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15133118 No.15133118 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.15133138
File: 77 KB, 640x640, basedmonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Chomsky becoming Orthodox?

>> No.15133144

But he hates Democrats

>> No.15133153

More like a rabbi.

>> No.15133155

Hopefully not.

>> No.15133261

I wanna see you talking when you get to your 90s anon
Zoomers forgot fast talking young Chomsky.

>> No.15133303

>fast talking young Chomsky

mmmmmm wouldn't want to mess with him

>> No.15133336

One man in the course of his lifetime, one man develops the theoretical structures of humanity's inner life and then becomes one of the deepest researchers in how to liberate humanity from the bondage of its outer world, all the while earning both popular and expert acclaim?...yeah, I'm thinking that's Overman Shit

>> No.15133373

His position has always been that Democratic administrations are less destructive than Trump ones. Both times he supported Sanders, then urged people to go ahead and vote for Clinton/Biden because of how dangerous Trump is.

>> No.15133450

In other words, he's a sensible person.

>> No.15133482

Yeah, but because of who he is, it really upsets crazy far left ideologues

>> No.15133483

As one should be.

>> No.15133608

Based Kissinger still writes and speaks well, commies just have weak constitutions

>> No.15133625

and Trump has been dangerous hasn't he? The US will never recover. Good call Gnome.

>> No.15133647

Kissinger literally looks like Jabba the Hutt if Jabba was slowly dying.

>> No.15133670

So basically muh "lesser" evil? kek that's peak cuck

>> No.15133680


>> No.15133694

this destroys the lib

>> No.15133705

As if anarcho-syndicalism would not be a far more destructive imposition on the American way of life than any Republican or Democratic administration ever

>> No.15133715

I didn’t realize I was on reddit.

>> No.15133824

Chomsky's been very clear that his support for anarcho-syndicalism is not because he wants that system imposed - he actually thinks its adoption is impossible right now. For him it's just hypothetical.

However, there is a big positive in the anarchs-syndicalist model, which is giving workers more control over the firms, and a fairer distribution of resources. I think that's pretty important, even if I think the approach to that, at least right now, should follow more of a social democratic model.

>> No.15133833

I never used the word evil, you did. But there are ethical, moral approaches, and despite what Rand says, it's good to have morals.

I also noticed, before the Trump administration all the right wingers on this site pretended to have the moral high ground because of religious bullshit. Now that Trump's president, all the right wingers make fun of anyone who isn't a sociopath for being childish about wanting poor people to have health care, and not wanting MNCs to take over the world.

>> No.15133860

Democracy has absolutely failed when you have to play the "lesser evil" card. At that point you're not even choosing, just tossing a coin like some helpless rat. A country that uses a bipartisan system is theoretically a failed democratic state.

>> No.15133862

>I didn’t say that!
>Proceeds imply they are
Yep, i’m on reddit.

>> No.15133871

You are choosing, there is a real, significant difference between the two parties' policies, even if they're both corporate parties. I would agree, though, that it is a failing democracy.

>> No.15133880

No, I pointed out I didn't use that term, then I responded to your point anyway. There was no contradiction.

>> No.15133899

is that him? wow.

>> No.15133910

You seem to imply they are sociopaths, with a starwman tier response that absolutely reeks of bias. I cannot think of a more childish response.
>B-but I called them sociopaths!
tomato, tomato; I bet you honestly think their literally the devil incarnate despite proven wrong.

>> No.15133988
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>> No.15134053

low effort but achieves its goal
I r8 3/8

>> No.15134070

>he actually thinks its adoption is impossible right now. For him it's just hypothetical.
Er what, that is not what he claims. Post your source and we'll see where you've gone wrong, but Chomsky is pretty adamant that we have the technology to do this sort of thing.

>> No.15134082

>Democracy has absolutely failed when you have to play the "lesser evil" card.
No it hasn't. Being able to vote against something as well as vote for something is integral to many democratic systems, not only the US system but also that of France.

>> No.15134091

But he's British and voting blue means voting Tory.

>> No.15134092

And yet he's still sharper than chomsky

>> No.15134105

>Democracy has absolutely failed when you have to play the "lesser evil" card.
Isn’t that the whole point??? despite you’re obvious dogmatic biases?

