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15129299 No.15129299 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that teaches me to be a complete sociopath piece of shit like pic related?

>> No.15129361


>> No.15129363

Read the Prince, The Art of Worldly Wisdom, and the Art of War. As long as you frame it like "sociopathic piece of shit" though you probably won't get much out of those books.
What's really lacking is that you probably have a warped sense of good and evil that glorifies the weak.
Come to think of it, read Nietzsche, specifically Twilight of the Idols and Genealogy of Morals as well. After those, and once you've hopefully shattered some resentful moral foundation, then move onto Gracian, Machiavelli, and Sun Tzu (I'd say the Chinaman is probably the least necessary).
The Prince and Gracian won't make you into a "piece of shit" but they'll definitely make you more seductive and aware of manipulation.
Greene's decent entry-level for this kind of stuff, he's like the self-help of it but you can move deeper and quicker with the people I gave you.

>> No.15129373

This is the most based response I could hope for, thank you anon.

And yes I want to be able to be a piece of shit sociopath only when I deem needed. There were many times I could have played dirty and save a lot of pain for a lot of people I love. I dont go out my way to manipulate people just for the sake of it, I need a justifiable reason to do so.

>> No.15129414

>might makes right except for like ummmmmm when i'm on the receiving end which actually most of the time LOL and come to think of it all the time since my only power consists of nepotism and networking and i really have no recourse if truly mighty entities like the government decided to eat me and my shit-eating clique LOLLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZ XDDDDDDDDDD MY DUDEZ1!1!11111111111

>> No.15129418

Just shoot some test in yo ass

>> No.15129434

You need to go back.

>> No.15129438

Could you translate that to english?

>> No.15129448

Greene teaches you how to completely isolate yourself through the pop often inaccurate history

>> No.15129451

Stop being an edgelord. Consider what traumas and bad thought patterns made you post this.

And if you still want to do this, don't try to learn it from a fuck book you nerd. You learn it on the streets, in divebars, in corporate politics etc.

>> No.15129484

>Consider what traumas and bad thought patterns made you post this

Its really just because I'm sick of seeing strong people abuse the weak and then justify their actions behind some bullshit morality. It really doesn't apply to me, I rarely suffered betrayal or some shit like that.

>You learn it on the streets, in divebars, in corporate politics etc.

Thats true, but through books I've been able to identify manipulative actions as they were unfolding, so I guess they are somewhat useful.

>Greene teaches you how to completely isolate yourself

Only if you are retarded and you take all his advices for its face value. Which I dont, he says a lot of terrible shit on 48 laws

>> No.15129541

So you see injustice sure, but why are you opting out of morality?

>> No.15129560

What do I gain for staying in morality when I'm in a playing field with people who don't stay in it?

I'm not saying morality is wrong, I'm saying I should be able to surpress it when I see how that is being detrimental for the weak

>> No.15129580

People being edgy isnt actually an advantage, edgy atomised yung men are dime a dozen in 2020, even if it was, defeating evil with one hand behind your back is the right thing to do.

If you abandon morality, then become strong, what do you think you will do to the weak.

>> No.15129605

>If you abandon morality, then become strong, what do you think you will do to the weak.

Thats a fair argument. But how would you then deal with people who have the upper hand and have no regard for your well-being?

>> No.15129638

Find a way, or accept it in the short term

>> No.15129803

I've actually read this retarded book I can 100% tell you it doesn't show you how to get power, it shows you how to be that obsequious shifty guy in the office no one trusts

>> No.15130006

youaren't supposed to bump threads on this board asshole. >>15129299
I've read this book and I can tell you I really don't remember anything useful from it.

>> No.15130083
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Especially the first three books.

>> No.15130100

Whats the basis of this chart?

>> No.15130141

Egoism, antinatalism, pessimism, nihilism.

