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/lit/ - Literature

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15135793 No.15135793 [Reply] [Original]

Christian /lit/ recommendations?

>> No.15135812

Divine Comedy
Pilgrim's Progress

>> No.15135828

Paradise Lost

>> No.15135850
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Wojaks, and their variations, divert the soul from constructive energy.
You'd be doing the world a favour by thinking before you post.

>> No.15135852
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Laplacian Determinism informed by modern particle physics and evolutionary biology more than destroys ALL tenets of christianity.

>> No.15135857

thank you, bugman, very cool.

>> No.15135867

Crime and Punishment

>> No.15135887

>What are presuppositions?

>> No.15135904

People, believing in free will, live better lives than those, who don't. This (literally) destroys fatalists.

>> No.15135907

i knew pewdiepie browsed /lit/

>> No.15135913
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>> No.15135917

>modern particle physic

Favorite particle physics textbook?

Mine is Griffiths:

>If you think that's a sound argument, all I can say is you're pretty gullible. In general, whenever a physicist invokes the uncertainty principle keep a hand on your wallet.

>> No.15135931
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>> No.15135932
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Eckhart's complete works
Palamas' Triads
Abelard's ethical writings
Anselm's writings
Kierkegaard F&T; Works of Love
Sayings of the Desert Fathers
John Donne's poetry
Brothers Karamazov
Augustine's Confessions
For Church history: Bede, Eusebius, Socrates of Constantinople - Gibbon has excellent info in his HDFRE: (Everyman) vols 2,3,4,5
Good luck and happy easter anon

>> No.15135941

Death comes for the archbishop
The power and the glory

>> No.15135946
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>> No.15135965
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Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheists


Daily reminder most philosophers are atheists


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.15135977

>Apophthegmata Patrum (Sayings Of The Desert Fathers)
>Philokalia (all 4 volumes on libgen & b-ok, they are expensive to buy)
>The Cloud Of Unknowing

>> No.15135988

>He hasn't read Abolishing Freedom by Ruda

>> No.15135993

What puts you in a position to judge? Sure, believing in god or angels or whatever is stupid, but do you have any reason to be confident that you hold zero stupid stupid beliefs yourself?

>> No.15136003

He llikely believes in scientism.

>> No.15136009

No, I didn't. What's in it, that'd contradict my argument?

>> No.15136015

Graham Greene is essential Catholic reading

>> No.15136016
File: 147 KB, 1280x960, spinoza-de-17de-eeuwse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baruch Spinoza (pbuh)'s treatises are the only works you need to fully understand the word of God.

>> No.15136021

I wouldn’t say likely, more definitively.

>> No.15136037

To me, this sort of reaction is likely encountering someone who superstitiously tosses salt over his shoulder and responding by prancing up and down and gloating at them. The fact that you feel so recklessly confident that you don't have any unjustifiable or inconsistent beliefs is a strong indication you're not sufficiently rigorous to avoid them.

>> No.15136063


>> No.15137519


>> No.15137551

"The Book of Good Love" by the Archpriest of Hita. A bit old and the context is hilarious, and the advice is not terrible. Its one of the best Medieval Spanish works, too.

>> No.15137590
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>> No.15137615

>tranny posts an anime pic
Every. Fucking. Time. They literally cannot help themselves.

>> No.15137652

Librivox has some good old sermons you can listen to.

>> No.15137663
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>Determinism informed by modern particle physics
I have some bad news for you, kiddo

>> No.15137959


Read the Stars my Destination long time ago. How is it a spiritual book? I dont recall that

>> No.15137965

Cope, demon.

>> No.15137967
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>unironically using the word scientism

>> No.15137972

growth of the soil, hamsun

>> No.15138166

I’m reading paradise lost this week and will be writing an essay on it by the end of the month. I’m not religious but it is admittedly riveting

>> No.15138175

Yes, bugman.

>> No.15138557
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The Genius of Christianity by François-René Based Chateaubriand

>> No.15138619
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Institutes of the Christian Religion, John Calvin
Communion with God, John Owen
Overcoming Sin & Temptation, John Owen
Confessions, Augustine
>Pilgrim's Progress

>> No.15139561
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All of Léon Bloy

>> No.15139609

Holiness by J.C. Ryle
Practical Religion by J.C. Ryle
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan
The Christian’s Great Interest by William Guthrie
Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks
Heaven Taken By Storm by Thomas Watson

>> No.15139652
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>> No.15139699

Augustine -- Confessions and City of God
John Bunyan -- Holy War
John Henry Newman -- Apologia Pro Vita Sua
Pseudo-Clement -- Recognitions
Hildegard of Bingen -- Letters and the visionary books
Anselm -- Monologion, Proslogion, the dialogues

>> No.15139715
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>Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan
reading this atm, very blessed

>> No.15139975

Story of a Soul - St. Thérèse of Lisieux

the Edmunson translation is especially 2cute

>> No.15139983
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>Yes, bugman.

>> No.15140067

Why are you phoneposters like this?
Why won't moot ban mobile posting?

>> No.15140145
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I’ve been reading pic related. It’s saying how Nietzsche thought Christ was based and an ubermensch but the Jew, Paul, bastardized Christ’s teaching and turned it into a religion, which is exactly what Christ didn’t want, filled with ruler makers and a slave morality.

Anyone have any books on the original teaching s if Christ and not the mongrelized version of his apostles?

>> No.15140153
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>Why are you phoneposters like this?
>Why won't moot ban mobile posting?

>> No.15140158

Christ is Risen!

>> No.15140199

the bible

>> No.15140294

Piggy-backing on this thread to ask if anybody can point me towards a good layman discussion of the proofs outlined in Feser's "5 proofs for the existence of God"? The only argument I can get my head around is the Aristotelian/rationalist argument from contingency, I'm too mid-wit to understand the others properly.

>> No.15141523
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>> No.15141558


>> No.15141657

>and evolutionary biology
You know he's right about this. One of the last holdouts for religitards and non-materialists was how "life" was supposedly inexplicable by material process alone. Turns out it's just DNA.

Nail in the coffin right there. Nothing is outside the reach of science.

>> No.15141737

> life is just DNA
Is lockdown eternal summer?

>> No.15141772

It destroys a lot more than just Christianity, but nobody wants to think about it, so they pretend that all attempts to explain human psychology and behavior through evolution are pseudoscience, despite it being in no way different than explaining anything else through evolution.

>> No.15141817
File: 284 KB, 1200x1394, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chr*stianity and it's proto-form J*daism was utterly refuted by Spinoza (pbuh). Keep seething chr*stcucks

>> No.15141822

He said Islam was even worse, though.

>> No.15141933

Read the popes. Lots of interesting writing by popes.

I was just reading this about Latin

>> No.15142496

Based High-test scientist philosopher atheist anon showing his superiority by spamming this thread.

>> No.15143263

Name three writers and two passages in the Bible that state this from before Darwin's time.

>> No.15143720

The Kingdom of God is Within You
The Power of the Poor in History
A Theology of Liberation

>> No.15143827

Enlightenment ethics are a fucking farce. We should go back to public execution of blasphemers.

>> No.15145325
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George MacDonald is great.

>> No.15145747

why does every jesusfag always have a stick up his arse

>> No.15145754
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Also his Ethics.