>> No.15134110

That's what you get for making a pact with Satan

>> No.15134114

>the absolute state of “Revolutionaries”

>> No.15134119

Some anon claiming you write and speak well even though you've clearly melted?

A deal with the devil doesn't buy what it used to.

>> No.15134126

Meant the lesser of two evils.

>> No.15134128

His soul wasn't worth much to start with

>> No.15134130

He says technology facilitates it, which he said in his book on anarchism. But when asked about anarchism in an interview, he said he thought it was at least a couple hundred years away from actually happening, and that it wouldn't happen under the current global system.

I'm looking for the interview, he did it with Cenk Uygur a couple years ago, and it's near the beginning of the video.

>> No.15134169

>lesser of two evils.
Yet again, depends on your biases. Let’s me guess? gommuinidm?

>> No.15134244

The problem with this type of thinking is that it basically neuters the left and precludes them from gaining any sort of power. If the left withholds their vote and Trump wins the Democratic establishment will realise they need to cater more to leftist demands if they want to stand a chance of being elected. If the left goes to vote for the Democratic candidate every time then the Democrats will have no reason to move further to the left. I think a Trump win could actually move the Dems further to the left because they will see that centrism is no longer viable.

>> No.15134252

There's 6 major parties in France while only 2 in the US. France is a lot closer to what Democracy looks like to the point where even the current president created his party the very year they held elections. Could that have happened in the US? Not in a million years. The US is not a true democracy. Don't ever put yourselves on the same level as France.

>> No.15134271

I also watched him on "Democracy Now!" yesterday

>> No.15134321

>the left withholds their vote and Trump wins the Democratic establishment will realise they need to cater more to leftist demand
That’s what killed their party in the first place and why they kicked those autists out, you dumbasses are a disgustingly small minority and they could do better without you. The democratic party hates the internet because hanmer and sickle faggots are saying stupid shit with their horrible takes which is then memefied and used against them. They actually want to win elections, you’re better off joining a socialist party or call you’re non exinsistant friends to hold up a mcdonald’s.

>> No.15134325

Centrists will not abide fringe leftist agendas in the mainstream Democratic party. All pushing the Dem establishment left will do is drive centrists out of the party, crippling the Democrats and ensuring indefinite Republican rule whether or not the centrists vote Republican. The lack of a unified opposition bloc to the Trumpified republican party is the danger. You deranged leftists don't understand you are a minority in this country and people honestly and truly prefer Trump to you.

>> No.15134335

The left are a substantial faction of the Democratic base whether you like it or not. Bernie would not have made it that far if this were not true. The Dems have a choice: cater to the left, or run a centrist candidate like Hillary Clinton again.

>> No.15134349

Was it the left who lost to Trump or was it a centrist neoliberal Hillary Clinton? Oh yeah...

>> No.15134352

>The left are a substantial faction of the Democratic base
No, not really. The 2018 election shows that. The few progressives who won only managed to unseat fellow Democrats, they didn't defeat a single Republican. Essentially only those places which are already Democrat strongholds have sizable populations of progressives, nowhere else are they evident.

>> No.15134360

Cope, he's written articles as recently as this month, and he's clearly in top form. What's funny is that toads like Noam spend their entire lives decrying nazis and Kissinger, but Kissinger actually went out to kill nazis himself. Chomsky is impotent

>> No.15134361

Bernie Sanders lost the nomination both times to a centrist candidate, showing the Democratic base overwhelmingly does not support him. Bernie Sanders actually got fewer votes this year than in 2016, even in his home state.

There are just enough progressives to cripple the Democrats if they are left out, but there are far more centrists than there are progressives, as shown by the primary results.

>> No.15134388

BERNIE LOST MORE DISTRICTS THAN WHAT HE GAINED IN 2016. He didn’t improve or gained any significant traction, this is just coping and pointing fingers which is why you don’t prioritize or improve optics. The democratic party would do much better to sticking to basic progressive talking points and cutting back on the corporate welfare.

They.Dont.Need.You. Reddit is not real life. Up votes aren’t REAL votes.

You’re brain is calcified and this is why you always lose, all trump has to do is sit back and watch you fools knock yourselves over.

>> No.15134392

None of the left's policies are fringe.
>Legalise weed.
>Give everyone healthcare.
>Strengthen unions.
>End the wars.
>Minimum wage increase
>Free university
The majority support this if you look at polling. In fact Trump ran on some of the same things (protectionism and worse); the only difference is the left actually believes it.

