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15135915 No.15135915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best books on transgenderism, its causes and its influences on modern society?

>> No.15135935

fuck off you retard

>> No.15135942


>> No.15135970

>You're retarded for wanting to read a book on a topic

>> No.15136000

"Transgenderism" is a such a despicable, disturbing and deeply unsettling phenomenon; so obviously sacrilegious to nature (and God), I wonder, how "Trannies" could've even found themselves at the frontier of this psychological abyss. Before I entered 4chan, I'd've never thought this phenomenon to be real, even now it's legitimately hard to believe.

>> No.15136002

Judith Butler - Gender Trouble

>> No.15136053

I feel sorry for this guy. It's rare that people are so disturbingly ugly.

>> No.15136056

Tranny culture benefits world power in several ways and I believe it has been co-opted by state and superstate (ie intelligence community, media propaganda outlets, world finance, banking) interests within the last couple of decades as a result. There is no doubt that transgender and lgbt culture have been steadily becoming more prevalent and visible since the early 2000s and to a lesser degree since the 1970s and 80s, punctuated by the outstanding publicity of certain people, groups, gatherings, etc. It is well known that throughout western countries' (white ethnic cultures and subdivisions, esp. USA and UK) have been typically homophobic and have had punitive laws regarding homosexual, transexual, or otherwise sociosexual role nonconformity. Laws have required that the punishment for certain deviant sexual behaviors be castration or even death. This is consistent with historical practices of castration for specifically male sex criminals (or slave classes) in society. In the 20th century a common method of castration was compulsory self-medication with synthetic estrogens which rendered the recipient infertile (see Alan Turing for a famous example.)

>> No.15136070

The sudden blossoming of trans and lgbt culture into the mainstream first played conspicuous to me when I noticed its heavy entanglement with medications which ultimately accomplish the same end, only voluntarily. Due to extensive marketing, media sympathy, demographic targeting, and especially pornography (not to mention the natural relative negative pressure exerted by involuntary outgroups, think of the magnetism of outculture, subculture, 'cult' groups, etc) sex-gender-identity noncomformity has become a cultural virtue. It has become most tempting to abandon difficult and unpopular masculinity in favor of victimized and sympathized femininity (ie feminine privilege). I suppose to a lesser extent demographically speaking, it is appealing to trade alienated femininity for motivated and accepting masculine brotherhood.

>> No.15136079
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Potent masculinity is dangerous to state and world power because it is a most significant source of rebellious energy. Throughout history, many spectacular moments of separatism and resistance have come from motivated, highly oppressed men. With the extensive pressure on the lower classes that western nations have come to experience over past years due to global and national banking interests squeezing every last legally manufactured extortionable penny out of them (think 2008 housing market crash, student loan slavery, car-house-family axis of general necessities all being exhorbitantly costly and fraught with money lending, credit, and payment plan servitude traps) there have been quite a number of young men lashing out, desperately taking their vengeant but ultimately impotent rage out on the world at large. The pressures on the middle class exert a depersonalizing energy on people, reducing them to nothing more than role-barren identity-robbed fulfillment-denied wage laborers and consumers- the more sensitive or circumstantially disposed of whom are framed into a sort of outcast-terrorist class (think incel terrorist, white male shooter/bomber labels). This energy is harnessed, suppressed, diverted, and neutralized by pornography, lgbt culture, transgenderism, and ultimately manipulated into ends like voluntary self-sterilization.

>> No.15136083
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what powerful beings they must be to defy both god and nature.

>> No.15136128

It's not act of power, it's act of extraordinary cruelty against the self (and against nature/God); symbolized in the both physically and psychologically painful procedure of removing their sexual organs. It's the ecstasis of delusionary hedonism. It's glorified insanity. Both sad and gross.

>> No.15136131

that just make it sound based you mong

>> No.15136173

great post. Makes me sad.

>> No.15136237

>It has become most tempting to abandon difficult and unpopular masculinity in favor of victimized and sympathized femininity (ie feminine privilege).
I agree. And part of it is economics. More millenial and gen Z men struggle economically to establish themselves as the provider of a family, and subconsciously or otherwise long to become female where one is frequently the providee and can always blame the patriarchy for any personal failures.

