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File: 161 KB, 1025x629, noam-chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15120560 No.15120560 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want him to leave us bros... The thought of him dying terrifies me :(

>> No.15120578

who tf is that

>> No.15120586

Nigga, fuck off from this board and don't come back

>> No.15120591

Who cares?

>> No.15120593

don't worry, as long as he doesn't stop drinking babies blood he won't die

>> No.15120594

Can you fucking read lmao

>> No.15120599

We will enjoy him and Shapiro for eternity then :D

>> No.15120621

He ascended beyond Zionism, he can't die

>> No.15120636

I'll buy a cake when this Iranian spy finally dies

>> No.15120639

is he unironically good? I've avoided him mainly because of how much npc's gush about him, and his smug 'im an expert on everything' vibe

>> No.15120648

I think he's very humble and down to earth, very leftist and criticizes US and Israel a lot, but he has good arguments and seeing stuff from a different perspective is always good, I like him more than Slavoj Zizek to be honest

>> No.15120678

He's pop-politics-tier. Really not that impressive.

>> No.15120731


>> No.15120738

If he's pop-politics tier, what is the rest of American political discourse?

>> No.15120760


Seethe more faggots

>> No.15120787

read his books or watch longer lectures instead of 2 minute snippets on yt like a teen who just found out about dissenting politics and itll be fine

>> No.15120788

I could never stand this guy's faux-rebelliousness. Even the situationists had more authenticity than this clown.

>> No.15120789

He IS American political discourse

>> No.15120792

he hasn't done anything in like 50 years

>> No.15120801

he has written more books in last 5 years than what you'll write in your entire life

>> No.15120810

Chomsky writes pamphlets, not books

>> No.15120825
File: 109 KB, 600x678, 1585752853130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like what he writes so I'll despise his work

>> No.15120872

>American political discourse
your answer

>> No.15120877

I didn't know that Chomsky grew a beard. Was that recently?

>> No.15120888

Fuck this nazi only incels unironically love him

>> No.15120900

>t. moshe seething
based chomsky btfos pissrael

>> No.15120913 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 433x116, doomsdayclock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15120916

whom are you quoting?

>> No.15120942

>Before January 2020, the two tied-for-lowest points for the Doomsday Clock were in 1953, when the Clock was set to two minutes until midnight after the U.S. and the Soviet Union began testing hydrogen bombs, and in 2018, following the failure of world leaders to address tensions relating to nuclear weapons and climate change issues.
>On 23 January 2020, the Clock was moved further, to 100 seconds (1 minute 40 seconds) before midnight, meaning that the Clock's status today is the closest to midnight since the Clock's start in 1947.

>> No.15120962
File: 131 KB, 717x880, 7B823A9B-8DB0-40E4-9FB6-9861F1C13177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strawmanning this hard

>> No.15120967

i mean i doubt it but it isnt very interesting stuff

>> No.15120996

based and Moldbugpilled

>> No.15121088

he hasn't been keeping up with his infant blood intake lately. he looks brutal

>> No.15121596

He's clearly very smart and makes some good points, but he's also slimy and untrustworthy, so you have to be really cautious when you read him.

>> No.15122261

People have asked “who could ever replace Chomsky?” And I don’t know who can be a big name in linguistics anymore, and I certainly hope for more vocal and cogent socialist voices, (I like Parenti alright), but as for what Chomsky is most known for, speaking truth to power, I see Jimmy Dore as a great stand in

>> No.15122269

He'll never die as long as his words live on...
and his words will live on as long as we all have access to free PDFs

>> No.15122272

Complete garbage

>> No.15122381


I also dread the day he finally meets the figure he can't smart-talk his way past, because we'll have to endure six solid months of tearful encomiums saying how he was the greatest intellect since Aristotle.

>> No.15122823

I emailed him a few years ago and got a response within literally 10 minutes. Dude is pretty based

>> No.15122858

what was the email about? if you don't mind me asking

>> No.15122882

He's a jew so there's a limit on the truth he's willing to tell but he's alright. He's (mostly) consistently anti-war, which is good.

>> No.15122894


>> No.15122901

I just asked if he held the same views he did 50 years ago and I think he said he generally did but there have been advancements since

>> No.15122926

who cares

>> No.15122963


what books by him other than Manufacturing Consent are worth a read?

>> No.15123011

he replies to pretty much everyone which is astounding considering how many absolute retards email him the stupidest shit, he cares a lot about helping people learn

>> No.15123015


I continue to cherish the idea that he will die while Trump is president, but I have my doubts. Not because Trump might not win re-election (he has a clear path at this point), but rather because Chomsky's faggot vegan diet seems to be working all too well for him, despite his sourpuss outlook on life.

>> No.15123020

He's still mentally sharper than most /lit/ posters

>> No.15123054
File: 22 KB, 480x360, ra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will his last book lay out what a post-Covid economy/society should follow?

>> No.15123581

he really looks like this guy lmao

>> No.15123977

He's unironically the smartest of any popular intellectual, and it's not close. If you actually read, you will find that he is also far more nuanced than shitposters who watch some YouTube videos believe.

>> No.15124037

Read Necessary Illusions and it will change your world view completely.

The thing most people don't realize about Chomsky is he's not only an extremely bright man, he also has contempt for establishment figures, no matter what party they align with.

I tangled with him twice via email and he, frankly, politely destroyed me on all of my assertions about socialism and technology.