>> No.15134406

protectionism and wars*

>> No.15134435

Protectionism isn't popular, as support for free trade has risen during the Trump presidency. Even in the rosiest polls, completely government-run healthcare and free college barely eke out majorities, which doesn't mean they're popular.

>> No.15134451

>strengthen unions
Bernie wanted to break them and take away their union members benefits.

>> No.15134466

>Free healthcare
You know, people would like it if you were just slightly honest.

>> No.15134475

>legalize weed
>give everyone health care
Only those who server in the military.
>strengthen unions
>end the wars
>minimum wage increase
Yes. State mandated worker wage acts.
>free university
For those who complete military service.

>> No.15134479

People are scared when you tell them their private healthcare is going to be taken away

>> No.15134491

>there is a real, significant difference between the two parties' policies
that's true, its like the difference between getting shot or being stabbed but either way you get fuckin merked

>> No.15134492

go to bed, Heinlein

>> No.15134493
File: 52 KB, 850x400, quote-military-men-are-just-dumb-stupid-animals-to-be-used-as-pawns-in-foreign-policy-henry-a-kissinger-39-91-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotc zogbot queer

>> No.15134509

>There's 6 major parties in France while only 2 in the US
Yes, but France has a final round in its elections where the top two candidates get voted for again, which is specifically there to allow voters to cast true protest or negative votes. It's called two-round runoff voting.
>France is a lot closer to what Democracy looks like
Glad you agree.

>> No.15134836

Yeah, the Democratic Party needs a wake up call.

Bernie rallied a lot of people behind him, they're not some crumb on a table, they're a considerable chunk that the Dems need, which is why they're saying how they like Bernie all of a sudden. Eat a dick.

>> No.15134879

You still have to grapple with the fact that the guy who was promising a revolution handily lost to a corpse that the DNC propped up

>> No.15134895


Rent free

>> No.15134926

He was winning until everyone dropped out and endorsed Biden. The same would have happened to Trump if all of the Republican candidates dropped out and endorsed one candidate.

>> No.15134941

American politics hates the mildest socialism you can imagine more than Trump.

>> No.15134953

This was the only time he was ever based

>> No.15134963

Is Chomsky an example of someone who is cringe and redpilled?

>> No.15134979

>Yes, but France has a final round in its elections where the top two candidates get voted for again, which is specifically there to allow voters to cast true protest or negative votes. It's called two-round runoff voting.
But France allows people to choose from 6 different parties in the first place before the reconsideration round, so the political spectrum is greater than simply choosing by default from right-wing and slightly less right-wing like in the US.
>Glad you agree
I only agree when it comes to France being closer to democracy, not when it comes to the US.

>> No.15135002

remember at the debate when the hosts asked who would give free healthcare to illegals and all democrat candidates raised their hand?

>> No.15135035
File: 82 KB, 400x323, muhhopesanddreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>winning in a crowded field
>when the field narrowed to one centrist candidate, he got his shit pushed in

Have you considered that Bernie's idea of an expanded social democratic state just isn't that popular with the American people? And that he performed so well in 2016 because Hillary was a dogshit candidate, not because he represented an alternative to the neoliberal order? Just look at Michigan. He won it in 2016, and with even a slightly more palatable candidate than Hillary he lost it by 250,000 votes. Losing states he'd previously won seems like a common narrative (Washington, Minnesota, Maine, Oklahoma).

>> No.15135039

This is fine, however this means you are okay with "choosing the less of two evils", your problem is with the two party system.

>> No.15135048

After super Tuesday (which was predicted to be bernies big night) was a complete bust, it sealed the echo chambers fate.

>> No.15135071

There's a big difference between the ruling party having 30 or 50% of legislative posts.

>> No.15135085

They all endorsed biden, even Obama during presidency had fights with the jew over stupid pie in the sky shit.

>> No.15135111

>we need a real change!
>not this time though, it’s too dangerous
How many elections in a row have “real leftists” rolled onto their backs because their celebrities told them to vote neoliberal “just this once”?
You’d think they would have caught on by now

>> No.15135236

When Chomsky passes away, who's going to become the leading voice of the left? Chapo Trap House?

>> No.15135242

Who's the leading voice of the right these days?

>> No.15135252

You're a complete fucking moron, you know that?