>> No.15136246

And That Is A Good Thing!

>> No.15136314

weak b8

>> No.15136353
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start here

>The Pritzker family, heirs to the Hyatt Hotel, today use their estimated $29 billion dollar fortune to speculate on the stock market, dodge taxes, buy politicians, and rip people off with predatory banking schemes.

>The Jewish clan has made capitalist-activism, where money wrung out of working class people is used to pay for the pet projects of the anti-social left, central to their plan to radically re-engineer America. The Hyatt Hotels have been specifically targeted in the past for their atrocious working conditions, while they have also raked in large illicit profits through Superior Bank, a usurious subprime lending racket that ripped off and ruined the lives of scores of poor people. The money-lending venture so abusive it compelled the government to force the Pritzkers to pay a $460 million dollar settlement. In a functional system they would’ve gone to prison.

>One member, the billionaire Jennifer Pritzker, is a male-to-female transgender who served in the US military.

>According to research conducted by Jennifer Bilek, Jennifer’s money, along with other figures like fellow Jew and transsexual Martine Rothblatt, has put the wind in the sails of the transgender top-down revolution, granting it scientific and medical credibility through the power of their checkbooks, along with trained operatives who have helped institutionalize in the corporate world. The Pritzkers are heavily invested in the world of pharmaceuticals and science.

>Through the Tawani Foundation, Jennifer has been able to corrupt and influence the direction of the ACLU, various military academies, medical institutions (including for children) and universities.


>> No.15136384

look at this dude

>> No.15136387

Thomas Harris- SOTL

>> No.15136389

Beyond Based

>> No.15136435
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You don't want to read a book, you can't even do basic research, imagine reading. Jesus fucking Christ you can't be stupid enough to think you are going to get a serious rec ITT.

>> No.15136436
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Silence of the Lambs- it's impossible to understand the disease-ridden mind of the faggot tranny without reading this great book.

>> No.15136451


>> No.15136465

And yet, every ugly I person I know uses an anime or simpsons character as their prof pic

>> No.15136486

Sophie thinks trannies are cool. She wants fashion tips to look as beautiful as them. Why don't you give her some? Gorgeous lady.

>> No.15136496

Imagine being born ugly. Literally how do you even cope

>> No.15136503

By chopping your balls off and putting on a dress because "no one makes fun of ugly women." lol

>> No.15136513

Tell us about your beauty regimen. The girls want to hear about Jame Gumb's beauty regimen. Cait wants to hear it.

>> No.15136528

Oh no nonono

>> No.15136534
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Here is another specimen

>> No.15136537

mmmmm based jews, make me more femboys :3

>> No.15136539

They want to hear about your regimen and your lovely niece's too. Two beautiful ladies. Cait and Franny have nothing on you two. Hahahahaha. Next Catherine Deneuve and Brigitte Bardot

>> No.15136548

The most significant demographic aside, world population is now and will soon be reaching a fever point of untenability, and solutions like mass (voluntary) sterilization and diverted sexuality (ie porn induced erectile dysfunction, sexual alienation, fetishistic diversion, homosexuality, etc) make much more passable policy to suppress reproduction in the west than an autocratic declaration that people are to have only one child or some such similar legal limitation. It comes as no surprise to me either that trans-medicated culture is most prevalent in developed white person countries as well, many of which are targets for third world/brown person country population displacement due to Israeli conquest, drug war inflicted poverty, etc.

>> No.15136576


>> No.15136580

The funny thing is they could just leave me alone amd be done with it but they will continue to read my insults towards them in front of all of you. I know they will continue to read it and realize girls are laughing at their pathetic existence.

>> No.15136613

I was for the most part, nice to your faces and you should be extremely thankful for that. On the inside, I think you are a bunch of geeks and losers but not once did I say it. A fucking tranny and a geek? That's what you expect me to put up with when I could be with Dougherty or Madchen. I wouldn't even waste a second on those losers without my granny present.

>> No.15136614

This tripfag is fucking annyoing.

