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15118989 No.15118989 [Reply] [Original]

Are we any closer to solving philosophy than the Greeks were? If not, what the fuck is the point?

>> No.15119008

Derrida was best at highlighting that previous philosophy since the Stoics always (unjustly) centered on the primacy of 'presence' but other than that no there has been no advance

>> No.15119014

Its already solved lamo

>> No.15119016

it's pretty much solved. i just have to write it up.

>> No.15119020

Nah, we're even more far away than they were. "Philosophy" now is mere autistic bugman logic.

>> No.15119023

20th and 21st century philosophy is a bunch of unecessary big words. Greeks and Buddhists are infinitely more worth reading.

>> No.15119029


>> No.15119105

No. We are much further away, as the question of philosophy is not one of technical solutions but of a relation to being and the form of life.
Modern philosophy destroys as it reveals, so every fact becomes a greater weight to be carried. The end of being with every answer.

>> No.15119125

Christianity solved the problems but now we're back at pagan nonsense for the most part

>> No.15119134

Pyrrho already solved (debunked) philosophy.

>> No.15119135

>solving philosophy
there is nothing to solve, only update though out time.

>> No.15119158

We must imagine Wojack happy

>> No.15119176

Of course we are. Science progresses over time.

>> No.15119204

Didn't do shit.

>> No.15119227

There's nothing to solve and science isn't philosophy.

>> No.15119228

how does tripcode work now.

>> No.15119237

Science and philosophy"s divorce happened only in the 19th century thanks to the eternal Anglo. They are one and the same. Two sides of the same coin.

>> No.15119241

Otherway around, actually. They were always seperate but bugman Anglos saw them as the same shit.

>> No.15119244

Of course science is philosophy. Science is precisely one of the 'solutions' that philosophy has provided and that the OP is seeking.

>> No.15119249

same as it always did?

>> No.15119253

So Aristotle and Descartes and Leibniz etc were all "bugman Anglos"? You have no idea what you're talking about, and it shows.

>> No.15119255

The Greeks did solve philosophy tho

>> No.15119263

Science is not a solution but a tool to make sense of the material world. Philosophy goes beyond that.

>> No.15119264

Based Heraclitus was right about literally everything, yes

>> No.15119271

>always separate
Nigger, what does it profit you to spew such retarded-ass bullshit? The first philosopher, Thales, was known for his work in astronomy and engineering. Pretty much every pre-Socratic (save for the Sophists) was a scientist-philosopher. Aristotle, one of the GOAT, was as much (if not more) a natural scientist as he was a philosopher. Descartes: optics and mathematics. Leibniz invented fucking calculus. Every German idealist made some contribution to logic. Jesus Christ almighty you are so fucking dumb.

>> No.15119272

>goes beyond that
By being a tool to understand things that don't exist and matter?

>> No.15119275

I thought philosophy is a way of thinking, there can be many philosophies and then there's also a minimalist set of truths which all of those traditions worth talking about agree upon - logic, reason primacy and so on.

But then think about how far we got, considering from where we started... we were like dogs and look at us.

According to Socrates dogs are true philosophers because they “distinguish the face of a friend and of an enemy only by the criterion of knowing and not knowing” and concluded that dogs want to learn things because by learning they determine what they like and what they do not based upon knowledge of the truth.

>> No.15119285

Heraclitus made an admirable effort, but his architectonic could not ultimately withstand the corrective force of Parmenides and the Eleatic doctrine.

>> No.15119300

Science is what you know, philosophy is what you don't know. Things in the material world are not the only things that matter. Otherwise the world would be very limited and you'd fall into faggy scientism.

>> No.15119318

This seems like a good place to ask. Has anyone read Plotinus? Is it worth the effort?

>> No.15119323

All the anti-Gnostics are cringe.

>> No.15119325

So philosophy's ultimate goal is to stop existing? Doesn't that make all philosophical activity inherently self destructive?

>> No.15119328

Philosophy is an act, not a problem to be solved.