>> No.15135265

the right doesn't need 'a voice', it has 'voices' because there are multiple leaders with a diversity of beliefs that stop the right from being an echo chamber.

>> No.15135270

wtf is happening to this board? get out of here, fucking neolib faggots

>> No.15135278

Donald Trump unironically

>> No.15135291

the left doesn't need 'a voice', it has 'voices' because there are multiple leaders with a diversity of beliefs that stop the left from being an echo chamber

>> No.15135301

>a Zionist capitalist faux-conservative is the voice of the American right wing
Of course.

>> No.15135303
File: 171 KB, 960x923, CC071BC0-8A8C-45FB-ADE5-9F3ABB800E3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chapos meme house
We’re fucking doomed.

>> No.15135320

A dull, repetitive moderate with lukewarm, incouous takes .

>> No.15135322


>> No.15135324

Almost all ideas are more popular in the abstract than in practice

>> No.15135325

name them

>> No.15135339

>Your ideology isn't bombastic enough!
Retards like you are the reason our political discourse is 99% memes, hot takes and tribalism.

>> No.15135351

Did you not read the comment, it's everyone on the left. Think of your crush's name. They're most likely one, as it's the more popular political leaning especially among the more attractive.

>> No.15135361

He's quite possibly the most humdrum moderate republican presidency we've had since the 80s, it left have been so busy buying their own hyped up bulshit, they've convinced themselves that Trump will bring the sky down upon their heads. Meanwhile, the far right has lost interest in Trump almost completely, and generally just consider him impotent.

>> No.15135386
File: 352 KB, 1080x1802, DE1C114F-217B-440C-BE22-92DD2F116E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you consider my crush to be a man larping as a woman, I guess so.

>> No.15135409

Are you saying you're into traps or something? Don't get what you're saying dude.

>> No.15135428

I don't remember Reagan or Bush calling for insurrection against state capitols

>> No.15135437
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ok rabbi

>> No.15135491

Authentic moral discourse cannot occur between separate groups with radically divergent assumptions on what they consider to be fundamentally valuable. Evil, therefor, is functionally meaningless word in this context, as all it can describe is your preference.

>> No.15135546

It's true though, who else has more followers?

>> No.15135558

I'd settle for a bit of novelty. There's only so many times I can hear the same boomer takes before it all becomes static.

>> No.15135569

The thing is that he's not truly right-wing, it's not matter of follower quantity.

>> No.15135580

More than half the tards in this thread could even hope to accomplish a tiny fraction of what Chomsky has in his lifetime. This dude is what, pushing a century?

>> No.15135602

I get what you're saying but in practice that's irrelevant. Purity obsessed right wingers on the internet are a non entity unfortunately

>> No.15135615

Cringe boomer.

>> No.15135624

So perception is more important than substance? I mean, I knew that modern politics were shallow but come on. Is it that bad?

>> No.15135633

That goes for literally any non-liberal or radical elements in society, except radical progressives, perhaps.

>> No.15135641

Donald "more migrants than ever before" Trump.
It's over.

>> No.15135703

Perception is more important than substance until policy directly effects a voter. And even then it's inconsequential because there are no informed voters in this misinformation age so people will often vote against their own interests.

>> No.15135719
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>> No.15135906
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Cuckservatives still can't recover from Chomsky BTFOing their water boy


>> No.15135984

Democracy is working as intended

>> No.15136105

>america was mean
>imperialism is mean dont do it
It's shit

>> No.15136244

Chomsky is right about some things and wrong about taking part in American electoralism.

>> No.15136258


Buckley handily won that exchange, though.

>> No.15136264

Every fucking interview with Chomsky since Drumpf got elected:
>mmmmf most dangerous criminal n history mmahacmmmm
>mmmch climate castrophe mmmmmm
Is Chomsky an ecofascist now? Why does he only care about trees but not labor?

>> No.15136278
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>> No.15136280


No gods, no masters, no gurus.

>> No.15136350

Lmao, how?

>> No.15136541

Pity he isn't hanged for war crimes.

>> No.15136583

>Bernie Sanders actually got fewer votes this year than in 2016, even in his home state.

It's almost as if there were over a dozen candidates running instead of (effectively) 2...

