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15121307 No.15121307[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, /lit/?

>> No.15121311

I wake up at 9:30

>> No.15121314

wait.. is there an alternative?

>> No.15121327

It’s fucking shit and I hate it so goddamn much but at least I can make money to pursue my hobbies unlike NEET trash. The dream is to eventually open my own bar and get the fuck out of the rat race. At least for now I’m making a super nice salary to “work at home” and get paid 6 figures to play videogames all day.
>tfw flex time Chad

>> No.15121358

absolutely based.
now get ready for all of the seething wagie cope

>> No.15121381
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I was a NEET for 5 years but I finally caved and went back to school/got a job. Couldn't deal with the shame and feelings of stagnation anymore.

>> No.15121763

wait wasn't it Buckminster Fuller who said this? Is that a misquote?

>> No.15121889

I can't afford to not be a wageslave at this point in my life. I don't have rich parents to support me and my country is not just giving away money for neeting.

>> No.15121892

The idea of being defined by purely having a job rather than by you being the person that provides the job is wrong. Most people just work because they have to (even though they don't in the way they think they do) whereas some people aka brain surgeons, engineers, mathematicians, philosophers, artists - these people all generate and provide a necessary service that is also limited by its naturally discriminatory admittance (whats the word for that?) if consumerism disappeared many people would exponentially loose their jobs, first with basic service but as time would go on fatties and the like would be unable to afford food so the need to produce, ship, stack and sell sodas, lollies, burgers, fast food and generally unhealthy excesses would be no more. I hope one day to have an important job but until that day comes and I don't encroach on anyone then I should be left alone to be a NEET

>> No.15121905

I'm currently reading that book

>> No.15121971

I wish I could put the whole of society to pay my bills.

>> No.15122032

The idea of NEETdom does indeed sound appealing in theory. But from talking to actual NEETs I think being a wagie is practically a better option. Being a NEET kind of robs a person of the sense of purpose and routine. It's very easy to degenerate into a near-catatonic state while being a NEET: it's not healthy.
It's similar to how people say you don't need to go to university because all the material is online and you can learn it by yourself. That's technically true but no one is psychologically able to accomplish it. The lack of external motivators means that most people will quickly give up and do something that feels more comfortable instead.
The NEETs I've talked to said they regret wasting the period of their lives which they could have spent building a career. Essentially, nothing good came out of it.

>> No.15122098
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>Genuine sense of happiness, fullfilment and purpose for only 199$ holiday easter special get it while its 50% off !!!

>> No.15122111

Would a happy NEET make such a post? If he genuinely thought he was superior to the wagie, would he have so much to prove?

>> No.15122164
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Same could be said of being a wagie though. It's not like waking up another day for your shitty job to repeat the same work for the millionth time gives you much sense of purpose.

>> No.15122169
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To merely dab on wagies existential crisis for he is in ability to do so due to his excess free time.
>When will the wagies ever learn

>> No.15122179

Getting up early for work would be based if work was only a couple of hours. It's the 8+ hour meme day that's a killer. I get up 5:30 for work at the moment and only really work the morning and it isn't so bad. Never go back to the 8-5+ lifestyle.

>> No.15122212

Why not strike a middle ground of dividing your time between fulfilling and unfulfilling work?
Of course, that would mean having to be freelance or part time. But surely poverty is better than wasting your life.

>> No.15122231

NEET and wagie life are just two sides of the same miserable coin. There is no escape

>> No.15122247

That's exactly what i do anyway. I work part-time. It doesn't seem worth it on the low end though. You're going to be really struggling while still having to work. Part time is only really worth it if you can get a decent paid gig which seem rare, or have other circumstances that allow you to live on a low wage. Otherwise you might as well go full poverty/bennies/wagie.

>> No.15122270

I do web development gigs part time and spend the free hours working on my novel.
Seems like a decent compromise, but it's hard to pull more than $2000 a month consistently.

>> No.15122312

No but how do wagies actually cope? I've never lasted at a full time job for more than a couple of months, i just can't do it.

>> No.15123296

Every choice you ever make will lead to regret and suffering.

