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/lit/ - Literature

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15124787 No.15124787 [Reply] [Original]

>I.............. I wish I had read more fiction books............. *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*

>> No.15124815


>> No.15124817
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Fiction and erotic literature is for women and trannies.


>> No.15124821

rest in peace...

>> No.15124827

R I P friend. I hope you get to read lots of good books up in the skybrary.

>> No.15124834

>up in the skybrary
haha good one anon haha

>> No.15124843

I'd wish I hadn't been an incel

>> No.15124844

this meme applies to literally everything though, is the true blackpill

>> No.15124854

>i... i wish i had more sex with trannies and got aids

>> No.15124857

>I..................................... I wish had infinity wishes :)

>> No.15124887
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What's the point of reading nonfiction if you can just read wikipedia articles to learn things?

>> No.15124968

Not reading fiction is a sign of being a soulless autist but not reading non-fiction is a sign of childishness. Only reading the Wikipedia pages is how we got lots of zoomers posting about philosophers they’ve never actually read and therefore have only a surface level understanding of if they have any understanding at all.
>muh no fiction or art allowed, cannot embolden reality
>reddit spacing
Women do not read the same fiction that /lit/ reads because /lit/ reads literature not genre fiction for teenagers.

>> No.15125009
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>I............ I'm glad I read so many good novels in my life...................

>> No.15125039

>Only reading the Wikipedia pages is how we got lots of zoomers posting about philosophers they’ve never actually read and therefore have only a surface level understanding of if they have any understanding at all.
Based and truth-pilled
>The videos, which have the jump-cut aesthetic and speedy delivery of the Vlogbrothers posts, are the pedagogical equivalent of Red Bull shots, and if you watched them all you’d know a lot, but you’d also think you knew more than you did.

>> No.15125147
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>I'm glad I....spent my time on Earth....growing...and becoming a better person...

>> No.15125156
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>I'm glad to have read so many novels. Their authors, those brilliant, wonderful men (fuck women), though serapared from me by continents and often centuries, provided me with portals through which I saw the beauty and tragedy of our world more clearly than my own two eyes ever could. Joyce, Shakespeare, Virgil, Wallace, and many others - it's been a priviledge, and I consider you my brothers in spirit. We shall perhaps meet in some other time, some other unive-Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

>> No.15125184

You think you are attacking fiction, but really you are attacking consumerism. It doesn't matter what it is, it will never be enough.

>> No.15125223

>so beautiful
>*pulls the plug*
>now, who gets his books?

>> No.15125327

Reading has no point unless you write something in the end.

>> No.15125382

>*nglo literature

>> No.15125443

>Book? I'm afraid Anon never held a physical library. He spurned the publishing industry and wanton destruction of trees, and read on his chinese smartphone. He left us with instructions to inscribe his gravestone epitaph to be ">buying books"

>> No.15125483

Trees grow back, dumbass

>> No.15125621

True escapism is the best cope fight me!

>> No.15125672
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>wasting your precious time on earth reading and gaining a deep understanding of someone who was ultimately mislead by the quirks of language into thinking arbitrarily defining a purely functional nebulus abstract concept will bring him closer to ""truth"" instead of indulging in narrative and aesthetic beauty so that even when you are dead, you will have always been engaged in that moment in time and not even god can take that away from you

i hope you find the way friends. art is divine whether or not there is divinity

>> No.15125675

>Wikipedia is a Good and trustworthy source

>> No.15125679

>I... I wish.... I REGRET NOTHING *beeeeeeeeeep*

>> No.15125723

I don't know what you're getting on about anon.

>> No.15125742


You're still trapped in the "life is a competitive video game" mindset, aren't you

>> No.15125754

life is a race to get enough money so that you don't have to work and live your life as you want to live it and not as a wageslave

>> No.15125866

I wish I sucked more cocks though. A cock is like a book, every one is different and every one has something to teach a man.

>> No.15125924

Does that relate to Pope's line about "all knowledge is thyself to know" ?

>> No.15125957


Yeah, be sure to make wise investments so you can retire at 45 and... play video games? ... until you die from pancreatic cancer at 73.

If you were ever in the rat race, you're already ruined, and will spend whatever time you're allowed just alleviating the pain. There's a reason why the greatest thinkers and artists came from generational wealth and royalty.

>> No.15126033

>There's a reason why the greatest thinkers and artists came from generational wealth and royalty.

This is more true than most care to admit. My parents were born working class, and were able to move to upper-middle class (though they mostly retain lower-middle-class tastes). I married half-a-rung up (ie my wife is lower-upper class, but her family blew their money and inheritances) and am working to make sure that my children will be well looked after. They won't end up being wealthy by inheritance, but if they don't fuck up *their* kids should be able to avoid real work.

>> No.15126050

(slight correction to my blog post - my dad was born working class, my mom was born middle/upper-middle class)

>> No.15126108

>Wikipedia is a Good and trustworthy source
How was that what you took away from my post in which I mentioned that Wikipedia is a bad source for information?