>> No.15119335

Your mum can be a whore and a mother at the same time and never explicitly mix those things.

>> No.15119339

So cancer research's ultimate goal is to stop existing? Doesn't that make all cancer reesearching activity inherently self destructive?

>> No.15119341


>> No.15119343

The idea that there is anything beyond the material world is baseless speculation. Philosophy is just the more theoretical side of science.

>> No.15119344

I thought he had a large influence on them

>> No.15119346

They aren't equivalent at all

>> No.15119351

Scientific methodology is philosophical. Math is philosophical. You’ve been meme’d into believing that all philosophy entails is spouting unfalsifiable imsodeep shit

>> No.15119353

>>15119346sdfgasdg OF SELF DESTRUCTION RETARDF *tickle totrudes you*

>> No.15119360

I don't know, but I'm glad this picture portrays the reality of things. Sisyphus is NOT happy.

>> No.15119362

There were lots of "baseless speculations" throughout the history of science, too. Doesn't really mean people won't get there at some point. It's just a more distant goalpost and a more distant destination than say the Sun, but science had/had to rely on faith as well in some instances until the fact was proven.

>> No.15119364


>> No.15119367

Nobody cares if Sisyphus is actually happy. One needs to imagine him happy.
But asking for actual happiness might be too much.

>> No.15119390

There is such a field of study as philosophy of mathematics, yes, but mathematics itself isn't philosophical. It's only an abstract language.

>> No.15119395

Are you asserting primacy over Pythagoras, the mathematician who defined his own work as philosophy? You're a know-nothing trying on contrarianism because you lack substantial thought as well as any information worth hearing. In his trial, Socrates was accused of natural philosophy: "ζητῶν τά τε ὑπὸ γῆς καὶ οὐράνια." In English, that's zeteticism, aka skepticism or the progenitor of scientific inquiry.

>> No.15119402

Stop gate keeping philosophy, I reject your system as it is incongruent with my own reality

>> No.15119421

Sorry I hurt your fee fees, plebbitor. You can continue living in your bubble of filth now. As you were.

>> No.15119432

Hurt my feelings? Pfft. I have a doctorate from an accredited university. Were we to inhabit more civilized times you would think twice before condescending to your superiors kid

>> No.15119478

Quite ironic you don't have a legitimate answer, Mr Fancy University. Imagine sucking so bad that you have to resort to reality-denying isolation (essentially putting your fingers in your ears and shouting "lalalala") and rancid salty elitism. Your worthless pathetic kind is deservedly going into extinction, boy.

>> No.15119507

A legitimate answer? As if one as destitute as yourself has any grounds to met out what is legitimate and what is not. If only you did not possess the reading comprehension of a mongoloid and the absent-mindedness of an insect, then you would see I have laid out the legitimate answer for you between the lines. If you’ll excuse me, I have some investments in American plastics to make. A good night to you, child,

>> No.15119521

>Uses gatekeeping unironically
Lmao, philosophy is just white men intellectual masturbation. If you don't gatekeep then what's the point

>> No.15119524

*puts index fingers in his ears*
) <---- this counts as a legitimate argument in top notch universities

>> No.15119531

You’re fucking donzo kid, I’m going to remember your fucking face. Better think twice before you TALK SHIT

>> No.15120202

Kant held the key

>> No.15120240

Parmenides solved philosophy when he said that everything is the same thing, btfoing whitehead and guenonfags

>> No.15120418

When Hegel, Feuerbach, and Marx invented materialism, philosophy ended and became science.

>> No.15120615

im probably the best philosopher itt and im not white or man

that said philosophy is largely solved, but everyone should be taught good philosophy.

>> No.15120624

philosophy is solved after you die
the allegory of the cave is much bigger than we anticipated - the living are all inside the cave

>> No.15120626

What are some good philosophy? Who should I read?