>> No.15123301

Only if you're dumb. All of my life choices I have taken so far have only lead me to happiness and joy. Feels good to be high IQ.

>> No.15123305

I like having a place to go where people like me and rely on me to do good work. If you don't enjoy getting a good day's work in then you have no place in society.

>> No.15123319

Spoken an obedient slave

>> No.15123325


>> No.15123332

What about earning "fuck you" money?

>> No.15123341

Being a wage slave is much more tolerable than being a student tbqh

>> No.15123587

Barrier to entry?

>> No.15124801

Become a stoic and cope, but with the thought that you are acting "in accordance with nature"

>> No.15124922

Takes way too long depending on your start in life. I'm working class with no connections. Earning fuck you money would mean i'd be working for life in some capacity anyway.

>> No.15124934

What makes you say that?

>> No.15124983

that's why you go to college and pursue a career outside of the shitshow that is America.

>> No.15125081

Get rich and then go neet

>> No.15125089

By not being a parasite living of gibs

>> No.15125374

I prefer physical exhaustion to mental exhaustion

>> No.15125403

Need a bit of /adv/

I got a foreign policy master's at a prestigious university, and I thought I'd be a diplomat or a research analyst, or something.

I didn't get those jobs. Now I'm wondering if I should go back and get a harder skill, or if I should just teach abroad and become a writer for the rest of my life. Seems like a chill job. I wouldn't have savings really, but it wouldn't be a bad way to live.

>> No.15125404

lol what a pretentious fag. whats your solution charles? we can't all be poets like you

>> No.15125413

He's not being pretentious, he's talking about his own experiences and he's right. His career as a writer didn't take off until late middle age. Before then he spent his life working shitty grunt jobs.

>> No.15125552

Do what you want. Don’t waste more time in school only to end up doing something you hate for money or comfort. If teaching abroad and writing in your free time would be fulfilling to you, then go for it. You could probably land a decent job because of your degree. Or keep trying for your ideal jobs. Don’t give up on your dreams anon. We’re all gonna make it

>> No.15125777

I never got this separation. If i'm physically exhausted, my mental capacity is massively impacted as well.

>> No.15126060

you can wander your thoughts doing physical work too
I almost lost this capacity after the university

>> No.15126080

thanks bro

>> No.15126095

>We’re all gonna make it

No we're not lol. It's irresponsible to feed vulnerable people this tripe. If you're going to "follow your dreams" own up to the fact that you might end up a failure and a loser. What's so terrible about that anyway.

>> No.15126177

Are there any comfy careers that pay decently, allow for mastery but isn't some drone tier STEMcel shit like computer science. Also something that once your work is done for the day you don't have it rent free in your mind 24/7 like I see with the finance and STEM people

Something like watchmaking seems cool since you can just be by yourself and tinker with things. Don't know about the job market or where to even learn it

>> No.15126188

Being unsuccessful isn’t terrible. But giving up is. As long as you continue to pursue your goals and refuse to give up, you can be fulfilled. Life isn’t easy or perfect. But we have to at least try for the best outcome. And I don’t expect him to take my words and apply them, unless he finds use of them. I was just trying to offer advice because no one else was.

>> No.15126313
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Any suggestions /lit/ bros?

>> No.15126429


>> No.15126488

still pretentious. or maybe more insulting. he got out and 99.9% of people didn't, he has an inherent talent that they don't. if he got on a soapbox and said this in front of a bunch of construction workers they'd tell him to fuck off

>> No.15126503

That does sound preferably but I’m still skeptical. I went from a 70+ hour per week job to a 40 or less hour per week one. It’s better than the old but I realized that there’s really hardly a difference because what I do is so dehumanizing, impersonal, and generally disagreeable to my nature.

>> No.15126529

I would just go teach abroad for a bunch of reasons but least of all because the “go back to school” thing is a genuine meme.

>> No.15126790
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hi i want an answer to this too

>> No.15126820

When you are well paid, and you can buy stuff, is worth it.

>> No.15126833

this your brain on consumerism

>> No.15126836


>> No.15128092

is good?