>> No.15136605

Jimmy Dore

>> No.15136843

>sanders wanted to bring america into alignment with the rest of the civilised world

and you stupid burgoids actually don't want that? are you fucking serious? how fucking stupid can burgers be? i really don't get it you you retards are about as stupid as the ground beef you eat. no, actually, i'm pretty sure cows recognise when they're going to be slaughtered.

americans are stupider than bovines. find a way to nuke yourselves.

>> No.15136898

Bernie's positions are mostly all popular with the majority of Americans. He was the victim of a coordinated propaganda effort to make him look weak, because his tax program threatened the interests of the ruling class.

>> No.15136939

and you bloated boasters let it happen while you call other nations cucks to their governments. mcfucking kill yourselves

>> No.15137057

Why are you yelling at me? The CIA has gotten tired of installing fascist dictatorships abroad and decided it wants one here, there was nothing we could do.

>> No.15137077

You know you'll get old as well right

>> No.15137089

>unironically believing in aging
I bet you think we all have skeletons inside us

>> No.15137592


>> No.15137690

>The CIA has gotten tired of installing fascist dictatorships abroad and decided it wants one here, there was nothing we could do.

>> No.15137714

Sanders had the problem of playing the nice guy when the party was already against him.
When the average person sees Biden as a wacky cool uncle from some facebook meme then you have to fight hard to make the guy look bad. As an outsider making the other guy look bad is just as important as making yourself look good. When Bernie is saying that Biden is a great guy and would make a great president all while trying to run against him the guy is fucking himself.
Trump did this great in '15. Sanders failed to do this in '19.

Unfortunately I heard that Sanders and Biden were close friends which puts this into perspective. Would you throw away a close friendship to become president? Maybe I could but it'd be hard.

>> No.15137724

He sounds like Palpatine shot with a tranquilizer dart

>> No.15137863

Voting and direct action aren't a binary. You don't have to go for either, or you can do both, and.

>> No.15137917

Underrated post. Ana has aged a lot better than most Armenian women, though it looks like she's had some work done.

>> No.15137937

You mean the guy who purged the right of all it's radical elements, and all of its most intellectually creative people with it? Buck is considered a pariah to anyone to the right if him. Buckley clearly dominated that exchange regardless, even if his takes were dumb.

>> No.15137957

I won’t. We’re certainly above the French in being less democratic.

>> No.15137978

"Nelson Mandela will bring knowledge based economy to South Africa"

>> No.15137985

France has its own problems, mainly the executive branch being extremely overpowered in comparison to others.

>> No.15137990

Shit colored blood, and a shit colored soul. A nice dead leftist in a nice deep hole.

It pleases me enormously to know that the last time this absolute cuckold draws breath, it will be to realize that he has totally failed at every SINGLE thing he ever attempted.

Leftism is dead, and when this shitblood communist filth finally dies, shuddering, sniveling and afraid of the Hellfire that awaits him, his cringe ideology will die with him.

What a weakling. What a coward. What a bitch.

>> No.15138012

Can someone tell me how the USA is NOT a dictatorship?

>President has enormous power
>gerrymandering everywhere
>unlimited campaign contributions
>grand juries (secret courts)

American democracy is a complete sham lol.

>> No.15138018

It's a republic, not a democracy.

>> No.15138028 [DELETED] 

Turns out trusting a disgusting communist nigger when he says "stealing should be legal" is how you end up living in a failed state.

Mandela got exactly what he deserved. Died choking to death because his cringe politics ruined his country. I hear he begged for a white doctor as he died. Now he's in hell, where all thieves go.

>> No.15138035

You're confused. You're just describing all republican/democratic politics. That's what democracy looks like, and has since ancient Rome.

When you let the people vote, they vote for what you just described.

>> No.15138037

she had a nose job, dyed her hair blonde and is caked in make up. you can't assess how well she has aged since you aren't even looking at her natural state

>> No.15138054

>Legalise weed.
Any policy regarding weed other than Duterte's is extremist.
>Give everyone healthcare.
California wanted to do so on the state level and decided they just can't do it. Browntown costs them too much, therefore due to impossibility to achieve it, it's definitely extremis.
>Strengthen unions.
By opening the borders, which at one side devaluates the price of labour, taking away bargaining power from the workers while at the same time reducing their ability to self organise(diversity results in lesser engagement in unions and local politics)? "Muh not real left" doesn't apply because you literally can't find leftist politician who isn't pro-open borders. Bernie was and he flip-flopped.
Empty words counteracted by other policies.
>End the wars.
Dante also wanted to end the wars by getting Florence conquered by the Emperor. Of course that was just rhetorics and the intentions were completely different, same goes for left. Of course Dante had very serious reasoning on how conquering Florence by the HRE was the first step in building worldwide empire that would guarantee peace on earth and second coming of christ, but note how unrealistic the latter is in comparison with the "first step", which tells you what was the actual goal of his.

