Foucault, Lyotard, Mcluhan, Eichenbaum, Davenport, Steiner, Munro, Carson, Handke, Arno Schmidt, Therouxs, Patrick White, Alfau, Marias, Enard, Claude Simon, Robinson, Elizabeth Bishop, Markson, Lowry, Bellow, Dara

>> No.15130672

>Aimee Terese is one of the dumbest people on Twitter
Imagine still saying this after she called the entire 2020 election blow for blow, and got banned for telling the truth.

>> No.15130697

troon seething at big naturals

>> No.15130703

A lot of people did but they get no praise, they also didn't have to cover up being wrong at the start and overcompensate.

>> No.15130706
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based, was funny to see the Jacobin crew do a 360 and start saying what aimee said from day 1

>> No.15130710

>A lot of people did
name 1

>> No.15132226

Kyle Kulinski

>> No.15133487

Everything Ann Coulter ever wrote, or ever will write.

Everything Thomas Sowell ever wrote as well.

>> No.15133610

>well reasoned political views
Politics is just soccer for even dumber people

>> No.15133682

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.15133904

*unzips pants*
read this

>> No.15133975


>> No.15134618

Red bull is trash

>> No.15135052

Got it wrong on Bernie strategy being good. Aimee saw the failure in strategy

>> No.15135062

Bump need to know

>> No.15135293

Was he really that wrong? I don't remember him saying anything particularly stupid

>> No.15135894

Bernie's strat was good, he called what he needed to pivot to after Tuesday and Bernie failed to do it because he's too nice

>> No.15135910

Energy drinks are disgusting in general.

>> No.15136277

Wait, so it's just Aimee by herself now? I could never listen to What's Left because of her squeaky helium voice, and now it doesn't even have Benjamin to give you a reprieve from her?

>> No.15136358

>Bernie's strategy was good he just had a bad strategy because he's too nice

>> No.15136468
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>> No.15137084

Jimmy Dore. He's been railing against Bernie for having no backbone (very true) and AOC for other valid reasons.

>> No.15137112

1984, The Fountainhead, Catcher in the Rye, and Mein Kampf

>> No.15137206
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I’ll say it again. Jimmy Dore is this generation’s truth teller.
Poor old Chomsky will be missed, but I’m sick of hearing about voting in the “lesser of two evils”. He was always wrong about that.

>> No.15137233

you're not going to get well-reasoned political views from books. engage real life for that.

>> No.15137254

Roberts rules of order

>> No.15137993

Bernie was never good, that's the whole point, he's a boring politician with no wit or charisma and his supporters desperately want to believe that he's some sort of socialist revolutionary for the ages, so all of the traction surrounding his movement was purely hyperbolic. In reality he's just your average liberal progressive and most people aren't concerned enough with classism to vote for him, even the youth and their abysmal voter turnout rates. He's a fucking fraud

>> No.15138000


>> No.15138009

The Ego and Its Own.

>> No.15138023

Aimee is so fucking cute. I want to make babies with her

>> No.15138067
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>> No.15138138

i think she murdered him

>> No.15138146

>Bernie's strat was good
nah, more online and IRL harassing would have won bernie the nomination

>> No.15138150

you have to remember there are some big naturals attached to that small frame of her

>> No.15138157

i'll agree on Dore, but he is hardly a representative of the left, more of a rogan-type comedy-bro that happens to be left wing

>> No.15138163

turns out Chomsky was always part of Manufacturing Consent all along, that's why he wrote about it

>> No.15138188

You’re not an expert on “the left”

>> No.15138192

>the let that can be spoken of is not the real left
fuck you and your leftist taoist riddles, nobody cares anymore about your celestial left that nobody can see

>> No.15138232
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What? No, it’s simple. It’s just had lies and obfuscation cloud it.
Dore himself is a victim of the same lies and obfuscation. He’s a progressive who’s flirting with anti-capitalism. These “rogues” used to be called New Deal Democrats. Left-liberals. He’s like a lot of lefties.
Not full tilt Left socialist, even thought he’s not afraid of the word, he’s not fuller aware of its baggage.