>> No.15130151

What's with the hate against this book as if it's some kind of villains handbook? Most of the shit in here is just corporate 101,

>Law 1: Never outshine the master
>Law 4: Always say less than necessary
>Law 28: Enter action with boldness
>Law 29: Plan all the way to the end
>Law 40: Despise the free lunch

They weren't cherrypicked, they were just five random laws I picked out and they're all perfectly fine. Only reddit hate this book

>> No.15130178

All from a edgy individualist anarchist perspective. I'm thinking in add to the chart some anti-works books I've been reading recently.

>> No.15130181


>> No.15130391


>> No.15130492

I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make here. If someone stronger than you exists & gets the better of you, attempting to find some other strategy to regain the upper hand is somehow hypocritical? Try restating your opinion with much less faggotry please.

>> No.15130504

Well, if you read that book and didn't become a complete sociopath piece of shit, then I'd say sociopathlit isn't your cup of tea. If it did, then you don't need any more of them, do you?

>> No.15130514

How to win friends and influence people.

>> No.15130535

I always wanted to read that book but since every human being reads it, I thought it was just surface level psychology and never bothered

>> No.15130585

just get books about social psychology

>> No.15130647

Because they're fucking stupid and would make you incompetent in any good company that values talent
>never outshine the master
You absolutely should if you can. I mean if can make a million dollar sale, but your boss can't, are you going to not do it? You're missing out on incentive bonuses and a record on your resume

>always say less than necessary
>guys did I mention that I know the supplier you're proposing has a history of late deliveries and subpar products
If you miss out on some important detail you're supposed to tell people you're going to get fucking hanged.

The next two are very generic but reasonable. The last is just cliche. Free lunch? If your boss invites you out and he pays there's nothing wrong with that, you would do the same for the people under you

>> No.15130679

Robert Greene does actually have a reverse section at the end of each law telling you exactly when you should not use a certain law. You would know this if you actually read the book

>> No.15130683

It's a waste of time unless you're turbo chris chan teir autism, even so it will only teach you how to be a cuck

>> No.15130693

>turbo chris chan teir autism

wtf even is that

>> No.15130754

I dropped it after reading the first few. I do remember those parts. They were also trash. It's all generic schmuck based on ZERO research.

Robert Greene is a hack. No one who is actually in power reads any of his books. It's not based on any science or life experience. He has never been anywhere near power or even knows anyone in power. It's an fluff book written by a gig worker who has a talent for appealing to low trust individuals.

>> No.15130772

>No one who is actually in power reads any books


>> No.15130777
File: 86 KB, 829x819, greeene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one who is actually in power reads any of his books

>> No.15130791
File: 119 KB, 1300x1094, loudly-laughing-guy-over-white-young-man-hand-his-face-out-loud-isolated-background-37098697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 cent
>in power
Rappers are exactly the kind of people this book appeals to. It's a low trust group based on hyping up their rap fights as if it had the slightest effect on society.

>> No.15130817


Yes, something is either good for everyone, both when giving and receiving it, or likewise bad for everyone. If something is "good" inasmuch you benefit at an other's expense but "bad" inasmuch an other benefits at your expense, it is entirely bad.

>> No.15130822

op why are u retarded and butthurt over this its like one step above common sense , it fill its roll nothing to be butthurt about really , look within

>> No.15130850

You're literally contradicting yourself faggot

>Kanye West

He literally has legendary status in the music industry for the century to come.

>> No.15130870

didnt Kanye get unpersoned for supporting Trump

>> No.15130872

>He literally has legendary status in the music industry for the century to come.
Hardly, all he did was usher in a couple of decades of awful dumbed-down mumble rap idiocy. If you think the shit he's influenced will stand the test of time, then you're delusional.

>> No.15130885
File: 7 KB, 259x195, pepelaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think the shit he's influenced will stand the test of time, then you're delusional.

Every artist in the world considers him a living god and a once in a generation artist you uncultered pleb.

>> No.15130928

>hurdur all music i dont like is bad
u are objectively retarded

>> No.15131527


>> No.15132017

Influcence (Cialdini).

>> No.15132021

I always took never outshine the master to mean don’t be funnier and more sociable than him at the company Christmas party, don’t wear a shinier watch, and don’t flaunt the ways in which your personality is better. Making the million dollar sale only violates this mildly.