Eternal peace is an empty promise, politics as a wish a good sign of extremism.
Ever since protectionism started hurting nominally leftist country, that is China, the international left stopped being protectionist.
>Minimum wage increase
Economically unsound past a certain point, although I am supporter of raising the price of labour as it encourages businesses to automate.
>Free university
University is waste of time, also you will pay for it from taxes even if you're not using it. Went to trade school and started work at 19? Well thanks, now college kids party thanks to your taxes! Furthermore it must be noted that higher scholarisation has a very negative effect of effectively forcing you to spend 3-4-5 years of university if you want to be anything but an absolute bottom feeder of the society. Delusional extremism.

What isn't wishful thinking, counter-effective or plain or stupid is "not what the left does". Now you may construct a picture where "the left" supports some particular set of policies that people generally agree with and omit the ones they hate, but that's unrealistic - in real world "I vote for party on the left of the spectrum" means that you're getting the whole package that they support and that includes policies that counteract a lot of "wishes" that they proclaim.

>> No.15138077
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because dictatorship is a word with a definition and if you don't fit its definition criteria then you aren't a dictatorship

>> No.15138084

This jewish bastard is a CIA operative, the roadblock to any form of radical leftism in USA. Paid by the institutions, owned by institutions.

>> No.15138092

It’s not a dictatorship, it’s not a functioning republic or democracy. It is an oligarchy

>> No.15138120

The USA is an oligarchy. Increase in popularity of a given policy among the general public decreases the chance of it passing, increase in popularity of a given policy among the elites(business, adminsitrative, academic and military) increases the chance of it passing, both lineary(policies supported by both the general public and the elites have lower chance of passing than ones supported by the elite but not by general public).
The only special case are interest groups, which in most ranges show no influence as in - "association of green gays and yellow troglodytes" won't change the chance of policy passing whether they support it in 75% or 90%, but there is a break point around 50%, meaning that if policy among the interest group has more than 50% support it will give it a "step up"(of the effect being dependant on interest group in particular) in its probability of being successfully passed.

>> No.15138140

Seeing as Mandela died at home surrounded by family after several long hospital stays its unlikely he called for any doctor, especially a white doctor.
I know larping white supremacists are mad he kicked them out of power, but they should avoid telling retarded lies.

>> No.15138141

He’s dying

>> No.15138159

So yes.

>> No.15138167

Back when i was a shitlib I used to watch TYT quite a lot, when Ana was much younger. I never thought much of her in terms of her looks. That pic is the first I've seen of her where I actually thought she was attractive. Yes it's fake, but it's still impressive given that she was always so plain before.

>> No.15138174

"White supremacists" are mad because Mandela left South Africa on the course they wanted to prevent, a course Mugabe led Rhodesia earlier on. I really encourage you to check the inflation rates on Rand in the recent years if you don't believe that country is going to be Zimbabwe 2.0

>> No.15138250

Back in the day white supremacists were saying that South Africa was going to be the next Bosnia or Rwanda in terms of civil war and genocide.Today they say South Africa is apparently the next Zimbabwe and over the next year 10-15 years they will probably predict it to be something else.

>> No.15138261

Biden and Mandela were lovers and cell mates.

>> No.15138605

>I hear he begged for a white doctor as he died.
And you believe such a contrived story? And while he was choking?

>> No.15138803

It almost happened though.

>> No.15138817

>Compares trump to hitler

Americas leading intellectual everyone.

>> No.15139581

The problem is they will not realistically cater more to leftist demands.

The establishment will back someone whose optics imply to the uninformed that they're further left. Some other centrist like Buttigieg.

>> No.15139629

Worse than this is politicians not having any reason to maintain their promises after they're elected. They only cater to people's interest a couple of months before the elections, and that's all.

>> No.15139644
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>it's radical elements, and all of its most intellectually creative peopl
like who anon?