>> No.15136623
File: 50 KB, 888x894, BDAB7761-4196-4D3D-9D36-C85DB00B38A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please end the books for this feel posts, it’s dramatically reducing board quality and it’s obvious that it’s being done by the tourists who don’t read that flocked here in recent months
Trannies are depressing and mentally ill but we don’t need shit threads clogging up the board, this thread is not relevant enough to literature, the problem of this mental illness can be discussed in generally elsewhere, but if you want a thread discussing literature on this issue then you need to have engaged enough with the topic to have some suggestions for discussion in the OP, not lazy post like this. We need a decent mod to give this board some quality back by removing lazyposts and keeping things on-topic
There desperately needs to be a constant thread for requests like this that don’t have a topic or books/writers they want to discuss and so don’t deserve their own thread. This topic only pertains to literature as far as it’s about books, which won’t be discussed anyway.
Remember to sage in these threads so that they can die until there is a general for shallow questions

>> No.15136630

Those are lovely melons

>> No.15136644

The answer to this is a kind of Eco-essentialism that shuns consumption culture, materialism, embraces the environment and social bonds. Transhuminism will be a nightmare. Imagine being stuck in a materialistic totalitarian hell with no way out. Even the future of LGBT, especially LGB will depend on breaking the chains of oppressive materialistic societies, but the T is chained to it. They will happily defend oligarchs, totalitarian, authoritarian regimes if they can get sex changes and be treated as the opposite sex. They are treated as inherently weak mental patients who have no choice, but if they can break free from that they can progress, but in order to progress they have stop being trans or remake trans into a 3rd gender or style that does not require establishments. So far, they are regressing.

>> No.15136665

But doesn't she btfo tranny medical doctrine?

>> No.15136740

Butler has always been a shill for trannies, where did this idea come from?
> It is always brave to insist on undergoing transformations that feel necessary and right even when there are so many obstructions to doing so, including people and institutions whos seek to pathologize or criminalize such important acts of self-definition. I know that for some feels less brave than necessary, but we all have to defend those necessities that allow us to live and breathe in the way that feels right to us. Surgical intervention can be precisely what a trans person needs – it is also not always what a trans person needs. Either way, one should be free to determine the course of one’s gendered life.
>I see no problem with women having a penis, and men having a vagina. People can have whatever primary characteristics they have (whether given or acquired) and that does not necessarily imply what gender they will be, or want to be. For others, primary sexual characteristics signify gender more directly.
pro tip: butler is nonsense

>> No.15136765

she cute

>> No.15136944

Something I've never understood about transgenderism: how do you know what it feels like to be, for example, a woman? You would necessarily have to have an a priori sense, but where the hell does this come from? and why label it as being a "woman" as to something else (or anything at all)? And what about conflicting, non-mutual senses of being a "woman" or "man" yet still arguing stuff like "trans women are real women" or that exclusive senses of gender are in fact inclusive and compatible?

>> No.15136964

I feel bad for him, I would guess he has some kind of disorder which might close off remaining avenues of masculine expression, in addition to the sexual one.

>> No.15136994

i just feel bad for him. he wouldn't be trying to completely alter his look and be deluded if he looked normal

>> No.15136998

You're acting as though this virtue of non-conformity and the 'cult of the individual' are recent things, when they've literally been baked into the central mythology of liberal individualism since at least the 1960s. There's nothing more repugnant to the western ethos than the idea that individual self-expression be mitigated in order to uphold any kind of tradition, or made to conform to the expectations of a wider culture.

Affirmation of the self against tradition, authority, society, and nature is every heroes journey you've known to come out of any piece of fiction in the passed 50 - 60 years.

>> No.15137120

Transgenderism has always been a thing throughout cultures. But what bothers me is that it has heavy political and near "weaponized" ideological connotations now. The rhetoric of whatever gender theory is watered down until it's easily accessible tweets that border double think. We hate men -> We want to become men -> But not MEN men, we redefine what a "man" is according to us -> If you disagree you're transphobic *shuts off mentally* -> it's not my mental illnesses guys, it was the INTERNALIZED TRANSPHOBIA we gained along the way -> even if I'm mentally ill, maybe that lets me perceive beyond gender

It's just a big spectacle and shitshow. Every trans person I've encountered has been highly dramatic or unstable. Manipulative, quick to play victim, etc. It's an easy way to get protection, attention, praise, experiment, etc. which is especially why it makes sense that it's on the rise in a time of narcissism x self-deprecation. I call it something like egostatic coping mechanism. Defenses and biases one is not even self aware, but equip once assimilating into a deep enough identity group. Plenty of "rational" or "logical" people are guilty of this in their own right, namely radicals, alt-right, liberals, all alike.

