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15135940 No.15135940 [Reply] [Original]

Baruch Spinoza (pbuh) is the greatest philosopher and theologian of the 17th century who retroactively refuted ultra-orthodox jews and christkikes with his exhaustive analysis of the Old Testament. By stripping judeo-christianity of its ridiculous superstitions, Spinoza (pbuh) has put an end to the blatant lies of the organized religions which paralyzed western philosophy for a whole millenia after the closure of the neoplatonist schools.
>Where do I start with Spinoza (pbuh)?
http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/989 Start with the philosophical-theological treatise and read his ethics http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/3800
>Which philosophers do I need to read before Spinoza (pbuh)?
Heraclitus is of fundamental importance to an understanding of the Spinozist philosophy.
>Relevant material
Spinoza BTFOING Aquinas and the scholasticucks
Quotes to instantly BTFO the blabbering christcucks
Spinoza (pbuh)'s biography
>b-but he was a jew!!
Spinoza (pbuh) was excommunicated by the rabbis of his synagogue for utterly refuting the fraudolent superstitions of the orthodox jews. To this day he's more of a threat to ultra-orthodox jews than fucking Hitler. His books were added to the catholic church index and branded as heretical writings. Both the kikes and the christkikes fear Spinoza (pbuh) because he inflicted a wound to the superstitious judeo-christian tradition from which neither of them will ever recover.

>> No.15135976

If Spinoza is not a Jew, then neither are "christkikes", given that Jews got Jesus killed and hated him even more than they hated Spinoza.

>> No.15135992

Feels like I always get into something just before it becomes a meme on 4chan. Right now it's Spinoza. In the past it's been stuff like Ted K, MDE, and Cumtown.

>> No.15135998
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Christkikes are jews by perverting the word of God and using superstions to corrupt further the message and preach its corrupt meaning to the common people.

>> No.15136001

Stop turning every Spinoza thread into a discussion abour how Jewish he was holy shit

>> No.15136011

Stop saying "christkikes", then. Be consistent.

>> No.15136023

Tell me the post number where I used the word christkikes

>> No.15136038

Twice in the OP. If you aren't OP I'm not referrig to you.

>> No.15136044

Based...we have found a new teacher...and many more Hylics will seethe...how sweet the sound...PBUH

>> No.15136045

Ah sorry, I didn't bother reading that shit

>> No.15136047

>who retroactively refuted ultra-orthodox jews and christkikes with his exhaustive analysis of the Old Testament.
That's the least interesting part of Spinoza. You shoud stick to The Ethics. Also, stop this shitspamming, this is not going to take like guenonfagging (pbuh).

>> No.15136048


>> No.15136055

Spinoza was a hylic.

>> No.15136094

If it is God's decree that x should be then that decree is an eternal truth. To say that God is bound because he cannot decree that x should not be is a misunderstanding of the nature of God.

>> No.15136386
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Is Spinoza the new Guenon?
You guys are too much!

>> No.15136399

they contradict each other and Spinoza is a hylic but why not.

>> No.15136422

spinoza transcends the hylic pneumatic dichotomy since matter is divine for him

>> No.15136431

You can't trascend those natural laws just because you say to. Matter being divine for him makes him peak hylic. Let's just accept it and move on, he's no Guénon.

>> No.15136440

>matter is divine for him
So he's even more hylic than a regular hylic. LMAO

>> No.15136459

I lovehate it so much.
The ﷺ thing with Spinoza is just hilarious.

>> No.15136470

Spinoza is an upgrade for this board desu so I welcome this new development.

>> No.15136482

Didn't Heraclitus just write one poem? Am I thinking of someone else?

>> No.15136563

Can Spinoza be the only rationalist I read before moving onto the german idealists?

>> No.15136610

the symbolic of spinoza pays the debts of mankind from the gremlin guenons. all those who deny the christ will be relegated to the sewers with the rats. even now i am having a hot broth with bread for dipping. too long didn’t read, spinoza is the true christ. fuck off the board guenon fags

>> No.15136791

Read Descartes.

>> No.15136932
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>reading Kant without Leibniz, Hume, Wolff or Baumgarten