>> No.15139662

The point is to be correct, not interesting. Graduate high school.

>> No.15139671

That book just okay. The earlier Crystalizing Public Opinion us a much broader more insightful work

>> No.15139673
File: 37 KB, 353x439, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe I watched 16 straight minutes of a republican moving goal posts and grasping at straws

>> No.15139695
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>you have no power here goyim fullskin

>> No.15139730


Buckley clearly lost this exchange. He lost so badly that he became furiously angry and insecure, amped up his flowery, pretentious speech as much as possible and threatened to punch Chomsky in the face.

>> No.15139778

Are you kidding? Chomsky corrected him on basically every assertion he made.

>> No.15139786

>Buckley is stupid and no one likes him but also he won and hopefully you'll just accept at least one of these statements :^)

>> No.15139802

I also enjoyed Zappa on Crossfire from these sorts of TV debates https://youtu.be/B9856_xv8gc

>> No.15139947

The left are the lapdogs of the establishment and the enforcers of neoliberal globohomo capitalism with its attendant culture of consumerism and conformity. For what can be more transgressive subversive and counterculture than unironically worshipping Hitler? NS revolution is the only solution. Esoteric Hitlerism Now! Hate murder the jews, Hate Murder the Queers, Hate murder the Blacks! Smash Cultural Marxism! Hail Victory!

>> No.15139996

The left has been unable to respond to the crisis of hegemonic globalisation and liberalism. Remember back in the 90s and 00s were they actually protested against globalisation and free trade agreements? Union power was busted for good by outsourcing. The adversary culture of lgbt weed smoking and rap music listening actually became the largest consumer demographic,just look at today's leftists they act like petulant teenagers,follow surface only consumerist 'woke' ideology out of conformism, beneath the surface they are hedonistic, insecure, lack in true virtue and fellow feeling always waiting for the chance to sexually assault and or 'cancel' each other. insufferable enough to keep the working class 'voting against their own interests' for centuries to come.

>> No.15140036

Go die for Israel you classcuck lmao

>> No.15140048

the left's more visible policies, open borders, cultural marxism, normalisation of pedophilia(AKA lgbt ''rights''),censorship, providing cover for globalist and capitalism,

>> No.15140061

Chomsky be like: remember what happened last time we didn't vote for a mainstream corporatist candidate? Nazis.

how can anyone take seriously trump fear mongering after 4 years of him doing unremarkable things

>> No.15140069

I have read teen vogue as well, comrade, I support Trans Rights. but to deny israel's right to exist is antisemitic as the labour party and the dnc have concluded, we have to vote for them, our marginalised comrades in the screeching victim demographics are counting on us, diverse neoliberal capitalism will always be preferable to red fascism.

>> No.15140078

>Chomsky be like: remember what happened last time we didn't vote for a mainstream corporatist candidate? Nazis.

>> No.15140101
File: 37 KB, 453x640, third20position.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the left are not revolutionaries but the last bulwark of liberalism and globalism. go to any leftist space and they literally spend more time talking about gay trannies and hating whitey than about workers. I mean wouldn't it just feel great to take a sledgehammer to their faggy pink haired skulls?

>> No.15140110

I'm so glad you posted this so I can uncritically poor some more diarrhea into my skull cavity.

>> No.15140177

Yeah, Bernie isn't good at campaigning and failed again, then disgraced himself by shaming those who don't want Biden.

>> No.15140181


>> No.15140190

It's more of a oligarchy with Big Pharma as the reigning gods.

>> No.15140205

How many right wing intellectuals will end up with brain damage and left to play with toy cars when this day comes??

>> No.15140229

car go brrrrr and so on

>> No.15140276
File: 21 KB, 250x421, 6253061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnome chomsky

>> No.15140292

He was referencing his Gore Vidal exchange. It was clearly a joke.

>> No.15140346

Biden's a war criminal but he's not THAT bad.
t. Chomsky

>> No.15140366

Who was referencing his Gore Vidal exchange?

the comment, image and video linked all referred to his conversation with Buckley

>> No.15140462

>Kissinger actually went out to kill nazis
you mean whites, he killed whites, and blacks, and asians, and so on.

this guy is a jewish war criminal but he is still alive because he is jewish, they won the war through their usual tactics of playing the game without honour.

>> No.15140472

buckley was a fucking fag.