>> No.15138234

there is not a single leftist alive by your definition, that's the point

>> No.15138937

Where does Jay Dyer fit on this list

>> No.15138994

I know this is gonna sound controversial, but the last thing you wanna do is forming your opinions based on literature. Specially in a democratic country.

You should make it up based on reality, instead of go deep into all kinds of theories and fairy tales. Marxism has a good theoretical background. Fascism has a lot of intellectual background. Lolbertarians have a lot of intellectual background. Yet their ideologies don't work. They are like irrational prejudices.

My personal experience: I am very conservative on a lot of stuff. But that's in theory. When it comes to voting, I've never voted right-wing, bc I thought that other candidates (left-wing) would do better in my city, my region and my country.

So, what's the point of making up imaginary worlds in your head, away from reality? Do you want to end up like some right-wingers from here, who do all kinds of mental gymnastics to defend their bs? NO.

>> No.15139188

does he make t-shirts?

>> No.15139193

no wonder you don't read lmao

>> No.15139447

I like Jay but some of his debates are actually garbage. He makes quite poor arguments but states them in a way that sounds self assured and he’s usually debating people which aren’t actually all that informed when he could debate people who are.

>> No.15139502


Extremely funny that people stan Aimee like she is upholding some powerful, indelible, Marxist-Leninist line, when in reality she gets in arguments with other social democrats about candidates in bourgeois elections that are unwinnable anyway. Her politics are just mild social democratic reform even though she likes to quote Marx. She’s a more stupid version of Angela Nagle.

>> No.15139704
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“Bernie isn’t literally Stalin you guys OMG he’s a fraud. Dissembling the for profit health care industry wouldn’t do anything for material conditions!”

>> No.15139747
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>"Why, yes. I have spent hours and hours of my lifetime studying different political ideological systems. I do change my ideology once every month. I never vote, for my ideas of purity lead me away from doing so. Why you ask, though?

>> No.15139770

she may be as retarded as everybody else in the so-called left politically, but she's right strategically and not just larping like the rest

>> No.15140009

youtubers, streamers, and social media posters (especially twitter) need to be banned from talking about politics

>> No.15140031
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Oh? What's her strategy?

>> No.15140098

strongly harassing people online and in real life, the true bernie bro praxis

>> No.15140130

Only if people talking only care or know about the political theater. If participants know that real politics happen behind closed doors that's a different matter.

>> No.15140586

aimee terese has never praised elizabeth warren lmao

>> No.15140611

>Her intial praise and enthusiasm for Warren
Suck a dick.

January 8, 2019. Find me ONE PERSON aside from Ben and Aimee who were warning about this bitch before that date.

>> No.15140631


>> No.15140663

There’s tons of left-liberals, getting more and more sick of this capitalist game.
And there’s a sizable amount of socialists. Myself included.

>> No.15140689


>> No.15140976

and both the liberals and you hate the working class and would never trust anything to any actual prole, marxism without a revolutionary class is just a meme ideology

but yeah, i'm sure your next paper on marx with freud will finally convince Cletus and Jamal to think like you

>> No.15141010

you're not wrong exactly, but it's worth wondering why the smart academics got everything wrong while a retarded aussi shitposter breezily predicted every step of the election

>> No.15141102

cause the academics were rooting for Kamala and Biden all along, they just want their belly full and to shitpost on academic journals about capitalism

>> No.15141106

Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Rhetoric

>> No.15141287
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Just enter into a commune already and spare us all of having to read your anti-capitalist posts.

People will continue to live with capitalism as long as it still benefits them to do so. As long as there's bread on tables and all manner of goods accessible, no one sensible is going to bend their ear to you.
Especially when communism has empirically failed in every instance. It doesn't work on a large scale; get over it.

>> No.15141344

the academics are rooting for Biden just so he can then proceed to loose to Trump. Only a cartoonish foil like Trump can justify their retardation

>> No.15141366

>People will continue to live with capitalism as long as it still benefits them to do so.
That's literally what Marx said

>> No.15141395

And I'd wager it's going to stay that way until everyone ITT is long dead. If it didn't work as a system it wouldn't have this kind of staying power.
Society itself isn't ready for communism and it may never be.

>> No.15141866

every white nationalist