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15135080 No.15135080 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, how is one supposed to start a trad family like in pic related?

>> No.15135160

Listen it's easy just make a Twitter handle so you can start calling niggers niggers and kikes kikes go to YouTube subscribe to Jay Dyer and Pewdiepoe collect a few terabytes of gigachad memes browse /pol/ from morning to night sign up for that free PormHub Premium service but make a theead on /biz/ about how nofap is the redpill and porn is a jewish psyop then start lifting so you ccan post a pic of yourself holding Bronze Age Mindset and listen to Roosh's podcast maybe add an orthodox cross to your Twitter profile pay some camgirl to make a custom joi vid in a MAGA hat where she says 'anon the tendies are ready' and talks about wantinf to start a family then come to /lit/ and bump Evola and Uncle Ted threads.

>> No.15135182
File: 2.99 MB, 400x225, implying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15135229

>Blow up your TV
>throw away your paper
>Go to the country
>build you a home
>Plant a little garden
>eat a lot of peaches
>Try and find Jesus on your own

>> No.15135308

Unironically kill yourself
Unironically kill yourself

>> No.15135316

Yeah... It's pretty based.

>> No.15135321

Be a better person. No self respecting woman wants to start a family with someone like >>15135160

>> No.15135331

I still can’t believe THIS is what stoped bernie.

>> No.15135379

Growth of the soil by Hamsun

>> No.15136177

convert to either Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Islam, Sikhism or Hinduism (for a sect that will initiate westerners there are the Veerashaivas among others), and then start attending services or prayer etc at those religious centers for those religions, that allows you to make yourself known to and eventually be welcomed into that community, which allows one to meet potential tradwives who also take that religion seriously, for the best results move to a country/region where that religion is the religion of the majority, and learn the language and participate in the same religious activities and services as the people there, this last step is not completely necessary but it certain cases it would probably help you find more traditional wives and/or find a more authetic esoteric/spiritual opportunites