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File: 331 KB, 1200x1200, love you forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15127831 No.15127831 [Reply] [Original]

>has over all-time caused more tears to be shed and raw emotion to be felt by the reader than any other written work in history

>> No.15127972
File: 174 KB, 979x1070, 1587060551019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That book's sad as fuck man. It was one of the first books my mom ever read to me.

>> No.15127986

>when he carries his mother to her death bed

>> No.15128011

She dies in her son's arms and can only get as far as "I love you forever, I like you for always..." and her son has to finish the rest of it

>> No.15128025

Why are we born just to grow old and die?

>> No.15128064


My first instinct towards this book has always been disgust, based on that hideous cover alone. Ever since I myself was a little boy and it was part of the available children's literature that I was encouraged (but not made) to read. It is one of the worst book covers in history.

That said, I came to understand over the years that it was supposed to be very good, and so one day I found a copy in a grocery store magazine rack, and forced myself to read it. I don't remember details, but I came away with okay yes, it's a heartwarming story of family love.

But that fucking cover. God damn. I don't see how anyone could ever get past it. He has his fucking arm on the seat ffs.

>> No.15128430

My mom would read this to me. She would also slap the shit out of me the littlest things.

When I was 16, she pulled it out of some storage box and tried to have a moment with me over it.

I grabbed the book, tore it up and spat in her face.

>> No.15128442

I haven’t even read it but this gets me wanting to hold my little boys. God damn.

>> No.15128448

Stop touching your fucking balls for once!

>> No.15128463
File: 17 KB, 480x360, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15128470

I hope you try to work it out. You are intellectual enough to know that she has problems that require help and might be deep-rooted in her own childhood or adolescence. You can't absolve people of guilt but a humane dialogue to mend a bridge is never out of reach except for the most far-gone monsters whose brain chemistry doesn't permit them to even entertain forgiveness.

>> No.15129144

shit is crinfe

>> No.15129316

I have never read this book; my mother forbade it. I believe she abhors it because it allegedly depicts the parent in a weakened state, which she interprets as a threat to her omnipotent power (or something).

>> No.15129357

Entropy gradient. The real problem is sentience though.

>> No.15129423

this t bh

>> No.15131070
File: 142 KB, 1424x750, Giving Tree-ends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one and The Giving Tree can just fuck off, sorry. All this unconditional love, endless giving bullshit. I can just see the child's little brain trying to process them: "So... the mother-child relationship is either one of horrible martyrdom/exploitation, or lifelong stalker/Oedipal power games?" The mother is driving over to her (fully adult) son's house in the middle of the night with a freaking LADDER strapped to her car roof so she can break into his bedroom. The message is "you will never escape me. You will never have a wife or family of your own that matters as much as me. I will haunt you beyond the grave."

>> No.15131115

I too found this book very sad