But...do I blame them for wanting to be a dude? Not really. Being a woman seems like it sucks lol.

>> No.15137135

>materialism the opposite of spiritual and bad
Midwit take

>> No.15137143

>it's causes
Too much plastic in the environment

>> No.15137344

What's this - someone on 4chan not being incredibly wrong and shitty about everything any time a minority demographic is involved? I genuinely don't comprehend this.

Also, wait until this thread learns about science, academia, trans men, and the very basics of being a mature human being

>> No.15137360

Reminder that sperm counts have declined by 40% - 50% since the 1940s. Quality of sperm has also radically decreased.

We're all going to be twinks by 2040.

>> No.15137400

that's not a conspiracy by the elite though. we know the main cause of that is inactivity/obesity. there are plenty of studies on modern men where they drastically raised their sperm counts just by fucking working out. it doesnt take much.
BPAs and onions play a much smaller role. and besides, that isnt a secret. if people cared, they could consume less.
if sperm counts are falling, its because men are too apathetic to raise them.
which is probably because we live in a satanist hellscape that discourages trying, because no effort leads anywhere. but nonetheless, its not a conspiracy

>> No.15137414

>What's this - someone on 4chan not being incredibly wrong and shitty about everything any time a minority demographic is involved? I genuinely don't comprehend this.
Then I regret to inform you that I'm just as shitty as the rest. The kind of radical individualism I described in my previous post is ultimatley something I'm highly critical of; I wasn't celebrating it.

>> No.15137486

femboys and traps >>>>>>>>>>>>> trannies

>> No.15137491
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nothing is worse than a fat chick

>> No.15137522

I didn't mean to imply any sort of conspiracy, but I am of the opinion that the inherent confines of modern society tend to select for more feminine modes of being in all areas of life, and I think this has a feminizing, domesticating effect on men in general. It's entirely possible that this has occurred through natural processes. I just found it alarming that this effect of feminization wasn't just affecting men on a sociological level, but on a very biological level as well.

There isn't a consensus on what exactly is causing this decline in the quality/quantity of sperm. It's believed to be several compounding factors.

>> No.15137531

Trannies are freakish and uncanny, but a trap is just one of the boys at the end of the day.

>> No.15137544

This poor person, checking twitter seems to be a brony, furry, and one of those people who draws abysmally bad, unable to learn (a la CWC).

Chances are this person is not very bright. But it seems there's a group of e-friends who give support. If they're trans and pushed this person on making this decision, or the decision came to feel accepted, it's outright sad. But I guess it's fine.

>> No.15137546
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>the very basics of being a mature human being
It's a I get accused by libshits of not being fully human episode!

>> No.15137585

>we live in a satanist hellscape that discourages trying
I think you need to let go of this boomer myth that the demos has any real agency, or are particularly rational in their decision making processes. The behaviour of most people, broadly speaking, will always be the sum product of circumstances beyond their awareness or control, and even if we lived in a highly disciplined, virtuous society, that would still be the case.

>> No.15137684

in this particular circumstance (choosing whether to work out) people have complete agency. and hell, we live in a society that broadly encourages it. if you want to be beautiful and have sex, you should lift heavy objects.
i think for some areas we mostly lack agency and reason, but this specific situation is pretty straightforward situation.

>> No.15137711

smart frogposter

>> No.15137751

people like this wouldn't survive their mutant immune systems in normal times desu

>> No.15137898

But you still maintain the belief that sperm counts are plummeting due to sedentary lifestyles? Clearly, the average person isn't working out enough if the average sperm count has dropped so consistently low. I don't think you can expect the whole of society to collectively pull themselves up by their bootstraps in order to address such a ubiquitous, multi-generational problem.