>> No.15120701

i was glib. but basically there are genuine problems and then there are troll problems philosophers have managed to get themselves trapped into. the latter is largely resolved. it's possible to categorize these problems according to what they show about the structures of reasoning. basically i'm talking about a category theoretic approach to philosophy, studying how philosophical disagreements fall into familiar camps due to these structures. the current climate is really treating positions as opposing trading cards with advantages/disadvantages rather than focusing on their relation to each other and how these faculties of reason hang together. i don't know if non-philosophers will find most of this stuff edifying, but metaethics and maybe the cognitive stuff are helpful. the basic epistemic virtues etc stuff i assume you already understand, unless you are some kind of religion tard.

for the genuine problems just learn to be understanding, be sensitive and act from love, reason and information. etc etc.

>> No.15120713

The bolder is actually rolling down hill. Philosophy is the art of running, balanced on the bolder, back up towards the top of the hill so we dont fall under the bolder and get crushed.

>> No.15120784
File: 95 KB, 860x883, 545-5450988_image-of-the-original-chad-png-chad-ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bolder is actually rolling down hill. Philosophy is the art of running, balanced on the bolder, back up towards the top of the hill so we dont fall under the bolder and get crushed.

>> No.15120816
File: 45 KB, 327x556, shankara327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything except advaita vedanta is brainlet cope

>> No.15120837

are you a pajeet or just an american with exotic interests?

>> No.15120848

Neither , awakened euro

>> No.15120850


>> No.15120853

what do you recommend reading?

>> No.15120854

why be a crypto-buddhist when can be an actual buddhist?

>> No.15120902
File: 10 KB, 290x174, shankara3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Drg drshya viveka. Aparoksha anubhuti. Mandukya karika. Then ashtavakra and avadhut Gita add bhagavd gita as well

dont care for dogmafagging just sweet enlightenment bliss and enjoying material life as well

>> No.15120911

are you enlightened?

>> No.15121043
File: 116 KB, 1050x1400, shankara4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

''Witness is still there, we are just no longer identified with it. It hasn't really collapsed permanently. Then there would be no experience possible. So, the sage knows that the world and the Soul are in essence consciousness, but also is the Witness to the manifestations of that consciousness which maintains itself as a principle that is non-separate yet distinct from that consciousness. The sage retains a sense of self, a personality (body, tendencies and traits), and also the Soul's 'shadow' of that personality, the ego, in order to have a world and function in it. Egoism may be more or less gone, but the ego as a function is still there.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the apparent manifestation is seen as quite natural, with nothing much needed to be done about other than a change of view - of heart, attitude, or perspective. It is not meant to disappear. So, in another way, Gampopa simply said:

"Since appearances are the natural display of the mind, it is unnecessary to abandon them. Tilopa indicated this when he said, 'It is not by appearances that you are fettered, but by fixation on them. So abandon that fixation.' It is not what you experience that causes confusion, it is your fixation on the experience as being inherently what it appears to be. Therefore only this fixation need be relinquished, not experience itself."''

This would describe my current experience . As the zen saying goes ''Rivers are rivers again and mountains are mountains'' im deepening this awareness

>> No.15121227
File: 82 KB, 480x360, pepespirit5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The initial direct experience could be described as
Gta soundtrack mission completed starts playing ,the cutscene begins ,you are transported beyond duality in complete bliss beyond conditional reality, credits:brahman
You are reborn a new and back to the game. Beat hookers or collect achievements , enjoy.

>> No.15121710

buddhism is copypasta interpretation of upanishads

>> No.15122107
File: 229 KB, 758x960, 37938236_2050353821644281_6730856447443206144_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the are you implying there is to solve? Philosophy is a study. One will never solve math, physics, psychology, and so on. What do you exactly mean?

>> No.15122156

he means he thinks philosophy transcends humanity and has an absolute goal

>> No.15122171

Lol hey guenonfag

>> No.15122413

what it means to mean , me do big brain thinks

>> No.15122446

Are you an Asian woman?

>> No.15122502

i am onionring

>> No.15123365

no its only getting worse

>> No.15123379

Have you experienced it?

>> No.15123380

Schoppy is literally the end game of philosophy