>> No.15140485

you're a dumb lazy cunt who couldn't even google it and find out that he's from Philadelphia

>> No.15140497

He fought in the battle of the bulge retard, what has chomsky done to advance his politics, whine on tv? Keep complaining about how there isnt any honor in international relations, maybe that'll change things

>> No.15140581
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When Chomsky said that the US threw democratic governments all around the world, backing dictatorships

The dude just mockingly says 'we inherited the primary responsibility for any chain of action that might involve us in a third world war' and 'abort international holocausts'

How much of a massive cunt do you have to be to say something like that. Yes I'm mad

>> No.15140637

That’s literally built into the cake of democracy, you pseud.

>> No.15140698
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No, it's both of the last two. A functioning republic/democracy (fundamentally the same thing) IS an Oligarchy.

You just have a really bad definition of what the word "functioning" means. What exactly do you think it means for a state to be functional?

To function as intended? Welcome to Plato's Republic Moth, it's an oligarchy with pressure release valves. That's all any form of democracy has ever been. You let a small group of high-Q people come up with a set of options for the political future of the country, and then they have a popularity contest to see whose idea gets implemented.

There are no exceptions to this rule, except maybe hardcore ultranationalist populism which is literally just a longer way of saying Fascism. If you actually give direct democracy to the people with no intermediaries, they're going to vote to hang all of the Jews and minorities and then vote for infinite largess from the public till. Period. Give me a counterexample.

>> No.15140741

Incorrectly. Buckley had predictive power, hardcore. Chomsky's entire life has been one long cringefest of him making bad predictions and then getting blown the fuck out by actual events and saving face by retconning his opinions of retarded communists. Remember when this fucking brainlet got blown the fuck out by Zizek for just ignoring the fact that the Khmer Rouge was a criminal organization and treated itself as such?

Chomsky may claim to have made Buckley mad, but Buckley was factually correct. By the time of Buckley's death, precisely zero of Chomskey's laughable predictions of the future of the American Right (and Left for that matter) had reached fruiton.

Buckley, meanwhile, was OBJECTIVELY right about the Neocons and about America's disastrous foreign policy under them. He quite literally described them as idiots with good intentions but no grasp of how politics actually works. Well, we're now 20 years in and it turns out he was 100% right, and Chomsky, who at last call was DEFENDING neocon involvement in Syria, was retarded and wrong.

>> No.15140852
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The head pasted on the left is Mehdi Hassan who is from Swindon, Wiltshire in England and decidedly not from the city of brotherly love in the US.

>> No.15140868

>Chomsky may claim to have made Buckley mad
I doubt Chomsky has ever claimed this, it's more plainly clear from the video evidence.

>> No.15140975

Russel Kirk, Eugene Genovese, Sam Francis, Robert Weaver, everyone who made up the American Right before the year 1964

Basically everyone who later became a paleocon and rejected right-liberalism

>> No.15141066

I'm not who your responding to but you're deeply ignorant.
>ignoring the fact that the Khmer Rouge was a criminal organization and treated itself as such?
Lets go with the idea that the Khmer Rouge was a "criminal organization", if that's the case then how do you explain the foreign policy of Reagan and Thatcher? Were they funding a "criminal organization" and therefor criminals? Why weren't they held responsible then? The Khmer Rouge, despite Pol Pot, was not treated like any other criminal organization for sure.

>Buckley, meanwhile, was OBJECTIVELY right about the Neocons and about America's disastrous foreign policy under them. He quite literally described them as idiots with good intentions but no grasp of how politics actually works. Well, we're now 20 years in and it turns out he was 100% right, and Chomsky, who at last call was DEFENDING neocon involvement in Syria, was retarded and wrong.
The National Review set is totally responsible for modern conservatism. He gave them the platform to take control of things. Why does it matter what he said once? Did he ever explain how much of a spook he was?
Also it's basically the entire American political spectrum who support the Kurds, not just Chomsky or the neocons. Liberals supported "humanitarian interventionism" (right back to John Stuart Mill) long before "neocons" existed.

>> No.15141071

The Democrats don't give a fuck about winning. If Trump gets another 4 years that's just another 4 years of them getting to bitch without having to do any work. It doesn't affect their bottom line in any way which is what really matters to them (and why they pushed so hard to get Sanders out of the race because he was a threat to their funding channels).